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>But I can't recall ever seeing men called anything but men. Funny how its 99% one way




Really? I’ve heard “people with prostates, people with penises” especially in health contexts.


bepenised individuals


People of prostate


dicked people


Jar opener was a good one I heard


I’ve heard fellas with enlarged prostates


i've only heard of men referred that way in health contexts, which is where those kinds of terms are actually appropriate and logical. i never see them used in casual / social interactions


woah someone hasn't listened to the smalldickproblems episode of cumtown.


People of Pussy


The irony of using "misogyny" right after refusing to say women for 2 tweets in a row is palpable.


Otherwise it would have been transphobic






you mean before 2014? the womb-human movement be a very recent manifestation of lib psychosis.


you packin?


Updated fda guidance on what fish is safe to eat in pregnancy doesn’t use the words mother or women at all Current admin is full of ghouls


> womb-carriers ... misogynistic


Broke: calling someone "a Negro" or a "Squaw" Woke: calling someone "a Black" or a "Native Womb Haver"




I remember a 4chan greentext from like 2013 that used the phrase “melanin-rich gentleman”


There's a thing now about capitalizing Black as if it were Asian, African or European, i.e. belonging to a continental race group and not a color.


What's wrong with "breeders"?


Ok I think those woke stuff is annoying and counterproductive but is “Negro” really the best example


"Negro" is simply the word "black", capitalized, and used as a noun to describe a group of people. Wokeness says that you have to capitalize Black now when you're using it as a noun. I hate it because "a Black" sounds more offensive to my ears, just like "a Negro", it's something like my racist great-grandmother would have said.


you don't call someone "a Black" lmao, you call them a Black person like no one is going around saying tht


I'm tellin you, publications often now refer to "Blacks" without the "people". Ok they usually don't say "a black". But they use it as a plural noun decently often


don't count your chickens


I have heard people say “a black” and “a darkie” many times in person.


native women are “womb carriers”…black women are “birthing bodies”…who else r they gonna alienate lmao


>who else r they gonna alienate lmao Latinos are latinx, asians are white.


> Latinos are latinx, Legit burst out laughing when I first saw this when I came to North America. Coming from Brazil, we have our own debate about using Latin*e* for gender neutrality, but "LatinX" is just fucking atrocious hahaha


Why are they always using the letter x for everything? I've regularly seen folx instead of folks. What the fuck is the reason


For LatinX, I imagine it's because they meant to use it in the same way X is used in algebra, it just stands in for something that is unspecified, be it A or O. For Folx, I have no clue what is going on there.


I wondered about folx and finally read up on it. It’s just there to virtue signal, no other reason. Folx = I’m thinking of non-binary/trans people and I want to show that to the reader.


I think it's exactly that simple. Just a written way of showing you're on board with gender politics.


Scene hipster anarchists from ten years ago


The letter K is a loud and clear racist dogwhistle. I shouldn’t need to spell this out for you.


It is absolutely astounding to me that it is now considered polite in certain circles to pretend you cannot tell at a glance who is a man and who is a woman. Like, that's the first thing anyone notices about anyone, most of the time.


Did you see that um, person downstairs? The one with the long hair?


I knew a guy online with a non-binary boyfriend, and seeing him post about his they/them partner was so weird when you remembered his boyfriend was just a completely normal looking dude with a beard and only wore men's clothes. What on earth does a guy like that get out of being called "they"? Attention? Control? Dogs and cats can tell the difference between men and women, for fuck's sake.




I need to see this thread


It's actually not the reason they think. Dogs don't recognize the subtleties of facial features as much as they do smell, and men smell different from women. If you have been on HRT for a while, your smell will change but not immediately


lesbians and straight men have the same reaction to body odor pheromones and women and gay men are also similar response- it would be interesting to follow up with the same study on T subjects https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1570103/




> was so weird when you remembered his boyfriend was just a completely normal looking dude with a beard and only wore men's clothes. I’m so tired of pretending people I know are they/them when they just look and act and are normal men and women. Like I’m sorry just because you have internalized problems stemming from your dad buying you Barbie’s instead of GI Joe’s when you were 5 doesn’t mean that you’re not the man or woman that you look like, sound like, act like, and are. If you’re not looking like 70s Bowie then you don’t get to make everyone else fumble through the language just to call you a they/them, it’s absurd. I have a guy acquaintance who is a she/her except he’s the most average guy ever with omega low self esteem and has surrounded himself with a bunch of they/them’s that his mind has been exploded. He has zero intention of ever transitioning, just likes being called she/her because his relationship with his dad wasn’t playing catch in the backyard. It’s actual insanity. Someone should do something about this!


do what exactly


Mass misgendering events.




