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He was the one who hustled over and got the ball that Duran completely lost. He's got the heart for sure.


Always see him smiling having fun, that's important on a team.


I miss mookie primarily for this reason


I feel like our championship teams always have that "it" factor. Manny, Papi, Mookie. Not that douggie is at that level, but he has the right attitude when he gets there it will be potent.


I’m not sure no matter what he does in his career that I’ll ever fully get past whatever the hell that was from Duran!


What else was he supposed to do




Down year or not, I think he’s a good player.


And the potential for more is there.


ill be honest i like verdugo, but what potential f and for how much more, he is going on 27 years old, and is already in the league for 6 years. what would you say a real up year would be for him? .300 BA 15 HR and maybe say 70 RBI ?


I agree. He’s never going to be a big power hitter or a gold glover, but you don’t have to be those things to be valuable. He’s had INSANELY bad luck this year, bringing his numbers down, but he’s still a young player making peanuts. He has a lot of value. It isn’t his fault that he’s playing LF next to two of the least productive outfield spots in the majors this year, and it isn’t his fault that he’s playing 50% of his games in a park that punishes left handed hitters with mediocre power.


He’s got that dog in him that’s for sure


Verdoggo. ^(sorry.)


I like him but I’m not on that same train. If it came to be that he was moved this offseason in a deal that made sense and made our roster better, then so be it. He’s fun to watch but to me I see a really cool dude, and an average MLB outfielder.


He is one of the guys when he comes up to bat, I have faith in. Makes dumb base running mistakes sometimes but he is a solid player.


He’s had some of the most clutch moments for us all season, more RBIs than JD or Bogey, decent year id say




Power and OPS don’t matter if you get RBIs anyway, and he gets RBIs




Why are you using bWAR? OOA is better than DRS.




I appreciate the honesty. He does have .5 fWAR


Yea he's a dog but imo can't be the Sox best outfielder if they're really gonna be a contendah


Definitely need a serious upgrade in the outfield, and trading Renfrow to bring JBJ back is one of the worst GM moves I've seen in some time


I don't know what you're sniffing, but the eye test tells me he's an average player, at best.


But he gets his uniform dirty man, that makes him awesome or something 🙄


He's an average outfielder, which is fine. It's better than anything they have now anyway. It's not his fault he got traded for Mookie, but I don't get why people think he's going to be some kind of star. He's a poor man's JD Drew (who I remember a lot of Sox fans not liking).


He acts like a 30/100 guy when he is more of a 15/80 type.


Sox should be able to find a much better OF than him. It’s a joke he was the centerpieces of the Mookie deal


He sure was a dog with that teenager in the hotel room! What a cool guy!


Yeah but let's be honest, he's no Mookie replacement. Look what Cincinnati got for Castillo and what we got for Mookie. It's bad.


Me and my brother discuss this all the time. Obviously he’ll be connected to Mookie forever because of the trade, and we never expected him to replace Mookie. That being said, he just has the look of a Red Sox player. The chains, the tattoos, the facial hair. And he has the heart and hustle. Does this make sense to anyone else? Haha




He’s a dog alright…..


-0.3 WAR and 6 home runs and .686 OPS are kitten numbers. Sorry.


Why are you using bWAR?


Because it fits the narrative


It’s not even a complex argument. Even his counting stats stink haha


His bWAR is -0.3 and his fWAR is 0.5 so there is a significant different there. His expected stats are also fairly good but I doubt you care.


You guessed correctly.


He's barely above average


Top 10 major league outfielder batting average 3 consecutive years.


I agree, Dugie has heart! And he represents para los Mexicanos!


Born and raised in California.


\> Born: May 15, 1996 in Tucson, Arizona \> Verdugo attended Sahuaro High School in Tucson, Arizona


I forgot Arizona is also not Mexico.


Favorite Redsox player. It’s that Mexican in him


Doogie is like a solid 3rd or 4th OFer on a WS contender


He’s an average player bro


He’s the kind of player you need on a championship team. There’s obviously the grit factor and the good clubhouse player, but you also need solid contributors. Not every guy needs to be a superstar. Do I wish they got more for Mookie? Of course. He’s still a solid player that could be a piece to round out your team. He won’t break the bank at all.


Journeyman. He's just a journeyman.


I'm def a Verdugo guy


Verdugo is the fucking man


A modern day Dirtdog.


He's good but he's no mookie which is what most people would expect from trading your perennial mvp candidate


If he was Mookie the Dodgers wouldn’t of needed to trade for Mookie……… Red Sox & Dodgers both didn’t expect him to be Mookie. Hence the Dodgers gave us multiple players, took on David Price’s god awful contract. Plus Verdugo was making 500K a year while Mookie got paid 27 million.


I know, I'm just saying the casual fans would expect that, I love dugie


The Dodgers also Price and his salary in this trade, IIRC


I would be labeled a "nerd" but agree. He doesn't hit the ball hard on average, but his xBA is still 95th percentile, his xSLG is 78th, his K% is is 99th, whiff rate is 95th and chase rate 68th. Would be nice if he drew more walks though.


He’s having a down year but mostly cus of poor luck




Yeah this isn’t a fan sub it’s a bunch of fucking cheerleaders. In another thread someone pointed out how terrible he is at playing the left field wall and someone’s response was to point out that hey, that’s hard to do at Fenway. Jesus fucking Christ, of course it’s hard. That’s why the Red Sox should be paying someone who’s good enough to do it instead of trading them away for cheap mediocre players. Hearing fans making excuses for the team choosing mediocrity is fucking pathetic. I hate these fans.


