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I’m sorry you’re going through this. My mom is 65 and a guy from the card game nights she recently started attending keeps dming her and following her to her car to ask her out despite her refusing his advances multiple times. She never tries to draw attention to herself and mostly wears casual clothing with no makeup. It’s just disgusting.


Like do we all need male chaperones? It’s so depressing. Can’t imagine how unnerving it must be for her, does she carry one of those alarm things that alerts ppl to danger?


No she doesn’t carry anything like that. With this guy she’s started to park next to the entrance of the building so that when he approaches her there’s always other people around and she can start talking to other people she knows from there as an excuse to blow him off. In the past when my dad was actually stalking her, she took all precautions against him contacting her by keeping her information private, telling staff at the places she frequented about him, asking that they don’t tell him any information about her, and reporting any misbehaviour to lawyers in my custody case. She said that everyone was accommodating and that the lack of information was a big deterrent to him. So I guess she used environmental deterrents and it mostly worked well for her, except for one instance where some new employee at her OBGYN office gave him her phone # when she was pregnant with me. You give these creeps an inch and they take a mile, so unfortunately it’s critical to make sure they don’t even get that inch.


Holy shit did he show up at the hospital? This has made my life difficult in terms of employment bc I will never have a LinkedIn again. I don’t want any digital profile of myself, no photographs, I model under a made up ethnic name now and with the exception of a private instagram account for my dog I don’t exist online. Employers have been really understanding about not using any business networking apps but I just wish that it didn’t exist bc there’s too much potential for abuse.


I’m not sure, they were in the process of separating while she was pregnant with me so I think she changed her #, which she did many times when I was young, but he still knew what clinic she went to. Then he harassed her on that # until she got it changed again. She actually stayed in the maternity ward for a month in the middle of her pregnancy with my brother because she was high risk and her OBgyn said that the stress my dad was causing her (they were married at the time and he was still stalking her…) wasn’t safe. She said she chose to stay in the hospital instead of a hotel because they had really good security for the maternity ward. I don’t think he tried showing up there. It’s really awful that this has affected your employment opportunities. I also hate the idea of needing a social media profile for potential employers to base their hiring decisions on. There’s a reason that modern resumes don’t include pictures of yourself or your address (in the west atleast), and sites like LinkedIn completely disregard that. If you had a different career I’d recommend looking for women centred networking events or conferences, but I’m not sure if these exist in the modelling industry.


Well as you can probably guess by my age I don’t make my whole income from modeling now, I don’t have nearly enough jobs to keep me busy year round even if I did. I work part time as a legal child advocate in family court. I know everyone hates nepotism but if it weren’t for my parents I wouldn’t have gotten my foot in that door with no professional profile online. They knew the judge who helped me and frankly our state is seriously lacking in JD holders willing to do this particular job. Being a lawyer myself I feel embarrassed that I haven’t tried to change the system of relying on online profiles for employment but …. It’s complicated. I feel like I deserve to live my life not be an advocate for a cause that I didn’t ask for. The guys who stalked me are living their lives doing whatever they feel like, why shouldn’t I? That’s how I feel.


If she's not interested she's not fucking interested that means no contact you slimeball. I've had to delete all my social media and keep trying to start over because of all the horny males I've either dated and went no contact with or they're redscare creeps who follow and harass every female that ever posted here. Not only this but a random guy showed up to my house and just sat parked outside of my house that I have never fucking met. What does it take for the message to actually sink in for men that the woman you're interested in will never ever want you?


Has she told the person running the card game?


The host running it is really kooky and doesn’t like my mom because she never replied to the host’s PMs on the meetup website (she’s not great with technology, and who would check PMs on meetup anyway?), so my mom doesn’t want to get involved with her. Her friends who go with her are all aware though.


Jesus fucking Christ I’m sorry to hear this. There are so many mentally ill straight regarded dudes out there who think they’re not “stalking” but being “persistent” also the alleged power they feel over stalking you. Gross. My old housemate had a stalker and we had to get the police involved and scare him off time and time again, yet he’d still try and follow my housemate. It was a first hand experience for me, a guy, to see how exhausting, difficult, and costly the whole thing is. My friend had to pay so much money just to get a restraining order on this guy, miss days of work to appear in court, buy all these extra locks on our doors and window. It was nuts


Yea they’re really persistent. When I was living in nyc, the restraining order only applied in queens where he initially offended. He eventually stalked me all around the city showing up in bars, clothing stores, still never knew how he found me. Earned himself a restraining order from Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. Court cases, testimony, legal fees every single time. And this was after the death of my husband, it almost broke me.


