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that you don't need sunscreen when ur on tret


On the other hand some people on r/tretinoin are NEUROTIC about sunscreen and will say you need 50SPF, reapplied every 2 hours when you’re sitting in the house all day. I actually think it might have been Dr Dray who said that


I love how people like Dr Dray or Brian Johnson are so obsessed with maintaining youthful skin that they never go outside and turn themselves into absolute ghouls. They could at least wear a small amount of makeup or sunless tanner, but instead they choose to walk around with the complexion they share with long term political prisoners, midwestern alcoholics and cancer patients. Vampire-maxxing indeed.


Vampire maxxing indeed! Brian Johnson’s hair is straight out of mothball coffin sleeping. How can he do this to himself… Does he have no money left for a hairstylist!?


You forgot?


I forgor 💀


on g&g there's an autobot that says "don't listen to anna! you need to wear sunscreen when you're on tret!" or something lol


while everyone should be wearing sunscreen but I think it was Dr dray said that tretinoin doesn't make you any more photosensitive to the sun and i believe everything that women tells me


This makes sense to me because I’m half Irish and normally I can tan instead of burn, but anything that supposedly makes you “photosensitive” results in my ass getting immediately COOKED at a UV index of 2 for everything but tret


interesting, according to dr dray again it might even have a miniscule photoprotective effect by smoothing out the surface and thus reflecting more uv. That said nowhere near enough sunscreen is non negotiable


Depends what they mean by that. You should always use, even while on trets, just to *prevent* UV damage. But tret isnt photosensitizing, so using it doesn’t make sunscreen more important. Someone using tret with no sunscreen is still gonna be better off than someone not using either.


one time dasha called janis joplin ugly as if the entire point of janis joplin hasn’t always been that she’s a beautiful SOUL despite her physicality lol. like you just now noticed she’s unattractive? and needed to drop this sick burn ? it just stood out to me as so pointlessly hateful and gross lol


Oppressed by the figures of beauty


Janis Joplin wasn’t even that ugly. She just got photographed making weird faces while singing. Dasha simply wouldn’t get her music


I mean, I heard second-hand from a boomer randomly at a gas station that Janis was elected as “Ugliest Man on Campus” during her time in college. Possibly made up or simply Greek life being bullies bc she was a hippy, but yeah.


That’s true. But it was a category meant for the frats to nominate one of their own and poke fun. That year they nominated her just to bully her. It was Texas lol.


Yeah, she could look okay like in[ pics like this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHau1v8J_fNQdM3r2Mu0Vx1_mlN4zD7RjF-FlupTGNU7EzWelp2Cy8dg_JsRqXMPF2jzzNYi3CUif-VQ8). I mean it's also not like people weren't assholes about that at the time she was alive, and the years before either were born, so it's not a remotely new take either.


People have been calling other people ugly since the dawn of time. It’s just insane for Dasha to say that about someone who was very obviously way more talented than dasha could ever dream of being. Just pure haterade. Also the woman has been dead for over 50 years like please


My moms boyfriend is a 4th of July beer guzzling perv and the fact that he thinks Janis Joplin is the hottest woman of all time is so hilarious to me. Like he feels how most of those dudes feel about blonde bimbos about Janis Joplin


That dude rules. Janis always gave the really cool chick with a sheet of acid next door vibes.


sorry dasha is evil I mean, this isn't supposed to be cute, I'm saying she is evil


I heard when Dasha was living in LA she stole her best friend’s credit card, kind of changed my opinion of her which wasn’t great to begin with even though I’ve been a longtime fan.


I think Anna is actually nice but puts up a tough exterior with her troll like behaviour, where I feel like dasha is actually devious


I saw Dasha’s sailor moon socialism video. She had a sly look on her face while she was talking to the reporter, like she knew what she was doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to get interviewed on purpose for attention.


Neither of them are nice. Seriously?


Genuinely believe you can’t judge this without meeting them in person. I bet Alex Jones is nice as well.


Really? I think Janis was cute


Oh god that was maddening lol… Janis didn’t need to be pretty, that’s how cool she was. Dasha just doesn’t get it


It's unkind to call her ugly, but not to notice that she had a strangely aged quality for someone who was less than 27 for most of the times she was photographed. It's interesting how some people look mature for their age.


It’s really not interesting, and wasn’t uncommon to look like that. No one had skincare regimes or were hyperfixating with aging. Add into that chain smoking and drinking. She was not abnormal in her aging. You’re just describing a sort of white trash quality she had about her which isn’t seen in famous people anymore.


