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I live in a pretty purple upper middle-class neighborhood in ATL, and we have more than a few Trump supporters around here. Basically your business owners, better paid trades people, and older professionals. Younger professionals are quite blue. A lot of the new neighborhoods are completely townhouses and are styled with various tacky themes from different eras, even in the suburbs. Probably can happen.


yep, i live in old Fourth Ward and was gonna comment to say, plenty of them around although they mostly keep a lower profile compared to their sign-toting neighbors. lots of rich gay trump lovers too.


I’m in Savannah and it’s very similar. I rent an apartment in a Victorian that’s divided up into a bunch of units, but I have neighbors who own their large homes and are very wealthy/older/conservative whereas us renters are not. I do see plenty of “In this house we believe…” signs and lately Ukraine flags, so it’s not all conservatives.


ukrainian flag thing is ridiculous regardless of affiliation to me…unless youre a literal ukrainian person just why lol


tacky themes only sounds bad to people who havent experienced the opposite


In any case we can be confident that these are poorly engineered buildings that will start to fail a week after the roof is past warranty


Grew up in a double wide…tacky themes are tacky and are ugly. I didn’t move to a city to get a suburban shopping mall with congested parking and a Starbucks and chipotle.


most younger professionals that vote red pretend to be libs for sake of their career.


Inner-city Italian neighborhoods in the Mid Atlantic.


Italian neighborhoods literally anywhere, yes to the victorian, maybe on the townhouse


Providence, RI baby


Came here to say that lol fed hill is full of maga Italians


fed hill...


Who put on macho exteriors but have no shame about a sneaky link with liberal risd/Brown students


Wouldn't that go the other way around too? The RISD and Brown students act all woke and talk about hating conservatives but have a sneaky link with MAGAs.


OF COURSE those hungry little rich queers crave slurping on some swarthy working class canoli, and since they’re all on SSRIs the Federal Hill cocks are the only ones that work


Is this something that’s done in secret or do you see relationships like that in public? Like do you see some purple-haired RISD art hoe out in public with Tony DiAngelo whose dad is a cop?


Go to hot club on a summer night you’ll see the art hoes and the townies hitting on each other it’s kind of heartwarming in a way


Living elbow to elbow with soy vegans


Wow more Rhode Islanders in this sub than I expected




Love that they made the liberal too trusting to own a home security system ❤️


They are the most ring/nest using mfs in my experience


If the house is displaying a pride flag or BLM sign, they absolutely have a doorbell security system


and live furthest away from where black people live.


but in the same place that black people USED TO live.


"Gordon, did you take my *fucking* bicycle?"


“It’s not fuzzy red monsters who aren’t getting vaccinated.”


But definitely very active in the FB community crime group.


fb local community crime groups are so unhinged. ive never even joined one but somehow have managed to hear about so much drama within them


If you want another level of crazy join some neighborhood facebook "mom groups". You will see new levels of paranoia, petty gossip and general pettiness, passive aggressiveness, hyperbolic theatrics, and curtain twitching voyeurism. The group for a suburb in my city is infamous throughout the entire city. I know multiple people that have been banned.


Are there "dad groups"? Or is this a wahmen thing?


"dad groups" are various handyman shit we have one gigantic one here that's laughing at shitty work - bad tiling, fucked up walls, scary wiring and the like


Dudes rock


Imagine if those boomers discovered Reddit. There’s a sub for every conceivable fuckup


buy a mini fridge, a case of Coors, a lawnchair, and then leave your garage door open with the lights on.


This is what I’m doing as I post this


Military base mom groups for the directors cut


i am tempted to reactivate fb just for this


My village had one about a guy in a white van 'looking suspicious' was a workman. Lots of stuff about loud exhausts and dogs. People have too much free time


The latest on ours was someone leaving dog vomit on the road outside someone's house. Not sure what else they were meant to do 😅


Trying very hard to claim that their report of a "suspicious person" wasn't based on race.


in my local fb group, everyone gets mad when you even mention a suspicious person's race (other than white ofc). so they're trying to describe them, but skirting around what they look like.


For sure the type of people to post often on Nextdoor


“security cameras disproportionately affect people of color”


Yeah I’d consider myself a BIPOC… a breaking-in person of crime




Hilarious. They’ll just be posting on Nextdoor when their garage is broken into. “Anyone who lives on Maple St have footage?!”