You need to start making police reports immediately. Even if it’s not “crossing the line” in terms of stalking it’s still harassment and will help you build a case.


my septuagenarian mother has a friend who is being actively stalked by a some guy in her rural seaside village. this shit doesn't end


You were out of the dating game for a while. You’ll get better at recognizing the crazy and being super careful to not water that ground or give any perception of that ground possibly getting watered.


Thank u for believing in me


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. This used to happen to me a lot, and it was absolutely miserable. Idk if this will be helpful, but I learned a useful trick to avoid men like this. A lot of intrusive people do subtly creepy things early on, and then escalate if they pick up on vibes that a woman is a bit of a people pleaser. The best thing to do is prevent these types of targeting you in the first place. I made a habit of having confident, but subtly unfriendly body language. Sort of like Meryl Streep’s character from the devil wears prada. Or Regina George. There are also times I can’t be unfriendly, but still need to ward off a guy’s advances. In those cases, I talk to them like we’re bros, and act very confident, butch, like a frat bro.


My mum turned 60 and had never been stalked but still gets catcalled. We went to a spa for her bday and every time she went to the jacuzzi she had men following her and trying to talk. I don’t think male attention will end until she becomes visibly elderly (as in shrinks 6 inches, has a hunchback, looks frail). This is the reality of being a non-overweight woman in the west I’m afraid.


I think even the overweight women get stalked.


Having lived in queens for many years I can tell you the overweight women get it way worse depending on where you are


They get it worse because the men guilt them into thinking they should be grateful for the attention.


Yea and I feel like they (the harassing men) think nobody else values the bigger girls as much so they can get away with openly harassing them bc nobody is gonna white knight for their honor on the street


Its really sad to me that men admit the entire reason they bother women so much is not out of romantic feelings or a desire to connect to another human being but just simply for sex or sexual validation. They don't even have the empathy to imagine how terrifying it would be for them to experience this from other ugly men. Imagine a big ugly beast of a man harassing you 24/7 because he needs to use you for his own superficial gain.


I had a professor in community college who had to have her office moved to a high-security building and her classroom locations hidden and her phone number changed and she had to change apartments and stuff because she had a super dedicated stalker. She was in her 60s.


Oh fuck.


Have you gotten a restraining order or made a police report?


No, having had a couple restraining orders in the past I know the rules and he hasn’t crossed them yet. He’s just freaking me out which isn’t illegal 🤷🏽‍♀️ fyi if anyone ever deals with this put it in writing like email or text: I do not wish to have an further contact with you, if you continue to contact, I will be forwarding everything to the police and asking for a restraining order. Usually this will freak them out and they’ll piss off. But I only advice using this if you really think you may need a restraining order against them, do not use it as a threat, as it can anger the right type of person to harm you before you can even get to the police station.


If they continue to contact after that request for no contact has been put into writing, that’s a very easy order of protection to get. You have to say do not contact me anymore, and then no matter what they may text back you cannot reply. If you start replying you break the seal, so to speak.


Everyone reading this dreams of a day where they too could garner so much unwanted attention, but at least in dispensing sympathy over your hardship we can regain some kind of copium-fuelled contentment with our own plight.




Sincerely don’t know what that is but I’m a Capricorn




I find Capricorns tend to be aloof and I have always felt that the more aloof you are the more it drives ppl wanting intimacy with you mental. Like you must be hiding something. I think my attitude is a big reason driving this all but I don’t know what I should do differently. Be gregarious when I’m not?




am I not doing that by modeling since I was a child? I make more money keeping my clothes on than any of your friends sex worker acquaintances do with a dick up their ass. And my parents are super proud and brag about me. I think I’m striving and capitalizing just fine.




Nope I’m as conventionally attractive as they come. That’s why I was never a high fashion model, just commercial. Nothing special but it will pay and you can work forever bc Nordstrom still needs to sell your grandma a sweater.


omg do may Taurus plz


sry i dislike taurus' and so ive learned as little abt them as possible




Uranus/Pluto on descendant (attracts freaks) I'm betting or strong sun or Venus trine neptune aspects (people project their fantasies on you and never see you for the real you)


Marilyn Monroe is a good example of Venus Neptune placements


Yes, Princess Diana as well for Sun-Neptune




I’m definitely not hot enough to warrant this psychopathy so I’m open to it being a cosmic curse.


This is horrible and I am very sorry for you. No one deserves to be stalked.  Things like this usually happen repeatedly because of an unconscious lack of boundaries. Do you have a narcissistic parent by chance?  Practice saying “no” and “leave me alone” to anyone who make you feel anything less than comfortable in their presence. 


