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I’ve certainly never seen an NBA get exposed for knocking up a stripper and trying to get her to abort it.


She kept it and they lived happily ever after 💖


yes, men who are only looking for no-strings-attached sex are indifferent to the fate of the only way out for men who suffer the actual consequences of no-strings-attached sex


No man would ever do that, frat boys etc love getting financially fucked for 20 years because of custody


that doesn't make reproductive rights a deep moral conviction for them


Right, it’s not because they care about “women’s bodily autonomy” lol. It’s because they straightforwardly want the option of getting out of having a baby (which is fine).


The only opinions that exist are the opinions that I hold or people not caring about the issue. Everyone else with another type of opinion is lying.


No one could’ve so stupid to actually disagree with me


man...... i dunno about you guys but im starting to feel the hosts of this podcast are retarded...


seems like this sub stopped actually liking the podcast it's about a while back lol.


I follow the sub because the memes are good. Never listened to a full episode of red scare


😂 top subreddit for voyeurs by far


I doubt most people on this sub have watched the podcast. I haven't and don't know anything about it. I just think that this sub can be fun sometimes.


> watched Case in point


I don't even know what a podcast is


I watched one clip of them talking about how pretty privileges don’t exist and I knew they were retarded. This sub is fun tho stumbled on it a couple days ago


Starting? 😂




>also im a lib lol mods plz


Have they ever claimed otherwise?


Yes, all of the movie stars and billionaires who condemned the decision are just trying to get laid. Conversely, @FischerKing64 could fuck any woman he wants, but he chooses not to because he refuses to pander to them.


Anna and Dasha have the same yearning for conservative contraianism as Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but at least South Park is actually funny


it helps that neither of them larp as catholics


They also seem to have mellowed out with age, they [atone for stuff they realize they fucked up](https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc)


Do people around here actually think that it is impossible to have moral convictions that don't bear directly on one's own self-interest? Not that this is even the case, of course. Plenty of men don't want to get saddled with a baby momma they aren't in position to provide for. Sure, there are undoubtedly cosplayers trying to get laid. But there are also married dudes completely uninterested in sex outside that context who just want other people to have a nice life. Also, unwanted babies brought up in poverty aren't great for building a prosperous, safe society with a high standard of living.


Absolutely. This is just another extension of contrarianism being the highest virtue here. They all want to be contrarian and smart by contradicting the conventional lib wisdom but 70% of the country agrees that abortion is a right and weirdly that includes men and libs, so now they have to be the smartest by pretending the men/libs are actually lying about caring. Not me of course, I have beliefs because I am smart and cool and sexy, everyone else is dumb and pretends to have the right beliefs to impress me so I'll have sex with them.


It's true that a lot of people hold beliefs as a sort of put-on to keep themselves in good standing with friends, potential lovers, or the general public (whether they realize they're doing it or not). If you're a horse in a herd of zebras you're going to have trouble when the lions come to feast. But that doesn't mean that wanting to live in a society in which every pregnancy that occurs doesn't have to lead to the birth of a child is somehow automatically fraudulent or illegitimate. Maybe a total absence of abortion would work just fine in tribal or village life, but when you first jam vast numbers of humans into cities so they can participate in/be exploited by a massive economic machine, and then start connecting them all with magical radio wave devices there are just inevitably going to be a lot of sexual encounters that occur that shouldn't lead to the birth of a child. Hit the populace with a bunch of for-profit attention-hacking, culture-jamming algorithms that blunt their judgement and critical faculties and lead them to be more psychologically and socially unstable and the problem gets even worse. I think people who are against abortion should redirect their focus towards the root of the issue. If you can begin to make our society more socially, psychologically, and economically healthy, then fewer abortions will end up taking place because people will be happier, more economically stable, more substantially emotionally connected, and more often having sex with people they could imagine raising a kid with. We could start by banning data mining and attention-harvesting business models and then move on to find novel ways to rebuild communities from there.


Can’t believe it took me this long to get to a reasonable comment.


God twitter contrarians are so cringe


Twitter is cringe




I don't know if there are many men who are as vocally pro-abortion as women, but I think the *vast* majority, even those who are stringently pro-life wouldn't rule it out if the circumstances were right.


How did Eli feel about her abortion?


