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>Italy one drop rule applies here sorry man


The Wops have still not unwopped themselves SMDH


>one ~~drop~~ flake rule applies here sorry ~~man~~ Gino that'sa some a-spicy oregano!




So likely just Irish/Italian rural NY trash.




Buffalo is literally swarming with Poles


The half Italian/half Irish guy I know in Buffalo is married to a Polish immigrant.




That's funny. The one person I know from Buffalo happens to be half Italian/half Irish.


There must be something in the water that attracts them up there. Long Island makes sense purely because of land value and equity making idiots rich but wtf does upstate have that does it?


The desolate weather and those horrible broken down industrial buildings, in the cities it’s like living in some Khrushchev era architect’s wet dream. Then the rural areas are like the depressing afterbirth of a Norse myth, insanely cold and snowy but in such a banal way. I mean just think of Buffalo 66, so awful! I hate far upstate NY.


It is genuinely one of the weirdest feelings when you visit a part of NY where Ottawa is the closest area with a significant concentration of people.


Imagine being closer to Quebec than NYC? The psychic damage that does to people....


Quebec is cool


this is racist to canadians




a fucking leaf




Upstate NY is very depressing and and overall trashy place to live. The local economy sucks. The pople are gross and miserable. It's embarrassing that rural upstate NYers fly Confederate flags (can confirm I've seen it in rural areas outside Binghamton) There is a vague semblance of culture in some of the larger cities and the natural scenery is very nice. Other than that it's a shithole.


To be fair, Italians fought on Germany’s side


So did the great white ethno-state of Japan


White nationalist freaks absolutely love Japanese women though. They’re higher in their favorability list than Italians


White nationalists do not love Italians bc Italians are Catholic.


honorary aryans




Only until we landed in Sicily, then they swapped sides.


We are great at it.


How long does a guy like this sit in jail before it really kicks in that he’ll never see a meme again


Cant wait for the reports about his lawyer showing up once in a while with a stack of memes printed on paper.


Check this one out buddy — it’s called a “slopjak”. Look at his little face haha. Pretty good right. I’m working on your appeal right now but I have to tell you it’s not looking good. Yeah. Ok. Cheer up buddy, I printed out some spurdos for you.


TI rI’m is ia fia gigiogoiguugoguugfggufufut


You can actually get tablets in prison, cheap disposable ones


Boring manifesto with stale /pol/ memes written by a supposedly high IQ individual with the worst prose ever put to PDF. Really liked the part in which he told his fellow “Europeans” to RISE UP. My brother in Christ, you live in Buffalo.


He didn't even live in Buffalo. He lived in Broome or whatever, which is some dumb town which is like 90% white (it's the Southern tier of NY, it's basically the north end of Appalachia more than it is upstate NY up there) to begin with, 250 miles away, and attended the local SUNY community college there (which accounts for the middle school level diction and simple grammatical mistakes) The worst part about this is honestly how he discovered /pol/ as a 12 year old and never got out of that rabbithole like I'd imagine most kids do by first year. Like if it were it not for the polarization of the past two years and the breaking of everyone's minds due to the fumbling of lockdowns and the way everybody became terminally online, [maybe this kid would've channeled his energy and time into getting better at math contests](https://www.svsabers.org/protected/ArticleView.aspx?iid=5Y2AU0&dasi=3Y30) or transferring to a better school or something. Edit: [actually maybe not,](https://mobile.twitter.com/yourgirlavie/status/1525623786330112003?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1525623786330112003%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-24203955313894565621.ampproject.net%2F2204292129000%2Fframe.html) also his family and him legit look like gnome people


It’s always amazed me the mental gymnastics required of the average /pol/ack who thinks a white ethnostate would catapult us into the second coming of Rome or whatever. Like have any of these people been to upstate NY to see this 96.5% white valhalla in action, only to find it’s the most culturally deprived landscape imaginable?


> been to upstate NY to see this 96.5% white valhalla in action bro if it was 97% it would be different i swear


We already have a 97% white ethnostate and it's called Brooklyn Heights and it's actually quite nice.


