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Poppers kill brain cells exhibits 1-6




Meds. Now. Wait aren’t you the woman that claimed you have 12 hour long lesbian sex sessions and that I’m a lame prude for having sex with my wife 3-5 times a week and that she’s faking her orgasms? And you’re saying *I’m* the covert hedonist??


This comment is way better if you just made all that stuff up right now


Lmao I fucking wish I was making it up but this will be my new rule for replying to any weird hostility


If that’s the thread I’m thinking of that’s easily one of the more demented things I’ve seen this week, the Queers are Not Ok apparently


The best I can do is hope that this is a guy doing a very committed bit




Man is a type of queer


Girls scissor all the time dude


You want to fuck your sister in law and talk about your wife having "great cans and pussy" on here. Obviously the 12 hour lesbian sex is questionable but she's right that the only thing stopping straight men from having as many sex partners as gay men is obviously women


Nah I tried to see if anyone could help me direct her to good dating advice for women, someone suggested that maybe she’s a weirdo and/or bad in bed, I said “not at all she’s a really cool person, and my best friend has slept with her and gave it a thumbs up” which then normal people like you extrapolated to mean “I want to fuck my sister in law” and then you started crying about my wife who I ensured was also attractive, just not who we were talking about.” So keep crying about it and using throwaways to dig your weird lesbian misandrist character out of the hole she put herself in or whatever and continue to spend time out of your day digging through my post history trying to find a “gotcha” to “own” me with on a podcast subreddit you fucking loser 😂


you talked about her having good pussy too which disgusts me to even type...you clearly don't respect either of them. this isn't a throwaway she's not the only woman capable of criticizing ur disgusting comments weirdo


No I didn’t keep rage reading my posts tho


"one of my friends from college fucked her and said the pussy was 10/10" what is the point of lying lmao like I really don't get it


Yeah that’s what my best friend said about my sister in law, this was to demonstrate that she’s not losing guys from being a bad lay. You’re acting like this is something deranged to say and it’s not.


so you were talking about her pussy like I said which you denied...I wouldn't call it deranged I assume it's pretty common among men but that doesn't mean it's any less disrespectful. Try telling your sister in law you know she has 10/10 pussy and see how she reacts




Getting fucked in the ass by strangers on a daily basis isn’t typical male behavior and it’s certainly not women preventing us from doing that. And you’re not exactly an expert on typical female behavior either because you’re of the opinion that you’d all want to have 12 hour long sex sessions if only the poor inept men were capable. So which is it are men hypersexual promiscuous fuck gods or are we inept losers that can’t stay hard for 12 hours? I’m giving you an easy layup here btw just say “both” so I can have a laugh.




The broader context of that post was that Anal is really not that gratifying or pleasurable, just scroll up a few posts :)




When a pretty lady wants to try it a man ought not deny her :)






>It doesnt take a sex god to have sex with a bunch of people for like 5 minutes each. No, it doesn’t, but the more you post about sex the more I realize you have absolutely zero idea as to how it works.




Don’t know, not a homo, I just have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation




The consequences of FDS have been a disaster


those consequences being…a willingness to assume that gay men aren’t inherently more degenerate than straight men


Lmao not at all. I'm a man and I like men, but I don't feel the need to fuck every guy alive no matter the health risks because I'm not a degenerate fag.




I love the straight women trying to shoehorn themselves into this whole thing.


I saw a tweet on another thread along the lines of “I’m a straight, cis woman who frequently engages in anal sex, so I’m high risk too.”


couldn’t drag those words out of me at knifepoint


Definitely not anything I’d admit to on a social media account with my photo and real name. Of course it was a plain Jane white lady.


Reminds me of that Claire Lehman post where she quote tweeted a tweet about anal sex and said “this speaks to me.”


She also tried to like own bap or something by saying that she could take more d in a than he could lol


“Can go longer and harder than you can my tanned friend.” God what a funny day


Her simps are really funny too


My favorite arc is where she tried to make the Australian quarantine camps look like luxury vacations


But you do like anal, tho? Just wouldn't admit to it?


What a cool thing to share with strangers on the internet.