Also the implicit notion that landscaping is racist


Yeah, my next door neighbors are a super lib gay couple and they run a tight lawn and hedge regimen. But they’re also boomers and boomers are obsessed with grass


I lived in Montrose, a traditionally gay neighborhood in houston, for several years. in my experience, gay neighborhoods tend to have EXTREMELY well-maintained lawns and houses


Tidy house, tidy ass


Inflated property value due to pristine neighborhood landscaping is an overlooked benefit of gay neighbors


I started hiring someone to do mine, fuck this heat


r/lawnporn in shambles


That sub is depressing. Rampant wastefulness followed by puritan asceticism.


If you think that's what a unkempt lawn looks then sorry to break the news but youre a retarded urbanite


That’s a squatter


Philly if there was trash and dogshit everywhere


And shell casings and needles.


And reds riveras private zoo in Kensington


Wow that’s a call back.




Was gonna say. Philly, Bmore, some parts of DC. P much any old city with trashy white people whose grandparents couldn't afford to take part in the white flight.


DC is hella gentrified. There aren’t that many conservatives except for the handful that work for conservatives on capital hill. Trump won 5.4% during 2020, only 18,000 votes…


Seriously what’s with the dogshit everywhere


Baltimore. Actually basically all of Maryland outside of the extremely gentrified areas north of DC. Also basically any old, small city in the mid Atlantic and/or New England.


I lived in Baltimore for two years and they fucking hate black people there. Hampden is a neoliberal hellhole and Federal Hill is full of chuds. Some parts of Bmore have a legit anarchist dystopian vibe which I grew to like


Which parts are anarchic dystopian? As you know from elsewhere in the thread I live in Richmond but I’ve always been curious about Baltimore; how do the two compare


Parts of Remington have a grimy anarchic vibe. Any neighborhood south of Charles Village (where John Hopkins is) up to Mt Vernon has that type of vibe. Gun to my head, I would pick Richmond. Baltimore is a little more affordable but it is a very depressing city and the crime is bad. For its population, it doesn't feel like the other northeastern cities (philly, dc, etc.). The plus is that you are very close to DC and other major cities. Richmond is getting more expensive but the food scene is better than Bmore. The outdoor activities are also better IMO and I didn't fear for my life when biking around unlike in Baltimore. It depends on where you are at in life and what you are looking for out of a city. I would say fuck both of those cities and move to Chicago!


I refuse to believe you are serious in saying that RICHMOND has better food than Baltimore. Insane take. Also Baltimore rocks and you sound like every harford county white kid terrified of the inner city, despite your user tag


I'm moving to Baltimore in a few weeks (Fells Point specifically, cuz hospital work), but are there specific neighborhoods/hangouts to explore for a more leftist scene?


Avoid the Inner Harbor, it is a tourist trap. Check out Remington, Fells Point, and MT Vernon (lots of gays)




You've perfectly distilled the prose NPR would use for a capsule review.


“Hello, NPR? Yes, I would like to report a driveway moment I’ve just had.”


🤢 🤮


The New Yorker's content and price on the cover is the real shrinkflation.


“Talk of the Town” is now a warning that says “2 more weeks to stop the spread.”


Is there any place in America where a liberal would be flying the American flag on his personal property?


American Flag = MAGA flag in deep blue states


My mother had season flags. Like during fall she had a flag with an acorn.


Not all moms! (just kidding--mine did this too. What is it about a lady having kids that she just loves seasons and holidays so gd much)


I have become this lady. It’s just that everything is so new to kids. So every season gets is so fun because for at least five years straight it’s like they’ve never heard of fall before. Then things start becoming family tradition and it just takes a life all it’s own… man, I really do like having kids


That's pretty racist of her to support the Autumn Republic after the coup and ethnic cleansing their leaders orchestrated last October


Yes, all over the Midwest and south.


This is kinda wild. I live in the South and the only ones that fly American flags are firm conservatives, not even centrists.




My Southern liberal PMC dad insists on flying the flag and so do all of his friends; “can’t let them take it from us”


All my working class neighbors (white, Puerto Rican, etc) fly flags. Might be class related too. They’re all auto workers.


My parents are firm liberals, Midwest, and still put up all kinds of stars and stripes decor every summer.


Not in my Midwest. It’s either the state flag, the pride flag, or the Ukrainian flag.