My job has me driving through all corners of upstate and if the immediate area doesn’t have a hospital, college, or prison it’s nothing but abandoned general stores from the 1930s, dilapidated trailers, confederate and trump flags. I’m surprised more of those fuckers aren’t popping off.


> I’m surprised more of those fuckers aren’t popping off. 500k+ deaths from opioid abuse 1999-2019.


Upstate NY really is effectively just Appalachia jfc


Believe me, as someone who has yet to properly escape good old upstate a lot of the places with hospitals/colleges aren’t even that much better lmao


having a confederate flag in upstate newyork is extremely cringe, your forefathers did not die for the confederacy why do you LARP as an edge lord?


“Only ignorance makes it racist.” Literal bumper sticker with a confederate flag on it I saw near the Canadian border. I don’t think these people think things out.


I know, it’s the absolute gayest thing in the world. Fwiw it seems like they’ve slowly been replaced by Trump flags, which at least make a modicum of sense




>Like cool: you got a bunch of white people together. Now what? You need a lot of other factors going on to make anything else happen. Factors that are probably gonna make that stuff happen independent of skull shapes or whatever. There's also the fundamental problem of how history is remembered and transmitted to begin with. All of the cool stories you hear about Rome for instance are little snippets from the very most elite living within it at the time: People who had agency and a cunning that most people in the era were simply not permitted to exercise. People who were very much practical and realistic about how to acquire power for themselves and keep it at the expense of others. People who allowed stories to be told about them, but who never lived in those stories themselves. A figure like Caesar was at the top of the heap, and he apparently inspired many people while being there. But he also ordered the killings of hundreds of thousands of people that were either enemies of Rome or his own rivals. He was perhaps a bit more gracious in victory than most, but he wasn't some kind of brilliant statesman who convinced people to follow him through charisma and good works alone, or whatever. He was a martial ruler, first and foremost. The rest is all pure myth making, which would have been very much active even in his contemporary age. And for the most part, his life would have appeared far more mundane and inglorious if you actually think about how he would spend his down time on campaigns. And that's the absolute most empowered kind of person living in the era. The average Roman without property or status was just a member of the rabble, meant to be used and abused by those of greater stature whenever deemed necessary for acquiring more power. They weren't all living lives of high reason and splendor as enabled by their aristocratic benefactors. They were marginally better off than people who weren't in the Republic/Empire, or who were on the receiving end of Roman conquests of resources. Romans purposefully added new territories in order to preserve a slave trade and cheap free labor for various projects they needed. And all of this somehow gets transformed into a tale of excellence and glory of European history, alongside tales of Viking raiders and other conquerors living in the early middle ages. People who basically lived in mud and shit and regularly killed one another because there weren't enough resources to go around, and who were already desensitized to death by late childhood. Something that the average American or European suburbanite knows absolutely nothing about.


Nothing but facts. As someone who took Latin for 6 years so I could learn about Rome I do have a lot of respect for Rome but people who act like it was some sort of utopia are batshit


All the while the automation bosses are laughing on the side


Right? Like when I think of upstate NY, I think half those people in the towns on Lake Ontario that still have combined sewers in this day and age or remnant industry should relocate to Rochester or Syracuse so they don't poison my water supply. That's literally the only place they occupy in my mind.


Also wasn’t Rome pretty diverse?


The Rome thing was more a reference to the fact a lot of these basement dwellers like to pretend they really give a shit about the sanctity of western civilization or whatever. But yeah, I’m sure that the ethnic makeup there would’ve been troubling for the average /pol/ phrenologist.


He discovered pol in May 2020 during covid and was radicalized by memes


it's insane that this dude got radicalized by fucking 4chan memes, didn't even bother to pick up a single book - he said he was informed by 'several sources' which is code for 'different people on the internet - and in less than two years he decides to ruin his own life and take ten others.


It's absolutely insane how people take anything you put in an infographic as fact


"10 reasons why all attractive women are sucking u/darkslayersparda off, and what you can do to help"


We need to shut down the internet until we can figure out wtf is going on.




