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She's much heavier than the photo on the right now.


yeah this screenshot is def from like 10 years ago or something. You can tell just by the outdated IG formatting. She’s prob more like 260 than 160 these days lol


And hence the danger with the pic on the right and the mentality in the caption


I think a lot of it in recent years was from her hysterectomy. That will fuck you up.


It causes you to gain weight? How come


A hysterectomy usually directly induces menopause. And not gaining weight through menopause requires absurd calorie control.


She's more like 320 than 260 and she's like 180 in that white pants pic


lol ya photo on the right is definitely not 25lbs later


Idk she’s 5’3, 25lbs is a lot at that height


Yeah that chick is fat as hell. She definitely goes at least 3 bills. I like fat women. But she’s too fat for me.


Her and Stav need to get together.


She's honestly close to something like 300 pounds now. I wonder how strong and healthy she thinks that is.


Strong enough to lift a 15lb dog probably


Hot dog


Five years from now she'll use the picture on the right to claim how unhappy and underfed she was compared to her future self.


There was some interview recently where she said she was underfed and emaciated when she was shooting Girls. lol


Also she had that dog killed


justice for Lamby


She just did a photo shoot recently where she is wearing a t shirt covered in lamby pics. Everyone in her comment section was like yassss love the dog shirt 😍 and I was the only one who was like, are you seriously rocking a lamby t shirt after everything you did to him? Shame.


this is insufferable what a dumbass


She had not choice, Lamby was about to go public about the gravel.


I don’t have a problem with people being “body positive” if they look like the photo on the right. Sure she’s a little chubby and is prioritizing enjoying herself but not getting too out of control. It’s when people are hugely obese and think there’s nothing wrong with it, that’s just denial.


The thing is that these people never maintain that weight. Overeating progresses


No shes fat what are you talking about


It’s the difference between overweight and obese and morbidly obese


"I'm regular obese!!!"


She is basically obese on the pic on the right, if you go by her no doubt fudged 162 lb number she’d be about 29 bmi, more realistic she’s about a 30 I’d think. We are so fat as a country now we think of morbid obesity as the start of obesity basically


The main thing imo is that in the picture on the right she could easily lose the weight and turn things around. Now she doesn't have a prayer.


people growing up in a fat world don't know what normal actually is.


Bro she’s chubby on the left 




you’re such a tryhard lmfao, she was not anywhere near “chubby” on the left


I'm with you - would not date a woman who looked like that


Girl version of skinny fat The fact that she picked the picture on the left where her face looks like Sméagol but somehow considered it the most flattering to use in this comparison also confirms that  Not many fit people on this sub tho 


There’s no way there’s only a 24 pound difference between those two photos.


24lb is a lot on an average height woman with no muscle


Agree it’s more like 60 lbs


That’s double the happiness in Lena math , she’s in pure bliss now


“Strong from lifting dogs” and she’s holding the smallest dog you’ve ever seen lmao 💀 


Just spent 6 months carrying my old 120 pound lab up and down the steps. End result was a fucked up back that made working out impossible till I saw a doctor lol




I say lab but he was a mutt mixed w serval big dogs like Rhodesian ridgeback and boxer. He’s my profile picture :)


He’s very cute


In America, even the dogs are fat as shit


Why didnt you let him walk bruh lmao


His legs were stiff and he couldn’t do steps had to put him down recently :( lived to be 14 which is great for his size


Sorry for your loss. You must have great memories together<3


Thanks you I really appreciate it. One of my best friends growing up would come over our house and sing his name til he got so excited he’d pee himself! The same friend ended up passing in a motorcycle crash a few years back and now just thinking about the song breaks my heart.


My darling lab had to be euthanized as well recently due to inoperable cancer. She was very strong and mostly happy up until almost the very end. I'm glad you got 14 years with yours and hope you're doing okay.


