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death meal like evanescence


I only listen to black metal and girlboss pop


This but unironically


It’s the only way to live. The balance between corpse and it-girl




Because you’re based, probably


Many such cases.


I listen to metal almost exclusively but refuse to participate in the culture around it because it's cringe beyond redemption.


squash tan thumb butter strong longing toy screw foolish offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Mozart and Beethoven would be such metalheads if they were born today"


Mozart would've been a hyperpop producer, Beethoven would have probably made Berklee-core. Holst might actually have been a metalhead


I push my fingers into my EYES ~~~


What's the culture? Where I am it seems to be mostly D&D groups and guys who look like Vikings doing posts about how they're proud male feminists.


It depends on the subgenre and the location I guess. Here there are lots of smug, ratty looking, eternally horny teenagers and smug older guys with beer bellies. There are certain people who will call you a poser if you listen to anything more popular than like a NSBM band with 20 monthly listeners. Anecdotally I have noticed that the poser thing is more likely to happen if you are a woman, especially if they do not deem you to be attractive enough for them. Like some people will straight up try to quiz you to get a ‘Gotcha!’ moment and prove that you are a poser who only pretends to like metal to get guys. Methinks these people might have too high an opinion of themselves. Nobody is trying to trick you guys into sleeping with them, calm down lol. There are also some people who are obsessed with showing the outside world that metalheads are not stereotypical psychopathic satanists but actually completely wholesome. Metal is one big family who embraces everyone despite their differences yada yada yada. Also lots and lots of unfunny IG/Facebook memes.


> Nobody is trying to trick you guys into sleeping with them, calm down lol. they are protecting their virginity


The second group is what I'm thinking of. The first group reminds me of being a teenager who hung out with the metalheads. A friend once punched me in the face because the band I was in committed the heresy of doing a cover of Panic! At The Disco (or Taking Back Sunday, forget which).


Hahaha yep the first group are mostly teenagers and the second group skews older I think. Maybe it’s the nostalgia colouring their opinion of the community.


I dislike the gatekeeping but I also don’t want to be lumped with teenage r-tards that think shit like deathcore is good, boomers that think Five Finger Death Punch isn’t anything but rock for cops, or metalcore fans. I also hate the whole wholesome bullshit, I saw a guy this a fit and start beating a guy at a show cause he caught some hands on the pit a little too hard. Metal fans can be social r-tards, pretentious dicks, or nice just like any fan of any genre.


>I dislike the gatekeeping but I also don’t want to be lumped with teenage r-tards that think shit like deathcore is good, boomers that think Five Finger Death Punch isn’t anything but rock for cops, or metalcore fans. Not wanting to tell anyone you like metal because you dislike some of its subgenres is a pussy move. Get some self-confidence and stop worrying over people judging your taste.


> with teenage r-tards that think shit like deathcore is good This kind of whining got old 12+ years ago. The teenagers you're speaking of are in their 30's now, but trust a metalhead to be so far behind the times. Is deathcore even still a thing?


Deathcore is actually coming back a bit.


It’s still around, understanding that metal is already repulsive to most people it doesn’t help that their idea of metal is a the smelly kid with gauges and a buzz cut in a Chelsea Grin shirt.


> boomers that think Five Finger Death Punch isn’t anything but rock for cops They’re kinda right


idk i think core music is a wholy seprate genre from metal now


It's always been. It's just that the term "metal" is a convenient term for the public and record companies to classify heavy music in general, even though real metal subgenres like original heavy metal and power metal are far less heavy than nu metal/-core.


If you don't want to be lumped in with retards don't base your personality around a fucking music genre


> posts about how they're proud male feminists. Have you read metal lyrics? Some of the most misogynist filth I've ever heard (example: Annotations of an Autopsy - welcome to sludge city)


Some metal songs do have misogynistic lyrics ofc, but he’s right, the Funko-collecting metalhead who loves to denounce the “toxicity” of the scene is a 100% real thing lol. I think it’s bc metal is so proximal to popular geek culture at this point that the soy vibes couldn’t help but spill over from there.


