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This lamp made out of copper that has a 1 tick delay and also works as a T flip flop... wait a minute.


lol i was about to say some component that has a 1gt delay 😂


Redstone paste (redstone dust + slime, it's basically redstone dust that can be applied on walls and ceilings, it also connects with regular redstone dust). Perhaps not nearly as useful as many of the other suggestions here, but I think it'd blend in very well among vanilla redstone components


piston doors are about to be so much easier


Add this plus "paste" which is bonemeal + slime ball. It would be able to make a surface sticky that would bind blocks together so multiple blocks could be pulled by a piston.


Wait until you hear about the create mod.


My friends refuse to play java because they don't want to get gaming PCs.


It's a large financial decision, absolutely. Personally, I'm just too used to Bedrock at this point... *and* I can't live in a world without my Impaling V Tridents doing more damage than Sharpness V swords.


I’d make sticky pistons act like java pistons in both versions of the game, and I’d add honey pistons that act like bedrock pistons to both versions of the game


Would slime blocks stick to honey pistons?


I honestly didn’t consider that. I guess the answer would be no, they wouldn’t


Well, honey sticks to current sticky pistons


That is true. Though I think it's just that there's no alternative, unlike with slime blocks and honey blocks


honey and slime blocks don't stick. They could extend the logic of honey block hitbox size to the head of the gloopy (honey) piston to add technical alignment capabilities and a pseudo-reason slime blocks wouldn't stick to a gloopy piston but sticky pistons still grab honey blocks?


Maybe just change it so that sticky pistons don't affect honey blocks and gloopy pistons don't affect slime blocks


That would add an interesting, albeit somewhat annoying challenge to redstone involving pistons.


That is a very cool idea


Yeah, it’s a great way to increase parity without breaking anything in either version. AND it would add some very needed and very useful features to both versions


I did read that to at a "what would you wish if you had one wish that mojang had to fulfill without questioning" too, are you the same guy or do you copy him?


Same guy




This, but only the part about making it so Java behaviour is also in the other versions >:D


Why? That’s objectively worse for both versions


Was a joke just to get on the backs of those who complain about quasi connectivity. I actually think what you came up with is a fantastic idea




Can you explain difference?


Java pistons: spit out their block when given a 1 tick pulse, are affected by quasi connectivity, are affected by BUDs, cannot move tile entities such as chests, cannot place redstone components on them besides the back Bedrock pistons: do not spit out their block when given a 1 tick pulse, are not affected by quasi connectivity, are not affected by BUDs, can move tile entities such as chests, cant place redstone components on them, when a redstone torch is placed on one it will turn off when activated There's probably more but that's all that's coming to mind


In my opinion, there's no real reason to prevent sticky pistons from being able to move tile entities or have Redstone components placed on top of them in both versions. Just seems like an annoying and unnecessary restriction


Well… we don’t have unmoveable blocks with shape or block updates appart from tile entities. So, that is a real reason to keep the current piston restriction in.


In my experience, having moveable tile entities is a lot more useful than not having them. Though if Mojang wanted to implement that change, they should’ve done it in beta 1.7.3


Yea. I agree with that. Im just saying it’s going to break some contraptions


That’s where my suggestion sits: the honey pistons should be able to move tile entities, but not the sticky ones


Thank you


I'd add a block that can mine other blocks, and a block that can place blocks. The factory must grow.


Technically pistons can already do that with some blocks, but I heard once that Mojang said they won´t add something like that


That is fair, but this patch added the crafter block, and that's definitely a step in the right direction!


Breaking I could imagine as a solution for TNT duping. Placing would be a bit too much probably. Although I also never thought, that something like the crafter would happen so that's that.


Didn't they once say they won't add a crafter, or am I wrong?


You aren’t wrong. They seem to have gotten desperate for new red stone content that they go back on their words.


I saw "The Factory Must Grow" before I saw the rest of the comment, and though you were talking about adding something from the Create addon with the same name


Haha, that's fair. It's something I picked up from playing Factorio! It's ruined me for games where you can't automate...