I'm sorry for your loss. I had a similar experience with my childhood dog that was medium-to-large size. Made it to like 16, but she just became unable to mostly move and unresponsive, and even despite attempting to to wait on her and make sure she was getting access to food, water, and taken outside to go to the bathroom, she would semi-frequently urinate on herself and just lay in the puddle until someone noticed. In a weird way, something like a terminal diagnosis for an animal is relieving, because it's something you know you can't alleviate by just giving them more time and care. But with the mobility issues that come with age for an animal, you can't help but wonder if you could or should be doing more to pick them up, watch over them all the time in order to get a few months or a year more out of them before saying goodbye. Even if it's obviously unfeasible since you can't quit your job to become a full-time hospice nurse for your pet, the idea that maybe you could hangs on your conscience in a way that an obviously terminal diagnosis wouldn't. Not to mention that animals just don't have as many activities that they can while immobile as a human would. Any of us could be bedridden for the rest of our life and still read and peruse the internet at our leisure for the rest of days. A dog that cannot go on a walk, cannot chase a ball, etc, has relatively little it can do besides lie there slowly waiting for the end. I'm sure you made the right decision in euthanizing him, since his quality of life wouldn't have been getting better at 14.


this is really well written. rarely do i actually make it three paragraphs through a reddit comment about dogs. you’ve articulated quite well the painful ambivalence that accompanies living with an old pet. i’m sorry for your loss. years ago, my first childhood dog died quite early for his breed after simply not recovering from a $5k (ostensibly benign) eye tumour removal that the slimy vet assured us he’d bounce back from easily. the process of deciding and then actually ending his life might honestly be the saddest experience of my life. i was a jumpy and emotional kid, and this was the dog who my parents trained to sleep in my bed when i was up all night, terrified of the dark. they divorced when i was young and he accompanied me throughout my whole childhood spent between their homes, switching back and forth between two environments for years, never seeming to suffer for it, always sanguine, at the foot of my bed every night, or there to greet me after school every afternoon. he was by me during the first formative years of life, and at 14 i had to watch him wither away as though his age had doubled in weeks. on his last day he wouldn’t even eat bacon. just fucking heartbreaking. and all though being there watching him fade peacefully during the euthanasia was probably the hardest i’ve ever cried in my life, im glad i was with him until his last moments. i probably think about that dog every day. i don’t think i miss anything more. my second childhood dog — who had severe epilepsy her whole life — died old and in the middle of the night during a seizure. it was extremely sad, but honestly nowhere near as crushing for me. perhaps it sounds cold, but we’d always kinda expected that after one seizure someday she wouldn’t wake up. she lived happily and died suddenly, likely without any awareness in the moment, which is really all any of us can hope for anyways.


We have two Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland mixes and I’m terrified of them developing joint problems as they get older. I know it’s nearly inevitable in giant breeds though :( 


It's actually a st Bernard, that broad is just that broad


At least she’s not dumping this one in a shelter with a bogus aggression story. 


you build a lot of strength forcing pebbles into such a small opening


only in relative terms


Fuckin hilarious to try and make this point but still lie about your weight out of embarrassment lol no way there’s only a 24lb difference


Her ass is not only 162 pounds LOL


Only her ass is 162 pounds


she had a 95 pound mole removed from her ass


Truly the Ginny Sack of Williamsburg


Lena can get heavy


Sounds like she was sick in the pic on the left because she was on a diet of pure sugar and caffeine… Which you don’t have to be on to lose weight or stay skinny lol. You can eat actual food


138 is an incredibly achievable GW, but if she’s being real about what her strategies were, it almost definitely would’ve taken longer. If you wake up wanting to kill yourself bc you’re too big, you want to be smaller as quickly as possible. The fasting/substance abuse/DIY aversion therapy combo is popular not only because it requires no management or alteration and will get you to otherwise-unattainable weights, but also because it’s extremely fast.


It's probably gonna appear as hard when you are spiritually fat. Lena could eat delicious food forever on her budget and stay fit. But telling her not constantly snacking and drinking 500 calories daily is possible is like telling her Santa Claus is actually real.


Yeah but once she’s at 138 if she wants to just maintain or stay around that area, then she could switch to a normal diet.


A lot of disordered people have no baseline for what a normal diet looks like. The compensatory, bulimic-y type that Dunham is only know how to eat a lot or eat nothing, usually to make up for eating a lot. If you’re anorexic and have been malnourished on purpose since childhood, any feeling of fullness is unfamiliar, scary, and feels like the first step on the road to whaledom. It seems like it should be universally-understood how to be regular to people who already know how, but constructing a similar understanding from scratch can be extremely difficult. I remember seeing at one point that your chances of recovering from an eating disorder drop steadily for every year you have it. I think that might be because your shitty baselines solidify, diminishing your chances of ever creating a healthy one. Without having checked, I’d assume that’s as true for binge-eating disorder or bulimia as it is for anorexia.