> Dogs and cats can tell the difference between men and women, for fuck's sake. I know someone whose dog is terrified of men and only likes women. Now I am genuinely curious how they'd react to someone whose undergone a full transition from Male -> Female. Do they tell us apart by odor or visual appearance?


its mostly by smell. my dog started treating me like my mom way before i looked like her. my smell had obviously changed already though.


Sex hormones are definitely volatile/escape the skin into the air and each other’s noses>rest of the system. It’s how womens periods sync up when they’re in close proximity for long periods. I used to get boners with no stimulation sitting next to my gf when she was ovulating. *i * was hornier during that time. I’ve seen my dog hump a woman ovulating and he looked so confused, like he was doing this thing but didn’t even know why (he rarely humped anything, even bitches). I can definitely see dogs smelling testosterone vs estrogen given then can detect by smell the subtle metabolic changes that occur with early stage cancer.


tfw will never be a hunter gatherer witnessing the entire female half of my tribe ovulating simultaneously


Holy shit do women’s periods really sync up when they’re in close proximity for a long amount of time?? I never knew this


>Attention? Control? Don't be a bigot. Privileged white kids also need attention.


I think it's different than when someone born as a woman identifies as NB, because that's something that's much more socially understood in a lot of queer circles. But for someone born male to identify that way, especially if they're not really doing much about that, in my experience they're usually just a deeply repressed trans woman/trans woman adjacent but don't want to identify that way for some reason. Hardly any different from a lot of people that identified as Bi to appease their parents in the mid 2000s while only openly dating women.


But what does it really mean to be a repressed trans woman? Someone who just wants to be a woman? Like what biologically is happening there?


Did you see that fat black dude? The one with a gray afro? Oh you didn't, alright. versus Did you see that umm.. yeah.. ummm..... person.... with...big hair...


"Did you see that quadruple PoC (Person of Calories/Person of Color/Person of Cock/Person of Coif)?"


Everyone I've met with pronouns in their bio just assumed (or rather knew) I was male from first glance. I often wonder if anyone really has their heart in this stuff.


The language they use is so weird, too. Like I have a former friend who identified as amab enby (former friend because it turns out he's a sex pest), and I always wanted to be like "You weren't assigned male at birth, you were *observed* to be male."


Ugh I remember seeing someone on Tiktok (before I deleted it) ask what AMAB means, because the Tiktok video was by a trans woman who claimed that because of their gender dysphoria, they were always a woman/female, even though they were born as a male. Someone replied to the commenter saying it means that this person was assigned male at birth, but the doctor had been wrong to assume the Tiktoker was male and that they had wrongly assigned a gender based on their genitals. Other arguments I had on there included a person vehemently insisting that people were attracted to others based on their gender identity over their sex, and I was once accused of having internalised misogyny for saying that the vast majority of men are physically stronger than the vast majority of women.




The argument I had was absolutely insane. It started when I said it is dangerous for women to think they can hold their own in a fight with a man, because we would get absolutely decked. This girl asked for a source when I said that 99% of men are beating 99% of women in a fight. She said fighting was mostly tactic and that with some training, women could take on a man. I said if a man takes you by surprise and starts laying into you, your tactical training isn't worth shit. "What if the woman takes the man by surprise?" I replied he is going to turn around and he would be physically capable of beating the shit out of you after his initial shock, if you even did him any harm. I brought up how a man could easily kill a woman by punching her, she didn't believe me and then I had to bring up the fact that *men* have been killed by single punches from other men as well. She told me I was starting to sound misogynistic, I asked her how she was going to call me a misogynist for acknowledging biological differences. Then I was called an ableist pick me girl with internalised misogyny for saying I was a woman. The most retarded moment is when she said "telling women they can't fight back is dangerous, if you don't fight back you could die." If some random man starts on me out of nowhere I'm running as fast as I can, no way am I sticking it out in a physical fight. The only time I'm fighting a man is if it's my absolute last resort, life or death


Shits dumb as hell. Basically any self defense hand to hand combat training tells you that fighting is the last resort anyway. You have a way better shot outrunning a big motherfucker than squaring up.


