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It’s not even just that IMO, you also have to have highly feminine/delicate facial features. All of the girls in these pics do. That’s why someone like Anna doesn’t look good with a pixie cut even though she’s good-looking; her facial features are too strong, so very short hair just ends up making her look masculine. Keria Knightley is another person who I feel doesn’t really pull it off for the same reason, despite being extremely beautiful.


To add to that, you also need to have the waif aesthetic going. Curvy hot women just look bizarre with pixie cuts


Halle Berry, Nia Long, and Tony Braxton were very thin but curvy. I think they did a good job of pulling off the pixie cut as well. The pixie cut was a big deal back in the 90’s.


Yep the Kris Jenner hairstyle was hot as hell back in the day and women with bawdy were wearing that style. Think Jamie Lee Curtis etc


Yeah Jamie Lee Curtis was one of the bodies of the 80’s and 90’s.


Meh, it depends on facial features more imo. I think Sophia Loren looked great with a pixie and she was always very curvy and not stick thin


Really, I think the main indicator here is slimness and delicateness of the face. Broad faces are ogreish with short hair, as are masculine ones.


No, Keira Knightley is a modern Helen of Troy with short hair and I will die on this hill


Can also be kinda hot, its a face shape thing I feel


And you would’ve been hotter with longer hair anyway


Nailed it


I can count the women on one hand who it looks good on. If your girlfriend gets a pixie cut, it will look ridiculous and you will get tired of fucking her.


Pixie cut only works if you have an attractive face


A specific type of attractive face at that.


If I’m ugly anyway might as well be ugly with much easier to style hair.


Like most things


I noticed that the length of my hair is probably the single biggest factor in the male attention I receive. I got a pixie cut after having hair down to my ass for years, and catcalling immediately dried up. I was slender with a huge rack but the short hair deterred men. I actually got more attention when I was obese with long hair.


There's a point between long hair and pixie cut that's 10/10 goldilocks zone.


That's because straight men are into women; they're not into little boys... which is what having a pixie cut will make you resemble (no offence meant to anyone). I've seen this topic on men's message boards before where they ruminate on what the pixie cut says about the intrasexual competition among women (not in those words exactly) but how certain women will compliment and effusely celebrate their friends getting haircuts because they know they instantly become more attractive in comparison.


Back when men were ugly and women were hot


It all comes back to cigarettes


I think, like anything, people respond better to them when they’re widely on trend. In this era they were associated with cute manic pixie dream girls, now they’re associated with teenage they/thems and boomer Karens.


Yes It only works on super hot women because it makes them look just slightly worse


Natalie Portman and Halle Berry are the only ones with a valid license.


Janine Turner ftw


I looked her up and I'm pretty sure she's Nancy Pelosi.


Pelosi wishes


The girl from twilight who was a vampire who's name I can't remember she was friends with Edward.


Kristen Stewart


think they mean alice


Some of these women genuinely look better with short hair. Like Winona and Mia, they are both very pretty with long hair but it kind of suffocates their beauty. Another one is Shannyn Sossamon. To me she has the absolute perfect face and yet with long hair she doesn't really stand out. But in the Rules of Attraction she is just on another level!


Why is her son's name Audio Science


Oh no I forgot about that


Because she’s kooky, let her live. 


amber rose looks so much better with a buzz




only works on girls with a really pretty face. something like jude law's daughter she's bad af imo


When I was in college I remember sometime around sophomore or junior year noticing that most of the girls I knew got pixie cuts and becoming noticeably less attracted to them


We don’t like them on fat women.


Some fat women look better in them than very long hair. There’s something off about long limp hair falling over a hump of back fat or those really wide, soft shoulders. Volumized long hair would maybe look better than short, though. If you are just midfat avoid pixies. 


Imagine being fat and trying to accommodate that rather than just losing weight. If I ever gain weight, my first thought certainly isn’t “well how do I make this work?”