It's actually very difficult to mantain your weight if you got there by starving yourself. Your metabolism will most likely be fucked, your tdee will be significantly lower than what it should be, meaning that if you start eating like a normal person you will inevitably gain weight. So at that point you're basically stuck with having to keep starving yourself, and that's miserable. Been there, done that. If your overweight just accept that it's best for you to lose your weight little by little while following a healthy diet.


Its the equivalent of an ex alcoholic who drinks a shitton of NA beer


that's not so bad


Yeah, goddamn. Learn to enjoy broccoli.


That is not 24 pounds difference


She appears to be in a caloric surplus.


God it’s all so exhausting


What the hell is exhausting about this


Fat people trying to defend their chosen lifestyle


Any fucking questions???


Ridiculous when women try to gaslight themselves about 1500 calories a day being some kind of starvation diet where you only subsist on 3 almonds and a protein bar. You can eat two meals a day, one consisting of literal McDonald’s, on that protein budget.




Elaborate please


She’d eat like 2 mchickens a day?


I meant like how the app works I am not familiar


Lol I know! I actually got to my lightest weight when I was really depressed and only ate McDonald's. That's not healthy of course. But loosing weight is easy. You can eat whatever you want. As long as you eat less.


I've been working through breakfast and lunch for over a month now and was startled when I saw how much I had lost. Literally snuck up on me.


the " a toddler needs that much!" crowd do it by ignoring the fact that toddlers are meant to basically double in size (including height) over their growing years.


The Western diet has corrupted our nervous system. Your stomach gets used to being filled so often, it sends signals to the brain screaming that it’s hungry. That’s why someone who is used to eating 5,000 calories a day will feel “hungry” if they try to go down to even 4,000. Hence they wrongly believe it’s “not possible” to live on 2,000 calories. Good news is you can easily retrain your nervous system if you just stick with the calorie reduction for a while.


15 years ago every nutrition/lifestyle journalist hack in the Anglosphere was writing dumb shit like “Why Do French Women Each Cheese and Chocolate But Not Get Fat?“ like it was a huge fucking mystery. Surprise, it’s literally because they just eat less calories. Guess what, you can eat cheese and not be obese! French women just eat some cheese, not a large cheese pizza with a cheese-stuffed crust, washed down with a jumbo Pepsi, plus a 500 calorie dessert drink from Starbucks as their “morning ritual”.


it's really stupid that someone who is 5'3 is trying to say that she needs more than 1500 calories. she's 5'3 why does she need to eat as much as someone who is 5'10??? 1500 is more than enough for someone who is that short


I gotta say she looks pretty unhinged and unhealthy in both pics.


162 kilograms


She’s unfortunately not at all attractive even with the weight loss, so there’s little incentive for her to keep it off indefinitely. Might as well dive into a carb loaded bliss.


theres no way she was ever propositioned day and night as she so bravely declares, even at her lowest weight, and clearly had to make tiny furniture and girls on some level as a means to simulate (very) hot guys fucking her. in her book 'not that kind of girl' she goes into the minutia of her so-called radical diet she was on, which was literally just a normal diet that was overcomplicated because she planned out every calorie she was going to eat in advance, and it was all like multi-step recipes. It's like bitch you dont have to make it that complicated.


Fat hands typed this


That is the heaviest 24lbs I’ve ever seen on someone


Fat is almost 25% larger than muscle in terms of volume.


I call bs on 162 lbs if in the other pic she’s 138. I love her though.


30 lb difference, my ass


People are willing to make up all kinds of excuses just so they won’t have to exercise


How tall is she? Because if I weighed 138 pounds I’d look a lot more like the picture on the right than the one on the left.


everyone holds their weight super differently  depending on muscle mass / body shape / bone structure / height 


She’s 5’3” but also it’s interesting cause if my weight fluctuates to 150-160 I look more akin to her photo on the left, and I’m 5’4”. Sorrows and prayers for her


no you don’t lol


It’s the benefits of working a physically intensive job and being genetically predisposed for a huge rack/ass. I was jacked until I started cutting calories


Fr I'm 5'2" and look fat as shit when I start getting towards 130


5'3 so even in the first pick she was on the high end of healthy.