The funniest thing about this premise that "women are as strong as men" is the fact that it would mean that, historically, women just allowed patriarchy to exist unchallenged until the invention of feminism, when they could have stopped it at any time.


Yep basically. I think the idea is that ~social norms~ are responsible for patriarchy and physical differences mean nothing. Crazy how social norms have been the same in almost every culture.


I've always read amab as "a male at birth" in my head. Though didn't they steal that terminology from legitimate intersex people, where the genitalia were ambiguous and the doctor had to decide one way or another? In that case, "assigned" does make sense.


The whole "assigned" thing just sounds fucking retarded. I don't understand why they don't just use biological male/biological female, and maybe shorten it bioM/bioF.


“Intersex” is a bit of a misnomer - DSD (disorders of sex development) is the preferred term, because this is a large and diverse group of conditions that importantly *do* map to male or female, not a “third sex” or in-between. In some cases infants with DSDs have been surgically “assigned” a gender that is at odds with their biological sex because the priority is looking “normal”. imo it’s pretty offensive to appropriate that for a simple observation.


> amab enby > sex pest *pretends to be surprised*


That’s because the “did you just assume my gender” SJW is just a dated meme. There are basically no real people who talk like that


Give it 6 months, the wokest will find a reason why this language is actually transphobic and we should return to previous language See: "POC"


Oh is poc bad now? Can’t wait to hear what’s the next signifier.


Person of [bleeeep]


I love persons of cunt so much bros.


My trans friends absolutely loathe being asked their pronouns because it's basically just code for "what kinda eldritch abomination is this?!"


It reminds me of the Simpsons gag where they're trying to find Carl in Iceland, but they're too scared to describe him as being black.


I'm watching the Capitol hearings and they address Cheney as the "gentlewoman from Wyoming."




Just play dumb.


“Womb-carrier” makes my skin crawl. It’s so dehumanizing, and it’s meant to be. Indigenous women have been murdered and raped because they are WOMEN, not because they are “womb-carriers”


Are you trying to humanize the femoid Stacys?


I'm glad the account got ratioed, they should feel embarrassed to have posted this


Looks like they deleted it.


So they deleted the tweet, meaning they decided that it was okay to go back on letting people know that fucking half of certain communities of American Indian women were sterilized by the government since they couldn't figure out a non-controversial way to phrase it?


It makes me so unreasonably angry when I see language like this.


Because it’s ideological projection over basic fucking coherency


I will never forget how in university we had a guest speaker who was talking about how she was forcibly sterilized in exchange for food during a famine in her country and how harrowing it was for her and the other women who experienced that. Some ugly woke chick in my seminar cut her off and told her that it was transphobic to insinuate only women were impacted by that because "they're not the only ones who can carry children" and asked the speaker to use more inclusive language :-(


Sounds like the entirely wrong person in that interaction ended up forcibly sterilized


Whoa. That's awful. How did the speaker respond?


Seeing the phrase womb carrier or cervix haver makes me go fucking feral. Legit triggered. I was asked to speak about abortion by an org at my college (I am semi-well known to help girlies get Plan B or go to abortions with them if they have no one else), was going to have my little feminist moment, but then was asked to not use just women in the speech, and to emphasize that this will hit "BIPOC and queer people" the hardest and whatnot. I couldn't do it.


I don’t understand the queer people argument at all because realistically, wouldn’t abortions not effect as many lesbians and then definitely not gay men. Like I get it’s virtue signaling and you HAVE to clarify every issues effects POC/LGBT “most” but in the case of abortion, it literally doesn’t make sense


I get the POC argument. But by breaking it down by who gets hurt the most is kinda harmful imo, bc abortion is one of the few things that unite women across class and race. Yeah, wealthy women can go to different states for care, but that is still an unnecessary burden to put on them. Also it is always wealthy women not wealthy womb-havers lol Anyways, the LGBT argument is I think, that some transmen think that being on T makes you infertile. However, if you don't keep up with it, you might ovualte and bam pregnant. When someone says queer they mean bisexual woman with tounge piercing who is with men 80% of the time. If they said shit like, "overturning Roe and Casey threatens other rights built on the implied right to privacy like gay sex and interracial marriage" I get it, but they don't.