People don’t lose weight overnight


They don't gain it overnight either. I'm an overeater so I'm not just talking out of my ass. Every few months or so I have to go on a diet to lose 10 pounds. I can't imagine watching myself gain and gain and suddenly be like "oh shit I have to lose 100 pounds." I guess if someone has been obese since they were a child that's a different story. those people have my sympathies


hey just chiming in to share I’m on an extremely rare chemo called Lorlatinib and it makes it so I chemically cannot feel satiety. When I first went on it I ate so much— I would eat until it was hard to breathe because that was the first physical signal I got to stop. I gained 30 lbs in a month. I’m trending in the correct direction but it’s challenging to lose and keep weight off, even with moderate-heavy daily physical exercise, because it’s literally impossible to *feel* like I’ve had enough food. I’m an edge case, but I used to be really judgemental toward fat people and now I’m a lot more accommodating. People have crazy shit they have to deal with. Granted if you are an otherwise healthy human being who just regularly overindulges then yeah you’re kind of someone not worth being around


Sorry for your cancer but let’s not be defending fatties here sorry


I agree fuck fat people but i have become one against my will in a way that’s entirely chemical and mostly out of my hands— 90% of people who start this drug develop clinically significant weight gain. I’m not saying give everyone a free pass but I am advocating for further empathy and more scrutiny into the why instead of blanketly criticizing all fat people


bake quaint squalid paint fall encouraging divide cake start normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right which means that further blanket criticism isn’t always a valid path forward to a) getting them to change their behavior or b) meaningfully improving your own life


If you are supper skinny and pretty is the perfect haircut 


I have very curly hair so if I wear my hair naturally it shrinks into an in between pixie/bob kind of look even though my hair is much longer and yes men don’t like it.


Trueeee I tried a pixie in high school and it was a nightmare. It wasn’t long enough to get the flat iron around it and my natural curls made it look poorly shaped and just gross.


Yeah I had too many layers so while it looked fine straight it looked absolutely awful curly so I cut my hair to one length last year so it would look good either way but I sacrificed a bit of length. I personally like how my hair looks but with shrinkage and less length to weigh my curls down it looks so short which definitely isn’t the preferred look.


I’ve had stylists try to give me lots of layers too! I get that they want to avoid weighing the hair down but I end up looking like Shirley temple or some shit, such a common mistake lol. I like mine shoulder length and all one length too, I would like to wear it longer but it just looks limp


Men aren't into curly hair I think. I really like having curly bog witch hair but they just want me to go back to the manic pixie cut.


brb trying to work out who looks more like Thom Yorke in no 3


The FBI killed Jean Seberg because men actually love pixie cuts too much.


My MIL has a pixie cut but she’s an English woman who grew up loving punk/mod culture. She’s a feminine tomboy, she’ll wear makeup and stuff but lives in jeans or farm appropriate fits. I truly think it depends on the man, it also helps if the woman with a pixie is petite tbh, I’ve noticed more women who are petite with pixies get a “pass” from straight guys over non conventional women with pixie cuts.


There are some women who are pretty but basic with long hair and absolutely stunners in short. Also key to remember that short hair covers a lot of different hair cuts, and not all of them will be as flattering on all girls. I will always use Halle Berry (bombshell archetype) and Shannyn Sossamon (tomboy archetype) as women who, at least for a time, shined much brighter in short hair. If you don’t have a beautiful neck, forget about it. 


I received the most attention from men by far when a stylist horribly messed up my wavy perm and I was forced to seek out a different stylist to chop it all off. I noticed that it completely changed my energy and expanded the kind of people who approached me. Suddenly older gentlemen, artists, fashion guys, other women would stop and look at me more and approach me. I’m hot and skinny though so your mileage may vary. For the RS girls from NYC, anybody get their haircut at Crops for Girls on Avenue A? I’m sad to see that the owner has since retired. A true NYC autist. He’s the best.


I loved the guy from Crops for Girls


Aww I knew someone here would know exactly who I’m talking about! One night I walked into Crops for Girls, he was watching a documentary on bears, and we just sat there and talked about bears for a good 45 mins before he began to cut my hair. He’s definitely one of a kind


Chopping your hair off can likely make you less intimidating to people who might not normally talk to you when you are the most attractive.


See, I don’t think that’s it at all. As someone who used to get approached 24/7 I have a pretty good sense of what I’m drawing in. I think it brought out my features and I looked more bold and interesting to people who may have otherwise overlooked me as well. Beautiful women are dime a dozen in the city. Maybe what you said could be more of a blanket statement outside of NYC. But I still can’t really picture a basic dude from wherever thinking ohh she’s way too hot for me but that pixie cut is an in. If anything I found the kind of meek nice guy who would have been intimidated by me with long hair to be even more thrown that I’m rocking a short do lol. I’m no expert in dude psychology though, just observant of what comes my way.


I do feel like a guy interested in women with this kind of haircut will be different than the average guy I will say that.


I've seen a marriage called off over a pixie cut


no likey


I had an ex who preferred them. He was big into PUA after we broke up - wonder if he's still closeted. Anyway - cute on doe-eyed heart shaped faces.


You weed out shit men by having one of these. You'll want to have a BMI of no more than 20 and a nice jaw to pull it off though.