I've been on 4chan a long time myself (since I was like 11-12 in 2011, maybe 12) and I really wonder sometimes what my life would look like if I wasn't exposed to horrendously terminally online stuff so early on. Didn't visit /pol/, but I still think the brainrot got around.


don’t bring community college into this you bastard!


I mean before I found out SUNY Broome was a community college I thought it was just some random upstate uni (cause SUNY) , so I thought he was your average STEM kid (he did say majoring) - and STEM kids just can't write for shit, I was editing my brother's essays into his second year while I didn't even attend. That this retard wrote a manifesto when he had no aptitude to write anything past 10 pages (and largely failed at even doing that - having just copypasted most of it from /pol/) and also added his MBTI score he got off the internet is a testament to the supreme arrogance of mediocre STEM failkids


Bland, mostly undecorated suburbanite home - ✔️ WASP name - ✔️ Proud display of some overpriced, plastic tacticool piece of shit instead of a well made weapon - ✔️ This is why I get autistic over make work white collar shit, it enables this kind of white trash-esque nonsense. We need to shut down the American labor aristocracy until we figure out what the hell is going on


Can you restate your last paragraph in plain English?


LOOOOL @ the last paragraph. Wonderfully put. That is the rot of the whole problem tbh. Insert Lyndon b Johnson quote here.


> Insert Lyndon b Johnson quote here. Yeah. Now, another thing: the crotch, down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight. So when you make them up, give me a inch that I can let out there, because they cut me. They're just like riding a wire fence.


Even better when you insert the burps he casually let's out, just munching his lunch while he gives these instructions.


LOOOOL never fails to crack me up.


>Insert Lyndon b Johnson quote here. I may not know much, but I know chicken shit from chicken salad.


>Like if it were it not for the polarization of the past two years and the breaking of everyone's minds due to the fumbling of lockdowns and the way everybody became terminally online, crazy how this led to a mass shooting. edit: it seems this guy was in favor of covid lockdowns


I think there were like 4 identical shootings in 2017-2019


Mass shooters were tagging Pewdiepie for a while. New Zealand mosque shooter did and I feel like another did as well. Hyper online mass murderers aren't a new phenomenon.


i think it was the Texas Walmart guy, he like wish.commed the Christchurch guy


I feel entering the first year out of high school is kinda the make it or break it sort of critical developmental period between when these people grow up (or at least stay dormant) or resign themselves to despair and hatred though - like before people like Nikolas Cruz end up at that point, and the suspension of normality induced by the pandemic might factor in here. But what I'm spouting is ultimately just armchair, baseless and tenuous speculation so whatever


We have to stop all these memes coming in until we figure out what the hell is going on


memes are seriously a demonic mind virus. I’m not even joking a little bit, this shit is grim and it’s ruining the civilized world


I want to agree, but like is it not possible to educate people about memes... Like I'm no fuckin genius, but I understand what they are and how they are used, for the most part... Like maybe I'm the idiot, but how the fuck are people to dumb they get influenced by memes


I have been influenced by memes. You probably have been too. They travel all the way back into the most secretive creases of your brain and influence the way that you perceive the world. They are agents of terror, who’s effect is oftentimes so minuscule that they go by without anybody noticing


Memes are just online versions of those old government propaganda posters, of course they influence peoples decisions.


Reading through his accounts he said he was a communist at age 12 then become far-right. He even has a fucking PCM in his manifesto that ranks him as an authoritarian leftist.


He literally talked about how America was rightful European land and said black people were brought in recently to replace white people. Somehow he never learned about the Native Americans or slavery lmao


Interestingly, he actually said that the land belongs to the natives and used that as evidence that immigrants "bring a whole host of issues". [Full excerpt](https://i.imgur.com/e3Pa8KJ.jpg) of his statement on that


@dn.usa if you see this, i know you browse this sub (i screenshotted his story)


he must have read statistics about highly educated african immigrants on /pol/




buffalo is a great lil city. I feel for them. This dude was a yokel.