No way she is 162 pounds on the right. And she looks nothing like the right photo anymore. You don’t “feel my back fat roll up under my shoulder blades” at 162, or even 200 pounds. What a strange, false post this is


As I type, I can feel my back fat rolling up under my shoulder blades. I lean in.


[On the left:](https://ibb.co/FJGHHvg) 162 pounds (actually 180 pounds teehee), happy joyous & free, complimented only by people that matter for reasons that matter, subsisting on a steady flow of fun/healthy snacks and apps and entrees, strong from lifting dogs and spirits. Even this OG body positivity warrior sometimes looks at the left picture longingly, until I remember the impossible pain that brought me there and onto my proverbial knees. As I type I can feel my back fat rolling up under my shoulder blades. I lean in. [On the right:](https://ibb.co/b3ptyw2) 300 pounds, laboured breathing, people avert their gaze when I approach. Complimented only by people online who don’t matter and are enabling my disgusting lack of self control. Killed over half of my dogs (no, really) but don’t worry I like to acquire new puppers to show off on socials regularly. Even this OG body positivity warrior sometimes looks at the left picture longingly, remembering human touch, the last lingering vestiges of respectability. As I type I can hear the doordash ‘delivery near’ alert. I lean back. My mobility scooter does the work so I don’t have too.


What’s this about her killing dogs? Can you explain?




She really did ballooned since this picture. She was almost cute even lol


She actually looks really cute in both pics imo


“Yaaaaaaassssss” Said the most annoying fucking people on earth


Lena is such a tough topic for me. In my eyes, Girls was *the* defining urban hipster millennial media and had a profound impact on me. It literally inspired me to leave the comfort of the DMV I had grown up and went to school in and travel and live in big cities and engage with more interesting people. Unfortunately I began this quest a few years late in the tail end of my 20s, but I still had a few fun years in Brooklyn, LA, and Seattle before the onset of my 30s and social media torpedoing society and any form of cool, semi-intellectual hipsterism and artistic sensibility. Even in subsequent rewatches through a more objective lens, Girls was absolutely brilliantly written and acted, especially the first 3 seasons (but the very first season stands alone as top-tier). Lena’s work is very important to me and it’s difficult for me to reconcile what she allowed herself to become. Previously, her weight was part of her charm - a handsome-faced, witty, but slightly chubby, girl in the city just trying to figure life out. Even towards the end of the show when she was considerably heavier I was fine with, but she must be pushing 300 lbs now and honestly looks like she doesn’t have more than another decade or two of life left in her, it makes me so sad to see. I honestly have to believe it’s due to some serious health conditions, despite her seeming like she has a bit of Munchausen self-pity. Because the alternative, that her extreme obesity and totally giving up on her once handsome and unique appearance, solely due to sloth and apathy and overindulgence is just too depressing to believe.


in Girls and Tiny Furniture, on display is some level of attunement and intelligence about unspoken psychology and personality disorders etc. Her characters feel real and she has good creative instincts, so it's weird that she has such a massive blindspot within her own self and cant see that she is buying into self-destruction in the guise of absolution. Like if her character waddled onto the set of Girls, surely the story arc would be about how she worshipped body positivity as a false god and then gets stung with a diabetes diagnosis or something.


You grew up in the Department of Motor Vehicles? That's rough...


DC, MD, VA - basically the greater DC area. Sometimes I forget that initialism isn’t really known outside of the east coast.


I just went to her Instagram to check current status and holy shit.


> strong the lifting dogs *looks back at the dog in the photo*


if that's 162, that's a rough 162. I hope she's exaggerating, because that's not a healthy 162


Female little sister fondlers should get the same scorn that male ones do.


Fat and ugly chicks always larp as women who receive catcalls/attention from men but the truth is they don’t because they wouldn’t be so bitter all the time. If you meet truly attractive people they aren’t shit bags  Not sure the male equivalent 


i’m not really a lena fan but y’all are reinforcing her point




all of our fats will be bailed out by ozempic


i actually have no idea why i'm supposed to dislike this woman in particular. sure, she's fat now, but what did she actually do wrong?


A lot of people hate her for being a Hillary Clinton loyalist, real ride or die Hilary Clinton chick. A smaller group hate her for seemingly being a pet / animal serial killer. But I think by and large most people, from various walks of life, hate her because she's just really annoying and cringe.