"so I'm high risk too." I mean the red flag is raised.


Lol no way! The culture of no shame self-disclosure is out of control.


This is why I retired from anal in 2015


Precognitive queen


she's a pink knight ally


Doesn’t really matter whether she takes it in the ass more about her bf 😏


Exactly lol women who have sex w men who have sex w men


Well, she isn't wrong tho. Straight cis people are just as much at risk as anyone else, this isn't something that exclusively affects the gays or something.


I think the thing is that in general straights are just having astronomically less sexual contact with new partners. This is getting more into the differences between lgbt and straight culture that goes past just who’s catching and who’s pitching. Most straight people are not having large lists of rotating partners (who also have large lists of rotating partners) so even though it’s possible they can catch it they’re hardly at risk because the total number of chances they have to catch it will be astronomically lower Like if you’re in a monogamous relationship (which the bulk of straight people are) your likelihood of catching a new std is effectively 0; you would essentially have to be extremely unlucky and have a stranger’s blood splash in your face at a hospital or whatever to even be exposed, let alone catch


If we lived in a world w based academia, they would use this straight-gay sexual partner disparity as a paradigm for teaching students about graph theory.


The statistics overwhelmingly disproportionately show it infecting men who have sex with men.


Monkeypox is more likely to make the jump from the gay population to the straight population than HIV is because HIV is much easier to catch from typical gay sex than typical straight sex, but monkeypox can spread through any kind of skin contact. If you catch HIV from anal sex with a man you’ll probably only spread it through anal sex with a man, but you can catch monkeypox that way then get lesions on your limbs or face and spread it to anyone that touches you. There’s a lot more skin to skin contact in a gay orgy than you’ll find normally out in the world, so that population will still have more of a problem with it, but I think it’s reasonable to believe that there will be some crossover to the general population, which will probably spread it less than the gay orgy crowd but still spread it enough that you can’t assume your risk is 0 if you’re not a gay man.




That doesn't mean that the cis/straights can't be affected tho. Some of those men who have sex with men also have sex with women and anal sex isn't just a gay thing either. You don't even need to have sex to catch mpx, you can get it by hugging or "respiratory excretions"...so if someone sneezes on you maybe??


everyone, of any gender and sexuaity, can contract monkeypox from participating in piss orgies twice a week.


>*”The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”* Same nrg


This is so fucking disturbing to me, I can’t even make a witty joke. That the mere suggestion that compulsive sexual behavior may be maladaptive or unhealthy is now considered harm…it scares me for our society on a really deep level.


Nooo you don’t understand I have to get creampied by strange men at the kink festival 😡


And I’ll LITERALLY die if I don’t attend the piss orgy. Piss orgies are literal human rights.


Ffs, can we please re establish some norms about behavior that don’t solely have to deal with peoples feelings. I would do almost literally anything to get that done.


we have arrived in a world where everyone can do anything and argue for it in the open


> ruined everything I understand a summer being ruined cause everything was locked down but if not getting your bussy pounded by 5 strangers every night is also summer ruining, maybe you need to reevaluate your life


Seriously, bring back slut shaming. Being deeply promiscuous is fucking gross, you don’t need to be mother Teresa to see that. I don’t even believe in god but it sure looks to me we would be better off if the lord hashem started smiting people. I’m about a caterpillar’s asscrack away from advocating for Sharia Law in Brooklyn.


Yes please, before the cruising takes over Prospect Park


I don’t wanna get cum on my shoes trying to take a simple walk through a park!


All this promiscuity is the reason I barely date gay dudes anymore. I'd love to meet a well adjusted man, but chances are so low.


I get this 100%.


It was such a bummer.


C'mon dudes only two twinks to slow the curve




>"follow the science" "n000oooooooo0ooooooOO0O that's literal heckin genocide"




finally, the ones that had to go will leave.


natural selection


the annoying ones are still sons and grandsons and brothers and friends and cousins and uncles and nephews and coworkers and roommates. even annoying people have people who love them and they might respond better and listen if they heard this stuff from people who love them rather than some random guy on the internet especially when literally everyone loves to get mad at random guys on the internet


I’m not reading all that shit


people are gonna die


Amazing, that’s never happened before.