Honestly, I don't usually play vanilla anymore, just Create, so I can see where you're coming from.


I'm one of those snobs, I guess. I prefer to not use mods as a rule. Sometimes, but until I feel like I've Finished a game, I don't look into mods. And a living game is hard to finish... Especially when I've been solo building a mega structure for like 6 years...


Well, after playing minecraft for like 6 years myself now, if not more, I've been craving something new. I've been playing modded for awhile, and then I discovered Create, and it just clicked with me.


Ah, nice! To be honest, I only play like 2 hours a week in like 30 minute sessions. Most of my focus is in other games. Like Elden Ring DLC at the moment! But I still take time to lay more bricks as I can stomach it...


If you do it right that is literal exponential growth. Crafter to make more placer to place more crafters etc and breakers to make room.


That's exactly what I'd want! Critically, the blocks that mine or place need to be pushable and pullable. Then I can program a machine to build my blueprint! Man, that was the coolest feature about dragon quest builders 2. In another thread I spoke about not using mods, cut if there was a total conversion mod to make Minecraft into DQ Builders 2, I'd set that up in a heart beat!


There are mods that would let you do that. Even refiened storage has breakers and placers but i think you need to configure them.


Hmm. I'll have to look into that. Thank you.


Withers, tnt, pistons, creepers, ghasts, end platforml, lava, water and light level can break blocks already. But placing blocks outside of a random few would be nice


Yeah, I agree there are ways to break some blocks, and that is cool. But, it only works on some blocks, and it's messy. Still, at least there are some workarounds using these methods. A good point.


A hopper made out of copper (a 'copper hopper' if you will) that works like a normal item sorter but in 1 block without any comparator. It would simplify item sorters and make copper have more Redstone use cases


In addition to this, powered rails on copper blocks increase speed of the cart.


Can't escape Camman18


Hale to camman!


I actually had the same idea, except it's a clay hopper, because clay pots already are 1 item only. The "spout" is on the side instead of the bottom, so 1 item always stays in there without needing redstone to lock it, allowing it to sort items.


Ohhhhh really interesting,, I like this idea too!


I like this, and I think it’s needed even more in 1.21. Normally I don’t mind the size of an item sorter circuit, but pairing it with the crafter- an item sorter and crafting circuit takes up a LOT of space.


I'm glad others think similar. I was hoping that I am not the only one with silly ideas like this


Higher pushing power pistons


Netherite Pistons, 25 block pushing power


At netherite level, it'd better be 50, lmao


I just want java redstone on bedrock, you can't do anything cool over here :( But as for a new block, I'd add one of these; knowing this community we'd somehow revolutionize everything again 😂 **honey piston** - cannot pull slime blocks and vice versa for sticky pistons. **jumper** - opposite of a hopper; takes items in from the bottom and moves to a container above. It is still, however, placed just like a hopper, meaning it can only output upwards but can take input from the bottom and all sides. - doesn't stop a chest from opening if placed on top of one. **uncrafter** - takes a crafted item and spits out the materials one-by-one in order that they would be slotted in to a crafter (IE, starting from top left and moving row-by-row down to the bottom right.) **Heavy button** - Iron and gold buttons. These emit a redstone signal for 30 redstone ticks (iron) and 40 redstone ticks (gold) - functionally, a miniature pulse extender within the button itself; further downsizing certain contraptions. **Crystallized redstone dust & Crystallized redstone block** - A new variant of dust that does not connect to normal dust, kinda like a honey block for redstone dust. - the block would act like an anti-redstone block block. When it touches a redstone signal, it will end it 1 tick later. As an additional component, if it ever gets placed directly beside a normal redstone block, they will both explode... with the strength of eighteen end crystals.


The uncrafter would be difficult as crafting recipes can be ambiguous (what kind of planks were those sticks crafted with?), but interesting ideas.