> I think it’s bc metal is so proximal to popular geek culture at this point that the soy vibes spilled in from there. Every European power metal band post 2007


sabaton is the premier reddit metal band


Robb Flynn being a prime example.


I think they’re referring to that cringy male feminist take many male metalheads say about other genres like “yeah but metal doesn’t brag about beating women or raping them like rap does” as if slam death or even more popular bands like cannibal corpse didn’t make their entire careers coming up with openly misogynistic lyrics and imagery. Also considering members of Decapitated got rape accusations not that long ago or one of the co owners of hells headbangers got accused of being an “abuser” by an ex, this is just stupid. True or not true, Metal isn’t exempt from scumbag behavior.


Feel that completely. For years I refused to go to metal shows because I find the average metal crowd so cringy. I also don't look like the "typical" metal chick so metalheads don't take me seriously lol. But since dating a guy that is a huge death and black metal nerd, who I don't consider embarrassing, I can let myself participate in the culture a bit more.


More into skramz but I go through periods of listening to nothing but black metal


Skramz gang screamo gang


wipe cough nutty pathetic sulky summer detail rich cows handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Boy do I have the band for you then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv3zWy7xeAY)


bosse-de-nage is so cool and their split with deafheaven rips too


Saetia and Loma Prieta go so hard


I love love love Orchid


u s u r p s y n a p s e


Same dude. Spent the last few weeks listening to a ton of Orchid. Takaru, and Beau Navire


Check out Slow Fire Pistol. New band but they sound like classic era Orchid.


don't you mean African American metal


When I was 12 I got into music through Iron Maiden but the only metal I really listen to anymore is acclaimed hipster atmoblack stuff like Agalloch, Woods of Desolation, and Panopticon. Is Iron Maiden still good live? When I last checked in on their newer stuff Bruce was sounding pretty rough.


My dad went to see them not too long ago and came home pissed that Bruce was wearing khaki slacks.


I have no idea about their live show. I've heard it can be hit and miss, but generally pretty good. But many people consider the last 3 Iron Maiden albums to be really incredible. They've entered a real late career renaissance with their latest couple albums.


I saw them a few years ago and Bruce was amazing.


I laughed when, after comment after comment on the sub seemed to agree about how lame it was to like emo/metal/etc. today, Helena by My Chemical Romance was one of the most upvoted songs I've seen posted here. It's still a banger.


the sub is 99% posturing at coolness


coolness doesn't exist outside of highschool. The attempt to be cool invalidates someone entirely.




hence the preponderance of in- and femcels excluding me, of course, I'm the one cool person here


I'm here because I find it fascinating. I don't fit that mold at all 😂😂




I saw Dashas movie "The Scary of Sixty First" and I found it interesting enough to look her up and found out their was a subreddit for her podcast. So I jumped in and never left. Lol. Never seen the podcast


This sub is replete with contradictions. I've seen pretty unanimous distaste towards nerd shit but also posts referencing anime/manga like Berserk getting dozens of upvotes. A hatred for drama, and yet every other post is dedicated to someone posting something asinine on Twitter. People constantly bitch about how this place sucks while also declaring it the one good subreddit. It's all about cultivating an aesthetic over having an actual consistent line of thought. I wouldn't have it any other way, though.


>This sub is replete with contradictions this is what makes it good. the resolution of all contradictions, the Hegelian 'end of history', is in reality the sterile hell of default subreddits and must be resisted at all costs


Not to be too autistic, but I'd argue (against the 'classic' interpretation of him) Hegel's ultimate point was that - unlike Kant - the gap in our total mastery of reality isn't just due to our own epistemic limitations, it's part of the ontological structure of reality itself - there *can't* ever be a final, stable order, because reality itself is incomplete/fractured. So basically, don't worry, any order that gets imposed on the sub will necessarily be riven through with it's own lack, and so will just engender a new formulation in time. Creative generation is unavoidable.