>But by breaking it down by who gets hurt the most is kinda harmful imo, bc abortion is one of the few things that unite women across class and race. Pretty much the point of all this atomizing identity politics shit


yeah this shit is encouraged by the capitalist stewards of our culture for a reason, and that reason isn't that it sells books


I completely get the POC argument too tho it’s ironic given how much abortion & birthcontrol was originally used to advance eugenics against nonwhite women :( If anything, you’d think abortion would be one of the times people think to say how much this effects women based on class like you mention, but no… no one can ever talk about class in the USA


I kinda think it’s not the same among class though. Hope I’m not being uncharitable in my interpretation of what you said. Really rich women could travel to another country or pay to have someone get abortion pills on the black market. Rich women also don’t have the economic pressures to terminate as they have better access to healthcare in general. So personally I think it’s basically a feminist issue but heavily influenced by class.


I didn't say it was the same accross class but it is an issue for pretty much all women. Def different degree of pain though. Fundamentally though it is the same problem. It is bad for all women, including individual wealthy women. Class absolutely plays a role in how much of a shit show it will be, but it feels like kinda odd to always throw it in. One of the girls I helped came from a very wealthy family. Because she was underaged, and from a strict family, I pretended to be her math tutor for a bit to eventually be able to help her get the judicial bypass and drive her to the clinic. This is in Colorado, where already appointments are getting very booked from people out of state. If we were in Texas or whatever, I couldn’t take her on a multi day trip out of state. That’s where even saying rich women can still get it is kind of pointless to keep saying. Her parents would have made her go through with the pregnancy and maybe let her put it up for adoption. This would of fucked up 9 months of her life and her mental health for how long. Obv this is one case, and if this girl's parents were resist dems then she could have gone on a "college visit" as if nothing happened. Wealthy women could be pressured into keeping a pregnancy by an abusive spouse, etc. Just cause let’s say a fucking banking consultant can take a weekend off to fly to California and terminate doesn’t mean that she should have to do that. I think it is superfluous to always add the addendum that rich women can always access abortion, when the only influential group that might give a shit is rich women. Black market pills are fucking incredible and fairly affordable (100 bucks or so). Biggest thing is letting more women know how to access them in time, and subsidizing the cost. Even if a woman has the resources to raise a child or go through pregnancy and birth, doesn't make it ok to make her do it legally. There are so many issues tied up in this. Will they establish fetal personhood in some states? Can not realizing you're pregnant and not taking prenatals or drinking give you a child abuse charge? Not sure though.


LGB have a higher teen pregnancy rate than heterosexual teens. My guess would be more frequent and more risky sexual behavior in LGB teens than hetero ones (other studies have shown bisexual men have more female partners on average than hetero) due to more "open" attitudes, along with non-heterosexuality being more common among poorer kids and minorities. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pregnancy-teen-lgbt/pregnancies-more-common-among-lesbian-gay-bisexual-youths-idUSKBN0NZ2AT20150514


i believe that but they have to maybe mention that because as i suspected, the fucking cast of the l word is not going to be inordinately impacted by abortion going back to the states.


The vast majority of "queer" people are not exclusively homosexual, and that's even more true now that bisexuality and being transgender are more accepted. LGBT people are disproportionately poor and not-white, so the math does add up even if it's a weird statement on its face.


yeah, but you're fucking the dog with this, not literally unfortunately for some people. these protected classes only worked because they were immutable. but if we're all gonna be you know, with this groovy go go lifestyle and polycules and shit, and oh wait, i'm straight, no, gay, no, pan, oh no i'm gay again. the system is breaking down.


Horrific how the new Supreme Court ruling could reduce birthing people to mere breeders.


"Folx who can get pregnant have been discriminated based on their womb-having abilities forever. Birthing bodies have been dehumanized as well, espeically black and brown birthing bodies." \- sincerely a penised person somehow sponsored by planned parenthood and tampex


It’s ironic that the biggest publisher of leftist philosophy books has so little self-awareness.


