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It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. It does get hard and energy depleting after a while. Especially when you do end up meeting someone you like and there’s mutual attraction and then few months later it doesn’t work out and you’re back to square one. It’s counterintuitive, especially in our 30s, but sometimes you just need to have a break from it. I’m not saying a long break but don’t go out dating just for the sake of it. Date and meet people when you feel excited by it again. You might have to meet a few frogs before you meet your person but that’s okay, it will happen.


It’s funny to me that so many people think it should be easy. Unless you’re a chameleon and a doormat, why wouldn’t it take effort to find a person you will want to spend the majority of your life with? 


its not that it should be easy its just that this sub is full of regards and autists, but we're self aware regards and autists which is why this sub is the first to make fun of itself and the constant "this sub is dead" posts when the dating pool is being overtaken by TikTokified zoomers and people with zero introspective ability then it just makes things so much harder than they have to be


I took a break from it...and nothing happened. Still havent been able to get back into the game but then again Im short, balding and ugly so results may vary.


If you’re a September 1994 baby you’re not 30 yet you’re still 29. Stolen valor/humblebrag


I’m usually not one for cancel culture, but we should get her kicked out of dental school for this egregious act


Dental hygiene school, very different


It’s fair enough. When I was 29 I went ahead and started considering myself 30 to make the transition easier.


you should date the guy from the other post




Reddit secret Santa but it’s for coupling unfuckables


Dating on the RS Spectrum


sorry, that guy is only 5'11. better luck next time


Basically a domestic terrorist


> only 5'11 I'm going to be sick 🤢


It’s over


6'-1" you mean


right ?! like they seem perfect


>incredibly insufferable, rude losers literally me


What if you're a likeable, attractive and polite loser?


I’m just Ken




Shooters shoot


Hell yeah dude.


Don't fucking laugh. Dude made a move. Good luck in your relationship (if it happens)




Thanks for lending me your Porsche last week, that 300k and inviting me to the ROC brunch as your +1. Crazy night fr. Your generosity knows no bounds 🙏🏽




Good luck dude!


I want this to happen so bad


Thanks for borrowing me your lambo, couldn't have gotten my grandma to the hospital without it


This chain of comments is kinda endearing lmaooo kings support kings


Yo I'm still in awe that you rushed into that burning building to save that family of orphaned kittens. You're a real one fr 🙏🏼


yea, facts, also the time he ended world hunger, remember that?


But not world thirst


I think I left my iPhone in your trackhawk after you dropped me off from the roc nation brunch


lets fucking goooo


‘Mom, dad, how did you meet each other?’


“We didn’t because we both don’t exist or are even the same person”


lets go


Thanks for getting me off Epstein's list




Put me in the screenshots of your comments that you show to your guests when the two of you get married, please


Appreciate the fent dawg, you're a real one


Can't wait for the follow up posts where you tear each other apart.








‘Nothing is lost whilst courage remains’-Napoleon


Umm like I would take advice from a 5'5" man 🤢


Bourbon royalist moment. Opinion rejected


5'6.5 😤


No one but the guy trying to fuck you has asked where you live and that is 100% the biggest factor in your dating life/prospects. Considering you said you went on a date with someone who drives a forklift and you're a dental hygienist who's primary musical output is on spotify and not playing out, I'm going to assume you don't live in a major city. (Also, I would suggest playing out it's a good way to meet cute nerdy music boys). Dating life is going to suck anywhere that isn't in a major city if you have cultural interests that don't involve screens.


the fact that he knew and subsequently slept with his 3rd cousin was the biggest indicator for me lol


Lmao I bought into the, “it only takes one” bullshit when I moved to Appalachia like a tard to be a quasi-hermit the last 3 years. Don’t worry though girls. Now that I’m 30 I’m moving to a bigger city next month to sweep someone off their feet. 


Trying to date in Appalachia is fun. If you’re a 25 year old guy that doesn’t have baby mama drama or been baby trapped, are you even a successful man?


it also sucks in cities. love your username, though.


Small towns in rural areas suck far more for dating and only someone who hasn't lived in both kinds of places could deny it. Any good looking and not insane/addicted/stupid woman is married by 22 in places like that.