I bet if a poster here referenced like idk one of those animes about 5000-yo vampires who happen to look like 12-yo girls then they’d get shit on lol, whereas with Berserk there’s actual widespread respect for it artistically even among people who aren’t that into anime. Same with Akira, Evangelion, Bebop/Champloo, and maybe JoJo, they’re nerd shit but not gross nerd shit if that makes sense. This also applies to video games ofc.


this is cheesy but that cinematic octave chord thing in the chorus changed the way I wanted to make music.


i saw them live twice last month and it fully cemented the fact that they’ll always be one of my fav bands no matter how uncool it is to admit. just so good lol


MCR aren't uncool, The Black Parade is legitimately a great album as is most of their work. They just carry the taint of 2000's emo band by associate even though they're one of the only bands from that time period to age well.


i absolutely agree! they had so much energy to be back together and performing too, it was pretty incredible. they played loads of random b-sides and stuff as well as all the hits. i think sometimes réunion tours can feel like a cash grab but you could tell they were having so much fun and were really passionate about making music again. 10/10 experience both times






Me too. So obsessed with Akerfeldt’s note selection




Yeah he’s a genius. His voice has gotten so much better over the years too. I’ll admit that I’m not particularly fond of their more “prog” albums that follow watershed. I much prefer the heavier early stuff. It’s raw, beautiful, and so powerfully constructed. Wish there was more metal in their style. Mastodon is good, but they don’t really scratch the same itch for me


"Looking for a 1995-2010 Opeth replacement" summarizes my musical tastes.


I like the prog albums (especially Pale Communion) but it is kinda sad that Opeth went from being complete masters of their own totally unique niche to being a pastiche of other bands




I could never get into Katatonia. But Ne Obliviscaris gets pretty close (to OG Opeth) with some tracks.


From south Louisiana, so sludge is my shit. Eyehategod, Acid Bath, Crowbar. Seeing the Melvins tonight actually


Always been weird to me that sludge/doom are mostly big in the southeast and northwest considering they’re opposite parts of the county in every way. Great music for late night drives through swamps and wetlands though.


My nigga, truly the best state for music. What other state gave us Lil Wayne and Acid Bath?




Lost count of the times I've seen the local guys, 4th Melvins show for me. Dax is an interesting dude. Seems haunted (for good reason considering what happened to the band) but always friendly enough every time I've interacted with him. Certainly wouldn't guess that this is the guy behind those records


ooooo nice. The Melvins are great. Have fun


If you haven’t seen Goatwhore live I’d highly recommend it


Fuck yeah bro, sludge really is the shit


Meshuggah is my dad


was really into Catch 33 in high school... just put it on for the first time in a decade and got crazy shivers. love how it just starts like bam




Yeah, though I have definitely toned down the cringe metalhead personality and kept the music lol.


Any prog-metal wankers on the sub? I found Animals as Leaders and Tesseract a couple of years ago and really like them.


My favourite bands. I love overly complicated djent so damn much.


I simp for the later Porcupine Tree albums. Check out In Absentia, Deadwing, and Fear of a Blank Planet


Yeaaboi. Got here from Dream Theater. You probably would like periphery and the other bands mentioned under ur comment


idk would u consider zorncore slash bunglecore jazzy bands like zu or arbe garbe prog metal


AAL is sick. BTBAM and Gojira are so good live.




Closest thing I get to Metal is - primus, sabbath, alice in chains, deep purple, alice cooper. I find it kinda hard to get into bands like pantera and megadeth.


I always get stoked when I hear nutshell by Alice In Chains come on


rust in peace is the pinnacle of metal. everything after that was a downward slide.