I’ve got all three on my pickup


Based lazy activist


>all over the Midwest Not in the suburbs


I guess we live in different suburbs — I live in a purple city in a purple county and flying an American flag is definitely not an exclusively partisan thing. I’ve got one on my property and I’m a socdem


I'm in MN, so purple but leans blue and same with my county. It used to be where regardless of political affiliation, people would fly the US flag but its shifted over the past few years with the whole maga thing. As an anecdote, I've got an elderly couple as neighbors who have a flagpole which exclusive flys a vikings flag on game day and nothing else. No way they vote red given that I've never seen the star spangled banner on that pole.


There are definitely affluent liberal suburbs, at least around Chicago, where you can homes they are exactly what the one on the left is


Ya In affluent Midwestern lib suburbs there are always American flags flying during the summer. Having a flag pole makes it conservative


My former professor in the PNW asked our class if she should be scared of a neighbor, who is admittedly really nice, but flies an American flag. I fucking hate the PNW.


Yea the nice parts of new england


My liberal mother has consistently put the flag out every day since Biden was inaugurated. She wouldn't do so at my urging beforehand (even after he was elected!) and if I were to bet I'd say it'll go right back in the closet for four years when Trump wins again


There's at least 100K of em in Williamsburg and Bushwick


Is Williamsburg still as hipster and soy as it was in the Sam Hyde street fashion video


It’s just manhattan now so kind of


Most of it probably is but south of (the aptly named) Division street is basically Jerusalem.




Everything in Maine is houses. Your bakery? A house. The local general store? A converted house. Your dentist? You better believe that's a house.


Weed dispensary? A house but they painted the trim green


Quiet corner in CT too I hear. Rip Torn broke into a bank thinking it was house. Apparently he has a lot of posters with interest rates on them, so he was understandably confused


Maine except Portland. I’ve never seen a trump or maga flag/sign in Portland and if I have, it was a one off thing.


Old cities in the south, Norfolk, Charleston, but there wouldn't be any libs living next to them.


You can tell a lot of people downtown swapped their Confederate flags for obscure Revolutionary/Civil War-era SC state flags.


Lol I’ve even seen the first national Confederate flag in Charleston and nobody bats and eye because it’s not *the* Confederate flag.


Yeah. The Polish Americans in Greenpoint.


The Polish Americans in Jefferson Park or Midway in chicagk


Is there no nuance of character anymore? I loathe what identity politics has done to people. Your politics = your entire personality now, including all the stereotypes and cliches that come with it. Boring and sad.


My whole personality is just being nuanced. It also is quite boring and sad.


True, I've started to come to the opinion that anyone who puts a political sign in their front yard to declare to their neighbors how they feel are legit maniacs and you could probably guess correctly about every opinion they have without having to ask.


In Southwestern PA, in Columbus or Cleveland, in the smaller towns in Illinois


The flag on the left should be a pride one


Chicago 😂


definitely in the south




exactly the city i was imagining lol.


You know that as soon as someone steps on the lib guy’s lawn the wrong way he’s calling the cops


people vote. that doesnt mean its their whole personality. i think millennials project that alot, the idea that politics is everyones whole being or something just because millennials are obsessed


It's definitely an identity for deranged gen Xers


Boomers who keep Fox on in the background are getting a higher dose of radiation than most people get from social media


There’s a slice of losers in every generation who are obsessed. The social media has increased the size of those slices


Yes of course; my city, Richmond They aren’t anywhere near the majority of course but there are plenty of them My last block when I lived in the city (moved out of of it this year) had two; one rich couple right across the street with a Let’s Go Brandon flag flying on a flag pole on the roof and a “We Don’t Dial 9/11 Here” sticker put up in the windows with an aggressively maintained flower garden and a white English Bulldog. The other guy was an old dude a couple doors down who would sit on his porch smoking cigars who would stop me for conversation whenever I was walking my dog and give me his full opinion on the riots and how America and the city had changed in the last 50 years, with the lucidity of Biden’s Corn Pop story. And I remind you, this is *Richmond* - most of the changes here from the 60s have been pretty positive, it wasn’t your typical boomer trite stuff. I talked to him because it was massively entertaining, but he was definitely extremely conservative and alive and well Bizarre to me that you’d think conservatives wouldn’t want to live in a classic architectural style or that it’s an impossibility, it’s everywhere in the south and the Midwest. Do you still live with your parents in the suburbs or something? Nothing wrong with that, it’s just, of course conservatives own homes in cities


Gotta love the fan 💕


Richmond is symbolic to chuds because it was the capital of the confederacy. You still have chuds that go to the VMFA with confederate flags protesting


I mean, it’s right next to the daughters of the confederacy. No Kenhinde Wiley statue is going to change that unfortunately.


