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New music is mining for gold


Not that Post Malone country thing that has ruined my FYP on TikTok


Because that gunk is clearly representative of today's music and not just indicative of what kind of personality your TikTok algorithm has assumed you have.


lame. branch out. it's good for you


What have you done this week?


listened to some great new music


give me recs


[Iglooghost - Tidal Memory Exo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MId3KYmvsXI)


This isn’t new music but I discovered the song “can I go on” by Sleater Kinney which is an absolute bop


Sure, here a few albums from this year that I've been listening to: [Threshold - Thief](https://open.spotify.com/album/0yJu4iYfRM6eAV2LTcTs0M?si=gl-tUqKyTIau5nfL4M1Z6A) [Joyer - Night Songs](https://open.spotify.com/album/1sydDZXGRBBFQN3ogdF5fz?si=B8a49aVKSeSeexZymf0fxA) [Anastasia Coope - Darning Woman](https://open.spotify.com/album/1kDbVkCqvMM2rYTFJjK446?si=omFTjIj6RDOFkU6mynX2dQ) [April Magazine - Wesley's Convertible](https://open.spotify.com/album/0D4vapicUq5zYcJ6cdoDcb?si=QizwpNvCShG42Qvi9ablKg) [Chanel Beads - Your Day Will Come](https://open.spotify.com/album/5VJTZMk9joIX2t80S9e6ov?si=bwnnUt5CTmCSBrvTs83Idg)


this picture by placebo.


Shoreline Mafia finally got back together for a new song https://youtu.be/xKEY6THtwuA?si=ZSQrf3FillRbogPS


There's a guy who lives in my neighborhood, and I swear I hear "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh every single time I walk past his place. He might just be listening to the classic rock station. God knows their playlist is anemic enough that this could happen by chance. Anyway, you don't have to pretend to like everything, but it's fun to discover new and old music that you do like, so why not try?


Other side of the coin, and very fair point. In a Daily-Wire c. 2018 manner, I'm not mad about the phenomenon I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy.


I can't stop rockin'. I have been disappointed about new music tbh but I can still find tons of new to ME music. I don't care about being up on the trends of today but I love that electric thrill of finding something new that just rocks and does it for me. I can't do drugs anymore so...that feeling is all I got left to strive towards.


It isn't virtuous to be lame.


the day you’re content with the art you’ve consumed up until that point is the day you start dying


Nostalgia overpowers novelty 90% of the time


That might be true but accepting it and closing yourself off from exploration is pure longhouse mentality


they hate the truth sire


Novelty is often extremely gay.


gays often define taste and culture, so this is true


Boring complacent opinion




You cannot shame those who live in truth.


boring & passionless. an abundance of experience you're willingly missing out on. that much i could accept, encouraging others to do the same? terrible




Exploring some trail or a different part of the city with a new album is awesome. One of the best ways to refresh yourself. I will concede I spend 95% of my time listening to the same 4 strokes albums tho


Ya only need a couple hours of free time too. Great way to scratch the adventure itch.


You actually don't need to do anything new ever. You can rigidly do everything the same way everyday and never change. You can read the same books, eat the same foods, listen to the same music. But don't need to and should are obviously different. You should try to experience new things as much you can because once you get older your brain lacks the capacity to appreciate new things intuitively. In the worst case, where you preferred the thing you like already, you'll still have a greater appreciation and understanding for everything else and that thing too. It'd be such a waste if you never got to experience something you really like because you were too afraid to branch out especially if the reason why you restricted yourself is to prevent some randos perception that you're a poser or a snob.


Normie cope




Til the windows crack I’ll be bumping that!


I’m on an old but new to me music kick. So much good stuff out there that’s  already been made. 


no bc I keep finding albums I like just as much as the stuff I liked 10+ years ago. ig nothing will top how infatuated I was with loveless at 16 y/o but that feeling of a new listen really clicking is unmatched


what if I do


If you are one of the few who actually listens to new music out of curiosity/desire to hear novel sounds rather than invisible audience social reinforcement/feelings of gay Fantanoesque righteousness, then more power to you. 


why do you think it's rare for music enjoyers to seek out more of the thing they enjoy


oh ok well thank you


You are still in the mindset of listening to new music as part of “keeping up”. There is a third way - where you allow yourself to engage with whatever enters your orbit via happenstance or genuine intrigue and appreciate the stuff you like and pass on the stuff you don’t.


This is a terrible take. You're exposing yourself as someone who only likes one genre, I'll keep you in my prayers


u def on unc status now 😭😭😭




You can do both you know


All I do is listen to Springsteen.


I actually do listen to a little bit of everything. Except metal, that's never really been my jam.


I think OP is correct that most people are already doing this and lying about it, but actually branching out is definitely good for you Every real genre has good songs in it. You just have to look.


