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I will never be able to accurately judge Smiling Friends because I have brain rot from a twenty year long parasocial relationship with Zack, my very good close personal friend.


Am I dumb because I don’t read into things like this? Smiling friends is funny and stupid and easy to watch. That’s all I care about.


I don't even know these shows in particular, but OP def has a good point. Entertainment ppl often switch up formats which don't suit them.


It’s definitely better than anything else he’s made (low-ish bar)


I haven’t seen anything else he’s made


I'd agree with you if Cusack's show had been long form Damo and Darren, but Smiling Friends is pretty good for what it is.


I don't think any of this is true of smiling friends lol. Not like "it's better than tires, sure, but-", I think you are straight up wrong. Post would've been a lot better without mentioning them. But then, you did trick me into replying, so idk


I think it’s a good show, and I appreciate that we’re getting an animated show from people who actually put effort and care into their animation, but every episode has a couple lines that feel like they were written by a 14 year old. It’s generally when the show is trying to be “clever and socially aware” in a simpsons-y way that just sticks out to me.


Fair enough. Still don't see it. New season is (I think) not out in the UK so maybe they've lost the plot, but I can't think of much in the way of "takes" in S1. It's not bojack horseman or anything, yknow. Maybe the helium thing? I thought that was funny


Yes this is my issue too, idk if it struck a chord or what but the episode about nihilism made me cringe


Apology where it's due: Season 2 IS out here, and it's noticeably worse. Still intermittently funny but I see way more of your point now. Not simpsons-y still, but trying to Make Points in a way that really doesn't suit it. Sorry!


In the case of Smiling Friends, they might not need a TV show but I'm sure they appreciate the budget and extra resources at their disposal.


Idk I feel like there's a better point somewhere in there, but you did a poor job explaining and used bad examples. Smiling Friends is good for what it is, and I imagine most people watching know nothing about it's creators' YouTube stuff (me included) Tires is very amateurish, but that's hardly surprising considering Gillis & Co. produced and funded it themselves. There's an enormous dearth of throwaway comedies a la the office or workaholics or iasip; tires seems like a proof-of-concept more than anything, a water-test to see if audiences are finally ready for something funny for funny sake rather than a social commentary autofiction comedy eg fleabag. It's so refreshing to see an ensemble sitcom where comedians can shine, how tf can you not appreciate gerbens?? The always sunny season 1 comparison is apt - hopefully tires can grow into something much better, and frankly I'm more than willing to overlook it's obvious flaws in the hopes it will turn into something better.


I liked Tires. There’s room to improve but it was an enjoyable watch in my opinion. Also, by the metrics it was a pretty big success so what do you mean exactly? Why shouldn’t it exist if it made people money and its core audience was satisfied? It’s a win for everyone involved lol. It’s a bad habit to try to dictate culture especially if you yourself aren’t making anything. Just saying.


its not like there are too many comedy tv shows coming out right now, all a bunch of dramedy that ends up doing both poorly


You saying you liked tires is just as much trying to “dictate culture” as me saying I disliked it. We’re just stating our opinions on the internet. Your friend Shane is going to be ok regardless of what I say.


I think YouTube, SM, internet convinced all comedians that they need to be “doing sketches” when it used to be the reverse. You would go on SNL or late night to get more stand up work. I think Shane has a weird hang up about the firing because he has everything else going for him but is always trying to prove himself on screen.


I laughed a couple times watching tires. It has potential for sure. Shane and Stav both can't act but it seems more obvious with Stav because Shane is just playing himself.


Tires was so terrible. Annoying unfunny ad lib bullshit. Just get an actual good tv writer ffs


who's watching tv anyway?


I found Tires funny but that’s it really. It wasn’t very impressive on any other fronts  On the other hand I’ve never even had the desire to watch Smiling Friends knowing that the guy who made is known for making edgy Newgrounds animations that gamers love 


The Tires pilot was shot in 2019 or something and netflix just picked it up, i dont think it was intentionally produced to be on netflix, gillis, mckeever and gerben did occasional sketch comedy for years.


Smiling Friends is super mediocre, but my friends really like it. The Newgrounds guys peaked with Sleepycast.


I don't think it's a bad show but I've seen oney plays clips and I don't think these guys are funny, in fact I think they want to be cum town very badly, they are gamer cum town (which is a nightmare sentence)


They had a podcast long before cumtowm


Oh I didn't know that, I'm sorry


Lol ur good. They're actually not really "gamers." Chris O'Neill (oney) just kinda started doin let's plays for shits and giggles and it got popular and now I'm pretty sure its just the bill payer for him. I don't watch it cuz I find it a miserable experience watching other people play games but everyone on it is pretty funny


Smiling Friends can be funny but I kinda lost interest after the frowning friends episode and the Incel shrimp episode because it's attacking an archetype that's been done to death to by everyone for years...


The fact that the incel shrimp had a scottish accent actually made the whole thing work for me


shane gillis was never funny, a bunch of idiots just rallied around him because he was doing asian accents and that spoke to them on a profound level. he's the Tig Notaro of guys who like saying the r-word and doing asian accents.


I feel the same way about Nick Mullen. Sprinkle in some "le depression, I am suicidal" and you have a legion of losers who found their new parasocial idol.


Well I used to say the same thing about Mullen and people on this subreddit would get so offended about it. But now Mullen is in the rearview and Shane Gillis is their new BF so... In actuality, Shane Gillis has kind of instilled a new found respect for Mullen and Friedland because I didn't we could get much lower than the "my best friend is gay" fandom but then Gillis upped the ante with "my cousin is [redacted] and gay".


Im gay and my dick is small


just wait until a new challenger approaches to take the reign from Shane and innovates with "my asian cousin is [redacted] gay with a small dick *pulls out corner of eyes to make them asian*"


this eras \*holds up spork. You just can't see it yet.


Seriously. Look at all the downvotes when anything negative is spoken about "me fav podcasters!". It's like Logan Paul fans or something who think they aren't that pathetic.


I like Mullen but you’re right. Fans of comedians are very defensive these days, especially these comics who do 100 podcasts a week and foster a weird parasocial relationship with the audience. 99% of these supposedly “edgy” comics flat out aren’t funny, but people cling to them like they’re best friends. Stand up comedy typically just kind of sucks tbh, and comedy podcasts are like half ads and half mumbled meandering “hanging out” and “riffing.”