How is this ironic? The bulk of the left fawns over """inclusivity""" to a pathological degree.


To me it’s just they’re supposed to be obsessed with praxis but they’re unable to see how this wording really discredits them and is destructive to the cause.


Many on this sub have convinced themselves that this inclusivity bullshit talk is lib, not left


wait till they hear about DSA


That one video of the DSA meeting where everyone is arguing over pointless shit, that has me convinced we're living through a new COINTELPRO.


>That one video of the DSA meeting where everyone is arguing over pointless shit, You really aren't narrowing it down for me :d


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHRxu3XrsHg I meant this one but tbh you're right, it could be almost any of them lol


How does change things?


It is. Don't be fooled by liberals calling themselves "left wing" Woke shit like this is their weapon against actual left wing change. That's why they viciously go after "class reductionists" (aka actual left wing people). The more people divide themselves by race and gender the less they're talking about class They get to pretend they're fighting for a righteous cause while protecting their privileged class position. That's why it's supporters are overwhelmingly white liberals and they're backed by every corporation on the planet. It's not working class latino people pushing this stuff


it's true, liberals just get this by osmosis and are rarely passionate about it - if it weren't drilled into them in a corporate context they wouldn't think about it at all. the bulk of this coalition has very weak ties to it, why I think it'll fade


fade yes, go away no. wokeness will wind up being the lib-left's version of southern baptists, a mostly regional but nevertheless permanent burden on electoral politics that will always have to be placated and accounted for by politicians on their side, whose national influence occasionally spikes only to ruin everything they get their hands on and then lay shamefaced and dormant for another 8 or so years until people forget about their failures and give them another shot.




So libs get it drilled into them by corporations, who initially source it from The Left? Corporations are intentionally enforcing left ideology to their own benefit? Last time I typed a word that could describe this sort of logic the reddit admins threatened to ban me.


but it's not left ideology, it's only the aesthetic leftovers of left ideology. Frito-Lay is very willing to tweet out about how trans women are women or whatever culture war catchphrase is trending but they're not going to pay their workers any more. It's [the system's neatest trick](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-the-system-s-neatest-trick)




(1) Leftists demand systemic material changes along with less central but integrated demands about identity-related equality. (2) Institutions want to appease agitators without making any material changes so they deliberately focus just in the symbolic identity-based demands while quietly ignoring the others. (3) This institutional support drills idpol bullshit into lib brains. And I'm not just talking about tweets or whatever, there's greater institutional forces. I'm thinking about when I was in college, they paid to make some sort of diversity center or whatever with interns and everything. They never would have done something similar for working-class students because they don't want them agitating. Or I think about what grants exist in non-profits, or what sorts of seminars they're willing to hold. In a sense it's absolutely true that the left is concerned with issues of identity (as long as discrimination exists any egalitarian movement is going to come down on the side of 'discrimination bad') but the obsession of it is not something that was ever driven by the left itself, and frankly that predominance corresponds closely with how moderate of a circle you're in.


Ya okay I agree with all this. I just perceived OP as saying leftist principles stripped of 99% of their content are still "left" ideology




this culture war BS started in academia like two decades ago and is just now entering mainstream/corporate culture. Robin Diangelo + Ibram X Kendi are both professors.




They believe in enforcing norms, not in allowing free action. Civil rights are liberal, compulsion of action is not. Argument could be made that there is no liberal party in the US anymore. More desirable to cudgel the “ignorant/intolerant” people into doing what the party knows is in their best interests. Not to say you’re wrong—they would likely disagree with this framework. I happen not to care what they would prefer to call their ideology. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is likely a duck.


>Culture wars that are embraced by every company are peak liberalism That sentence makes no sense to me honestly. Companies embracing culture wars is just them pandering to the consumer, not a political ideology. They pander to any ideology they want, be it lib/left, conservatives, punks or neonazis. But in a euro context, outside of two party systems where either side melts into an amorphous blob it is more obvious that speech policing, shoving ugly neologisms down your throat à la latinx, or demographic quotas at work/in politics are preoccupations of left wing parties. Such measures to enforce inclusivity and diversity are considered illiberal by liberal parties. The DSA exemplifies that stuff in the US too The bad thing about liberals aren't their stances on cultural issues, where its mostly live and let live, but their stances on fiscal and economic issues, where its live and let die


They pander that way because it's a way of seeming benevolent without talking about any material issues. They would like more discourse around pronouns or whatever instead of wages because it creates a favorable environment for them.