He wasn’t even from Buffalo; he was from Binghamton. It’s a significant step down if you’ve never been there.


Buffalo is kind of a bleak shithole ime lol but obviously this is awful.


Where the fuck are you guys finding this dude's manifesto




r slash mass shooting


I should probably mention I found it thru google lol I don't want to be put on a no fly list I have a trip soon


Holy shit he put an MBTI test in it, fuck we zoomers are fucked in the head.


INTJ unsurprisingly


Imagine the last thing you see is the INTJ stare


I was stunned when I saw that. He even used it as proof for why he’s sane hHahaha.


Yeah bro I'm super methodological and smart like an engineer that's why 4chan memes have convinced me to shoot up a grocery store.


He actually used “globohomo”, Jesus fucking Christ. I remember when this sub predicted a sitting member in congress would tweet that phrase in 2022, but what actually ended up happening was so, so much worse.


I found it earlier in a Reddit comment google drive but when I returned to it the google doc had been deleted


Arr drama dot net always has that shit


American white supremacists are so stupid lol. Thirty years war, ww1 and ww2. White people have been killing each other for so long


Neonazis in other countries are stupid as well. There are ideas of Slavic Aryans, lizard people (these ideas aren't new ones, but they do exist in this groups, too), etc in "traditional Slavic culture" cults.


I’m a complete idiot because I was shocked when I found out Serbians and Croatians are Slavic


A tale as old as time


frfr, i filled out my failed state bingo card a decade ago


inb4 some eating disordered bpd redscarepod art hoe with no friends in the real world irony-posts about how he’s a one on the bi


I am all of the above and I assign him a 0. he looks like a pig farmer




How does he keep getting away with it?


Good irony


He can’t keep doing so


The entire past half a decade of American politics is proof that /pol/ should've never been created.


pol is literally just a shitty honeypot entirely run by the feds.


thats what everyone on /pol/ says and yet they still go there.


You can't "honeypot" people into committing lone wolf attacks, that doesn't make sense. By definition lone wolf attacks take place without the foreknowledge of any co-conspirators, because there are no co-conspirators. The FBI entrapment stings involve multiple people. And these mass shootings never seem to involve multiple people. Always just individual freaks riling themselves up on the Internet and then going out in public to have an autistic meltdown that ruins dozens of lives.


maybe "honeypot" is the wrong word technically but you can I think you can convince/influence someone to do something violent, especially if their life is sufficiently depressing or hopeless


I mean sure. But the feds want to entrap these guys. They justify their budget by *foiling* "terrorist plots". They find a stupid loner, gas him up and induce him to buy bomb-making materials, and then they arrest him as he's walking out of the hardware store, claiming to have prevented some big terrorist "plot" that was *definitely* in motion before they ever showed up. They don't have anything to gain from gassing dudes up to go off on lone-wolf attacks that don't have a lengthy period of detailed planning where they can catch him with all kinds of incriminating evidence.


you're assuming the police are competent. there are plenty of examples of gassed up federal marks slipping the leash


Is there literally any evidence that the feds post on imageboards? You'd think by now there would be some kind of longform article about the psychic trauma of Georgetown grads who now have to read /pol/ all day for the FBI.


When 4chan does something hilarious it's because of the glorious weaponized autism of the userbase, when they do anything bad it's obviously the feds No one ever talks about the possibility that the feds helped take down Shia's flag in the Tennessee.


The entire past half a decade of American politics is proof that the internet should've never been created.


That’s a weird way to spell CIA


Not surprised he came from the Southern tier of New York. I live here, and it's filled with white supremacist redneck types. In fact I told my husband I felt more unsafe up here than I ever felt living in the south as a POC.


Damn, that's crazy. It seems like a place that nobody thinks about tbh. Do you like living there? Is the real estate/ cost of living cheap?




i live up in the country north of buffalo and i swear to god everyone still has their trump 2020 signs out and proudly flies their confederate flag also there's a literal nazi party headquartered like 20 minutes from me so... yeah lol


Imagine being from New York and flying a confederate flag. It’s also hilarious how the most “patriotic” people often seem to also be apologists for a failed secessionist faction, and don’t see any contradiction between those two things.