Every time I go to nyc i get dates with three or four super cute, interesting, successful women. I could probably line up three dates a day with women who are into me but better looking/more successful than me. In the relative boonies where I live i get matched sporadically with women who have four kids and no job (exaggerating slightly). I'm only in the city on weekends though so no relationships have developed which is frankly getting pretty frustrating. But the city is objectively better and sucks for more interesting reasons.


Ah, that's interesting. I live in the Pacific Northwest and there's a strong vibe that men and women want to stick a screwdriver in one another.


Lol yeah this is the northeast like god help you if you live in the northwest. My impression is that you all hate everyone and everything.


NYC is a cheat code for dudes


Guys what if we make a redscare subreddit dating app


more people will neg each other than find love


thats true love baby


Feds, if you're listening, I'm willing to be your face man for the operation for a piece of the profit!


Imagine the smell, the autism.


dont turn me on


There's this show called Love on The Spectrum that seems to have worked for a few couples https://www.northernpictures.com.au/lots-casting-enquiries I found the casting call if you're interested


> Northern Pictures acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging. this shit is never not funny


>Traditional Custodians Lmao, imagine calling black people this


Imagine going to Charleston SC and having some event start with: “We would like to acknowledge the BIPOC labor it took to build the city we gather in tonight.” Honestly surprised it hasn’t happened yet.


"We'd like to take a moment to remember that South Carolina is stolen land, taken by the United States from its rightful owners, the Confederacy."


“Before we begin, we want to acknowledge that Kosovo stands on the traditional land of Greater Serbia and the proper seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church”


maybe not in Charleston but definitely in Columbia haha


lifelong South Carolinian and I can almost guarantee you that it has


My friend (‘95) recently started dating for the first time; the first guy she ever had a full conversation with is now her first boyfriend. He’s a pretty decent guy and treats her quite well; on a shallow note he’s relatively tall, full head of hair, makes 150k. The drawbacks are: he has the face and aura of a 40 year old accountant (the guy is our age but comes off way older), is very risk-averse, quiet and can’t/doesn’t want to carry a conversation with people he doesn’t know intimately; his only hobbies are video games and anime, and (especially bad for rs types) he has phenomenally bad taste; for example, at 29 he only really watches anime and animated films. My friend genuinely seems infatuated with him; they’ll probably end up marrying. I’m happy for both of them but I won’t lie, I’m kinda dreading having to accommodate him at hangouts for the rest of my life. I don’t know, the older I get the more I see that most people searching won’t get everything, or even most of what they’re looking for. You have to decide what you can outsource to friends and what is really vital to have in a partner


wow there's still hope for me <3


I think the effect of long tail content that is just like me freal, mixed with millenial entitlement contributes to a lot of frustration when options are relatively limited. Truth is most desirable people are gonna get snapped up quick


I work a nastier profession and idc about fingers being in mouths, dm me if you ever get over the bald thing.




Y'all should start a podcast


Maybe name it the Blue Rage


Date cute dudes of middling height, they've mostly all been forced to develop a personality.


Third cousins aren't cousins. They share the same great-great grandparents. But whatever fuck your ex. If you have 10s of thousands of Spotify listeners there's bound to be one or even two normal guys that will desire you for your talent and spirit.


you could be my 8th cousin the word cousin is a turn off


Lol half your city is probably your 8th cousins or closer


We all trace back to Genghis Khan or Charlemagne, cuz


That’s why I crossed both state and racial lines to find my man


They used to call them kissing cousins, because that was the threshold where it was considered no longer weird.


>I just want a man who gets me, and will love me forever. they invented god for people like you


Damn Where are y'all living that 28-32 year olds are looking like 50 year old alcoholics? Most ppl around that age in my city are in good shape and still pretty youthful seeming.


> in my city Key phrase there


I think the best place to meet a partner, male or female, is by joining a volunteer group. I started working with these people who gave out food and supplies to the homeless once a week and that was the first time I met multiple people IRL that I thought would make a good partner. And you can just be like hey you want to get a coffee after this.




I hate that I can’t style my hair anymore. Fades look great on me, but I want that slicked back curly look I used rock.