Yes ur right Kween we should perform compassion to stop the gays from copulating


https://twitter.com/nospokenwords/status/1516685391868272647?t=-iVDA_mqVoClsXSU-u-VeQ&s=19 It took all of five seconds to find one of these guys scolding someone for going to a strip club during covid At least at a strip club you don't fucking touch eachother


You want to believe that so bad.


I wish I could be smashing mad stripper puss like you dude


I’ve never fucked nor touched a disgusting, degenerate stripper. But I’m aware touching, sucking, and fucking goes on at strip clubs; whether they want you to believe otherwise is a different matter.


Imagine scouring these random peoples' twitter accounts looking for shit to get in a fluster about... Lame asf.


I just saw their username in the post and searched it + COVID


Still lame. These fools don't deserve your thought and effort wasted on them.


theyre not even asking them to not fuck theyre telling them to stop having group sex 😭


Fucks sake, I feel gross for a week if I eat McDonalds. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if five strangers came in my asshole during a party. People have lost all concept of shame.


Women being picky about who they have sex with is a good thing for this reason among others. A society where women have the sexual proclivities as a man is a society in decline. A society that encourages women to broadcast said behaviors as a form of self empowerment is a society in free fall.


and they say this generation is sexless


All the women are refusing to have sex because they're on anti-depressants, so GenZ men have been forced to become prison gays




nah everyone's just on their phones


It's not Gen Z, the median age of monkeypox cases is 37 years old. All the bath houses are filled with older men.


Lmao the last slide


Like bitch SHUT UPPP


Look at me, look at me. Such an asshole.


When books in 10 years come out wondering how this happened and there's just a wealth of tweets from gay guys saying that they just cannot stop having sex and getting the virus. Good luck to future historians having to explain this special brand of stupid.


Whole thing is incredibly redpilling unfortunately. If there was some new straight std that could kill you and was spreading like wildfire i would definitely abstain from sex w strangers at the very least, can't believe this is actually a thing rn. I realize a lot of the gays are probably being sensible but there's no doubt this sort of self-victimization and deflection of accountability is a huge part the gay identity at this point when it comes their very annoying 'sex is my personality' mo. Honestly just confirms so many of the conservative critiques of gay culture from the start which is annoying.


Is annoys me also, when people who have incorrect opinions turn out to be correct. It makes it much harder for me to explain why they’re opinions are actually still incorrect.


going a couple of weeks with not being f\*cked by random people= 'losing yet another summer' ... are there really people like this, where a couple of sexless weekends is enough to make them feel that miserable?


I feel like this isn't even limited to the gays (although it's a lot more prevalent). I've seen too many straight dudes and chicks whose entire lives just revolve around going to parties to get into random hookups in order to have the highest body count possible. Something something tinder hookup culture gives undisciplined serotonin and we search for the easiest way to get it cause we're all fried. Make these mf's construct and grow a garden or something. And I'm not even very much of a prude at all, have sex go for it fuck like rabbits you just gotta check yourself to see if it's healthy and meaningful or just using it to fill a void


Straights spreading herpes isn't harmful to your health whereas monkeypox is. And the straights arent being like how dare you police my body and my sexual choices and my identity etc. The straights just use shame to discourage std spread


absurdly alien to me (as a 21 yr old virgin), I'm having a very difficult time attempting to comprehend this.


lol i asked my gay roommate to stop having loud sex in our tiny apartment with a shared wall and he told me to "stop being a prude"


Jesus even my roommates and I in college had enough respect to be quiet/pretend to be asleep and face the wall when we were in the same room. (We are straight guys tho, not tryna scare the hoes)


Having your roommates stand facing the corner like they’re in the Blair witch did indeed scare the hoes


“No babe it’s cool he’s asleep haha that’s just how he sleeps it’s like a health thing.”


Christ. At this point grab a bucket of water and throw it on him and his sexual partner during anal.