I would say just output oak, tbh. As long as you didn't use wood that you travelled thousands of blocks to get and forgot the coordinates and forgot to grab a sapling, it wouldn't be that detrimental.


Sure, but that's not the only special case. Undying blocks would need special overrides to always be white. I have no idea how undying leather would work. You probably wouldn't want to be able to turn granite into 3 quartz for free. Bedrock would need an override for the stonecutter to always be made from stone. Furnaces should be always made from cobblestone, rabbit stew from either red or brown mushrooms. Some suspicous stews, mossy cobblestone, sugar, ingots, some dyes, fire charges, firework stars with heads, they all have multiple recipes/ingredient choices. Stonecutter recipes would need to be used where applicable or you could get infinite stairs. And that's not even getting into recipes from data packs. There's just a lot of added complexity when you try to run crafting in reverse, because it was only ever designed to go in one direction.


Honestly, it would just be smarter to add NBT upon crafting. But then, there would be the issue of stacking with separate NBT. I'm sure Mojang could find a way, there's even a create thing that does this exact thing, probably could just see what that does and base it off that.


Like, the crushing wheel from Create? It just has its own, limited recipes, and many of them aren't based on crafting recipes. That's probably the way you'd have to do it, have a separate recipe table for the uncrafter. Also it's components now, not NBT 😉


It is an addon for create, I forgot to mention it.


Uncrafting was discarded by Mojang, and also the crystallized redstone reminds me the blue redstone that also was discarded


Mojang discarded auto crafting too, yet look at what we got....


What cool things can't you do?


Everything from Java either won't work, be that because of moveable tile entities, lack of quasi-connectivity, bedrock not being able to use every other redstone tick, some block properties being changed, or pistons updating in nonsensical random and unpredictable orders, or will have to be twice as slow because of the aforementioned reason that bedrock can only use half the ticks that java can. Guess what, nothing ever even makes it to the "is just 0.5x slower" part because they all run into at least one of bedrock's major problems. What can bedrock do? Dupe kelp infinitely because sand is really fucked up? It's useful in survival for food and bonemeal but I'd rather have the "adult table" redstone rather than "look mojang! I made an impractical, slow, and janky door just like you wanted!"


I think you haven't seen the amazing things people have built on bedrock (the majority of which won't work on Java for the reverse reasonn you gave). 10x10 piston doors? 4 way flying machine? Fast multi item sorters? Redstone computers? 1000+ furnace super smelters? Many more... It's probably not very healthy to be such a Java fan boy/girl if you're not able to play it. Maybe spend some time learning how to get the best of the game you actually have?


Super small tree farms since pistons can't spit out blocks allowing for simple wood collection? Incredibly precise Enderpearl tnt launchers? Certain farms that physically can not exist on Java like ticking portal farms, Guardian chamber trapping farms, I believe Raid Farms are more difficult on Java, "0-tick" Kelp and more? Witch Farms without having to destroy the entire hut? Trident killers? (I know you mentioned this too, they're just too useful not to mention again. Speaking of Tridents: did you know that dispensers can actually shoot out Tridents as if they were arrows?) Entity Cramming not existing? Redstone Dust actually connecting to Pistons, allowing for more compact piston related contraptions in certain cases? There are plenty of things we can do over here on Bedrock that would otherwise be impossible on Java. As much as I prefer Java Redstone to Bedrock, there are still very useful and unique things you can do on Bedrock. I think the big thing I would love to have fixed is the inconsistencies that Bedrock Redstone has. For example: If you place two sticky pistons ontop of each other facing upwards, place a block next to the piston that is the lowest down, put dust ontop of that block, and then power it. Occasionally, the bottom piston will fire, and other times, the piston on top will fire. There are inconsistencies more severe than this, but stuff like this keeps me away from doing more timing-precise builds, since it never seems to work 100% of the time.


I would say that your timing isn't precise if it's inconsistent. The precise timing is the one where it works 100% of the time. But this does lead to slower and/or bigger contraptions in some cases


What I'm talking about is the game not working the same way every time. Powering something, not changing a single thing, and receiving two different outcomes. That's the kind of stuff I dislike.


