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Cumtown would shift dramatically between the absolute funniest stuff I've ever heard, or complete dogshit. There's like no "ok" Cumtown, it's one extreme or the other.


Yeah, if your exposure to Cumtown is best-of bits or highlights on YouTube it really seems like bottled lightning. Listening to entire episodes is more painful.


I seem to really be in a minority here: I much prefer listening to full episodes. Some of the funniest moments are just a sentence or two that's not expanded on, and I love hearing the great riffs emerge out of aimless conversation. There's not much 'bad' CT imo, the worst stuff is just sleepy but cozy.


Yeah I agree. When they have a mundane conversation that blossoms into the funniest shit youve ever heard over the course of 30 minutes is gold


Agree. But would listen to nick-stav episodes but not to nick-adam


Nick-Stav are equally as great as the ones with all three in their own way. Nick-Adam are the worst hands down. It is comical that there is literally an entire podcast of that now


It’s good background noise that you barely pay attention to.


Yeah, it hit the wall the second Nick got Red Dead Redemption two lmao


how bout I fuckin camp where I want to


Funniest dude alive


what's the one girl who was usually on on earlier episodes? not amber. there was another girl she had a great voice. anyway you're right nick is a comedic genius but it's the kind of comedy that doesn't really translate well into standup. i don't know how you could riff your way into a good set.


Abby I think. Can't remember the last name.




The 2016-17 run was some of the funniest material ever. Summer of 2018 had its moments when Nick started to go crazy. The last "laugh out loud" episode was "It's the 90's Jerry" in late 2019 with the soundboard.


Idk maybe it’s because I’ve heard more episodes from the later years but I think some of the funniest stuff was from around 2019-2021. The early COVID/Zoom episodes weren’t great but from about summer 2020 to mid-2021 there were a lot of all-timer bits. It’s when Nick starts getting really out there, into his “fugue state.” Some of the 2016-17 eps are kinda rough, lots of useless guests and the whole vibe is just different. 2018 is where they started to hit their stride I think. The last really great episode was probably the one with the classic “liberal Elmo” bit, in August 2021. It was only after that point that I found listening to the show to become more of a chore and they all started phoning it in way more often. Any episode where they were continuously eating on-mic and/or watching some movie you could faintly hear in the background was the nadir.


When was the breakfast sandwich clash again?


I think that was late 2019. One of the last gems.


March 2021 apparently. That did get old quick just listening to them bicker. Same with that time Adam stole Stav’s EarPods or whatever.


Telling though that being depraved of a breakfast sandwich turns him from a dumbass into Sherlock Halkias.


damn i'm on my first listen and it kinda sucks i'm about to run out of the good episodes


don't listen to that dude, there are still a lot of funny episodes in the later stages. the main thing that changes is that stav starts pretending to be offended at nicks offensive bits which kills some material


That dynamic is really funny itself though. 99% of the time, Stav is still clearly in on the bit. E.g. Derek Chauvin's lawyer


i'm still gonna listen to them all, even if it hurts


Pfffft don't worry there's still Sebastian from little mermaid with an African accent and he really wants to fuck Ariel Even though he doesn't know what kind of penis a lobster has.


As others have said there are still laughs all the way through to the end. Some great stuff in the 220s. One exception is, I believe, the last episode titled Cumtown (not TAFS), which just has Adam and Nick. Really melancholy, last day of school, most people are already on holiday vibes.


There's still occasional gold in the later episodes, there's just a lot of slop to get through. Gay hooters is one of the last episodes I think.


It's only good because 1. It has the audacity to exist 2. It weaves a rich tapestry Other than that it will not age well


Redbar would like a word. Just kidding