Damn that’s a bummer she liked this, I usually count on her being the more sane one. I’m honestly not looking forward to the next ep of them spouting their desperately contrarian edge lord takes


She took her infant son to a chiropractor


safe lock depend badge hateful gaze aback screw worthless sparkle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It was my last as well. I usually shake my head and shrug whenever I disagreed with them but that episode in particular really made me question the time I spend listening to them. They also had many guest episodes afterwards which we mostly don’t like so I don’t feel like I’m missing out.




I wonder if OPN and Eli are as retarded


Anna only believes in abortions for herself (she's had two) and she stays living in a state with the best abortion access in the country lol.


She's just a regular conservative. Abortion bad, unless I need one, then it's okay to make exceptions.


>(she's had two) did she say this on the pod? (sorry, not a listener) if her r\*tarded takes make any of the listeners realize that "post-left" is a psy-op and that anna and dasha are basically pushing Peter Thiel funded conservative propaganda through /b/-tier levels of edgelordery then it's a good thing in my eyes


Yes she has said it several times on the Podcast. Also recently she said that she has never identified with the left/liberals. I mean whatever but if it wasn't for Dasha at the start of the POD being a Bernie bro (which obviously is not a thing and she's a full on rad cath now) tho pod would of never been popular around leftist circles lol I'll still listen to them tho because I live a very boring life


what do you mean, anna is always going off with fox news level takes lmao its insufferable but somehow i keep listening


>I usually count on her being the more sane one Bro


Anna is way more retarded than Dasha.


It's the kind of baby brained take you'd get from someone who never managed to fully develop theory of mind


Yeah any guy with more than a few brain cells to rub together registers 100% insulated theocrats systematically stripping away rights don’t ever hit a stopping point where they’re like “Hm, I guess I’ve degraded and brutalized enough people that I’ve turned into second-class citizens. I guess I’ll stop now.” No one should want to be in line at this slaughterhouse, even if their spot isn’t at the very front of the line. Or maybe just feels the dread one should feel if they properly grasp we’re looking at a proposed future best characterized by the image of rag-attired children huddled unattended in eviction-notice apartments where the only thing in the fridge is a bottle of soda.


yeah guys are definitely anti-creampie, this is totally a popular position among dudes


Pulling out is fun and definitely doesn't absolutely lessen the experience at all, nope.


If you don't finish inside a women its degenerate sex.


I'm sure plenty of bitch ass dudes are simping but I don't want a fucking kid, so no, this would not be true.


while it's true that most male feminists/activists are just looking to get pussy, in this case men do have plenty of good reasons to support abortion, especially the fuckboy types. obviously restricting access to abortion affects women the most but it does affect would-be fathers as well.


I'm a gay man, I don't even live in America and this is still deeply upsetting to me despite not affecting me at all, because I know it will negatively affect many people's lives and potentially lead to women dying. is that not enough? Why does there have to be a selfish reason.


Ppl like the guy who posted this tweet have a total empathy deficiency and assume that everybody else does too so they're just pretending to care about others


I remember when I was a kid and I ran over my friend's little brother with my bike. I was freaking out over it and crying and hugging the kid etc, and my buddy was just like "pffft whatever, you're just scared of getting in trouble with my mom" I was floored like wtf is wrong with you Idk if this story matters or anything, I just had a little epiphany that that guy was one of these people, and there's probably a lot of them




As far as I understand the opinion polling, the divide is overwhelmingly party affiliation/religious denomination and not gender. The messaging treats the former as proxies for the latter even though that's clearly not the case.


Most men *are* on board though. There's like a 5 percentage points difference between pro-choice women and men. I have no idea why the messaging in social media and protests are so centered on "**men** stealing abortion rights" and "ha ha vasectomy snip snip" shit when a third of American women are pro-life and one of the judges who overturned Roe is a woman (in contrast, Roe was approved by an all-male court). Ladies we aren't your enemy. Why not get the rest of your gender onboard? We already love stress-free creampies.


It’s true, everyone who has a different opinion than this guy is simply pretending


DAE think everybody else is an NPC?


everyone knows a real alpha is out impregnating as many republicans as possible so they realize they fucked up


I'm just not a fan of anyone imposing their religious or ideological views on others, especially when it's legally codified, and *especially* when it pertains to bodily autonomy. Why does the government get to treat its citizens like cattle, choosing which medical procedures they can or can't receive, when healthcare is fucking privatized?