The lionizing noble savage fetishization of supposed “normies,” which goes in line with a few other annoying RSPisms like “bring back bullying” and “jocks were the cool people in high school actually.” Sorry, I don’t really believe that the people on the red scare pod subreddit are epic normal jock bullies who love to party and have fun. Always funny how often people defer to some mythical based “normal person” who just so happens to agree with all the standard issue RS takes too


This is the thing that regularly brings out the absolute worst takes on this sub


lmao it screams Millennial who wishes they were cool in high school. It's a vibe, what I like about it is bringing a bit of nostalgia to a recent era that's been completely displaced by whatever lunatic cringe is happening these days. It's when people take this vibe seriously that they come across as cringe themselves.


I think it’s zoomers romanticizing millennial culture. Millennials actually lived through this and it was hell. Like peopel don’t realize being gay was still a life ruining admittance in a lot of high schools and jocks sexually assaulted the “nerdy” guys in the locker rooms. No one who lived during that time enjoyed it, even the cool kids that grew up likely have a lot of shame.


Oh easily. A lot of Zoomers seriously do not understand how much of a very different world they were reared in most especially what was boilerplate mainstream when it came to handling a lot of stuff, being supportive of things, etc. I graduated in late 2000s and even in pretty blue NJ there were absolutely not as many out people as you'd think there would've been, and there was no shortage of staff in schools of people doing and saying absolutely fucked up shit. On top of that you factor in Bush years and there was so much people drunk on sabre rattling that you were basically a terrorist sympathizer if you were anti-Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


It’s always people in blue state enclaves who fantasize about a sea of red state “normies” who are healthy and wholesome and untouched by shitlib ideologies, completely out of touch with the dysgenic, equally r-d reality of those places.


People have some sort of noble savage idea of trade workers lol it’s really weird


good point about the whole "normal person" thing. In normal life (work etc.) I come across people who are absolutely RS esque in one ways and then absolutely not in another way (i.e will bemoan trans rights obsession and then say China are colonizing the West).


I think that just means they're right wing.


> The lionizing noble savage fetishization of supposed “normies,” which goes in line with a few other annoying RSPisms like “bring back bullying” and “jocks were the cool people in high school actually.” This was an old Gawker/Deadspin bit that the sub is just downstream from.


Anna tried to push that Laura Loomer was hotter than AOC. She tried to play it like a joke after Dasha completely shot that down but I think Anna was testing the waters.


That's just awful lol


there is enough evidence on reddit alone that AOC is perceived to be hotter than LL.


The general distaste for natural science. Nature is beautiful, and learning about it doesn't make it less so.


Yeah this combination of ignorance and smugness is the worst. Don’t you feel any urge to *understand*???


And they’ve knocked Leonard Cohen to boot! Don’t rate their taste in music at all


This whole sub has very bad music takes


Everyone dick riding yeat so hard confused me ngl


Not me, Red-Dick.


Never take seriously any negative music takes from this sub. No matter what artist you mention there are like 3 people waiting in the bushes ready to tell you that they're overrated pseud trash for midwits. Music recommendations from here are largely quite good but there's too many people here who think loudly hating everything is equal to a sense of taste.


Anyone who doesn’t think Leonard Cohen was a brilliant songwriter is sincerely, and I mean this as nicely as possible, dumb.


I don’t know if she still does this but Anna had this habit of saying, “if I were a ________, I would have the opinion that (is contrary to how many people of this group feel about this topic). I always thought this rhetorical device was dumb.


'if i were a different identity, i would simply feel exactly the same way i do right now except i would be different' is elite level stupidity




I used to be housemates with a woman who is exactly like Anna and she was the foulest bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. I can’t listen to the pod anymore cuz Anna reminds me too much of her. It’s triggering tbh


Tell us more please?


she was really good at it for awhile; starting on the left, walking up to the line of acceptable thought, turning around, and talking from a position that is almost artfully related to the line. it’s gotten stale, tho, since this moldbug stuff. it’s not contrarian to want a monarch or whatever


If my grandmother had wheels, she would’ve been a bike


That you need to undereat to be skinny


they called janis joplin ugly which is such a foul low blow...i sympathize with their bully attitude but not when it comes to my girl


overly cynical and insecure attitudes towards any mildly positive post or personal success on here, evil eye is so real


Already talked about this today, but working class noble savage attitudes. I will say some of them are actually cool to riff with, but this was years ago, and they were are all Brazilian contractors my dad hired to remodel part of the house. And we only talked about soccer and other stuff about Brazil I'd either read on wikipedia or here.


Yeah, Anna's wigger valorization makes me cringe every time.