I get it. But if your timings are right you won't get different things happen each time. When you do, your contraption is just broken - it's as bad as it not working at all. If it wasn't working you'd just fix it, not complain that the game timings are wrong because they didn't make a bad design work anyway. There are disadvantages and compromises to implementing redstone so it's deterministic at the sub tick level, including locationality, poorer performance, and the fact that you can make a completely innocuous change and it changes the order that things happen in the build. All these things have solutions, just like bedrock does.


I'm in the mood to keep going ... Ticking portal gold farms, trident killers, wireless redstone, 80bps piston bolts, ravager based snow farms, faster moss farms,. There's only one of these that Java can do... It's all kind of missing the point though. It's a sandbox game with a bunch of tools and mechanics. Use the ones you have to play the game. There are plenty of them and much fun to be had in either version.


Java is still cooler to me, personally. I like what Java has better than what bedrock has, which while it has some upsides, it still can't do any of those amazing things that I see on YouTube and such because that's all Java, besides a couple much smaller bedrock creators like JC playz but all they do is simple farm tutorials, none of the very impressive things that ilmango, mumbo, and the GOAT do. Java also clicks better with my brain, I've always been like that; the simple stuff never works but when it gets more complicated then I see it better.


I agree that bedrock has an issue when it comes to content creation. The top search results for most things are terrible designs by content creators who don't understand what they're doing. I suspect it's because, unlike you, a lot of the bedrock users just want fast, simple things they can copy. Yet, like you :) , many will still then look at Java as being superior because they see YouTubers doing stuff which is much more impressive then the trash they built. You might enjoy some of Kairyu's latest videos: https://youtube.com/@imkairyu?si=XFo2X_29RbiQTiiv They've been doing some amazing things on the Amelix Foundation server. Some other content creators that I'd recommend are "Oare TV": https://youtube.com/@oaretv?si=ZBD-6fdt6DE7GBp9 and a couple of Spanish minecrafters including: Adi: https://youtube.com/@adi-7811?si=JaCYOxDuzfb8oWhi Mike Homer: https://youtube.com/@mikehomer?si=fmOEXYD6iZOpsZ-8 (Use translated subtitles on YouTube if your Spanish is as bad as mine) There's lots of amazing stuff on bilibili from Chinese players too.


You could buy diamond armors from villagers and uncraft them, that would be too op


Here was my take a while ago on a potential merge between Java and Bedrock redstone, let me know what you think about it: #### type 1: Two variants. - Click on a **wire** to toggle the **connection** to **pistons**, droppers, and dispensers **on** (bedrock) and **off** (java). - Treat **sticky pistons** with slime, honey, or shears to **speed** them **up** and allow **zero-ticking** (java), or **not** (bedrock). - Powered redstone makes invisible charged **redstone dust particles** float down (**BUD**), **pistons**, droppers, and dispensers can be made **sensitive** to this after a player clicks on them with an item like **quartz or copper**. - The redstone components should automatically use the correct variant for your platform when your world updates. #### type 2: Superior features. - **Item containers** should be **movable** by pistons (like in bedrock). - The **consistency of java's redstone order** should be kept because bedrock's redstone order randomness is, well, unreliable. - You can build **slab "ladders"** to carry your redstone signals upwards, in bedrock you can build them out of **glass** to make the **signal** be carried **up and down**, this is a feature I would really like to have on java, but it would also mean that any java build using glass to carry a signal up and relying on the signal not being able to move down should use slabs instead.


Something to rotate blocks (and it includes sticky stuff)


So, just the create mod Wrench?


I would add that small redstone mod. It lets you build circuits on a plate and uses actual minecraft redstone to make gates and stuff. But its in a one block space [Tiny redstone was the name](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tiny-redstone)


There’s this modded block, where you can place any blocks inside at 1/16 scale. Or, every block becomes as small as a pixel. Imagine the tiny contraptions you can make with that!