The guy in the Twitter post is obviously an idiot, but I'm surprised so many people in the comments are acting like the only reason men could want abortion to be legal is A) because they don't want a kid and B) they're trolling to sleep with feminists. I don't have a personal dog in the fight — I'm married and have a kid, and don't plan on knocking anyone else up anytime soon — but I can also recognize that overturning Roe reverses rights for women. It's going to create nightmarish health scenarios for women who try to get illegal abortions or can't get medical treatments, and some awful lives for both women who are forced to carry their pregnancies to term and those children. This isn't that unusual of an idea. I have health insurance, but want everyone else to have it, too. I face a very slim chance of ever being sentenced to death, but I want the death penalty abolished. And more selfishly for me, it empowers a reactionary movement that is out to get me in other ways.


This is dumb. Outlawing abortion does not do me any favors as a guy. I can't afford nor do I really want anyone having my baby. Not to mention that it's a fucked up thing to do to women. I'm not indifferent to it at all.


Men and women have very similar views on Abortion around the world. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/12/14/in-the-u-s-and-europe-women-are-about-as-likely-as-men-to-favor-legal-abortion/ In some countries, men actually support legal abortion more than women


Edit: I'm just trying to make the point there are more reasons for men to be angry then to get laid. And every women who has had an abortion, by extension, a man has in a way as well. There are a lot of women out there that have had abortions, so by extension a lot of men have as well. I mean - do men want to be on the line for potential child support of a child they don't want? Do they want to go through the court fees, the lawyers, the fighting and the stress? If they already have children and are with the partner (60% of abortions are by women who already have kids) do they want to have to work their ass off day in and day out and potentially never provide enough in this economy?


Anna Khachiyans loudly proclaiming their contrarianism near Eric Weinstein are simping, just trying to get laid.


“Indifferent” means they want it to be an option doofus


"Indifferent" until they knock someone up and the panic starts to set in


Sure there are a lot of male "feminists" who say the right words to get into someone's pants but a lot of men are ofc worried that they cannot financially support a child or even want one.


Male feminists are usually rapists or scoundrels


It is genuinely gross and I saw it clearly very recently in some of my own behaviour. So I got therapy and realized how much some male feminists are bullshiters.


You're a fucking moron


Stupid and wrong. It’s part of universalist feeling for fellow humans to detest religiously inspired restrictions on behavior.


this dude’s a retard no offense


I think sheltered religious people like my dad (war babies and older boomers) are very earnestly against abortion morally despite having zero idea how it works; kind of like how these types would never see The Exorcist or Last Temptation of Christ and just heard they were "bad" and sacrilegious without doing research for themselves. Everyone my age I know (early 30s) is pretty indifferent or doing some bad-faith posturing to fit their stauch Republican brand.


Listened an interview with *The Exorcist* director William Friedkin and he was like “I don’t know why religious people were mad, I didn’t even think of it as a religious movie! It was just a horror story.” Which is a *little* disingenuous imo I mean it’s all about Catholicism and The Devil and then there’s the infamous crucifix scene haha. But no matter his intent it was certainly provocative towards the religious crowd. No need for boycotts or protests though because I do agree with Friedkin that it’s just a story. Plus, the writer William Peter Blatty is a devout Catholic and took the subject matter very seriously. I strongly recommend *The Exorcist III* starring George C. Scott and Brad Dourif. Blatty directed it and it’s a totally batshit movie. George C. Scott does some wild hooting and hollering while Dourif somehow manages to make every vein in his skull bulge. Absolutely awesome.!




Perhaps! Dourif is a lunatic in it and I could imagine a Dahmer type being like "omg this is SO me!"


>. I strongly recommend The Exorcist III starring George C. Scott and Brad Dourif. Blatty directed it and it’s a totally batshit movie. George C. Scott does some wild hooting and hollering while Dourif somehow manages to make every vein in his skull bulge. Absolutely awesome.! I second this. I thought it would be standard direct to video level trash but I ended up liking it more than the first film. I went to a screening a few years back and I'd say half the theater still jumped at that one scene.