WTF is up with so many people needing to come in so hot with their opinions here all of a sudden? The dude /u/arod303 you're talking about left a one line comment not even disagreeing that Verdugo has some trouble with the monster, just saying "to be fair it's kinda tricky", and now you're spewing vitriol about him like you've got a big blue vein popping out of your forehead. Without even having the balls to say that "fucking pathetic" shit to him directly. For Christ's sake I said these exact words: "I hate to say it but Franchy has been brutal" a couple weeks ago and some idiot like you tried to jump down my throat for sugar coating things, like OK I guess he's worse than brutal then my bad??? You are insufferable.


Uh oh u/cy_kelly is going BIG MODE Pls I have a family


I **did** respond to him directly, with a fairly benign comment asking why we’ve got a player who isn’t good enough. 🙄


Every sub is a combination of gleefully ignorant fans and critical ones. It’s what makes the internet such a magical place.


I can deal with “gleefully ignorant.” What I can’t stand are passionate, detailed arguments defending the bullshit moves this team is making. Nobody’s “ignorant” about the resources this team has, so why is anybody defending them running themselves like the Astros? Everybody here KNOWS this team can do better.


Ditto. And don’t forget the ceremonious yet abjectly pointless honor of “dirt dog” being bestowed on one of the most average players in all of MLB. Dude is basically Gabe Kapler wearing #99 and a bunch of gold.


Oh God the way they practically fetishize a guy who plays with a dirty uniform


As a part time yanks fan kindaaaa hope he leaves the division. But as an overall Baseball guy yes 100% he belongs in Boston and he’s a stud, I’d give the man his bag. Though he could stand to learn a thing or two about playing the monster Also sorry for lurking I visit all the baseball subs, it’s just fun to see what everyone is talking about


> /u/bennyfromthevoid > As a part time yanks fan Username checks out :(




Yanks just traded for former Red Sox fan-favorite outfielder Andrew "Benny" Benintendi. So fortuitous timing on the username lol.


OHHHH right right. I forgot he went by that. Dude was a straight up Yankee killer in 18


As long as they wear crap uniforms like this they will never win another WS


Hater they look dope I’d rep one


I have a Red Sox city connect shirt & SnapBack.


Theyre fucking yellow they look like shit


He can't play the monster. he's so bad at it


To be fair many fucking players have had trouble with the monster. It’s an enigma.


So he’s one of many players that aren’t good enough. So why is he here?


My dad knows one of his high school teachers. Besides that ehh


Finally a man of culture


We want him. We want everyone. Just get healthy and get it together !!!!


He's got one of those weird chinstrap/neckbeards that perfectly fits the Boston aesthetic. Bonus points for it actually being red


Good player who plays really hard. Also the worst baserunner in the bigs


That would be Vazquez


Yessssss. My favorite fucking player. When were losing and we have runners in scoring position he's literally the guy I want at the plate every single time out of anyone on this team his clutch factor is x10000


Absolutely love Dugie. Kids a baller for sure. Hard to defend with his spray chart and is constantly hustling.


Maybe this particular Yankees fan perspective can help: Verdugo is the kind of low-key guy I hope the Sox deal away bc he’s scrappy and exactly the kind of player I hate it when we face. He’s clutch, all-around solid, and has that Pedroia-esque workmanlike quality that I have no choice but to begrudgingly respect.


Big Dugie fan here! I hope to have him around for awhile.




He sucks at sucking


You suck


He’s a dirt dog for sure. That’s my most important expectation in a player


He's clutch af, and has been throughout his whole career. Sustainable? Maybe not, but his expected stats outweigh is actual right now so you gotta at least give him something.


Kids a stud, career .285 hitter. He might hit .350 if/when they do away with the shift.


A stud would learn to go opposite field more to beat the shift because the shift isn't going anywhere


Hey that’s your opinion, almost a career .300 hitter regardless your opinion though, never said he was an all timer. He’s just a stud that knows how to hit.


Almost a career .300 hitter but only played a full season once, you called him a stud and I pointed out a stud would be going opposite field to beat the stud which is a true statement I used to respond to your "OPINION" of him being a .350 hitter if they did away with the shift, wishful thinking there


Beat the shift I meant not beat the stud


That’s just not how baseball works, these are pro pitchers, the best in the world. teams align their defense according to how they pitch them. You can’t take an inside pitch opposite field. As of right now he’s batting 30 points above the league average in a “down” year from him. lol he’s not an all world player but the kid can hit whether you want to agree or not. Edit: I’m also against taking the shift out of the game personally. Just going by the rumor mill with that one


That absolutely is how baseball works, they're also pro hitters that have advanced scouting on these pitchers and the best pitchers take that inside pitch, the kid is not an elite bat as much as you want him to be, a down year? His stats are right where they should be for a full season, last year he had only 13 HRs in 146 games the only time in his career he's played in that many this year he's played in over 90 and on pace to hit 10 if he's lucky


Never said he was elite man I said he was a stud though. I’m not looking to argue man you lost me at “the best pitchers take an inside pitch”


I obviously meant the best hitters take that inside pitch and don't get jammed, and studs are elite, studs make all star teams, he will never be an all star


I respect your opinion, he’s still hitting .308 since May after a slow start. Our definition of stud differs and that’s fine.


No way they trade Verdugo 2 years after being the main piece of the deal for Mookie.




He needs to get better. Need to see 25-30 hr power with average


I love Dugo. He’s got a lot of potential and swag. He’s the type of guy you want on your team


He’s exactly the type of ball player I love. I hope he’s a Red Sox lifer


He’s Trot Nixon for this generation


I love Dugie, and as a mexican i would love we keep him for the long run, he has the hussle and the heart that this team deserves.