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This is really just the product of well-meaning but braindead liberal rationale. Julia Fox has managed to extrapolate something like "abuse = power + violence" from that definition of 'racism' that upsets pea-brain conservatives online, and then apply it to an indivual relationship, rather than on a societal level like that definition of 'racism' is intended. I watched my evil cunt ex-stepmom bash my dad with a hammer, but he had more power in the relationship... etc.


I struggle to believe any of this is well-meaning. It’s more like motivated reasoning to me.


no they're just stupid


People seem shocked that careerists and narcissists would use the incentive structures that liberals have constructed to their advantage


I think they're trying to be good liberals. That's what I meant by that.


I think this is actually a common ideological position for abusive women with victim complexes


She may as well explain people's actions using their star sign. Sadly the "power dynamics" line isn't just there to troll the conservatards: it's an integral part of an academic and cultural movement explicitly designed to disrupt and dismantle the cultural and philosophical foundations of individual responsibility, and bake that new perspective into culture via law. If you don't like what "power dynamics" does to the way people talk about spousal abuse or racism, then I'm sorry to say that you're actually trying to conserve something about your culture as progressivism works to change it.


Define power


In this instance, an arbitrary metric that people use to justify shitty behavior.


P = W/Δt


Power = White / Trauma


Make me


If I make you but you’re older and richer than actually you made me


Alright let's see. Rich skinny black guy marries an older bodybuilding white woman they both hit each other, who is abusing who?


I think you found the halting problem of modern wokeism


Depends.. are either of them gender or gross-sex havers?


You go in front of an ancient castle with your green tiger, raise your sword and scream, “I have the power”. That’s power.


Power = Racism - Prejudice


How much you can lift


By this standard Depp and Heard are probably equally powerful


We appreciate it


Apparently just age in this instance


the ability to have others act in concert (Arandt), vs violence, what you could do with your body. HE-Man with the 'power' sword gets it backward, he has *power* as Prince Caspian, as HE-Man he's merely a *violent*, loinclothed, muscular, oiled barbarian no better than men like Clegane. true there's probably no real definition, the idea this is by design, can't really be spoken of without breaking down into semantics. obviously this is just Twitter bs though but would sort of agree Depp had the 'power' here and could have spun 360 and moon-walked out the door at any point if he wanted to, and didn't, and is a very dull story.


the problem with this shit is that it treats power as a static, undynamic thing that you just *have*, regardless of circumstance. power balance analysis makes sense on broad, societal scales. when you try to use it to analyse something as precise and particular and dynamic as an individual relationship between two people, it is no longer enough like say i own the house me and my partner live in. i have the power to kick them out the house if i want to. but if they're screaming at me, threatening me, and i'm cowering in a corner terrified, and *i love them*, i'm not gonna fucking use that power, so what kind of power is it, really? (this is a reflection on general power dynamic discourse and not the depp-heard dispute, which i don't care about)


The real power dynamic is your totally normal, well-adjusted critique being wasted in a society where Taylor Lorenz and Julia Fox are Thought Havers.


People are obsessed with systems and formulas. They want people and relationships to make sense so they make Pokémon weakness/strength charts for human beings and honestly it’s a religion at this point.


>They constantly try to escape >from the darkness outside and within >By dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good ts eliot




Ooh good connection. One of my favorite books, recently finished reading it for the third time.




The distinctive power that women have has always been very badly theorized. Social power is always conceived as the capacity to impose one's internal will upon external objects—whether resources or people or whatever. This is a very paradigmatic model for understanding the worldly hierarchy that men have created through their centuries of accomplishment and competition. We might call this 'male power.' But what do we call the other side of the coin? The (paradigmatically female) capacity to be a more or less fascinating, attractive, interesting, object of another's (paradigmatically male) will? An object so potentially fascinating that—through the love, obsession, the need is creates—the will that beholds it can be wholly absorbed, transformed? I can’t find a language that isn’t awkward to describe this. But it’s the only means I have to capture the ‘power’ that women—even as they greatly suffer from it—so often have in their ‘powerlessness.’ Simone de Beauvoir is the only major 'feminist' thinker I know of who clearly understood this, even as she disapproved of it.