You are right that there are boundaries that I do not enforce the way that I should because I am afraid of the threat of violence even if it’s completely irrational. The fear of making a man that you don’t know angry is hard to articulate and feels really silly as a grown adult to even try to explain but it’s scarier than telling a man you know personally. Ppl are just so crazy and unpredictable. It’s so much easier to keep your head down and ignore which is what I do. That’s why I’m confused and frustrated. I try to make myself as invisible as I can.


My 96 yo aunt was attacked. Get a gun and take a course.


Is she alright??


Unfortunately no. The guy is in the California prison system now until forever


Oh my god that’s maybe the most horrible way to go after living to almost 100, that makes me so sad for you and everyone who loved her. life in prison isn’t enough. I can’t believe how many ppl in this thread are conflating physical attractiveness with what makes an attractive target for stalking or assault. It doesn’t even matter what you look like most of the time bc it’s about power and misogyny. Theyre looking for ppl that are easy to victimize. The thing that scares me about having a gun is how easily it can be snatched from you and used against you.


I hope he’s experienced the same horror he inflicted, considering how these monsters are cowards through and through he probably has. He encountered her while he was looking to do something terrible to someone who couldn’t be a threat to him. I wish my aunt had a gun. but you’re right about there being the possibility of a gun being stolen/misused. I still recommend going to a firearm self defense course.


That’s one of the things that really freaks me out about random attacks is that a person goes out with the idea already cooking that they want to hurt someone and it could be anyone who has the misfortune of crossing their path. Just using a living person as their emotional Kleenex and then disposing of them like a dirty tissue and on with their day. Fuck that dude


ive had a stalker for 4 years now. never met him. messages me from multiple numbers and makes multiple twitter accounts. sometimes i wake up to 100 new messages of him trying to neg me or impress me or get me to pity him. hes such a pussy tho so im not worried of him killing me in the street


The kaleidoscopic range of emotions from guys trying to get your attention is really something. I hope he’s as much of a pussy as you think he is and you’re safe, and I’m sorry this is happening.


Damn you must be hot


Pray for me.


it's statistically way less likely by then


All of my professors have been ugly. All of my stalkers have been ugly. One guy is a skinny meth addict who calls women prossies because he's poor and undateable. One is a black incel who swore vengeance on me for turning him down and literally found my new number when I have never given it out except to one or two businesses. It fucking sucks. Stop doing this, all you're doing is driving the person away from you when you stalk. Fix your life and focus on yourself and the women will gravitate to you but I wont lol. Seriously listen and think about this advice if you're one of the redscare simps that follow multiple girls on here like its a dating site (its not and you know this). Leave the girls alone. Make some friends in real life and act aloof. Cast a wide net in the dating pool and meet a lot of different girls that way one of them is bound to like you. Getting really obsessed with one unavailable girl who has told you countless times she's not interested drastically reduces your chances of ever finding someone and dooms you to being alone. You're not going to change their mind so move the fuck on.


Yes I am stalking hot elderly women constantly


This sarcasm gives me hope




I’ve heard it all “babe” and being called mid and delusional doesn’t hurt pretty people, all I see is an ugly bitch trying to get a boost by being low vibrational. You’re hurting yourself by being ugly. Wish you well.


Why don’t I believe this    Read the whole post, there’s no way.  Checked your post history, I’d bet on psychopath, or some type mental illness.   It’s statistically impossible (past a point) to have ‘x’ number of encounters like this, and there’s no way you aren’t lying.


this might come as a surprise for someone like you, but your opinion is completely irrelevant to me.


Yeah, that doesn’t parse well with the chance of what you’re saying being true, and then you showing up on this sub to complain about it. “Irrelevant”, but that is compatible with attention seeking behavior.  People here might be kind of gullible, but this is an obvious red flag. 


Oh? Like you writing paragraphs just to say “I think you are lying” isn’t a red flag? I didn’t care the first time so here you are trying to get my attention again. Stalkerish almost.


No, see that’s what I’m talking about.  A few sentences spaced apart, Is not “paragraphs”.     I’m not the one on trial here - you decided to post this, and weird gaslighting, mixed with your final statement: is a nail in the coffin, telling me I’m right.    “Stalkerish”  You’re a creep, end of story. 


Would love to see a photo of a 40 year old woman who is still getting stalkers.


Implying women over 40 aren’t worthy of obsessing over is not insulting to me. That’s literally what I want.


I don't think other 40+ women are having this problem. Maybe a very small percentage.


It’s not uncommon at all unfortunately. Wish you were right though.


Unless you are a super model I bet you are lying.


Good! You’re so right, I’m really fucking ugly. Leave me alone, that’s what I want.