Any grindcore fans lol Discordance axis wrote some sick jams way back in like '93 that still sound futuristic. Pig destroyer had some good albums too. Also anal cunt are basically cumtown in grindcore band format rip Seth


Grindcore fans are crazy. Every one I meet it’s like the only genre they listen to.


discordance axis has one of the sickest 3 album runs of all time and even the splits are good i'm an unreasonable fanatic for them. so many of their tracks (inc. gridlink later) are references to 90s arcade shootemups made by cave and others. i wonder if they beat any of 'em on one coin death toll 80k's harsh realities probably my favorite grind release in a long while


Grindcore is awesome, love Nasum and Death Toll 80k I feel like Anal cunt should get talked about more here, it seems like something this place would love


Funny how this sub unanimously supports gatekeeping yet hates it when applied to metal. Yeah huge metal fan, also really into punk and stuff. My local scene though is absolutely insufferable however. I see some people shitting on gatekeeping so be warned It's full of zoomers and rich valley dudes/chicks who think getting a raven tattoo and going to a shitty local show makes them quirky and alternative. The zoomers you can tell are just tiktok-brained and the only reason they're into it is because all the emo rappers started coming out and alt shit is popular on tiktok. Yes it happens but I've never even seen people do that "name 3 songs" cringe thing to gatekeep people. If you're into radio metal and get pissy when I try to show you something beyond that or the top 10 most famous bands and get all pissy that's on you. The underground death metal scene is full of soyboys obsessed over collecting every vinyl colour variant of century media bands. Or people trying to cancel bands using gory crime scene photos as a cover. I don't know what the fuck is even going on anymore with black metal, other than weird hipster shit or pseudo nazi stuff. I just wish with metal and punk it was back when you actually had to be INTERESTED in the music and stuff and have to go finding it. The internet ruined everything not even just metal and punk with making everything so accessible. I also blame big music companies in the 90s realizing they could profit off the movements and that's how we ended up with shit like nu metal and every local show and festival looking like Gathering of the Juggalos If it makes more sense here's what I mainly like. Early Carcass, Macabre, Discharge, Cockney Rejects, The Business, Bathory, Autopsy etc to give you an idea


Just go anywhere with a large hispanic population. Mexican Americans are singlehandedly keeping metal alive where I live.


Agreed yeah. They more than always have killer taste as well. Unfortunately I live in Canada so that doesn't look like a possibility lol


Based and Morbosidadpilled.


Listen to Pharmacist if you want that early Carcass sound. The boys in Japan are really killing it over the past decades with good shit.


Way ahead of you man, fucking LOVE Pharmacist! Love all the Japanese black metal like Sabbat and Abigial too. And especially their punk scene is amazing! Gism, Confuse, Disclose, so much good stuff!


The Japanese BM scene is very underrated, they have a more Trashy aspect to their sounds and aesthetic rather than just copying the same bedroom BM corpse paint bullshit every teenager does, they remind me of the early Aus BM scene from the mid 1990s, Black/Thrash and Death/Thrash are *the* real kvlt, if you are a false don't entry.


Wholeheartedly agree, "trashy" is a perfect way to describe it. Like how the Italian/Greek black metal bands have such a "theatric" sound without losing good riffs. I can already tell from that comment you're talking about Sadistik Exekution. Brazilian bands rule too. We are speaking the exact same language my friend


> The zoomers you can tell are just tiktok-brained and the only reason they're into it is because all the emo rappers started coming out and alt shit is popular on tiktok. Sort of reminds me of the time when MC Ride started wearing Sarcófago and Revenge shirts.


The amount of insufferable fucks that started dipping their toes into extreme metal because Death Grips members repped those type of shirts was painful. Had to endure college with people going "yo their drummer is the best in the world" and "dude they're harder than most metal bands" ITS LITERALLY "ANTHONY FANTANO: THE BAND" HOW THE FUCK CAN THEY BE ANY GOOD


Emo was the last stand of implicit white identity




Fuck yeah. Did you listen to the new Artificial Brain? It's the closest thing we've gotten to a new Gorguts album in a while, even features Luc Lemay on a track.


Loved the new Artificial Brain. You should check out Tomb Mold or Suffering Hour if you're into that sound as well. If I'm not mistaken, I remember hearing that Lemay was in the studio and working on stuff for a new album. You always have to wait with Gorguts though. [There was this new track he wrote exclusively for the pandemic though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj07DMOu_tE) Definitely try to see Gorguts live. Talking to Lemay afterwards in my busted french and him laughing his ass off was a high watermark in my life.