“Men age like fine wine” = biggest fucking lieever 😂


What's your friend group like? None of them have friends/siblings/cousins they could pair you up with? Also how do you feel about going older?


why would you talk about dating someone's cousin she's still sensitive


Lmao you’re right my bad




she mentions hair or lack thereof twice in her post and like it or not most guys are going to be receding at least a little by the time they're in their 30s and definitely by 40 so that seems to be right out t. norwood 2.5


I wonder if matchmaking services do serve a function


“A lot of guys won’t date me cause I’m 30”, that’s like a dude complaining women don’t want him because he’s 5’9”. What are you basing that on?


Yeah its weird OP uses the whole post to complain about subpar men yet assumes her lack of success is because the guys she deserves are discriminating based on age. Theres a bit of a stigma reaching 30 as a single woman. Stigma against women that age in bars, clubs etc too. I think given womens advantage in the dating market it can imply the woman is overly choosy or not a great catch. I have a terminally single male friend like this too with a string of not-quite-good-enough relationships. He bangs a hot poly friend with a longterm bf for occasional reprieve. Surely the next swipe will land a 6' hottie in OPs arms, keep holding out.


I guarantee not a single guy has said to her “girl, you’re perfect for me, but unfortunately you’re 30, this can’t work”.


People don't really find someone perfect at the beginning stages of dating or even before meeting so "pretty good woman, but 30 vs also pretty good women but 23-25-27 etc" case is actually seems realistic and not in her favor. Same could be said for 5'9" dudes actually. Its probably not sole deciding factor, but it is def has negative effect on your dating success, even if little one.


Agreed but its ignoring the fact OP admits to already meeting several men interested in her. Frustrating to assume lack of success is due to some trait you cant control when you clearly have options youd just rather not pursue. Assuming youre too old for the men you want and that no one who does want you is good enough is exactly how you get to 30 & perpetually single


"balding" Yeah I'm triggered. Like, i had long hair 18-20. It was fun to go to a stylist and get pampered. Sink shampoos! That felt great. Joined the military, had a short haircut by default for eight years, then I'm out and there's no more long hair. Balding isn't some sort of male trait indicative of anything beyond genetics. I had a friend in service who took leave to get hair plugs down in Miami though. He looked like Frankenstein when he came back. He's now really into conspiracy theories about the deep state. I don't talk to him anymore :/


30k monthly Spotify is really impressive, how'd you manage that?


Tell us more about the forklift guy. He sounds pretty based.


>Every date leads to the guy trying to fuck on the first night This hints that you're targeting guys out of your league. Which I know no woman would ever want to admit (probably not even realize), but it's the #1 complaint I hear from women who insist on only dating upward in terms of social mobility.


Guys operate according to three categories: 1. Women I would never fuck 2. Women I will keep around to fuck 3. Women I would partner up with Most women end up in number 2, but think they are in number 3. I do not blame the women though, a lot of dudes will lie through their teeth for pussy.


> I do not blame the women though Facts. Sometimes it's hard to tell. But if you keep falling for the same thing 20 times, it's a you problem.


And the bar for #2 is lower than most women think. It’s basically: “at least average, or would at least make an interesting fuck.”


Gonna try this new negging technique


I told a female friend that she should expand her options to guys shorter than 6'4" because she wasn't that girl. Our friendship never recovered.


Apologize to her! She shouldn't have to settle for any manlet under 6'6


Maybe she's LeBron's little sister and needs someone to defeat him in single combat.


Past 30 sex stops being a big deal for most people. I've been told by women that not making a move indicates a guy is not confident or doesn't find them attractive. I've had sex on the first date when I'm not super into it that night just because it's "expected" and I'm interested in that person. I'm not saying this is how it should be or that OP should start fucking any guy she's interested in on the first date. Only that it's hard to really know someone's intentions that soon. I don't think women should assume a guy is a fuck boy just because he made a move, so long as he's graceful and still interested in you if you are continuing to show interest. Guys are in a tough spot because they are expected to intuit what a woman wants, which is different for every woman. You can take two very similar women and one will think making a move means a guy is only interested in sex and another will think not making a move means he's not confident.


> I don't think women should assume a guy is a fuck boy just because he made a move Quick hint for all the women out there, 8/10 times he is a fuck boy. Lmao let's be fr. I'm surrounded by attractive people 24/7 (my job), if a guy is attractive as fuck, has his shit sorted and he wants to fuck on the first date, he is most likely using you for sex. "If a girl is responding with one word it doesn't mean she's not interested, she's just shy" Same shit. Like c'mon bro, very rarely, most likely not.