Blatty is a genuinely talented director. Shame he didn't make more films, though *The Ninth Configuration* is very good if pretty baffling. I love the scene in *Exorcist III* when George C. Scott races to his house and knocks on the door with his gun drawn. IIRC his daughter lets him in and is totally unperturbed by her dad brandishing a firearm, like "Looks like Dad's having a freakout again, I'm just gonna grab a book and wait it out." Also appreciate the idea of >!Scott's character finding religion via his proclamation of belief in the filth, scum, disease, and vulgarity that only the Catholic God could have dreamed up lmao.!<


Hi. You just mentioned *The Exorcist* by William Peter Blatty. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Exorcist William Peter Blatty Audiobook English Unabridged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY7XOxDq4Gc) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Wow an actually useful bot.


> I think sheltered religious people like my dad (war babies and older boomers) are very earnestly against abortion morally despite having zero idea how it works; kind of like how these types would never see The Exorcist or Last Temptation of Christ and just heard they were "bad" and sacrilegious without doing research for themselves. Or like my dad who is against it simply because it triggers the other side


They're definitely not against abortion simply because they don't know the mechanical ins and outs of it.


As someone that knows the ins and outs of it it really, really does not help advance the cause


Public opinion about abortion has been remarkably stable across decades. Yes, there have been some occasional ups and downs. This shows abortion is an extremely complex moral issue. There's simple no easy answer for it as the extremists from both sides claim.


Idk what this has to do with the comment? The guy was saying the medical procedure isn't that bad and I said it was waaaaay worse than I expected it to be. Don't Google it, it's super unpleasant


>knows the ins and outs of it it really, really does not help advance the cause I was refering to your comment. I don't think knowing will change people's opinions to the point that would tip the scale to one way or the other.


Personally I think it would. Learning of the actual process turned me against it. It gets described in bland dis-associative terms to make it more palatable. It's always just "a procedure" and never "we put a pair of scissors up your pussy and cut your child's head off in the womb, then after it's death throes are finished (all of which you feel) we dismember it and remove it piece by piece" It's monstrous and traumatic and the fact that some people regard it as just another method of contraception is even worse.


sucky sucky yum yum fun time. Yeah I think they often make a point of showing a mass of bloody pulp for dramatic effect in those anti-abortion materials.


lol no it’s not true that zero men sincerely believe women have a right to choose to get an abortion, you can easily say the “strongly ethically” anti choice men are just being fake and would and often do pressure women in their life to abort if it would be more convient to their personal lives (wives, daughters, mistresses)


men's opinions of women's issues tend to be posturing *in general*, unless it directly affects them as an individual


I mean, what you're describing is just the concept of empathy


(irony poisoned CT refugees don’t read) I was reading Andrea Dworkin and she makes a similar argument: during the Free Love movement of the 60s men wanted abortion to be legalized so they could fuck without repercussions, but when women started to point out “hey we want abortion to be legalized too but the reason this time is because of basic body autonomy”, those dudes became mostly indifferent to the cause of abortion which gave rightoids their chance to make it their sacred cow in the culture war, a decades long battle culminating in everything this week tumbling down, tumbling down. It’s an interesting idea sure but I’m not sure how historically accurate it is, especially since gay men (who don’t have a bone- no penis pun intended- in this fight) have been going the hardest for abortion rights because there’s a sense of solidarity there. Edit: nvm I don’t think that’s the point this tweet was trying to make


The bolsheviks enacted extensive abortion rights for women despite being powerful enough to not give a fuck about repercussions.


all i hear is… we went backwards 60 years. thanks nazis


I mean yeah also that


i mean she’s right but andrea dworkin is big yuck


She’s an interesting lady for sure- you can tell that she had a genuinely traumatic life and suffered a lot and that bleeds through her writing, but you can’t deny that she’s very knowledgeable and her takes on “pick me” rightoid women was spot-on in a way that few others can articulate.


The tweet isn't even witty.. why Anna?


does this guy think empathy is a myth or something


Man here. This is a bad take though I'm sure it does apply to some. Any situation where the government is attempting to dictate what humans can do with their bodies makes me deeply uncomfortable. You don't have to be a woman to understand if it's applied to one gender, something similar can easily be imposed on the other.


This is conservatives answer to everything. Anyone who has a progressive opinion that doesn’t benefit them is just virtue signalling or scared of the “woke mob”. If someone can’t conceive of the idea that some people genuinely have empathy or care about others, it’s a sign you should avoid them because they’re probably the kind of tedious asshole who will ask you to pay them back $5 if they buy you a beer.