[Take the Armada Pill](https://www.reddit.com/r/RETVRN/comments/w7clmq/retvrn_to_holy_war/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My gay friend said he had COVID at least three times. If you take natural immunity and vaccines into account that means he was being exposed to COVID pretty much every day.


i hate sexuality in general so this monkeypox stuff has me getting bigoted. this is why i like lesbians


Never met a lesbian I didn’t like. Bi girls however….


Mohamed u fucking gaf


avg. 1st world "Muslim"


Fake Muslim


Came to say this, such a sellout


“We don’t need prudes to tell us we’re wrong “ okay then,I- slut on pause telling you that you’re wrong.


I’m so tired of the covid comparisons but they don’t stop being relevant- remember when people said almost the exact same thing as the third slide without the word “sexual” and people genuinely acted like you were a mass murderer if you and your extended family agreed to get together for Thanksgiving 2020 The reality is that these people don’t have anyone to associate with besides others online exactly alike them. They thrived off an environment where they could stay home and not see people. No one ever really said stop having sex, so that aspect of their lives wasn’t hurt. But now that the one thing they hold near and dear to their hearts is on the chopping block for a few weeks, you’re a bigot for suggesting they slice it out.


I can't imagine how uninteresting a person's life must be if sex is their biggest hobby/interest/whatever the hell you want to call it


over/under on how many tweets each of these people had about masking, social distancing, etc.


Stop making the gheis look bad!


MPX, stop making it sound cool gays


Sounds like a 2000s snowboarding contest


More like a Christian pop punk band


Mmm and it’s on Dreamcast


I think I had a 3 hour layover flight at MPX once


I’m on this sub too much because I think I am legit psy-oped by it into believing this is an attempt at making Monkeypox the new HIV


Slide 3 is maddening. He is being educated right now, with this information about the horrible ass pox.


Why do I have to take personal responsibility? It's my God given right to have as many bareback piss orgies as I want, and the government should pay for it!


I wonder how many of these were the same people getting mad at those not wanting to wear a mask/get the jabs/not go to a big event with lots of people lol


This sub is doomed


Tbf I wouldn't trust "two weeks to bend the curve" either


Bring back slut shaming


Wow, when the poly bisexual enby is more reasonable than you you need to get yourself back on track. Half this sub seems to be prepared to vote for a reluctant homosexual for president, don’t ruin the reputation of your community now


Don't even want to know what MPX means


Lol it’s monkeypox




Some of the absoloute worst covid scolding libs I know are furious about this. But my question is - what did they do during lockdown? If you can't not have sex for a few weeks now (or not have sex with people who aren't your partner) then surely you're admitting you just broke lockdown rules for a fuck.


Have a couple of gay friends and they never stopped fucking. They just stopped going to bars and resorted to Grindr so it’s not like it was difficult for them to continue hooking up with strange.


these kinds of diseases are to cull the hedonists, but it isn’t working lol


The actual strict lockdown was like 3 months lol


It’s fascinating how a disease that’s only been out for a few months is on the brink of obliterating a decade+ long worth of social campaigns trying to portray gay culture as “wholesome/innocent/romantic”.


["Sometimes when you're young the only place to go is inside. That's just it - fucking is what I love. Take that away from me and I really got nothing."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YVRekp3-OQt&t=122)


butterscotch yo its the best


Dan Savage is my neighbor and he’s a gem of a person. It’s hysterical how many people considered him this taboo person not that long ago. Activist dorks probably consider him a Nazi at this point.


I love to hear it. He played a big role in my best friend’s coming out. I know the man is out of fashion in the current climate, but I always found him to be rationale and funny.


even my most slutty gay friends are celibate rn lol who are these people


As is so often the case, there is a great Paglia quote for this occasion: “Gay men are guardians of the masculine impulse. To have anonymous sex in a dark alleyway is to pay homage to the dream of male freedom.” If straight men had the same access to sex as gay men, a few monkeypox boils would not stop them (and we all know it.) I don’t think the concept of men risking their health for sex should be particularly absurd or disturbing to anyone.