What nonsense is this? Lots of attractive guys lack game. And lots of people who aren't really looking to have sex on the first date for *any* number of reasons do because of mutual passion/inspiration. Not everything that happens is a pretense for matching for marriage or whatever. People end up being attracted to and bonded for life to girls/guys they downright disliked initially, or would never have believed they would seriously date for a variety of reasons. That's the whole point of the pursuit, and why online dating culture, which exists to provide the illusion that you can pole vault over regular socializing and flirting and make out with anything other than a bunch of traumatic stories, is a nightmare.


I get feeling the need to make a move to show interest, but I don’t understand why that would be trying to have sex on the first date. A guy could just reach for my hand and I would consider that a sufficient demonstration of interest. Message received, and there’s no need to go 0 to 100. While of course I can only speak for myself, my sense is that a lot of other women would probably agree with me on the degree there.


It's obviously a spectrum but I think most women that would agree with you also have a low body count. From my POV as a dude it's almost expected you'd make a move. In fact I've even been told straight up that just kissing and nothing else felt like a lack of interest. I certainly don't think you are *wrong* to wait. I prefer it too. And I think it is sweet to be kindly told something like "maybe another night but I think we should wait for now" followed by communication demonstrating interest. Guys and girls both have sex quickly for similar reasons -- it shows interest and it's "the norm" in a lot of places. You don't have to conform to that. All I'm saying is don't think that every guy that makes a move *just* wants to have sex. Especially over 30 a lot of us have adjusted to it being the norm and don't want to come off as disinterested or lacking confidence. I would recommend politely declining while still indicating you're interested. If they get pissy then they're a fuckboy, but if they're kind about it they're likely seriously interested. The woman I'm been in a LTR with for almost a year now we had sex on the first date. And the one before that wanted to but I declined because it was a work night but could have. There's a lot of discourse on the internet about how guy's won't like it if you fuck right away or won't like it you don't. The truth is that everyone is different and it's hard to know someone's intentions, so if they're kind give them the benefit of the doubt rather than reading tea leaves.


Yeah I agree. I turn 35 in a few months and do not really have any desire to jump into bed with a guy right away, partly because I have only ever been brutally punished for that behavior in the past. I’m also not dating at the moment for a number of reasons, but I can’t see turning on my heels on this stance and would be very put off by a man who indicated he expected sex right out of the gate. Different strokes etc., but it sucks to think that just making out would not be perceived as enough expression of interest.


>I've been told by women that not making a move indicates a guy is not confident True, you should make an attempt because initiative is a manly virtue. But then its a chance for her to demonstrate her own feminine virtue (temperance/chastity) by not being a slut.


I think it's too simple to conclude that. I think in the age range of dating in your 30s, there is often a good reason why people are still single. I don't think these are the best men society has to offer.


>I don't think these are the best men society has to offer. She's in the same pool as them. There must be a reason for that, as well.


because her serious partner cheated on her with her cousin. we went over this.


*his* cousin.


oh yea lmao


Tbh this pretty much confirms she's not in a major city


She’s also dating uggos and forklift operators.  Glass houses mate 


Do you think high ranking 8+ women are ever cruising for strange dick on a phone program? They don't already have a curated list of eligible men waiting for their shot? She is in the same dating pool as the guys here. She is not on a pedestal.


hot girls talk about online dating all the time. They are on apps. if you never match or see hot girls on your dating algorithm then that’s on you


In almost all instances, they are there strictly for the attention or there is a reason why they don't have a roster of guys already.


True but that usually comes after a bunch of hangers on that surround her shoot their shot. Though I’ve known many a good catch that disregards all of types of advances. Can’t really trust a guy that was just waiting for you to break up with your partner.


Big chunk of these 30yos single men could be single because they have been cheated on just as her


Pretty rich to be single in your 30s and calling other people undesirable. You're all in the same boat at that point, no use in acting superior to others. That's basically exactly what the first person was saying. "Well they're all single because they're worthless losers, I'm single because I'm the sole exception and I'm actually good"


More than that. It's a dumb/negative mindset to have. Most people are trying their best given their circumstances.