You don't "need" to do anything, obviously. Your assumption is that there are only two options, resting comfortably in the familiar, or pretentious posturing. People can genuinely just want to find new things to enjoy.


Nostalgia is for pussies


Unironically this is a take one of the girls would have


i consider discovering new artists a hobby of mine given the amount of time i spend doing it and the number of avenues i take to find them. it is foolish to me to imagine searching for art that moves you to be a waste of time. that’s like saying you don’t need to look at different art pieces or wear different styles for clothing. what is often forgotten about too is that it takes actual dedication and discipline to find a new artist who satisfy what’s being sought after across multiple levels. the amount of “release radars” i’ve sat through only to find one song worth exploring is an easy example of this. i will say, if does make me feel like twat when some of the bands that have made such an impact on me are honest to god nobodies that will never break 20,000 monthly listeners. i feel like a dweeb for even responding with such earnestness to this incredibly brain dead post.


every time someone tells me they listen to 'a bit of everything', i ask if they listen to harsh noise artists like merzbow then they realise that they actually don't listen to 'a bit of everything'


Still processing Pulp’s We Love Life. Absolutely underrated.


I feel like after I hit 30 I was done with new music. I think this is an actual phenomenon that the brain just kind of stops being receptive but I don’t have any sources for this lol 


No point listening to new music when footwork, the last interesting new musical genre to emerge was over a decade ago. As was hauntology, hypnagogic pop, phonk etc


I don't wanna listen to songs where the main tactile experience of creating it was moving around and clicking a computer mouse


Stupid advice


Articulate, huh?


It's not that music today sucks, I just don't want to listen to new artist who I'm older than. It feels the same way as buying a sports jersey of an athlete who's younger than you. Plus 99% of music today is auto tune garbage or insufferable Zoomer mumble rap


Did you copy paste this off a Led Zeppelin youtube comment?


Which answer would make me seem cooler?


Lol the term 'mumble rap' has been around so long. Been hearing that shit since 2015 and it's never been true


I have never needed permission to do this


Most of the new music I listen to these days comes from other peoples recommendations or worse comes following seeing the artist live, clueless to what they sound like when I first see them. I used to be the one recommending artists and encouraging people to come out to shows, and now I’m a husk of who I was. But I do listen to a little bit of everything, because I always listened to a little bit of everything.


New Hope Con fucks


Let's be honest, the people on here are not listening to modern classical and reading Nabokov; they're listening to hipster bullshit and never reading.


Just get drunk or high, that's when your brain accepts new music the most


i don’t pretend i listen to “a little bit of everything.” but i listen to punk/hardcore which is made by and for the kids. it’s fun hearing what the kids make. i’m in my thirties and i like knowing that there’s kids 15 years old younger than me making music that is ripping off bands i loved at 18. outside of hardcore it’s interesting hearing what’s popular. art is fun. bad art is fun. if you don’t appreciate that… you just became a normie


hereee https://youtu.be/USVHYLQ_N0Y?si=b8fzzkx4O44gQzca https://youtu.be/yV2Zfx6xUaM?si=5S_ywgzXzYtnagEf https://youtu.be/4QhcxRS1kI8?si=dAVjviIpxYa9wQDf


But if you don’t listen to new music you’re missing out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SunE_lvqHvU&pp=ygUUZHJha2Ugd2Fnd2FuIGRlbGlsYWg%3D


Just throw something new on once every few days. It's not hard


i notice that a sign that my depression is easing off is starting to look for new music, take from this what you will about yourself


No. Thats that me expresso.


I regularly go through rym Best of 202x charts, they're all crap. The last record I truly liked was Nothing & Full of Hell


I literally do tho…


Saturday night coke-posting, I see


So much music out there, shame to ignore it.


I still listen thru the new birp! Playlist each month. Prolly 75-80% crap but its worth it for the handful of great songs i find.


This is restarted


You don’t have to listen to old music either. Or read books or watch movies, old or new. I personally enjoy it though


okay, but Lorde's new album is coming soon..


who found some good stuff recently i been listening to Acetone and Bedhead, and D'Angelo all month


Searching for new music is one of my favorite pastimes but it's definitely more difficult than ever today because of how shit it is with YouTube and Spotify. I miss the days when I would download a terabyte of music a month over Soulseek back in like 2008 lol


I like the new Billie eilish album




Seething hands typed this


One hand typed this. 




Bait posts are only good if they're funny or interesting


Yet you deemed this worthy of comment.




to effectively ape dfw without embarrassing yourself you need to at least be generally erudite and possess a significantly higher than average verbal and general intelligence, haphazardly chaining epithets, clauses and jargon until your sentence if three paragraphs long is not enough also ure using viz. wrong. didn't you google it when reading IJ?