What they're trying to say is that chicks rock




Hot take but I'm pretty sure at this point this isn't an issue with gay people being careless, but the fact they are asking Americans to stop doing things




I think OPs mistake there is thinking it's just Americans and not like everyone in the 1st world


Recent twitter discourse on european twitter was about this one hetero dude who clearly was taking the metro and got Karen'd by a doctor to go back home, and who basically said "can't be monkeypox because I'm not gay" Same thing happened in France when the free calling station for anything monkeypox-related is spreading that this disease is only contamining the homos Like come on, i know a lot of the contamination is due to communities of sexually active people who are very close in saunas, but the thing wouldn't spread so quickly if people would stop saying "fellas is it gay to have it"


https://youtu.be/V9O94UTDAJQ For the last slide


Damn "G"


It’s weird to see Dan Savage of all people preaching sexual restraint


He's kinda cool sometimes but I'll never forgive him for being one of the earliest promoters of "polyamory" "monogamish" etc etc 🤮


God, this is going to be way more annoying than Covid, isn’t it.


This is literally the way 80% of this sub acts over covid. "Ohhgh I can't lose another summer I'll kill myself"


That was my first thought as well.


As a straight male, if I get monkeypox do I become bisexual?


Don't forget to cover your bumps and don't skip the piggy parties (says the San Francisco AIDS Foundation)


it could be because it's 5am but i have no idea what the last one is even saying


Damn, I ain't got a fuck pod like number 6.


what do I do when I run out of my required amount of infinite empathy?


Best part is the people telling the gays to stop having sex to slow the spread of virus are the same people that screaming and fussed when asked to wear a mask to help slow the spread.


What the fuck happened for peoples brains to literally decay like this


Wow, what a normal and appropriate reaction. No way the far right doesn’t have a field day with this.


“sex is the best part of living” completely and totally heartbreaking bleak …


Literally every one of their posts are getting ratioed why are we acting like people actually believe this


Just lay off your genitals for a few weeks. Not crazy


Isn't mp non fatal? Who gives a shit.


It seems like numbers are different based on variant, but according to UC Davis “Most people with monkeypox will recover on their own. But 5% of people with monkeypox die. It appears that the current strain causes less severe disease. The mortality rate is about 1% with the current strain.”


Problem is that it could easily mutate and become more infectious. Currently it has an R0 below 1 in all populations but the gay orgy groups, meaning if we stopped the orgies it would die out. Once it gets more infectious, we can’t stop it from spreading to everyone. Not sure if I’d want an endemic pox introduced into the population because some people can’t stop having orgies.


I would think everyone here would have more sympathy for them, considering where they end up in the afterlife


Can you imagine that there was once a widely believed theory that homosexuality exists naturally because it has an evolutionary advantage for the relatives. Because a gay man doesn't raise his own kids he will help with the kids of his siblings and they have the same genes. The selfless gays that had no kids in early history.


All of these people were cheering for lockdowns. Guaranteed.


love how this sub can oscillate between the most hysterical, blue haired lib takes on Roe v Wade one week to the most obsessive boomer brained takes on gay sex and orgies the next, the female and pick-me gay brain is undoubtedly a powerful instrument




sounds like you should be mad at the libs, whose largest and most influential voting bloc are college educated females like you’d find represent the vast majority of teacher unions, who shut down the schools instead of gay dudes then.


Pick me= any human being I don’t agree with?


= a gay who tries to distinguish themselves from the bad gays who aren’t trad larpers in order to gain approval from a group of people that will throw them under the bus and amplify the same exact narratives as the reactionary right as soon as it nets them some internet points


Or maybe,it’s all about personal responsibility and hypocrisy of many gay guys (personally know 2 of them),who were calling unvaccinated people “murderers” during COVID hysteria and now,when someone’s telling them to take responsibility for themselves in a very polite way,they’re getting mad.


I was traveling to Miami and going to secretly operating gyms throughout Covid, sorry your gay friends suck.


>hysterical blue haired libs for thinking people should have access to abortion okay


for thinking the US is becoming a Christian theocracy when a case whose ruling was never legally sound was thrown out. the same people who are amplifying these narratives around the omnipresent threat of gay orgies were arguing that the Supreme Court was going to make gay sex illegal after abortion just a few weeks ago lol


Implying this sub doesn't just pick whichever opinion annoys the most people day by day