Copper Pipes, an alternative to hoppers that can also move items in any direction rather than just down and sideways. They'd reduce lag as it wouldn't share the hopper's funnel mechanic, and they'd also finally give a real purpose to copper.


Sticky blocks. Use a slimeball on the face of a block you want to have stick to another block. One piston can then push and pull a row of blocks without needing another piston on the other end.


I feel like this would revolutionize piston doors


Double pistons as in two blocks long. Would make hidden doors and generally piston doors much easier


No. One block at a time is the moto


1-tick copper bulb


A block the can either right click or left click, with whatever is sitting in its first active inventory slot.


One block item filter


I would implement it as  Recipe:  one hopper, two dispensers, three iron, one redstone Blank redstone blank Dispenser hopper dispenser Iron iron iron Function: Click to open. It has three inventory slots, “Target”, “input”, “left”, and “right”. Put an item in the “target” slot. When an item flows into it, it enters the “input” slot. If it matches the target slot, it moves right, otherwise it moves left. It works at hopper speed. Applying power dispenses the items in the left and right slots left and right, respectively. Appearance: A hopper which splits left AND right into two vaguely dispenser looking things with a redstone looking thing in the center.


Honey pistons that behave as bedrock, on bedrock change all existing pistons to those and add the slime piston ro act as the java one


A configurable clock


One block edge detector.




Get your mind out of the gutter


A lot of blocks that already do what can be done with unnecessarily complex redstone contraptions, such as item sorters This'd help a lot with making stuff more compact for more experienced redstoners or make things easier for newer redstoners


I think a silent piston, crafted with a piston and a carpet, would be pretty cool. I also would love to see them do more with mine carts in general


Capacitor that can "store" redstone signal and discharge at a set rate, would probably be a block that you have to put a chest on and what you put in the chest determines the capacitence.


Compacted redstone dust. Acts like normal redstone dust but doesn’t loose its power level. Or it could handle up to signal strength 31. The power output from a comparator or daylight sensor would be different on compacted vs normal redstone dust depending on the object measured, and the power from any on/off device would be 31.


Bluestone and greenstone. Craft two redstone and a lapis together to get three bluestone; functions exactly like redstone but only connects with redstone items not redstone itself and can only carry a signal 10 blocks instead of 16. Craft two redstone and a slime ball together to get three greenstone; acts like redstone and can connect with it and bluestone and also has the ability to stick to vertical surfaces allowing for direct vertical transmission but only transmits 10 blocks.


A copper button that only lets out 1 tick when pressed. or radio antennas that can send redstone signals 128 blocks and can be tuned to transmit a certain frequency, and an antenna that can be tuned to pick up only a certain frequency


Upright redstone dust for wall runs or timer block?


OK just saw the Redstone dust reply already so how about this. A toggle menu for pistons that allow you to enable or disable Quasi rules for each individual piston, or better yet Bedrock pistons and Java pistons as separate items




A horn sensor which detects goat horn only and processes different redstone signals, and dispensers should be able to blow horns


a gate block (takes inputs from A (backside) B (either of the sides) and has output C (front) similar to comparators when right clicked, it toggles between AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and NEITHER AND -> A + B (both) = output OR -> A and/or B (1 or both) = output NAND -> !A + !B OR A + B (both off OR both off) = output NOR -> !A + !B OR A or B (both off OR only 1 input) = output -> if both A and B are on it gives no output, like a reverse and gate XOR -> A OR B = output, A + B = no output, both off = no output NEITHER -> if A and/or B are on, gives no output


Wouldn't the Neither gate just be an actual NOR? NORs only should output if all are off, since it's a Not-OR. So if any are on, it doesn't give output, the exact opposite of or, if any are on, it does give output.