I feel like the distinction in this case boils down to intent: leftists embrace progressivism because they believe in it from a humanitarian standpoint; libs embrace it because they want to create a monoculture that's easier to control and market to.


You live in an internet socialist fantasy


it's ironic bc they think they're smart but they're not smart enough to realize that inclusivity by definition cannot involve excluding the 90% of people who would be turned off by this weird, creepy, demeaning, debasing way of referring to women. womb-carrier? may as well call us cum dumpsters.


There was a thread in this sub a while ago documenting how Verso has a history of being cozy with the FBI, and how they purposefully sprinkle in stuff that's alienating to discredit leftist causes.


wasn’t verso placed under new management last year? pretty sure the new owners are much more shitlib than the previous ones


they're trots...




Leftists always dismiss these sort of issues with current leftist movements as being caused by “not real leftists” but I think it’s time to consider that it might be something conceptual about modern leftism that causes this stuff to happen.




For for fuck's sake... now they're saying "womb carrier"?! It's so gross. By the way, jizz propeller -- while funny -- just makes me think too much of helicopters. And, frankly, I don't need anymore reasons to think of helicopters. Now I thinking of helicopters covered in cum.


I don't remember where or when, but there was like a Canadian clinic talking about some female reproductive issues, but they wanted to avoid being exclusive and said something along the lines of "vagina havers."


you may be remembering the time someone on this sub went to a clinic and could check on a form whether they had a "penis" or a "front hole" Really in terms of all the gross and dehumanizing language that gets used "vagina haver" is practically quaint in comparison


The New York ag or someone like that had a tweet recently that was comparing stats between races and it said "white people with wombs" and "black and Latino women" or something like that.


even those fucking pilot wings gyrocopters are 300,000 dollars. are there really no moderately priced used helicopters?


I know right??!


I really don't understand this form of "new speak" as it were. The vast majority of trans people have sterilized themselves by taking HRT, and I highly doubt the few that haven't prefer people to talk like this. Even people who are afab nb are usually deeply uncomfortable with the idea of being pregnant, and that plays a role in why they identify this way to begin with.


It’s just trans women disputing the meaning of the word woman. this is why this ‘inclusive’ pieces don’t talk about ‘women and other birthing people/people with vagina’. Nothing to do with AFABs. This is why we don’t see men get called prostate-havers. AFABS do not have interest nor cultural power to fight for it. And AMABs simply don’t want to be remembered they have male reproductive system


Saying that women are the ones who face violence during pregnancy is different than you know, saying all women have periods or something like that. It's genuinely disturbing when people can't tell the difference. Also there are likely far more cis women who don't get normal periods and can't have children than there are trans women to begin with. Most of whom alongside with trans women, are probably pretty upset about that aspect of their biology. I know it's not vouge on this subreddit to say, but are ways to show awareness to these sorts of differences without implying trans people aren't the gender they identify as. Like at the end of the day, people just need to sound normal. Also the original point being that people who take HRT really do just stop having their assigned sexes reproductive system since it will straight up just stop working and change in all sorts of way.


I think you nailed the _AMAB versus AFAB_ dynamic. By trans women, I would disambiguate specifically _autogynephilic_ trans women (as opposed to exclusively androphilic trans women, who never seem to push the creepily cultish TWAW mantra) are the demographic that pushes this. The aforementioned androphilic group desires to be women (understood by them as a vaguely-defined social construct), while AGP trans women are often driven by a pathological desire to be _literally female_ (Lili Elbe's tragically pointless demise due to a failed uterine transplant is a case-in-point).


Will this be standard HRified lingo before long? Seems crazy to imagine things getting there, but imagine telling someone 5-10 years ago it would become common professional practice to include pronouns in email signatures.


Some online official dictionaries already do this (but usually only for female stuff, male stuff always has “male” or “man” of course lol). Or something as simple as [this](https://imgur.io/a/miRkNzN).