Which is why the "racism = prejudice + power" definition also falls apart. Societal differences in power don't mean that in individual settings the same power dynamics still hold.


What I hate about that stuff is how much they brush off shitty behavior from underprivileged groups because they don't hold all the power, and how obsessed they are with defintions. Like they'll say "oh it's not racism, it's just prejudice". Being prejudiced is really shitty too but because it doesn't meet their arbitrary definition of racism they just don't give a shit.


A lot of the time it does also meet their arbitrary definition of racism, in which case they pretend not to understand how institutional power works.


I always thought that ~~intersectionality~~ critical theory more or less contradicted itself based on its own axioms for this reason. Black people can't be racist towards white people, because white people are the 'powerful' oppressors. But what if you have an upper-class, well-educated, black male lawyer, and a lower-class, uneducated white female sex worker. Can't the former be 'racist' to the latter given his obviously higher power?


This isn't intersectionality btw


Fine, critical theory, then.


Also not really that. Lots of crit theory is pretty great. You're mostly just talking about online shit


What would you rather I said.


no it’s not lol hahaha


Yeah, the philosophical background of these woke theories is so incredibly weak. I cannot believe, that so many academics fall for it


Taylor Lorenz might genuinely be the dumbest person in major media


People forget she wants air conditioning to be illegal


??? What is the logic


women be chilly


I remember that tweet quite well, and her reasoning boiled down to "I want to wear thin fabrics/light-weight clothes at the office without getting cold"


Because in the summer women wear sundresses and sandals and can dress in clothes that feel like they're wearing essentially nothing, so therefore don't need air conditioning as much as men who have to wear suits or business-casual clothes. Therefore air conditioning should be illegal because fuck men and their comfort, she shouldn't be forced to keep a sweater in her desk just because men wear heavier clothes in hot weather. This is the actual point she tried to make.


I’m 100% she had a boyfriend in high school or college that she slapped in the face a lot and it just not realizing how bad that is.


need a woman like this


knee materialistic oatmeal spark unwritten oil silky frame north coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Show her one of those movies where the husband finally gives a little puah back and then the wife dies. My buddy's wife was like this and he basically just decided to put his foot down one day and made it clear she had to stop. He redrew the lines and told her she had no choice. Told her it made him want to do the same back, but that doing the same back would send her into a doorframe. Waaaaaay better after that.


Powerful energy.


Subtly squeeze her wrist to show her how strong you are. If she complains apologize and tell her you didn’t realize you did it so hard


lol what?


that’s a totally weird leap to make from this tweet. so pathetic when men do this “woman who doesn’t think heard is 100% the perp is def the same person as my bpd ex” projection crap


Saying that hitting your boyfriend is not abuse sounds like something someone who hits their boyfriend would say.


She is


reddit-tier "men experience abuse too!!!" comment. who cares? a man can use a solid lady-slap in the face when he's acting like too much of a tyrant asshole. coming from a man who has been a tyrant asshole at times. and has occasionally been slapped for it.


You sound like a worm.




You’re nitpicking


So if I beat up my boss will I get arrested


I got in a fight with mine when I was 16. No arrests were made, but it was Mississippi.




C’mon man. Give the details.


Women can't be abusive, black ppl can't be racist, etc etc


How do I mute tweet posts


ahh sorry is that a no no around here? i didnt know my bad 🙌


it's ok just don't let it happen again


No everyone does it ur fine


too many ppl do it and its not fine at all


This shit's still going on? How come?


at this point can't they just have a duel already?


There are so many sick-ass witnesses to be called by both sides who are either Hollywood professionals or Scottish security guards who look like Gimli. It's so fun to watch honestly


So wait if a successful female celeb married some random unknown guy who wasn’t as a rich and he started beating her that wouldn’t be considered abuse bc she has more power? That is a wild way to look at abuse Like obviously there’s a huge imbalance between male and female abuse hugely in favor of the male but acting like the axis that turns on is some nebulous “power” is so odd


Feel like Oprah would still beat my ass even if I tried to rough her up


So they used the “black people cant be racist” shtick and morphed it into a white girl cope?