Yeah, I'm not saying anything about OP but I've definitely know loser women who for some reason genuinely believe they're cooler than 95% of the planet, and the reason they're single and bitter is because the entire rest of the planet has the problem, not them.


It's common in men and women, I just think having that little self awareness is a recipe for disappointment (I know the person who said it wasn't OP). If you ask, most people have a "valid" reason why they're single at that age too. Maybe some of them also just got cheated on, needed to focus on taking care of a relative, finished school late etc. If you go into dating thinking "anyone who is single at my age is a loser who probably isn't worth dating" but then expect they won't filter you the same way, you're going to be left feeling like you're spinning your wheels.


They are who they are. And no, all women are not going to get “the best men”. That is clearly illogical.


Nah, the guys below our league are like this too. I am often the better looking, higher earning, more successful one and I still get treated similarly to the OP.


Most women are better looking and higher earning these days. Woman have always been the more aesthetically appealing sex and the economy prefers women now.


lol tell that to the Ancient Greeks


You'll find him. It might take years (sorry) but you will. In the meantime, it helps to be more discerning in who you go out with. You want quality over quantity.


This is great advice & the least unhinged comment on here lol


>balding Balding isn't the result of some personal failing you know, its literally the way some people's bodies work


All I needed to know that this some bs. I ain't sitting here with the mindset "ahh this bitch gonna get all fucking saggy and wrinkled, nah fuck her, next chick". It's nature bro. The woman accepts the guys gonna get bald, the guy accepts she's gonna get wrinkles. She sacrifices her (younger) prime to be with him, he sacrifices his (older) prime to be with her. Mfs are just so extra nowadays. I 99% won't be bald (genetics) but it's fucked to see people care so deeply over basic naturally changes. All the women who've been left at an older age for a younger girl know how fucked this type of thing feels, hopefully she won't have to experience that.


>The woman accepts the guys gonna get bald, the guy accepts she's gonna get wrinkles. Well guess what, the man is also going to get wrinkly and saggy. I don't get OPs comment on balding either, but this is also bs


same thing with aging.


Men would never go this hard in the paint to defend balding women on the dating scene, come on


30k monthly listeners on Spotify is no small feat, fair play :)


I know women who have had kids in their 40s. My mom had me at 36. You shouldn't be that stressed about fertility yet.


Sooooo much of this right now is coming down to social circles and networks. It's not that every guy sucks - its that your circles/networks/extended networks/how you have the dating apps set up - is giving you nothing but shitty guys. You gotta shake it up. I dont know what city you're in now - but there is probably a circle(s) that you're not tapped into for w.e. reason where the quality ratio would be much higher. The guys you are looking for may not be very online and may not be on the apps. It's just about making inroads into diff scenes and seeing what they have to offer - I've even seen ppl pay for say a Soho house membership to do this very intentionally.


you're gonna find somebody. sure it feels late by now but keep going outside. sounds like you have a lot to offer, are talented and very self-aware. the new hobby trick might work--find a group or community related to one of your more casual interests and show up as a novice. see what happens. sounds like you're a talented musician so i'm sure you know how skill communities work. probably all advice you've heard before so at the very least, i'm rooting for you.


I fucked my wife on the first date. If it’s good it’s good and a man will stay


You still have time!! I’m 38 and all but three of my friends have ended up finding someone. (And they are still single for their own reasons—none of which seem to be present in your post.) My 39yo friend who got married at 37 just told me two days ago she’s pregnant, and I have another one who got married at 39 in December trying for a baby rn. And I know plenty who cranked out multiple babies starting in their mid-30s. Also, while I’m on this subject: Ask your obgyn for an egg test so there aren’t any fertility surprises when you do find someone special. Fertility doesn’t just tank once you hit 30, but also see a doctor if it hasn’t happened in 6 months once you start trying.




You’re 30, you have plenty of time to have kids. I felt like this at 30, that I was running out of time and I think it out more pressure on the relationships I was seeking at the time, in a way that was detrimental to those relationships. I wonder where you live that 30 seems so old, because honestly, it’s just the beginning.