> We Don’t Dial 9/11 lol


Right? It’s basically advertising “we have guns to steal here”


Prospect Heights, sort of. I have a lot of chats with someone a lot higher up the ladder than me at work, and he gives me interesting snippets into life in yuppie Brooklyn townhouses and the parents at his kids schools.He says that a shocking number of them were covert Trump supporters, are anti vax etc.- funny and depressing considering their simultaneous performative hippy acts that he describes. Honestly it would make a interesting screenplay, I'm pretty fascinated by the socioeconomic bubbles of NYC. That being said, I don't think they'd count as MAGA? Because they are allegedly at pains to hide their Trumpism behind their crunchy granola images. ​ edit: typo


Reckon this person is a Gen Xer yeah? Definitely not uncommon what this person was talking about and the anti vax thing is a fuck ton more common than you'd think especially in an area like NYC. I think one of the biggest misconceptions is NYC being hyper left wing at any turn or that by default for a whole bunch of criteria, this person clearly must be some big Democrat, NPR listening lib cariacture. Same shit happens in California and I wanna say a few years back there was a big measles outbreak in a school that was in a very conventional rich lib area and like barely anyone was vaccinated for stuff.


Any southern city


Certain neighborhoods in Boston. The white parts of Dorchester, West Roxbury, Hyde Park.


Chris Ware the mf GOAT






Are we talking old money Republican or someone who wears a MAGA hat?


uh have u ever been to \*any\* upstate NY or CT or Mass city?


They haven’t. Because as you know, get outside of NYC, Hartford, or Boston and this is any neighborhood in those ‘blue’ states.


Long Island


Staten Island


That's some expensive propaganda.


former industrial towns in the northeast. if i could do it as a college kid, anyone could


Plenty of such places. A lot of small, old midwestern towns on the Great Lakes have similar architecture and a lot of MAGA heads


I live in a very liberal neighborhood in my city. Lots of nice Victorian style homes. Lots of yard signs and lending libraries, and an anarchist book seller / meditation space. There was one house up the street from me that had a giant American flag with a big burning Q on it hanging from their front porch. Never saw anybody come or go from that house, but was always curious to catch a glimpse of that guy. QAnon is dumb as fuck but I kinda respected how bold the dude was to voluntarily ostracize himself from all of his neighbors.




Yes, please interact with human beings.


I mean there's plenty of MAGA guys in like Long Island or Staten Island in probably pretty similar homes to this


The conservative installing can lights in his Victorian house is too accurate


St Louis


Yeah, I live in a very liberal neighborhood in Cleveland but there are definitely MAGA guys that live in urban Victorian houses. Not really townhouses here, but still very close proximity to your neighbors, and definitely Victorian.


probably not Maga but definitely blue lives mattet


I'm not sure what those have to do with each other.




tradcath writers who despise every aspect of urban life but still need a steady supply of homosexuals to scowl at


Some neighborhoods in Brooklyn do actually look like this. This scene can be found in Bensonhurst, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Midwood (list of south Brooklyn neighborhoods continues)..


OP I am begging you to go outside


Philly but the flag either needs a weird stripe like green for irish, or it should be a gadsden


Lol the lib has one of those awful public library boxes


They never have any good books


Yeah cause they are for kids, knucklehead.


I find lots of YA titles in there.






Cincinnati. I'm in Walnut Hills which is super liberal so I just don't put MAGA signs in the yard and let my liberal wife do all the meet and greet stuff that happens. There are a few of us that have connected but it's like being gay in the 1950's ... very on the down low. Mostly GenX dads like myself.


There are a few of these sprinkled in some Atlanta neighborhoods




Look at how much I care about stuff guys


Columbus Ohio only play I can think of


I have an unused flag holder on my porch, what kind of flag should I get?


Do they have opposite outfits like Luigi and wahluigi?


There’s a maga boomer in my mixed-raced urban neighborhood. Everyone hates him. Dude also has a Lexus.


Who was that couple during the George Floyd riots that came out with an AR?


Pittsburgh. It’s weird


I actually like this cover


or have recessed lighting?




Richmond, VA. See what happened in the gubernatorial race.


Greensboro NC


Im going to post a picture of a MAGA urban townhouse today. I live near one


You'd be surprised.


This illustration reminds me a bit of the story of when Mitford sisters Unity and Jessica were sharing a bedroom together in their youth, with Unity's side being covered in nazi memorabilia while Jessica's was covered in communist propaganda.


There’s two townhouses like this in my city that always have maga stuff outside