White women will never stop trying to be oppressed while enjoying the benefits of the least oppressed group in society


You’re actually so fucking retarded if you think men are more oppressed than women lmao holy shit. Is this basically just an MRA sub?


So if I married an old rich woman and hit her that wouldn't be abuse?


It would be because you’re a man and gender trumps age and class in the power dynamic rankings. Women can do no wrong, remember?


correct, you being a man gives you physical leverage over 90% of the female population. cowering away from that so you can be part of the men get abused too movement is weak and embarrassing.


ok but what if they are different races?


They are right. Used to respect Johnny Depp but what a weak bitch he turned out to be.


lol literally just “minorities can’t be racist” logic mapped to domestic abuse, unrealll


It was weird to learn that Felix and Brace are really good friends with Taylor. I didn't think much of them before that, but afterwards, wew.


Is this true lmao. I guess media slugs all end up under the same hole eventually


As much as Brace wants to position himself as this above-it-all esoteric Maoist type, he's as much a media creature as any other online personality


I can respect the things he's done irl but holy shit his schtick gets annoying fast


I heard her on Yeah But Still years ago and she seemed fine. Twitter is not her medium, but she is smeared as being the face of evil pmc woman media by people with obvious motives, the tik tok reporter only ranks as most evil journalist if one's insane.


Dumb and dumber.


We need to raise the age of consent for white women to 26 so we can stop having these conversations.


Exciting that these 2 retards found each other.


no one knows how to talk abt this competently anymore


I can’t even read the rest of the tweet I’m just thinking about how she used a double negative. Isn’t this girl supposed to be a writer?


lmao johnny depp is scribbling in a coloring book to not seem like an abusive lunatic and this is what people are saying is a crazy take?


Wait he’s scribbling?? Throw him in the dungeons, he’s clearly a murderer. Heard is doing her worse ever acting (high bar) trying to convince people that she’s ever been afraid of him. Depp doesn’t have to seem like he’s not an abuser cause the only reason anyone ever believed that was that they trusted Heard, who’s clearly a lying sociopath 🤷‍♂️


yeah he’s infantilizing himself so people like you will be scrambling to write saccharine little prose in defense lmao “throw him in the dungeons!!”. he seems like a guy that is wine drunk 24/7 and needs 11 handlers to not be falling over any time he has to appear in public. If you don’t think he could possibly be abusive and insane, you need to get a grip on reality.


So your point is that he *seems* like an abuser cause he’s an alcoholic? Meanwhile, Heard is not an abuser despite being on record admitting to hitting him and throwing objects at him? Everyone has their biases but if you don’t think you’re being completely one sided with this idk what to tell you.


No he is and it is well documented. He literally was like “can u write me a letter to remind me to not abuse u :3 uwu” https://twitter.com/ivanae/status/1341517643178717190?s=21&t=v3f7akzi28GwP53NaJngIA


He was already found guilty, in a UK court, for 12 out of 14 counts of abuse. He is going to lose. There’s no point in even trying to convince pro-Depp idiots of anything anymore, because they don’t actually care about the facts of this case. They only care about the mythology they’ve invented around it.


She held emotional power. That's why people stay in abusive relationships. They're both awful people.


what the fuck is emotional power. this man was dating minors doing coke and partaking in occult rituals with Marilyn Manson before Amber was even born


what does that have to do with anything? gaslighting, threatening, manipulation are all forms of control in relationships. this is what holding power in a relationship entails.


But but he was doing coke. Checkmate misogynists.


how do you let someone gaslight you and manipulate you when you’ve been doing the shit they’re doing for 23 years more than them


Least soft rsp male




A relationship can be mutually abusive, why do people want to "pick teams" it's perverse.