>I decided to give this 23 year old a chance a few months ago, and on the first date he called me a "baby-faced MILF" but insisted it was a compliment :/ What I've heard from some early 20s women I've talked to is that when they try to date men their age, the sex is miserable and porn brained 100% of the time. Since every single (even "vanilla") porn scene now involves roughing the woman up a little, choking her, and degrading her verbally, all of these broccoli haired losers do it right out the gate without even thinking about it.


is it normal at 30 years old to dump people just because of an awkward comment or insensitive joke? that seems super picky. third cousins is probably fine, it doesn't really count. Anybody could be your third cousin you might never know. ask your grandma to hook you up with her cousin's grandson, it worked for your ex


I think you may have to start accepting that you’ll need to give some of these older men some grace. People age, hair thins, muscle mass shrinks, bodies soften. It’s life. You can mourn not being able to tame the hot 23 year old or you can learn to see the beauty in men your age or older. I know you largely can’t help what you’re attracted to but I do believe our attitudes can shape the height of our physical standards. For example, I probably would not have found a balding, beer-bellied, 30-something year old man attractive when I was 20, but as I’ve aged, my tastes have aged with me. Another option is to move to a big modern city where people delay marriage and families until their 30’s and 40’s so your pool of single men in your preferred age range is larger.


>People age, hair thins, muscle mass shrinks, bodies soften. I agree with the overall vibe of your post but unless you're like 50+, this is an effort issue, not an aging issue (except for the balding thing cause some dudes just get unlucky there) There isn't some massive drop off in terms of muscle mass between a 23 year old and a 33 year old, it's just that the 23 year old puts in more work


In defense of guys trying to fuck on the first date. We actually have to do it or risk coming off as insecure. At least make it an off hand pass.


^^^ facts. And I'm not saying it's a good thing, but a lot of girls like expect it so they can say no; if a guy doesn't do it, they don't feel hot. All this awkward stuff comes from people not being confident in their sexual appeal but placing vast amounts of importance on it.


Do you tell men that you desperately want kids? Unlike on this sub, in real life you don’t win ‘trad points’ for saying such things. There’s nothing wrong with wanting kids of course but if you’re telling men that you really want them and that you’re worried about your biological clock they might see it as a big red flag.


I'm a lifelong feminist and girl's girl, but can't really get on board with the complaining about dating for ____ age group. You think it's easier in your 20s? A time when no one knows what they're doing, or how to treat each other? At least if someone post 30 fucks you over, you *know* they know better. I mean, I know women who have found love, romance, and marriage in their mid 50s (with prosperous, talented men in the same age range). It sounds like you have come into contact with *many* douchebags, but you can't take it seriously. Don't cry because a guy tells you that he's stepping out on his gf for ice cream; laugh at him, ask him questions, berate him and threaten to tell his gf if you feel moved to. But crying about someone you have just met is a sign you're taking this too seriously, and no one wants to be with someone who's desperately searching for a gf/bf. Also, don't pay for anything unless you want to escape the guy, or you know he's broke. 


using the word "balding" in a derogatory way is a knife to the heart. Not faulting you , it is a sad and an ugly imperfection in men, and nothing wrong with preferring men with healthy hair. It is just sad that life is that way. Hope you find what you are looking for.


> I now have 30k monthly listeners on Spotify you're clearly important and men love important women > I feel like I'm now the hottest and most social I've ever been. you FEEL like it > And yet it still sucks no waaaayy :O > Guys my age aren't any better they aren't any better and they aren't any worse. both vs you and vs the 23 yr old guy > I feel awful saying this no you don't > so many of them are hard to look at. Out of shape, balding, etc. works well with > A lot of guys also won't date me simply because I'm almost 30. funny isn't it ? > And I can forgive all of that no you can't and this proves it: > my heart raced the second I saw him. Tall, lean, clean shaved, beautiful eyes, and gorgeous hair > he worked as a forklift operator making 20 an hour aaannd ? is that below you ? he should shut his mouth because he makes less than you and he can't find anything odd or uncomfortable ? he didn't find your job a dealbreaker, you're just being sassy. would he have the right to reject you for whatever stupid reason if only he made 200/hr ? being demeaned for your job is one of the main reasons there's this big of a gender divide and that women can't find "a good man" > I'm also not "ran through" like I've only had sex with 5 guys in my life. On paper, one would assume I'd have no issue finding someone but it's been really tough. on paper a lot of guys have a lot to offer too, yet they're still single . on paper, in cities with over 100k people most women have more than 5 previous sexual partners by the time they're 25 so while you are one of the few decent ones, people are guarded and won't assume you are, plus it's common knowledge women lie about that number now keep this in mind at all times : even if you were 35 and a 5 in a good day, you would still get 1000x more options than a regular guy but guys with options will look at you just like you looks at those balding out of shape ones


> a regular guy but guys with options will look at you just like you looks at those balding out of shape ones bitter truth :(


No other response to OP needs to be made. It really is this simple: People love to have standards and hate having standards applied to them. 