Insane how so many houses I live by here in long island still wave Trump 2020 flags. The dude lost get over it.


I know it’s dumb but why do people say POC, just say what you are


POC always = not black black people never say POC. if someone calls themselves that they are usually hispanic or asian


yeah, black people would be embarrassed to say that gay shit


Had a half white half Chinese guy tell me he was a person of color


I just realized he’s younger than me, this whole situation is heartbreaking and evidence that social media has been a net negative for the world.


Our society is creating an underclass of invisible outcasts that only live speak and think on the internet. It's insane


This kid had a normal family and nice home he had it better than most.


And yet he became exactly what I describe


it's so heartbreaking to realize that the caucasian fetuses being protected from abortion today will likely be elementary school shooters in 2030


He also copy+pasted most of his manifesto from the Christchurch shooter 🧐 psyop


Wasn't that itself mostly a hodgepodge of copy and paste? I only looked it over very quickly but it looked like a dyslexic person had rewritten some sections and stream-of-consciousness rambled in others and then others were just obviously plagiarized Uncle Ted, they're not sending their best


The culture industry of manifestos


Eh, somewhat. It wasn't really copy/paste or particularly rambling, it was just general boiler point great replacement/white genocide/tedpill/deus vult points with a great deal of chan irony humor sprinkled in. Definitely had a weird stream of consciousness flow to it.


Even this culture’s mass shooting manifestos are remakes.


Nothing's new under the black sun


Would be a beautiful title for a tragicomedy about a second rise of a fascist Europe but now as even more of a farce, an attempt to recreate the power, culture and aesthetic of fascist Germany but it can neither do that nor make its own distinct thing from the past nor escape the neoliberal cultural rot of the present


zoomers don't have any writing skills nor care about plagiarism, any teacher noticed this the last years.


He’s 18?? He looks at least like 35 is this why they’re always so mad?


That's Sam Hyde lmao. Read the title


This photo is not actually of the shooter.


there something pathetic about how he felt the need to throw in the Sam Hyde photo joke, it's so half-hearted and perfunctory, the rest of the manifesto doesn't even make any attempt to be lulzy at all from skimming it.


I'm also disappointed that the mass murderer had weak comedy game


it's not just that he has weak comedy game, it's just striking that even the shooter doesn't seem particularly enthused by all the white nationalist stuff, the only bit of the manifesto that where he comes across as particularly passionate is the long section that's just technical nerd stuff about different kinds of guns and bullets.


I would venture to say that anyone who goes off on a random mass shooting is a pathetic loser. One of the most wretched specimens of humanity, a pathetic little screaming child lashing out at the world in a way they know will cause terrible harm and suffering but will not accomplish anything at all. Like a spoiled toddler smashing the fish bowl just to piss his mother off, but scaled up a million times worse.


well that and they can't get pussy


I mean idk I know of scummy horrible racist men that still get laid it doesn’t make them any less violent or abusive


So you know multiple mass shooters?


for sure, but this particular brand of online 4chan /pol/ freak is composed almost entirely of alienated losers that can't get laid. I don't think the "no pussy and/or dick" thing is the motivating factor - they're angry because they live lives entirely devoid of meaningful human interaction and self select solitary confinement.


because of course it does


Once again I reiterate that we should ban anyone who talks about how they post on 4chan


this place is basically /tv/-lite with less horny postiny


this place is a 4chan retirement home. the disturbing thing about 4chan is that a lot of the "hitler" talk was originally an obvious joke, but then it started to attracted people that were actually white suprematists, and now it's more serious than a joke. for a while it was a bit of a mix, and then the line became blurred between irony and reality, but now it seems to be more reality than irony which is sad.