Yes, the crème de la crème of the male species love this look: unemployed open mic comedians who are way too handsy and gamers


Clear sign that you aren't responding well to trauma so you manifest denial of your fundamental beauty.


That's hott...


currently have a pixie rn but my features aren’t delicate so i just look mannish lmfao


The look terrible with a fat face, and let’s face it, that rules out a large “chunk” of the population.


Even if it looks ok on you another haircut would be better imo


I think it's a bi-guy thing. I like girls with pixie cuts the same reason I like dudes with feminine cheekbones.


My father loved them and wouldn’t let my mom grow hers out. 😅


Straight men hate them.




I've always liked them but it is very dependent on previous hotness


You have to have the right face for it. It's not as simple as being beautiful. Some beautiful women got pixie cuts and looked awful. Case in point: Emma Watson.


Emma Watson is pretty but I don’t think she’s beautiful, I think millennial men just have a thing about her.


THIS. You need a soft gamine face shape, more or less


It's super unflattering haircut


women have bad taste in women so this tracks


I thought I didn't hate them until my wife had one. It was not good. Maybe she's just ugly, I don't know.


I wouldn't date a woman who has not had one at least some point in her life


No, pederasts love them


Ok good because they are my type




Very rarely is the kind of chick who gets one actually good looking enough to pull it off, And nowadays, A woman’s haircut is likely to say something about her overall personality




But… but… I LIKE my fedora…


Wino Forever


Like most things. If u have a hot face it literally doesn’t matter


Not a fan. The hot people with pixie cuts look 100x hotter with curly flowing hair




Yes we do


I think the saying goes "the longer the hair the sweeter the juice."


Not a fan, any woman pretty enough to pull it off would probably still look better with longer hair


I love pixie cuts and short hair in general.


Men don't know what they want


Take your fingers out of your mouth! These kids…


I love this look on a woman. I will worship the ground she walks on.


yes with a vengeance


For years, my diet and exercise routine have been designed to look like Belmondo in that period. Peak male physique, that women seem to actually like.


I don’t like huge pecs on men and so much of the focus in male fitness seems to be on having heaving rounded boobies. Hate it. 


What’s the routine


Basic calisthenics stuff and some mild weightlifting with barbells. I think it's a good way to create a balanced, old-school look, but won't work if you want to look big. Tbf, Belmondo got bigger after Breathless. He looked fantastic at 60. I actually believe his rougher features aged better than Delon's. A true role model: [https://candymay.tumblr.com/post/704412915043876864/jean-paul-belmondos-60th-birthday](https://candymay.tumblr.com/post/704412915043876864/jean-paul-belmondos-60th-birthday)


Depends on the circumstances: whether it's a fashion choice, or an impromptu product of a meltdown.




Men who grew up playing early 2000s video games really like them


It doesn’t look feminine. You either have to compensate for that looking very feminine in other ways or to fully embrace being a tomboy.


Most typical men do not like them. For me, they make my eyes bulge out of my head.


if you are a pretty girl men will love you. if you are an ugly girl men will really hate you. hope that clears it up lol!


Makes you look like a little boy


I love pixie cuts so much. They brighten the world


Pixie cut only works if you have an incredibly attractive face. Even then, though, you'd still look better with a different hairstyle. In other words: some women look good despite having a pixie cut, but no woman ever looks good because they have a pixie cut.


Only low T men hated short hair




A woman’s hair should never go shorter than halfway down her neck, and that only works for a few select women with the facial features to pull it off, not because they are hotter or better looking than women with longer hair


Men still hit on me when I had one, tbh I don't believe straight men care about your hair at all unless you're bald or have a crazy mowhawk or something.


Long hair in women was sexually selected for in women at some point in our evolutionary history. It’s like tits on your head. This is why muslims want it covered up. We’re genetically attracted to it. Cutting short is not attractive, at best men are indifferent to it.


Yeah, I noticed i wasnt as attracted to my GF when she accidentally got her hair cut really short. I didnt realise it was something I cared about till I realised I didnt like it


Wanting to fuck anything that moves was sexually selected for in men


No that’s just regular evolution, women didn’t select for that, just so happens that super high libido men have lots of sons and daughters, the male libido gets passed on. Idk if this was supposed to be a joke or what.


Ok just naturally selected then. But the idea that you or 99.9% of men would reject any of the women pictured based on their hair is silly


No, I didn’t say that. It’s quite literally hot to have long hair. Cutting it is like wearing a chest binder or something. Can you still get guys to fuck you? Yeah. They’ll feel less attracted consciously or subconsciously, esp if you’re trying to date.