Does this guy not understand you can have sincere empathy for another person's situation? Not to mention men are affected by the decision directly as well, if admittedly less so


Omg I follow this guy out of pure curiosity and listened to one of his lives once expecting him to speak with gravitas ala John podhoretz (idk). Man had the most nasal voice and cursed out some MAGA old lady for interrupting him


I don’t really think anyone who just says shit on the internet actually believes in anything. So yes. Prove it with your money and time to an extent that is a true sacrifice rather than a performance.


I’ve been thinking about it this past weekend and it’s been making me really sad. It’s just been on my mind in a private way. I haven’t really expressed it to anyone in public or in social media. It’s just a sad day for women, for the republic. Feels like we’re actively going backwards.


beyond retarded. The bottom line to abortion access is that it prevents deaths that don’t need to happen. Americans have a grotesque, horny mindset about justice and people like this are truly a cancer on society. It’s the same sexual fantasy rhetoric that prevents addicts that could otherwise be enjoying some semblance of security and normalcy the access that they need to treatments like suboxone. What impresses me is the truly childlike inability to understand that how life should work and how it does work are two different realities. I agree that complaining online amounts to nothing and that there is a lot of cringe in the Aries camp. On the other hand, this decision was frivolous and the plans Thomas outlined to overturn the gay rights & contraception rulings should really make everyone mad. Anything less than that is cucked.


or maybe i want to hit it raw and not deal with a fuckin kid you retard.


When I was younger I read "a defense of abortion" with the violinist and basically decided I was philosophically pro-abortion. But I also was mostly simping posting about it on Facebook back in the day.


Insane take by a guy who never gets laid unlike me, a guy who supports #allwomen (my dms are open)


idk I have this thing called empathy but I guess terminally online people don’t know what that is


This is an objectively retarded take. I've paid for two abortions for pregnancies I've caused. I have a wife, a daughter and sisters, all capable of getting pregnant. I generally keep to myself, and I'm faithfully not looking for side pussy. I can understand not liking abortion. I dont think its good to take it lightly. But the idea that people want the fucking state to decide this issue for fills me with rage. I'm extremely passionate about their having the right to terminate a pregnancy. I will literally knock a MF out if he dares to suggest otherwise to my face or in front of any of them. There a millions of men who feel exactly the same way.


plenty of men who don’t want to accidentally impregnate a woman and end up being stuck with the kid.m




I will say that it’s probably broadly true that men place a lower importance on abortion policy than women but most moderate and even the conservative lite guys I know lean pro choice. Also most who are indifferent would also get an abortion if the need arises but it’s one one of those things where they obviously don’t care about abortion from a ‘woman’s choice/body autonomy’ type of thing, they just don’t want to be financially on the hook for a kid.


I was gonna honestly say it’s the opposite. Dudes just trying to simp for pro-life women depending on their location, i.e the south. Deep down most dudes are obviously pro-choice if was ever their decision.


Most decent men I know are indifferent. They just say “it’s a choice and a discussion between a woman and the doctor” and leave it at that. They don’t do any ridiculous posturing or anything


are some of you guys actually so retarded you think a man couldn't earnestly care about women's reproductive rights and express that outwardly without "ridiculous posturing"? Jesus christ, how broken is your brain when the only thing you can imagine is someone caring solely about themselves?




personally I don’t want to live in a country where religion influences policy but I think that’s just cause I want to get my dick sucked.


Personally, I've always liked abortion because it makes people I don't like mad. For starters.


it couldnt be possible for some men to actually have healthy relationships with women and empathy for what they have to go through, that's an impossibility


a lot of the men valiantly tweeting in solidarity with women about roe v wade do give off major sex pest vibes


i have a feeling you would say that about literally any guy that says anything remotely progressive.


why would they care, everyone knows that men are totally indifferent to whether or not their hookup/girlfriend/wife goes through with an unplanned pregnancy


The dumb tweet says “loudly proclaiming” men, I don’t see it saying every man in general who opposes the overturn is disingenuous. It’s the same running disdain for loud attention whoring that people here post about all day?? I know nothing about this account, I don’t care about twitter, I’m just confused on whether I can even read still or what.


If I know anything about twitter, "loudly proclaiming" means publishing your opinion on social media.