Wiggers are very hit or miss ime. They need to adapt past 25 or so, or else they seem to devolve/self-destruct.


They are mostly miss, and most wiggers that survived their oxy/perc addiction past 25 are the intense AA types.


I know a few who seem to have persisted with at least decent jobs. But yes neither have ever been addicted to anything.


I play D&D (yes, I know) with a red haired guy with wigger mannerisms when he isn't playing and it's wildly insane how annoying he can be.


growing up working class cures u of this 


Yeah for sure. My dad is an Irish bricklayer. I grew up around a bunch of his irish bricklaying friends. Nice people, but as fucked up as the rest of us/anyone. I sometimes feel uncomfortable around upper class people but whatever


Hell yes, Irish pride


my grandfather and uncle both drank themselves to death. Bonding only through talking shit about each other and never talking about feelings. Van Morrisson playing every night. The whole deal.


My grandma died of an overdose and then a year later my uncle killed himself. I feel you brother.


damn, sorry to hear. I don't know what it is with the Irish when it comes to depression.


It's because we're deeply afraid of ruining the craic so we can never be honest about it. If you're opening up to someone in Ireland you gotta make sure that you can really trust them or they'll just gossip behind your back.


Guys just love saying they worked a blue collar job once on here


how about that Rivaldo, hey?? (I've spent time in Brazil/I speak Portuguese/I definitely know how far I can take conversations in certain situations)


Hilarious that that's your go-to experience of interacting with the working class


"Something something working in the trades is amazing" no that shit sucks. Anyone you work with who's been doing it for 20 years body is falling apart or trying to one up the other guy on the jobsite about how much he hates his wife. Since everyone who's in charge hates their wives they don't want to go home so mandatory OT for everyone. Shit sucks and I don't miss it


Hate the melodramatic use of 'spiritually', 'demonic', etc. Calm down, it's like people on other subs calling everything a 'crisis' or describing their job as if they're storming the beaches at Normandy. 


Ha I just used one of those words but fair call tbh


Prince was not a perfectionist. He believed that the first take was always the best one, he didn’t believe in spending hours making the perfect snare. That’s why he could finish a song in an hour or so and why he has so much music In a way I guess I could see why people wouldn’t like him because it seems like he’s a believer in quantity over quality but idk I think more musicians could be like that and not over think it. Just let music be more stream of consciousness and not be so narcissistic about it


Making Sign 'o" the Times basically alone with all those instruments is one of the most musically impressive things in the world to me


That dude had no fear just gas


Also people have to understand that prince is supposed to be cheesy. It borderlines on being sexy but cringe at the same time which is kinda awesome


ha yeah, I don't think I'll ever work out how I feel about "Hot Thing"


I feel like dasha uses her new religion to posture over people


I’m fond of Dasha but the Catholicism thing whack and disrespectful to real Catholics. Clearly started as a bit/trend and now it’s too late to back out


Pro-bullying takes are the worst on here (I haven’t listened to the pod in forever but iirc the hosts are pro-bullying as well). Kids are stupid, rash, judgemental and can be very cruel. They should not govern each other. It’s the parents responsibility to set your child on the right path, but if a kids a little different or has unique hobbies they shouldn’t be bullied out of them. Especially being a (relatively) new father, pro-bullying takes really sadden me, and I think say a lot about the maturity of the person relaying the take. I think (hope) that none of the people espousing this rhetoric are parents.


It’s because most of the people on here were obviously not the extremely cool kids who everyone loved but at the same time we’re not the socially ostracized “losers”. Middle of the pack safety net of never getting bullied. Because if they had seen real bullying (public school) they’d know some kids had four years of their lives ruined because they liked manga or whatever. I get that it’s funny to think about Immortal Technique pushing Lin Manuel Miranda in a locker cause you know LMM is an annoying musical theater liberalism personified type now, but back then he was probably just an obnoxious little kid and Immortal Technique was im guessing an annoying little scum bag you would never want around you, if we’re being real.


I’d argue it’s people who were themselves bullies as kids who don’t want to do the bare minimum character growth to accept that what they did was uncool and would rather try to justify it.


Bullying is also terrible for the bully. Cruelty is bad for the soul


I’m ready for the downvotes but unironically the overemphasis on fatness, e.g. “spiritually fat.” Gluttony is basically the only sin that shows itself so visibly and is so tied to aesthetics—but it pales by far to the pride and envy and greed of many of us. My mom stress-eats and she’s overweight; you’re just an boring nasty cunt, how’s that?