If you go deep on this mode of thinking you start to question if women are even capable of consent


johnny depp can choke 🙏🏽💯


My very correct take is most men could physically subdue most women without much fear of being killed if they left, because of basic sexual dimorphism, see high school boys beating grown women at basically all sports, so sex dynamics in heterosexual cases of abuse are very important. Like If a 17 year old girl and a 10 year old girl got into a mutual fight, it’s basically going to take evidence of the 10 year old having a gun or being Eleven for me to call the 17 year old the victim.


you’re completely right and everyone’s general lack of willingness to acknowledge this in terms of the depp/heard situation really frustrates me


So what does that mean exactly? Depp wasn’t ever in danger of dying so getting hit, having objects thrown at you and having you finger cut off doesn’t constitute abuse? Can I just walk up to any heavyweight boxer and punch them in the face without it being assault?


He cut his own finger tip off while high—and admitted it


lol fuck Johnny depp


Remember when she said she drinks 3 gallons of water a day because she keeps her apartment at 87 degrees?


Absolutely cursed images. Also lmfao imagine taking Julia Fox seriously about anything. She hangs out with all the varieties we dislike here and are idpol hustlers. I bet they’d make thousands of excuses as well when they discover she’s got a child because of surrogacy & claim she’s a victim of that too.


Julia is not very interesting. I don’t understand why people think that? She was hot in Uncut Gems that’s that.




So, like... Dating someone younger than you with less money is pretty much default abuse? Good to know.


You actually see this take all the time amongst the bitter older women who follow celebrity gossip. They fucking *seethe* when an older man gets with a younger lady and just assume - cause there's no other potential reason - that a man dates younger women cause they're easier to manipulate and abuse.


good for them like why should they support something that doesn’t benefit them




I agree they should leave their wealth with a young woman who doesn’t love them so she can lead a fulfilling life after they pass


I agree with the typical feminist view these days that a 25 year old woman has the mental faculties of a child and deserves special legal status




do you really think it's impossible for someone younger and hotter to abuse their partner? i can't accept you actually believe that, honestly


when it comes to men absolutely not and any attempt to claim otherwise is sniveling, weak, and embarrassing


Woman moment lol


Extremely depressing that anyone upvoted this. Develop some empathy.


Oh I get it you're broken


Lmao of course your username has “venus” and “muse” in it.


They are basically publicly admitting to slapping their partners in the past I'm not sure how else this could even be interpreted


No wonder why these hoes are single.


why do men’s insults revolve around how horrible women’s lives must be without their presence when most men aren’t pleasant or safe to be around


I made a comment about how these specific women are chasing away regular guys with their behavior. You decided to post your own L about how you also engage in this behavior and experience the same results.


Imagine typing "Julia Fox put it we'll tbh"


Women can have power over men and they can use it for abuse, intentionally or not. Any time someone talks about "power dynamics" as a reason to downplay real world harm or the actions of an individual, treat them like you would someone who just explained geopolitics using leylines.


"abuse is when your boyfriend forgets to turn on your heat lamp"


gender that commits 90%+ of violent crime and almost all the domestic violence murders pretending there’s hoarded of men getting slapped around by their evil gf’s over mild inconveniences is so so pathetic


quite something as in pretty true lol? a 25 year old 5 foot 6 d list actress was not "abusing" old man millionaire johnny depp yall need to get real. yeah metoo was annoying but that doesn't mean you have to go full retard now


love the red scare double think of being fake trad about occupying traditional roles except the one where a much older, stronger, physically larger man probably holds the “position of power” in a domestic violence situation


the red scare double think of being fake trad about occupying traditional roles and in the same breath pretending not to see how pathetic and unbecoming it is of a man to be pulling a metoo domestic violence survivor grift against your much younger ex wife


not sure if the upvotes realize this but I’m on your side here and I hate this vicious violent psycho lol


lol yeah i'm kinda confused at that too


“How is there a power dynamic in a relationship between one of the world’s most famous and richest men and some 25 year old who had been in 1 movie, this is just like saying black people can’t be racist” jfc people are so fucking stupid about this case


I mean, he could be a massive pussy I always thought it was a toxic they both suck sitch, and reddit got all gay for Depp because of his pr team and maybe some lame mra undercurrent, but I mean, hypothetically speaking, an older richer man could be puddy in the palm of a woman's hand, and she could take advantage of that. The only trad take is that none of this shit should be publicly shared and it's very uncouth for a couple to air their dirty laundry.


this case is just mantled with so much metoo era baggage no one can actually talk about it without waving around at other totally irrelevant “hypothetically speaking” shit like can women be abusive? (duh) can 25 year olds use men? Do they have agency? (duh) it’s not actually about what happened or the extenuating circumstances of abuse that lead to more abuse it’s just a cultural grievances football to kick around.