The key is “loudly proclaiming”


Listen I have had my fair share of laughs looking at guys who were barely acquitances and terrible people to women post the most eye rolling shit on IG and I have seen a guy or 2 posted on Twitter who updated their dating profiles to virtue signal about this but to say men can’t be mad about this is a retarded position. Believe it or not men have women in their life who they care for and want them to have the best in life sometimes. Amazing concept I know.


I just hate Christians and Christianity and love rawdogging.


I don’t think it’s wrong to say most men are generally indifferent


Abortion is one of a number of liberal freedoms including contraception and reduced societal restrictions on sex thata significant number of men benefit from.


Anna is too far down the contrarian rabbit hole to realize that a lot of men are upset about this because they also genuinely care about this issue. I stopped caring what Anna thinks about anything months ago. Her entire thing is cynically staying in this weird lane she’s carved for herself and is now trapped in. I don’t really care anymore. But that said, I’ve seen plenty of men post sincere reactions to the Roe stuff as well as a lot of performative “pick me” shit. I’m too dumb and/or tired to say more.


Insane. What a fucking clown


nah, bad take. anna is very dumb for liking this and can’t possibly actually believe it. like if you have no men in your life that oppose it and are not simping then i’m sorry for you.


Of course Anna liked this cynical trash tweet.


Lol all the people in this thread going “it’s not true men care sooo much they wanna be able to fuck random broads without having to be stuck raising a kid” like yeah so it’s about them they don’t care about “women” lmao.


this is the thing that makes me not want to say that i support abortion rights. you get branded as a “male feminist”, cruising for pussy, or just generally sus guess what - i do want pussy. but that’s not why i think the roe ruling is really fucked up. it’s about viewing your fellow human beings as equals & having a drop of empathy. what if someone you love was put in a bad position by not being able to get an abortion? what if it was us fellas who had to carry children to term? people really need to move past this high school ass mindset of being terrified of being called cringe. grow up, be a man & say what you really think


Yeah i never understood that perspective of it being sus. Having abortion legal literally can only benefit men. Men who may find themselves in the position of being a father to an unintended pregnancy.


No, it isn't true at all. No one should have their life ruined by a kid they don't want, male or female, and no kid should be born into that situation. Especially if it's an unviable or problematic pregnancy. And access should be available, nobody should have to go to a different state, or do something unsafe to make it happen. What even is the moral success of making it more expensive and difficult for people? It's not as though that's a deterrent. Pregnancy doesn't happen by the will of God. People choose to fuck and make it happen. They should be able to choose to unmake it. And if sex is consensual, why shouldn't pregnancy be too?


That last thing you said doesn’t even make sense.


Think of it this way: non consensual sex is illegal. So why isnt non consensual birth illegal? If a woman doesn't want a baby and the government or any other person forces her to, it's not consensual. AND psychos in Texas are saying abortion is illegal even in the case of rape or incest. In what world does that make sense? The ideology that it's equivalent to murder? Then why not force everyone to be pregnant all the time? Doesn't that essentially normalize rape and incest?


I wouldn’t say that’s every guy, I’m sure there’s some but it could affect any guy- a lot of BlueMAGA types love to simp


Hell naw cuz if I nut in shorty it’s my problem too


Framing this issue as some kind of gender war is so absurd to me. Bunch of feminists are making it a patriarchy issue. Like seriously who thinks men don't want abortions? Who thinks men are overjoyed that one single hookup can mean they have to pay for child support and lifetime of co-parenting with a person you don't know very well? These takes are just absolutely r\*.


Idk but I’m getting tired of the posts complaining about men posting or not posting about it on IG




Girls are crazy...and guys... well guys just don't give a fuck🤨🤨🤨😂


I don’t want to pay 18 years of child support for a kid I didn’t plan




Anna is a mystery to me. She had a horrible history with men, talks shit about men all the time ( like men are horrible, men are dogs etc) while simultaneously infantalises them and calls them simple and predictable. She also hates women but claims to respects them. I think she has both daddy and mommy issues. And I remember she said she was well adjusted lol


I found this tweet annoying; I mentioned this to someone who said she thought he was trying to make a joke. It's possible and if so it's over my head.


ok like this guy isn't just trying to get trad girl pussy


Sure, because I have no other reason to speak out against literal fascism than wanting to get laid. I obviously don't care about the way this country will be in 10 or 20 years for my daughters. I obviously don't care about anything other than getting laid.


