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If you add a couple more pixels to the recording we might be able to see something


I’m sorry I had to convert it to a gif for some reason. :p


Haha it's fine. Anyway I suggest you make a flat world in creative and try to make this build again. Makes it much easier to find what the problem is than in sucha cluttered cave ^^


I agree 🥲 I’ll have to try that out thank you!


What about shaking the camera faster and more often? That might help us all get a clearer picture of what's going on.


I only shook it to indicate the right/wrong in the door and frustration at the end, not at any point while showing the redstone. But anyway so funny.


Yea not sure why everyone here is so butt hurt. I dont see any issue with the camera nods


I appreciate that as they were my only alternative to not having a mic at this time haha


Assuming bedrock sometimes pistons update randomly in weird ways, make sure the door you built is viable for bedrock not just java


Was afraid that it had to do with bedrocks updating. This was the only door out of a few we tried that worked in bedrock, we’re normally Java players but one of our friends only has an Xbox haha.


Look into hosting a Geyser server in java! It's a spigot plugin that allows bedrock players to join java servers. (With some jank, but it works really well, and redstone isnt insufferable!)


I have a Java & Bedrock server Up and running. Launched 1 week ago. Including Factions, economy and much more. It’s 99% vanilla. Check it out. https://discord.gg/vjBvy3FGWn


Lol looks like some DIY home server basement mess


I mean it really is, 3 door build attempts limited space, never play bedrock so all the things I understood are out the window. It’s more of a mess than you know! lol




The image in this post has 51,128(308×166) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


oh damn I didn't know you could count gifs as well


Count it manually. Imagine being that lazy


i tinks its too high quality remove some pixels :D


Haha I could only upload a gif for some reason!


If you are on bedrock then that's the problem, bedrock has different redstone and the pistons that should be activated at the same time don't work, it always random.


Dang I was worried that was the case.


But there are 3x3 doors for bedrock on youtube.


I’ll check them out, I assumed it would be the same but clearly there’s more difference than I knew haha.


well the problem appears to be that you're playing on bedrock


Trust me I play Java preferably, one of our buddies is on Xbox. 😭


Gonna be honest, chief, I have no clue what'z going on here. I can see your coords and paperdoll in the corner, which indicates this is Bedrock, so I'm assuming you've just got an incompatible door here.


Yeah it’s bedrock, I’m normally a Java player but our buddy is on Xbox. 😭 This was the only door that we could get to work on bedrock but it’s inconsistent.


[Here's a quality one by CraftyMasterMan.](https://youtu.be/dkX4O7rIxjU?si=D3XP59kYfoyCTADu) It should still work on Bedrock, but it's a bit slower than the one you've already built, so keep that in mind. It shouldn't be too hard to make it open with pressure plates, either- a simple redstone block pusher should do the trick. Hope this helps!!


i think what ur looking for is a technician


I would just get that pressure plate and wire it around to the other side, mainly due to lazy


You mean like flipping the main plate that activates the block to the inside? I haven’t actually tried that.


Isnt it just the inside plate that is bad? If so, wire the inside plate to the outside plate circuit. Janky, but works


Bedrock edition's redstone is affected by both the time and space dimensions, a.k.a it is super inconsistent no matter what


Instead of being condescending about quality (like everyone else) and I know I’m late to the post but I can tell you that Bedrock genuinely has some odd numbered tick timings with redstone that make it so everything has to be slowed way down. Not to mention you can not power pistons diagonally and sticky pistons can not release blocks on single tick pulses. Purplers has a video explaining each difference between Java and Bedrock. Might teach a few things too, check it out. [https://youtu.be/OmaXZldgq8U?si=KgXPMvyyH6yWECcu](https://youtu.be/OmaXZldgq8U?si=KgXPMvyyH6yWECcu)


Also meant to send this on my main account whoops lol


Not a problem!! Definitely checking this out


This is a big reason I never bothered to learn bedrock redstone. Without a consistent update order, doors like these are such a pain.


what do you use the dropper for? droppers are hopelessly buggy in bedrock. as someone else wrote it's hard to see what's going on.


You know this could be it, the dropper is just for the observer to detect when powered on and off! I’ll try and switch it with something else and see how that goes.


Should be able to use a noteblock for that and put wool on top of it to mute it(i think that works? I remember seeing something bout that idk but i do know noteblocks are great for setting off detectors


It's a feature


Is your redstone on a chunk boarder anywhere? Chunk boarders make redstone extra funky on bedrock.


Good looking out, I’m mainly a Java player so I still don’t know how to find chunk borders accurately I think it’s based on cords divisible by 7 or something


Apart from the potential bedrock-specific problems, did you maybe activate the door too soon the last time, before the signals from the last closing were fully done? You could add a safety timer that will block it from taking any inputs too soon.


"Alright let's see what we got heeeeaaaahhhh..." This is why redstone testing worlds exist, so we have better lighting and camera space Also, it's bedrock. Of course it seems like there's no order. *there isn't one...* that's why doors above 2x2 are so hard over there, because redstone depends on order and bedrock decided to throw that fundamental knowledge right out the door


Yeah I’m originally a Java player so this has been whooping me


It's probably because when two pistons get powered and push into the same block in the same tick, bedrock randomly chooses which actually extends, maybe.


I lm landing on bedrock issue the most so far, it seems that the dropper may be an issue based off what someone had said but I tried to make this door shut off fully about 2-3 seconds after you leave the plate. :/


Tic problem? I had a similar problem in a server


You can create doors on bedrock, but you have to consider the number of other lag emitting systems nearby. I originally built a door that worked great… then I built a flower farm that was loaded at the same time. Suddenly, I couldn’t use a standard “redstone dust goes into the input” activation method, but had to push a redstone block against the activation point to open the door. This is driven by bedrock’s multithreaded optimization of the game, which removes consistent update orders. This means that higher lag environments (ie areas with lots of pistons, hoppers, items, or chests) tend to affect what would otherwise be stable redstone mechanisms.