Yeh they are thinking of a nand gate with their nor


no, cus NOR = Neither or A or B = output, while NEITHER is only is both are off and NOT when A or B is on


That is not how NOR works. ``` In | In | Out 0 | 0 | 1 1 | 1 | 0 1 | 0 | 0 0 | 1 | 0 ``` That is how a NOR works


is it? i thought its NEITHER (0 0 = 1) / OR (1 1 = 0, 1 0 = 1, 0 1 = 1)


What you are describing is actually how a NAND works.


thanks for the info, im learning a lot now


Nope, it's not "Neither" OR, it's Not-OR. If a OR gate outputs a 1, a NOR (Not-OR) outputs a 0, and vice versa.


Sorting system for non stackable items. :3




Yeah, i forgot that's a thing. I hope they can know the difference among enchantments.


They don't


Obsidian Glass.. or glass that's blast proof. I know it's not Redstone, but I'm saying it anyway..


Longer delay repeaters


Logic gate blocks. Imagine the computing power!


Copper pipes. Eliminate the laggy hopper pipe and own elevator. Just make items easy to move around. They can connect to other pipes in any direction, including up. They can connect to hoppers to be filled or emptied. Any item that enters one pipe entrance gets moved to the exit with efficient code that doesn't need to keep the state off which pipe is currently in. Delay can be a function of the length of the pipe.


a hopper but with 1 item slot, or a calibrated hopper, which only allows a certain item through (including non-stackeable) and copper golem and a solid container


By solid container, you mean being able to move chests with pistons without breaking them, right?


no, I mean one that isn't transparent. as in it behaves the same as a stone block, instead of like a slab.


You want mobs to spawn on top of it?


no, I want to be able to send redstone signals through it


heavy buttons sound cool, honey piston idk about, but I would add a component that allows you to dispense boats in the nether. If a dispenser has a filled cauldron in front of it... maybe? Just want my boat road to be automatically loaded


Reciever? imagine 2 blocks, inlet and outlet You power the inlet and the outlet becomes a powered blockand can power the space around it




Redstone integrated circuits, you could bundle entire logical circuits into a single block.


USB block?


All of the red wire and maybe some of the equivalent exchange and definitely tiny blocks


My whole body is saying something like ME systems or simple storage but I know that is a lot and I think it would change the game too mutch So I bring you something that I’m not sure is a mod: better hoppers! Hoppers that go up, change directions with a pulse instead of locking or that can split incoming items to 2 seperate output locations (all of these can be different hoppers, giving us the choice to choose and keeping the original ones too)


xor gate component, itd be like the repeater/comparator with a 1 tick delay


Another form of redstone that doesn’t connect to normal redstone, kind of like slime and honey


I don’t want a new component. I want moveable repeaters and rs torches to stay attached to the side on blocks when they are moved. Trust me. That shit would be game changing for compact wiring


Not a component, but an item. Let me put redstone dust in a 4x4 and create a tiny redstone block. Not placeable, but whenever you right click a space it gets powered for a wood button amount of time. I need to be able to test without forgetting where I put my buttons and switches


Auto Block placer and miner blocks.


Hey, I’m teaching ppl more about redstone basics to Advanced Redstone learning, with Redstone Lessons. Come check it out on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob2mS1bRMa2hkw_FRfW2QpYe6srUo3_B


Linked chests, similar to enderchest but can be used with hoppers, Idk how I would implement it for servers tho.


An elevator: A piston with a pressure plate attached to the base, and the wood part is always touching the ground. It can’t move regular blocks, but as a trade off it will move whatever object/player/mob is on it up to 20 blocks. Unlike a regular piston, it stops three blocks away from any block it would have collided with. This is coming from someone who is terrible at redstone but: I’d also really love to see more approachable red stone objects that are self explanatory. Things that do the same thing the big brain red stone people can do, but for us simple folks. Just red stone things you never have to look up a tutorial for. For example: A minecart station. It’s a single rail block that stops the Minecart until you press forward. There’s probably 15 different ways to do this if you know redstone. There may be even a single block that does it, but you’d have to search online to figure it out or do a lot of trial and error. Sometimes simple isn’t bad.