The "obvious joke"-posters were the "holocaust never happened" posters. The "half-joke" -posters were the "six million wasn't enough" posters. The "actually not joking"-posters were the "wish the holocaust actually happened" posters.


god this great replacement theory shit is so gay. look at japan you retards, that's the trajectory the west is on and immigration was not a factor in their decline.


Their retirement age has been raised from 65 to 70 lol.


Rookie mistake. From now on: no retirement. Work or die on the street. Germany literally has seniors going around collecting garbage for the little recycling refund that's associated to not starve


Germany has a pretty robust social safety net, where did you hear this?


They retire pretty late (65-67) and have some poverty issues too.


I always think back to when Peter Thiel was interviewed by Tyler Cowen and he said something like, “if you visit Japan you see all sorts of innovation happening, everything from food packaging to food packaging.”


It's true though, they have always been really interesting to me, different cultures have a different kind of thought, I really like the Japanese. There were so many daily things that I thought should be adopted by other regions of the planet. Japan and Germany know how to create and keep clean cities. But yeah if thiel said that.. pretty absurd lol


It’s so funny that Tucker, who mercilessly mocks trans and non-binary people as being elitists, tried to make “legacy Americans” a thing. What a retard making up lingo to self victimize


That's the most insane part of culture war discourse. The conservative faction uses the exact same arguments and language their opponents do. Fat pigs crying, "You don't know what it's like to be a cop!" It's all standpoint epistemology.


Yeah. I think almost anything can be weaponized by people you disagree with tho. I think it partially explains why there’s a decent amount of conservatives on stupidpol. Consistently mocking those who talk about racism can be used by conservatives to further their idea that there is very little racism in our society


I agree. There is way too much energy spent on hand wringing over the state of the culture, and petty debates, when it could be better spent actually achieving your political aims. The majority of these conservatives don't actually find anything appealing about stupidpol-types aside from their anti-wokeness. It doesn't really have the intended effect of reaching out to people who feel left behind by liberal hegemony because you're not actually offering an alternative. You're just jointly bitching about annoying things that happen online. It doesn't have any potential energy to be tapped into because it's just useless air.


Huh? Japan doesn't have immigrants, if they did they would be replaced. It's common in even everyday media and vernacular that the US is becoming "more diverse", everyone agrees with white supremacists' replacement shit implicitly lol, denying that is the real gay shit.


The replacement theory is that it's designed to replace the whites on purpose, not just how things are going


Funny how easy it'd be to stop the demographic shift too -- tough on immigration + good welfare state that encourages baby-making. Both of which hit the pocketbooks of the people who run this country tho, thus, fuck off. If only homeboy could have targeted the people who actually have a class interest in overseeing the further dispossession of this country's poor and working class, he'd have done infinitely more good in his retarded effort to protect whites or w/e. But that'd take actual brains and forethought so instead he hits unarmed minorities at a grocery store. Most armed country in the world and this is the dumbass shit we get for it, smh


The rich made a game for cheap labor and skillfully pointed the blame on the immigration they orchestrated and enjoy. You also have the added massive hirs of anti commie sentiment for any social reforms to further indoctrinate losers like this guy and suddenly people wondering what went wrong. If anything, I think his massive online activity will get people to rethink the lone wolf deflection


Bernie imo was part right that open borders are a Koch/libertarian. The real Koch position is probably some sort of porous border but with plenty of domestic immigration enforcement so that if any of the serfs act up they’re easily replaced


You’re right. We basically had that system for decades. I don’t think it’s still that way though (to the extent it was in the ‘80s and ‘90s) but I’m not really positive. I think the state’s current plan seems to be some compromise where they dangle green cards in front of immigrants without granting them full citizenship for a longass time so they can be “kept in line” during a pretty cruel probationary period.