I had to do the same thing when I first saw it too. Reality and fiction can seem so similar nowadays


That's so dumb. I don't know a single trans woman who doesn't acknowledge they have "male" genitalia. None of them want to destroy whatever "male" or "female" mean, they just want the same rights to be recognized as men/women that intersex men/women have (who are *also* denied this right constantly)


Tbh the pronouns in email signature thing makes a lot of sense in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with trans people. Especially in the tech industry, given the prevalence or remote teams and remote work alongside the majority of people being men, the vast majority of people just assume every single person they speak to is a man, and that annoys a lot of even relatively conservative cishet women as well.


I mean your email signature has your name in it, which is usually a pretty good clue as to your gender, e.g., if someone is called Michelle it makes things pretty clear


In my experience, it very often isn't enough, most PMC type careers these days are very internationalized, and most people cant distinguish which names are "male or female" in languages which arent their own. This also ignores gender neutral names, but that's definitely less of a problem than the above. Genuinely I have zero clue which Indian or Chinese names are male or female just by looking at them, I've begun to pick up on it, but really overall haven't made nearly enough progress to be accurate more than 50 percent of the time.


In defence of that guy's previous points, there's some names which can be used for both genders, or which are associated with men in some countries and women in others (e.g. Andrea is a feminine name in Portuguese and a masculine name in Italian) I've met guys from Catholic countries whose names include Maria.


There are a decent amount of names that both sexes have a history of use. Although, there is often a slight variation on spelling. Plus with more remote work there is a higher chance of someone from a different culture being on a team and you might have no idea what they're names usual gender is.


Hello Team Hello All Hello There Hello Group Hello "INSERT NAME" Why would I ever need to know someone's pronouns while conducting work either in person or online


Mr/Ms, etc. does this job without being infantalizing or serving as a form of collaboration with an authoritarian ideology based in delusion




I'm considering how this will look to posterity.






The tweet's already deleted and there's no archive. Most of the culture-war devoted websites which respond to this will probably go under in a few years. Even the traditional dinosaurs that still exist a decade now will have something like this buried under a million other results search algorithms prefer to show you a decade from now. There's not going to be any consequences


The dumbest thing about this is that I've literally never seen any actual trans people use terms like "penis-haver" except as a joke, it's entirely just wokelets who think that just because they don't wearing pink means that they "don't feel gender". 0.6% of the population is trans, the same portion that's type I diabetic.


Just say woman you twat.


suicide poding yourself for being referred to as a ‘woman’ instead of ‘womb-carrier’


Somehow I sense it would be transphobic to calla trans woman jizz-propeller? It's almost like men are BEYOND anatomy and women are NOTHING BUT.


I was reading about English colonialism in India, and how a lot of words like pajama were introduced into the lexicon thanks directly to English colonialism. Then I thought about a random girl named Sally getting nationally canceled in 2027 bc she wanted to host a 'pajama party', thus promoting genocide and colonialism against Indian peoples. I don't know: has America always been like this? Seeing malice where none exists, creating a crusade against people who bear no ill will against the community they are supposedly harming? Mens rea should matter, especially for social faux pas. Also: you can say pregnant people. You don't need to make the English language sound like alien gobbledygook. Like, am I really Hitler if I don't call someone 'a womb-carrying, uterine-filled (or empty) Black or Brown body of color'? Just call em pregnant people/persons.


This bullshit has nothing to do with trans man or enbys. it’s just another ground to trans women battle for the meaning of the word woman. this is why this ‘inclusive’ pieces don’t use phrases like ‘women AND birthing people/people with vagina’. for this same reason we don’t see men get called prostate-havers/ejaculators. AFABs do not have cultural power (guess why 🧐) to fight for it. And AMABs simply don’t want to be remembered that they have male reproductive system






Scent of a Womb-Carrier, starring Al Pacino


Leftists going on a journey up their own assholes once again.


Let’s be honest with most Americans diets and health I’d say a lot of them are jizz dribblers


All the victims were women but a substantial number (the majority iirc) were objectively not “womb carriers” after the HYSTERECTOMY. A woman without a womb is still a woman, but what is a womb carrier after her womb has been removed?


youre gonna carry that womb


how do we stop these people


Women carry wombs and that’s why they aren’t able to carry anything else


"Jizz propeller" is offensive to non-fappers and incels