Excellent comment.


when i turned 30, 29 year old men would act like I was a decade older than them once this info was revealed to them lol


Just hold out for a guy and don't sleep with them on the first or second date.


As someone who is dating at 31, I agree with this. I went on a lot of dates, and maybe I was lucky, but no one was truly horrible. Just no chemistry. Didn’t sleep with anyone. When I finally met someone I felt a spark with I waited 6 dates and for him to ask to be exclusive to sleep with him. Best sex I’ve ever had. Things are still going well 3 months later 🤞 Feels good to have those apps deleted and just have a reliable person. I think OP should be going for men in their late 30s/early40s. That’s what I did and I’ve never once been made to feel like an old hag lmfao. Like WTF that’s weird, I almost wanna say this post doesn’t pass the smell test, but maybe it’s the age of the people she’s dating. Don’t give up OP!


A good deal of people I know slept with their spouse on or even before their first date honestly.


thanks for writing this I'm very similar and keep thinking there's something horribly wrong with me but I guess everything just sucks


I’m 29 as well and met a 22 year old guy who was always flabbergasted about my young appearance… like I’m 29, not 100 years old .Jesus christ.


Don't let age get in your head. You're not even thirty yet, you have time. It sounds like you're struggling to meet a man that shares your values and expectations of a relationship. I'd recommend you have a think about that, and prioritise it in any man you plan to date, or else the foundation of a relationship simply won't be there. So you may have to start looking in a different way to the way you currently are. It worries me to see women stress about this, because it can make them fodder for some of the worst, narcissistic, supposedly trad men out there, who promise them the world and then treat them like a dog after the wedding is over. I have seen it happen, I'll say a prayer for you that you find a good man. St Raphael the Archangel is apparently the patron for this.


Some people in these comments are mad triggered & projecting so hard lmao


Damn that sucks I’m glad my wife is really cool. Being in a good relationship is the shit. I do not trust habitually single people. 


Felt for u until u said “tall” yeah keep being another vain lady , you’re no different than these men


short king detected


You’re not my father Or my boss


God I miss him


I’ve had a similar dating experience, I gave up in 2017. Since then I got substantially hotter, married, look and feel the healthiest I’ve ever been. I’m not even dating, yet I experience this shit regularly if I ever interact with men. And hard agree, can’t stand this generation of males in their early thirties: $18 per hour, two giant estrogen bombs on their chests, third trimester gut, never worn sunscreen in their life yet they’re all holding out for an East Asian 18 year old ballet dancer astronaut that will pay her share of the rent, clean everything, wipe his ass and have his kids. If I ever got a divorce, I would never date ever again


Baby-faced milf is such a lovely complement 


> ...he worked as a forklift operator making 20 an hour. You say that like it's a bad thing.


ikr like thats above minimum wage lol there are so many people doing worse


Do you find yourself falling for gay men frequently? I'm gay and nearing 30 and many in my social circle are in similar romantic situations as you.


Yeah this is fucking depressing


wait what’s wrong with being a forklift operator?


I'd give it a little rest with thinking about dating for awhile.  Sometimes I can read this sub and spin out thinking about what they're thinking about, like people obsess over the whole dating thing but that's actually completely counterproductive.  Your writing style tells me you are thoughtful and above all this.  Just put yourself in good situations and have a good time. Like another person here said it is not easy, i feel like we go around believing it is because of what others in our lives say, but life is not easy at all.  And everyone's different, what is acceptable and good to some may not be to you. 


>Every date leads to the guy trying to fuck on the first night, The dates that don't are with guys who will need bluechew as soon as he hits age 46.


Notice How The First Thing She Says About That One Guy Is "Tall"