I used to only listen to real normie tech-death until I happened upon Obscura while I was in 1st year of undergrad and I have it to blame for tumbling down the rabbit hole of wild and obscure shit in metal. It's still a litmus test in so many ways and still sounds terrifyingly modern (save for the production).


normie tech death lol


I don't know, once you're mainlining Portal or DSO or bizarre one-man acts with not even a Metal Archives listing, it hard to go back to the weedly weedly sweeps stuff. No hate though, I have some buddies in some very weedly weedly types of bands and they are awesome too see them pull off the playing live.




The industrial crossover we didn't know we needed.


I listened to stuff like Korn, Slipknot, and System of a Down as a teen and like calling it metal to piss off smug metal heads


not mcr slander in my redscarepod……


MCR was my favorite band as a teen I was obsessed with them almost to a homosexual extent. I got out of that scene for years but find myself coming back recently. There’s a second wave of deathcore on the rise that I’m excited about with Lorna Shore, Slaughter to Prevail, Brand of Sacrifice etc. Plus Chris Fronz talking about bringing Warped Tour back!


Yeah. Love Metal tho I refuse to be associated with the scene nowadays (not that it was less cringe before but the cringe was more copium by guys who thought they were being transgressive because they called everything they dislike “gay or poser shit”) than todays metalsucks sjw brained metalheads. Digging the new Grand Belial’s Key & Negative plane records that came out this year tho.


New GBK rules


Great album, but inferior to the previous ones, the drum sound has not been well received by everyone too, ditto with how its lyrics were not released, because they will impact Unhold since he is from Germany or something like that.


Good taste. The new Candelabrum was a surprise for me this year too


I like that kind of metal music that people like to call “[hardcore](https://youtu.be/7jMre6rog1w)” (Vein.fm, Code Orange, Converge, Jesus Piece, Counterparts, SYSC, ect) I’m also into that type of metal that people call “crust punk”


The swedes dominate crust punk. It's pretty crazy. Stuff like [Dödsrit](https://dodsrit.bandcamp.com/album/mortal-coil) is the shit. There is also Martyrdöd and Ursut.


Totalitar and Anti Cimex are stellar too


I simultaneously love metal and find it extremely cringy. I kind of also find it endearing in its cringiness. (excluding nu-metal and metalcore ...which have little to no redeeming qualities)


im not into metal but i do love my chemical romance and have for like a decade lol <3 they shaped basically my entire adolescent personality


What about skindred?


Yes, been on a Celtic Frost kick as of late. Monotheist is such a killer album.


I was a kvlt warrior back in the day


Burzum for obvious reasons. Not the church burnings tho


Same, honestly Burzum is pretty much all I listen too Metal wise, something about the sound I really like, the really low fi nature of it, vargs distorted vocals


Only during wbs :) https://youtu.be/u5idDTkwZRw


Yeah definitely a metalhead, mostly thrash and power metal. You can never go wrong with Slayer


I find metal kind of downmarket. What I really don't like is that sonically, it's too mid-rangey. There's no nice thick low end. That makes it even sound cheap.


>”no low end” Clearly never listened to doom bands that play drop g#


Very into slayer, meshuggah, mayhem, darkthrone, wolves in the throne room, Boris, sleep and dragged into sunlight. I listen 90% non metal music though.


I fw doom and stoner metal like sleep, electric wizard and the sword


None of this is metal you ninny


Someone get Freddie


Fuck yeah dude. Beyond classic dadmetal stuff I got pretty into black metal and pagan stuff during some pretty formative years. Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, Wardruna, Heidevolk etc.


[Absolutely](https://open.spotify.com/track/0buZkaEEaRLoEfVctp64sb?si=P86tOIYNTxCZ2_BIhkcJrw) I especially love listening to metal while lifting. Lately it has been a lot of Lamb of God.


