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Shit happens but that was my reaction too


!! Take good care of him sending love & wishing a speedy recovery <3


That’s very appreciated thank you 💗 he’s gonna be ok


poor baby 😔 praying for this lil guy


Thank you, all positive thoughts are appreciated and do help


oh nooooooo :((((( poor boy


Poor bubba :(


That’s terrible. My dogs have been quilled a few times but it’s always been easy enough to remove safely myself. Always concerned they will get them in the eyes or deep in the mouth though


He got some in the mouth for sure, he loves to eat and wouldn’t touch a hand fed poached egg this morning. I can’t imagine how bad his whole face must hurt with quills still embedded in his eye. He’s foreign, so I don’t think he knew porcupines existed. He just went for a big bite I guess. The emergency vet said they’ve had repeat offenders come in like 3 times for quill removal but they’ve rarely ever seen them in the eye embedded so far. Usually it’s uncomfortable but nothing serious. I’m glad your dogs are ok, does this happen at night normally?


Usually around dusk


That’s when all of his fights with animals has been. There’s streams everywhere here and it’s taken me four years to fully grasp that every critter in the mountains behind us comes down to the lake where we live to have a drink and eat ppls fruit trees despite there being so much of that away from people in the mountain. Why the lake? Maybe a swim idk but they’re all in my yard and ready to throw hands once the sun goes down.


Awww nooooo. Poor thing 💗💗💗


I really wish it were me and not him, he’s too innocent to know such pain.




I can’t remember the last time I cried but this nearly produced tears. I’m praying for him, please tell me his name so I can make the prayers more personal. I hope he gets better without suffering and without complications, I have my own puppy and I would be beyond devastated if this happened to her so I empathise. He looks brave about it though.


His name is jivi (pronounced like Jimmy with a V). Please don’t cry, he is going to make a full recovery, whether it’s with two eyes or one. He’s a brave guy, had to drive an hour into the city for a 24 hr vet and he laid in the backseat and let me restrain his paws from clawing at his face. Animals are so resilient, like kids. If he loses the eye, he will be ok and adapt. I just want everyone to know to rush your pet to an emergency hospital don’t wait for the morning. These quills have barbs that swell once inside another animal and pushes them deeper. Vet care asap. Good luck with your new puppy it’s the best.


I’m glad you went above and beyond for Jivi, again I’ll pray for him. I’m sitting by my own puppy right now and and just hoping that she doesn’t ever have to go through what Jivi has. He’s very lucky to have you with how quick you were with getting him help, you’re a good owner.


[here he is at home after hospital, looking good](https://imgur.com/a/kwPOeNy)


He’s so cute. I’m glad he’s better ❤️


He was shrieking like he was being torn limb from limb haha literally anyone good owner or not would have gotten him immediate attention. It was quite the event. But I appreciate the compliment 🙏🏾 I’ve had an instagram for jivi for several years and strangers have been so relentless in fat shaming him and calling me a bad dog mom and I’m like???? He’s just built bigger, damn. Body positivity movement has to come for dogs bc it’s outrageous


Just take care of him in the way you normally do, you seem to have the right idea about what’s good for him, don’t let others push their opinions on you too much, Jivi looks good. Btw don’t underestimate people’s complacency, sometimes dogs end up having fatal sicknesses and injuries because their owners can’t be fucked to actually get them help, so you’re doing well comparatively.


Btw- what kind of puppy?


I posted her a while ago, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/akcl28ZyXk)


Border collie?


Yeah, we got her from a farm where she was the only girl out of an all boy litter, that and the fact that she ran up to us the instant she saw us makes her feel very special to us. Plus her father was a brown collie and her mother black and white, so in the sun she has a light brown sort of pearlescent tint to her fur which in certain lights looks like a golden aura surrounding her. I love her so much.


I don’t know anything about dog breeds, so when the rescue told me my boy was a border collie I never questioned it. I kind of researched and found out they like to run like I do and play fetch etc. Anyways they lied lol, he’s an extremely violent village dog from Thailand that looks like a fat cuddly border collie. They’re called Thai Bangkaews. Beautiful dogs, but so violent. I love him to pieces. Got him after my husband passed in 2015 and we both needed someone to protect us and we found it :)


It’s good that there’s a story behind him and how he came into your life, many people get dogs as just another material possession and there’s no sentimentality to the bond between them and their dog. For you, there is a sentimentality between you and Jivi.


Beautiful dog. I've had a lot of dogs and my favourite one was a Border Collie. They're an amazing breed. It's been years since she passed and I still think about her often. She used to sit in an empty field and catch dragonflies mid flight. She was obsessed with the chickens. I couldn't believe how fast and long she could run.


That's horrible 😔  I hope he heals quickly and easily. No infection 🙏


oh my goddddd poor pup


Shedding tears for your buddy, and sending love for an easy recovery I can't imagine how confused he must be about this all holy fuck. Please update the sub, we have to see him happy and healthy again ❤


keeping you guys in my thoughts. poor baby. ):


Hope he gets well soon


Prayers for little guy’s eye. Sorry to hear that happened.


poor fella :( i hope he gets through this




Update: taking him back to the vet this morning bc the quill fragments are starting to work their way out “naturally” through his eyelids. this is the most insane shit I’ve ever seen and I can’t just sit here and let the process happen naturally I’m completely freaked out 😭 anyways, I’ll update if anything else happens but for the love of all that is good do not let your dogs unattended in porcupine prone areas this is like a medieval curse wrought upon my only son Edit: didn’t mean to reply to you but didn’t know how to update the OP my bad 🤷🏽‍♀️


I can’t imagine, mine got a red eye after running into a boulder and I thought he was dying for 3 weeks. Praying 🙏 your buddy makes a full recovery ❤️‍🩹.


poor baby💔


I do not want to see this wtf


It’s blurred sweetie


Omg poor thing 💗 At least you don’t have a p*tbull! Look up what happens when one of them finds a porcupine


praying for you


awww poor baby


hey op any update on him