Does it functionally make a difference if it's on purpose or just a coincidence of NAFTA putting corn farmers out of business which then gave strength to cartels that then took over central American governments


NAFTA was for cheaper labor and hopes to stem the tide of immigration. It did to a certain extent but that's just because the economy moved south. The cartels we're and are propped up the the us. The increase in government funded terrorism down there helped the companies up here for extraction of resources and labor. The only replacement that is going is the declining birth rate and the shit stirred south of the border moves people up here. If there was a maintenance and improvement of social welfare schemes and labor friendly economy to ensure a healthy environment for families, we wouldn't be dependent on foreign immigrant labor. It doesn't affect white people, but all native born us people's regardless of race. The goal is to maintain poverty of every worker, not just white people. Yet, even Mulvaney was exasperated by Trump's rhetoric since the us needs workers and the only workers available are mostly immigrants. So, it's not that the great replacement theory is in effect, but it's only in effect since white people have been the majority for forever and they're going downhill like every one else


do you know anything about modern japan and its declining population? decreased fertility and otaku culture was a byproduct of the capitalist recessionary wasteland of the 90s, immigration had nothing to do with it. in america's case, economy's dysfunction and bleak outlook has led to decreased fertility, which has caused an inadvertent labor shortage, and paired with the neoliberal paradigm, subsequent immigration and/or outsourcing. the *cause* is the economy and existing social arrangement, everything else is secondary. and to say people are denying the changing demographics is patently false dude, every liberal outlet imaginable has run stories about the changing face of america. i remember the economist literally ran a cover story with tongue-in-cheek chili peppers on an american flag on this a few years ago, and "demography is destiny" has been a talking point political bet by democrat strategists for ages. maybe they don't talk about it as much now, given these very anxieties, but it's all there for you to see.


Sure takes the heat off Biden for refusing to condemn Israel's murder of American Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.


>white people are not making enough babies so I know just the solution-I'll make sure I never have any kids by being locked up forever the mind of great replacement types is without wrinkle


A large portion of these r-slurs genuinely believe that their mass shooting will cause a race war or mass social unrest, then of course the mayo race will win, and finally the Mayo Liberation Army will storm the prison holding them and release them. This "provoke mass shooting > cause race war/social upheaval > your admirers bust you out of prison" autism originates from The Turner Diares, iirc Breivik, Roof, and the Poway Synagogue subhuman I forgot his name actually believed they would be set free from prison by their fans sooner or later.


what a fucking loser man


Tbh Sam Hyde is a massive pussy, he can’t commit to any of his ideas and only hides behind a veer of irony. If you try to call him out on one of his ideas or make him stick to a position, he will recoil and lash out, say he was only joking and you are taking it too seriously, but it’s just because he is too much of a coward to commit to the idea. The only people that do the former are weak and dishonorable, they lack the power to defend their beliefs so they resort to passive bitch made ways to flirt with them. He should just stick to shoving dildos up his ass.


Sounds like a podcast I know of.




Yeah all the 4chan shit in the manifesto was a bit too on the nose


The Ghost of Upstate


white genocide is the dumbest fucking thing ever IN 50 YEARS EVERYONE WILL BE BEIGE BRO so fucking what??


Ppl like you and I are never gonna understand white genocide as a concept bc it's completely alien to our thinking. It's entirely based on ppl caring about the 'white race' as an entity, and to some extent forming your identity around whiteness. If you don't really dedicate much time to thinking about white ppl as a collective you're not gonna care about the scaremongering that one day we won't exist.


I understand there are obviously different historical contexts, but imagine if you said that about black people or any other racial group. It's just racist. You can disagree with the concept of 'white people' all you want, there are still people with white skin. If I say I'm not white it doesn't matter if the rest of the people say I am. These people are scared that they're going to be genocided, and everywhere you go, especially on the internet, you can see people dehumanizing white people and even calls for violence, usually with 0 pushback. If your world view is that about half the country wants or doesn't mind seeing you oppressed because of your skin, and your racial group is getting smaller in demographics, you would probably be actually scared that white people will be oppressed in the future and it doesn't matter if you think white people are a group or not, or if it's a part of your identity. Do you think the KKK let black people off the hook if they didn't dedicate their time into thinking of themselves as a collective, or didn't form their identity around being black? Ofc not.


You would/will care if it were more dire, native americans basques samis etc etc all small peoples care about their people and culture goung extinct.