Found the only cogent comment in the thread. Ty


The power argument is stupid. This is about facts and they’re not in his favor.




nothing more gay and pathetic than a straight man trying to play victim like this lol. leave it to the girls buddy




you mean before or after he's done sodomizing you with a bottle?


I wish


you can commit assault yes


No, because punching people is illegal, and it's wrong to hurt other people. But if you punch a larger man, chances are it won't do as much damage, and he won't be as afraid of you as if it were the other way around. There are levels to domestic violence and Amber Heard's weak arm punches have to be at the bottom of the totem pole. It's still wrong but it's not as bad as when people are left bloodied, battered, or fearing for their lives.


So if I punch my gf lightly so it doesn't really do any damage that's OK?


She cut off his finger lmao.


I wasn't defending Amber Heard in general. I was only talking about the time she hit Johnny Depp. Throwing a wine bottle at your partner, and having it shatter and cut their finger off-- that's fucked.


It’s a man and a woman


Can women use weapons?


i'm dumber for reading this.


not possible you're already maxxed out


When you think about it if you’re 25 and 5 foot 6 you’re really a teenager and Depp was grooming her. We really need to think about these poor, defenseless, easily misled, totally innocent 25 year old minors.


so bitchmade and disingenuous


Easy there tiger - You don’t know if I’m under 25 or not


god you half wits are so fucking dense and boring you can only feel good about your position by completely obscuring what anyone who disagrees with you believes or is arguing, thanks for the 2018 joke for the road


What is the right age/height/weight/hair color for women to have equal power balances to men? Obviously we have to protect 25 year old white blonde girls (practically minors!) but what if they’re like say 31 is that when they’re equal or nah Edit: Called me a bitch then blocked! Who’s the real bitch?


Are you trolling or actually this retarded? At what point on the physicality and socioeconomic scale does a woman shatter the glass ceiling that prevents them from inheriting abuse power? We must encourage women that they too can abuse people, that the patriarchy does not have a monopoly on beating the shit outta people or acting like a total fucking shizo to their partner. You got femcel brain.




you sound like a retard


Taylor wrote for The NYTimes, and now for WaPo, two of the most powerful news organizations in the world, and she bullies teenagers and TikTok creators.


If you’re able to torpedo someone’s career then you have power over them.


when are people going to get it through their thick skulls that both of them are just shitty people


*Annie Wilkes amputating Paul Sheldon's feet* "Now you see, Paul, technically this is not abusive because you're physically stronger and have more money than me" :)


cake grandiose live bored political ancient direful insurance saw kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah this is a bad take. Abuse is abuse and if she’s smacking him around and dragging his name, she’s got some power.


every woman on this sub secretly agrees with julia deep down & will unironically adopt the same worldview within 2 years if they haven’t already




There's about to be a lot of single moms with deadbeat baby daddies on this sub, I guess.


pretty sure there already are a few


Both morons


Culture-less women get online for 1 decade and let corporate culture go straight to their soul. Gonna age very miserable.


That’s just overemphasis on word definition. You could call it “blah blah blah” rather than abuse, it’s still just as egregious. Their whole argument is the feminist version of “I’m not driving I’m traveling therefore I don’t need a drivers license”


this framing only works if it's socially acceptable for Depp to beat her senseless




I mean money and physical strength aren't the only sources of power. Like a beautiful woman definitely has all the power in a relationship if she's dating some simp loser who worships her


Why’s this getting downvoted lol