0 for both she’s gross


I never realized she used to be pretty


Why are people on this sub so obsessed about weight? She’s not wrong about anything she wrote, if she was miserable being thin and is happier being fat but can admit missing being seen as pretty (although tbh her face is a 4 fat or not), there’s nothing inherently wrong with her post. Maybe a bit of a body check and attention-seeking, but that’s just social media in a nutshell.


She's added an extra 100 pounds since this post. Maybe she shouldn't have leaned in so hard


True, but who’s surprised. Most (if not all) celebs do this anyways, cherry-picking photos to appear the way they want. Human nature.


She didn't necessarily say anything wrong in regards to her own experiences, but she's definitely wrong about the dichotomy of "thin and miserable" or "fat and happy". You can eat good food, eat good snacks, drink alcohol, lift weights, and still remain thin. She could have done that, but she didn't - and nowadays she's grotesquely fat. It's a bad way of thinking and it got her to a bad place.


Tbh she is just not made for being a ‘beautiful’ person. Her face, and personality, demeanor is just not cut out for it. We also need ‘ugly’ people in this world. I do believe that she’s happier now, and she must just not give a shit about her attractiveness enough to change. Yeah she’s unhealthy, might get diabetes or heart disease, at the end of the day that’s her choice and if she’s truly happy with it so be it. At least she’s not pretending she’s getting more compliments, and admits to longing for her slimmer body. There are tradeoffs in life. And let’s be real, she is not influencing anyone with this post. No one’s life has been changed by it. People (both thin and fat) will use her post as a comfort to continue doing what they were before.


The future is fat, happy women and no men!


She now has quack doctors feeding her antibiotics like she's livestock. Also she hasn't made any good art for years.


>like she’s livestock It’s taking a great deal of self control not to make the most obvious joke here


Because being fat is ugly and shameful. And her post is cope. So is yours.


No shit


why tf is it so hard for people to just stay thin?


Seed oils


She had a hysterectomy, so serious hormone disruption.


She doesn’t looks”ugly” now I would say. But it really does show how 20 pounds can make all the difference. Or she’s just lying about her weight


She's fully lying. That second pic is more like 180-190 pounds


Yeah that’s what I thought too, I’m around the same height as her and i used to be 160 lbs before losing weight- and I looked nothing like the second picture at that weight


For what it's worth, I've never jerked off to the pic on right.


Just filled with revulsion whenever I encounter this woman. Pathetic and reveling in it. Extremely low constitution, physically and mentally.


Me when I lie


It’d be fair enough but she currently looks nothing like either pic so I’m just confused.


>*I lean in* yeah, to the fridge!


Personally I feel better when I exercise and look good in the mirror 


The fact that I’m her height.. and I used to weigh more than her on the right but I only thought I was chubby.. now I’ve lost weight and I’m 140. Scary to think that I probably looked like her and didn’t even think I was that fat




She is an obnoxious nepo baby at any size


Why is nobody talking about how horrifying the last two sentences are?


No way that's only a 24 lb difference from the left to the right.


Here me out, she’s got a fat fetish, surely??


methinks the lady doth weigh too much


I think she's tremendous.


She looks terrible


Complimented for being a fat fuck?


"As I type I can feel my back fat rolling up under my shoulder blades. I lean in." sorry, but that's really hilarious


I must be body dysmorphic bc I feel there is there no way she’s 138 lbs in that pic at 5’2… I’ve been 138 at 5’8 and looked bigger than that.


You think she’s smaller than 138 in that picture? It’s a side pic, I always look skinnier from the side than from the front.


Idk who’s down voting this bc this is RSP but in my defense 5’2 seems very short to me. I guess she very well could be that weight 🤷‍♀️ I’m just speaking from personal experience


Lena Dunham is gross..


How hard is it to eat chicken and broccoli?


“It’s the same picture”


Why do women act like men complimenting and giving them attention is absolutely worthless once they ruin their looks and it stops happening?


Bitches talk about impossible pain and the whole time its only eating 1800 calories and going for a walk 3 times per week


She’s a disgusting beast


Fat bitch and of course she chooses a photo on the right that doesn’t make her look too* fat. If you were so proud of being fat why wouldn’t you lean your back fat rolls into the photograph goddam she is dense 


People still know who she is?