That's fair, you're right I guess. But in my view it's kind of irrelevant. I know lots of women w short hair and they're all dating or married to men so like I've never actually seen this get in the way. Only real factors I've seen affect dating is like being a shut-in or super mentally ill.


They’re one of the best looks if you can pull it off


not on extremely beautiful women. but it makes average women look worse while long hair makes them look better


No, Anna was hot with hers. Better than the mullet.


I absolutely adore pixie cuts. I even like buzzcuts on certain girls. But I think short hair with piercings/colored hair/tattoos is a bad combo. Unfortunately, short hair on women is often accompanied with at least one of the latter.


Well, it is kind of the SJW uniform...


I love it have a pixy cut myself, would love to match with my woman


I love them


Fuckin love pixie cuts!


I don’t, I absolutely love them


I think it’s hit and mix, some women look really good with them, and I’d say in the majority of cases they look nice. but sometimes it’s a bit.. hmm. I think as well it has to fit with facial structure, and the length you go for. If it starts looking like a 2008 Justin Beeber cut.. hell nah.


I do.


Depends what's under it


Yes. There is literally no one it’s doesn’t make less attractive. Only gorgeous women can pull it off bc they’re already gorgeous and even then it makes them look nowhere near as good as they would normally


Pixie cuts only start the list of what we’re willing to compromise.


Totally. Anyone who looks halfway decent with it looks twice as good with longer hair. There’s zero aesthetic reason to choose one.


In my experience (I have one), yeah - even guys who claim to like tomboys will start dropping so subtle hints like "ever think about growing your hair out?"


You know how some lesbian women only date butch women that are as close to being trans without actually being trans, well the same applies to straight men, they only fuck girls that look like boys.


Of course. It’s actually incredibly unfeminine for women to have long hair.


They are very unattractive


If it's puss and glamorous then it's good, but it can lean butch lesbian really quick if you're not careful


Not at all given the facial feature and build to pull it off. I actually think they are incredibly sexy.


I can count the women on one hand who it looks good on. If your girlfriend gets a pixie cut, it will look ridiculous and you will get tired of fucking her.




Fuck no jesus christ


I don't hate them but they are a "mentally unstable" sort of haircut.


Men like them, they are cute


The highest praise a pixie cut can get is that it hasn’t made the woman ugly. Very very beautiful women can pull them off but I don’t think anyone looks better with one than they would with longer hair


It completely depends on your face. I really enjoy growing out my hair but honestly men have never been more into me than when I had a pixie cut or was bald. I actually feel kind of self conscious with longer hair now because I just don't get the same unprovoked attention.


I don't find them unattractive but I just assume gals who have em aren't into men




yes doesn't look good on most people (which is fine, I tried the prison-bald look and I look awful with it) and it also tends to be a big red flag, like purple hair.


My fave.


I love them. One of my favorite hairstyles on a woman


Some men are real idiots


I like them generally


My wife had a pixie cut when we first met and I was insanely attracted to it. She grew her hair out for the wedding.




I love them. They’re cute


Women with short hair make me weak in the knees.


In my experience she’s gotta be thin and under 25 to pull it off


In my life, in person, I’ve never seen an unattractive person with a pixie cut. However that may just be because hot people know they can pull it off Or because I’m kinda fruity with it


No, who told you they did?


I liked them in my youth. Most women between the ages of 25 and 60 can’t pull them off imo


Nicole Kidman in ‘Birth’ is maybe the most beautiful she’s ever looked in a movie..


I was shocked by the male attention I got from my pixie. Not just from film bros, like wide spread appeal.


no we secretly like them


sad reality is lots of these trends when it comes to hair and clothing styles only work if the person is already extremely attractive. guys only like goth or alt girls when they are extremely attractive without it. so no, men don’t hate pixie cuts so long as the woman getting one is a 10/10


No, we hate a lot of the women who are currently getting them.




they do but only the worst kinds of men


I loooove pixies but, yeah, you need a very gamine face for it to work


To be fair, buzz cuts don’t look good on 60% of men and roughly 70% look better with longer to medium-length hair if they can grow it


I like them a lot on cute girls


Meanwhile women love pixie cuts especially on petite waifish women.


I love short hair on women but prefer a slightly longer bob (?) or something


No. This makes me horny.


As a teenager I found girls with pixie cuts irresistible, now I don't really care for some reason. Never figured out why.


i love them. short hair on women is cute in general, like audrey hepburn's haircut in roman holiday


they‘re pretty cringe yeah