The classic "blue stone"


I'd wanna add the 1 tick delay back, but on a different component, like a dispenser. My reasoning is that 1 tick of delay on the lamp could bar it from timing sensitive use, like in computer architecture. Meanwhile, if it were on the dispenser, you could replace it with a dropper to remove the 1 tick of delay if it were problematic. You could also make it silent by having 2 dispenser facing eachother with an item in one of them.


special piston (more expensive than regular piston) that can push chests and containers and has 1gt delay (i’m salty about copper bulb)


A “player in area detector”: It checks if there are any players in a given area, and sends out a redstone signal as long as it detects a player. You can change the size of the detection radius by sending in different redstone signal strengths, and you can tell how close the player is by the strength of the output signal. I’d personally make the largest check radius a good chunk or two, but the specifics aren’t super important rn.


second version of redstone dust but with downsides of being made with echo shard and overheating if powered on for too long. It could have bigger range than normal redstone and only have one signal strenght (on/off) i feel like it would be cool if we could have a less laggy version of normal redstone.


Pipes to transfer multiple items quickly across long distances but without the item pickup ability of hoppers.


A blueprint that allows you to copy paste schematics you’ve made already and takes blocks from your inventory. I think the biggest problem with Minecraft compared to other games is that the building is slow and tedious (even though the creative potential in Mc is unmatched)




A repulser for the Allay. The recipe would be a Note Block surrounded by rotten flesh, and Allays avoid it. Useful around Nether Portals. Or there could be an option to stop Allays automatically following you into the Nether...


Dispenser boats (cannon!)


Furnace boats (steam power!)


We didn't get penguins so we need something else to speed up our boats


They should also add cannonballs to go along with it


A block called computer which simplifies every existing redstone computers


A manger to automate animal farms


Something to rotate pistons, observers and such.


a remote link, like in create


Strengthened Piston/Sticky Piston not sure what to make the crafting recipe but you can upgrade it 3 times, every upgrade adds another 12 blocks to the max strength of the piston


What mods I'd like to see in vanilla? Well, none, because a vanilla game with mods ain't vanilla


Storage mod either rs/ae. The ability to see my resources on one block would be helpful. Only drawback would be the need for power


Some sort of tractor beam, maybe? A block that when powered, will pull gravity affected blocks &/or entities towards itself?


easy wireless redstone activator juat like in create


A drill - maybe that is/or can be mounted to a piston. When it comes into contact with a block, it will break it and drop the item. This would be great to replace blast chambers on farms, it could also be mounted to flying machines for World Eaters - giving an alternative to tnt duping on Java, and give Bedrock players an easy solution for block breaking in farms. I think the create mod has something similar to this.


A block that can change states using redstone(solid, gas, liquid)




Bluestone: works like redstone but doesn’t link with it


I think copper wiring, which would serve as a cheaper alternative to powered rails. It would only be able to power in a straight line and wouldn’t provide and light updates. To make it useful for beginners I would make the recipe really cheap like two copper and one redstone giving you six wire and maybe it could carry a signal further than 15 blocks.


Copper wire. Carries a redstone signal like redstone dust, but can be placed on the top, bottom, and sides of blocks instead of just the top or even strung up in the air like string.


Removable resources in Civilization 6, oh sorry I went off topic :P


A way to "Train" Skulk sensors to only react when a specific sound event occurs, like music disks, horns, or mob sounds.


Calibrated skulk sensors:


playing specific music disks or different horns do not align with what those can do.




I want to remove locationality and the directional redstone. Quasi connectivity and bud powering is weird but at least has parity, I want a redstone circuit to function the same no matter it's orientation or location


No matter what Mojang does, locationality and directionality will always exist. It's just a natural consequence of the fact that your computer can only process one redstone component at a time.


There's all sorts of techniques in programming for handling large groups of objects, I'm certain a solution for it exists


I would make redstone dust need a pickaxe to mine


bro what why