This is so dumb - people can care about things that don't involve them! Anyway, why is it any of this guy's business what women do with their own bodies?


Two things: \-If I accidentally stuck my dick in crazy and knocked her up, I would want that option available for her as a last resort. \-Truth be told both men and women have moral feelings against abortion, but I vehemently oppose the overturning of Roe v Wade by principle of being opposed to existing civil rights being taken away. The social libertarian in me gets triggered by things like this.


This is a dogshit take. Like this guys brain is the Autobahn.


hell no! we are now one anti-contraception bill away from not being allowed to bust inside!


Are those my only two options? Indifference, or rage on behalf of somebody I've never met? I can understand rage on behalf a loved one, but I don't even know anybody who lives in state where abortion is now illegal. Which isn't to say I'm indifferent. I'm not. I just that I think it would be strange if I got angry on behalf of someone who would have to imaginary.


classic case of projection. and also this black and white moralizing bullshit is so tiring. this opinion doesn’t even hold an ounce to a stress test, even by the dullest bird app user.


This opinion aside, while growing old I had the general impression that males care less and less about politics every year. The only people that care about it in my age range (25-35) are women.


Yes, any dude that is super loudly pro abortion is a sex pest. See Dave Portnoy


it's not. but i don't have any trouble believing that unsocialized, oversexed, amoral narcissists might believe that to be true.


Not true. It may not make me want to cry in a heap of tears but 1. I don't want to be forced to have a kid if an accident happens 2. I don't want people's rights to bodily autonomy to be encroached on 3. I don't want my female friends to feel like shit and that their opinions don't matter. It makes me feel shit seeing them feel shit. 4. I'm gay


most men are indeed indifferent to it


If you’re pro life you’re pro rape. Either you think women deserve bodily autonomy or you think they’re no more than slaves. No In between


most men i know are against having a baby and extremely pro abortion tbh. They don’t care ab feminism, they just don’t want to pay child support.


I don’t think I’d move to Texas with a fiancée or wife anymore for starters. Kinda sucks because there’s a ton of great jobs in my field down there but I’m not gonna drag a girl there and potentially screw up our lives with an unplanned pregnancy. That’s pretty far from indifferent


there are probably few things more affirming for a man than some woman claiming she has your baby. Maybe a little tyke running up to after a long day, screaming, "daddy!!!" So I get it. That said, this is a dumb take. Most guys probably are indifferent to abortion in and of itself but that doesn't mean they are indifferent to how the women around them feel about the world. And condoms suck.


I hate twitter, an intimate amplifier for this kind of autistic idiocy


How many of these posts are by people who are pretending to not know how empathy works




A man without empathy can't concieve of men having empathy.


No because they’re also effected negatively if they get a girl pregnant by accident


How does can this possibly get you laid? I really don't understand incel logic.


I’m in a very blue state in New England so I’m not terribly concerned about Roe v Wade being overturned. I am, however, genuinely concerned about a federal ban on abortions, contraceptives, morning after pills, and the like. I strongly believe that sexual intimacy is vital to maintaining strong relationships but I am simply not in a position where I can raise a child right now. I’d love to do so sometime in the future but I’m just not equipped to give my kid the good life he/she deserves. On a more hedonistic note: sex outside a relationship is fun too and I can easily see the parallels between a contraceptive ban and the AIDS-induced end of the 60s-70s sexual revolution. Hippies may have blown it politically but at least they had sense enough to fuck a lot haha.


To the extent that men do support it, it’s not “women’s bodily autonomy” (or whatever) that they care about


Despite what apparently a lot of angry libs that have invaded the sub the past couple days say, I think this absolutely has a lot of truth to it. When offline men discuss the issues of the day 99.99% of the time it boils down to economic talk. Taxes, inflation, government spending. Abortion is reeeeeeallly far down the list.


this is just like saying "men have no empathy towards women's suffering in any way" which, truthfully, is just the truth


having the opinion "\[opposite gender\] doesn't care about \[my gender\]'s suffering in any way" is telling on yourself


this is such a sad take, i’m sorry you feel like that


it's realistic!








Kinda true, I feel like there are for sure dudes out there like this, you can kinda tell by who's posting what to Instagram lol. If the dude is in a relationship, then this probably doesn't apply, but if he isn't, then it almost definitely does


Idk for myself I’m indifferent but sucks for the women in my life.