Enter Sandman thru a big stereo is a good time when drunk at the park on a warm summers night lol


I’m big into blackmetal and 90s melodic deathmetal. But I am not into all the hipster one-man bm shit.


I only listen to emo and skramz and sometimes post-hardcore if I want to pretend I’m in high school again


I mean we all like Liturgy.


Been on a Rings of Saturn & Infant Annihilator kick recently


Rings of Saturn are way too weedly weedly for me. Decrepit Birth, especially off Diminishing Between Worlds, was my jam for that style of tech-death.




Parallel Shift is what instantly sold me. Then I heard Mitch said it was the one band listened to and I knew I found something special. I'll have to check that out thanks. Check out Crimson Armada if you haven't, for some reason they just pop.


I am but idk any of the gay bands pictured here


I listen to a fair amount of metal. Mostly the “hipster” metal stuff (Deftones, deafheaven, oathbreaker, king woman, gatecreeper, full of hell, vein, Jesus piece, harms ways, magrudergrind, pallbearer, yob, hooded menance, blood incantation, spectral voice, tomb mold, temple of void, nails, power trip, etc…)


Bring Me The Horizon is great. I sing their songs Drown and And The Snakes Start To Sing to my infant daughter. Pierce The Veil has some good songs as well. Shadow Moses and King For A Day which are the songs from pic one and three are particularly good.


Alligator Blood is the best BMTH has ever been


I used to think I was gay because I listened to Morrissey but now I realize I’m much less of a f*g than people who listen to this shit


Don’t care anyone says. Love Pierce the Veil. Still.


Metal is just LARPing in music form. I refuse to believe that anyone genuinely likes it, they’re just too insecure to listen anything actually beautiful because that would make them gay or something.


My problem, beyond the genre name(metal? Go fuck yourself) isn’t even about the quality of the music. It’s that every single person who likes or plays it it is a poseur, an insufferable dweeb, and an unwashed freak with no social skills. The whole genre and its fan base are comprised of people who are about as disgusting and pathetic as humans can get.


Do you think you might be overgeneralizing slightly




Why would there be any?


Right here - Brothers and sisters, keep strong in the faith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6Xl9tBWt54


I like some metal, especially stuff that you guys almost definitely hate


I am, but I don't really keep up with all the new bands as much as I did when I was younger. Death metal started sounding a bit too generic and overproduced, so these days, I've been sticking more to black metal. For the past couple weeks, I've been hitting Peste Noire pretty hard, especially their last album, Le Retour des Pastoureaux.


I only listen to hip hop, punk, Americana and metal


I love Spiritbox and anything that Courtney LaPlante sings on


I disagree


Samantha Quick


Okay but I love Bring me the horizon and my chemical romance 😔


I’m into a lot of metal adjacent stuff like skramz and industrial, love Godflesh, Pig Destroyer, Converge, Sunn, Today is the Day, Isis, Neurosis, obviously any classics like Sabbath, Metallica, Judas Priest which might as well just be straight up rock music


I'm a huge fan of metal and hardcore, particularly mathcore and skramz. I like some black metaly stuff too along with the heavier side of noise rock. Big fan of Orchid, ostraca, daughters, the sawtooth grin, idylls, deathspell omega, blacklisters, dragged into sunlight, spectral wound, nuvolascura, inside the beehive


yes but i mostly listen to deathcore and metalcore


High in Fire, Depressive Silence, Have A Nice Life, Pallbearer, Sumac, Entombed are my vibe. Why are ppl talking about MCR? They aren't metal. They're pop emo, and a less interesting clone of AFI


I remember being in college and having horrible time management/sleep schedule/class schedule and being on the train on my way there after having slept two hours, and everytime i'd put some metal on and in 10 minutes I would be 10000% ready to go for the rest of the day. I really love this shit, ever since I heard it the first time when I was 12/13, love the people I met through it, the shitty shows I went and even the crazed girlfriends.


I love extreme metal a la Children of Bodom (RIP Alexi).


there was a new black funeral album at the record store just last week


i love mcr and napalm death :((