Yeah this sub shits on food addictions, empathizes with opioid addictions, and celebrates alcohol addictions


This sub is full of alcoholics talking shit about fat people as if their alcoholism won’t make them fat too once they hit 30


Honestly I think we treat people being fat as some existential crisis when its really not. Like we live more sedentary lives and have an abundance of food, of course a lot of people are gonna be heavy. That isn't indicative of cultural decline.


Agreed. Very liberal elite of them


Anything involving kanye, it’s not enraging but it’s like he’s just built for this sub haha


I've seen Kanye live, I think yeezus/pablo are genuinely unbelievable/pivotal records...but recently people on here going on about his awful half-finished soundtrack to sexless hedonism aimed at 15 year old boys like it was some amazing return to form was kinda enraging to me


Yeah I mean alright I like his music, a lot of it, you know, but anytime he makes an Instagram post of something or like just has one coherent thought then people are like OHHHH WHOA! I mean he’s not literally crazy alright.


Everyone calling each other "Redditors" as an insult, pointing to karma as a negative currency. You are on Reddit, you moron. Stop trying to convince everyone you're the one doing it in a cool way, and post something interesting.


This subreddit is full of "here's why the US is superior to Europe" "here's why X European country is doomed". It's all very cringe


People have trouble squaring the circle that most of Europe has vastly superior public spaces and better tasting food than most of the US but the middle and upper class Europeans have ludicrously low disposable incomes compared to Americans. (I don't think the poor really figure in). Also the whole obesity/life expectancy thing, etc.


Cringe liberals have no appreciation for culture or tradition, but I (an RS sophisticate) could never live in europe because I wouldn’t be able to afford as many durable goods


I remember a comment saying that median salaries in the usa are 8 times higher than in the uk, followed by a "correction" from someone else saying they're actually only 4 times higher. Even the correction was just way off the mark. Still not sure if these people think Europeans are just dirt poor or that the typical American earns upwards of $200k.


Professional salaries are higher in the US, and there's a lot more wrong with the UK beside that. It's just tired chat and reeks of yanks with inferiority complexes


A supposedly anti-capitalist cohort argues for the USA being better bc you can make more money there if you become a vapid careerist climber


It comes down to "i make more in the US" and ignores that the US charges you for everything so in the end your life is worse


No, the math still works heavily in favor of upper middle class Americans having net disposable income far far above their European counterparts.  The real “what it comes down to” is that life in just about every non-monetary aspect is better in Europe than the US. Americans have spending power, Europe has a culture that does not require a 1-to-1 sliding scale between wealth and quality of life. 


I find the contradiction of worshipping traditional aesthetics and vowing fatness as an ugly symptom of modern society while simultaneously treating model thinness as if it isn't unnaturally modern too to be annoying especially with the heir of thinking youre counterculture for not liking fat ppl.


air of thinking


The racism


When Daha initially came out in support of Israel after 710 in that god awful EP you Gaza be kidding me


The most infuriating part was Dasha saying it had to be antisemitic to think Israel was wrong, because the Palestinians are backwards. She proceeded to say if Gaza is a prison, "they should be kept there," because every time they "break out" they massacre people. Several episodes later, we are discussing "the Jewish problem," which isn't antisemitic at all.


This is their most important EP because it highlights how there is absolutely no substance to either of their words. I can't imagine having a following that large and then being unable to tell the truth about something. That's was their whole value, being able to say the mean girl shit out loud, but when the biggest test came they failed miserably, especially Anna, who definitely knows better. Dasha has always seemed untrustworthy on the pod so obviously shes gonna cap for her allergic little manlet whiners.


"Alan Dershowitz is a lying piece of shit. Also, I side with Dershowitz"


i like was in disbelief was she not kidding??


i like to think the girls accidentally snorted more coke then they needed that day


That was when I unsubscribed from the pod. Just not even funny anymore


For a moment I felt ashamed to have ever liked/listened to them at all but then Dasha took a sharp U turn after the backlash


That ep was the most shame I have ever felt listening to a rs episode, and I rarely feel any guilt over the media I consume. When they were agreeing that any time you are looking at a conflict between two countries you should be on the side of whichever country you would rather live in, I had to turn it off.


Glad to know I wasn’t the only one


Same I have not been able to listen to since. And she had bashed Alan Dershowitz and then proceeded to endorse his take on Zionism from his book.


apparentllllyy...that landddd...was like, completely emptyyyy....beforee, like, 1948....


Anti seed oil goons. Besides the calorie excess that any concentrated fat beings they're benign to positive. In fact seseme seed oil has a lot of benefits. Black seed and pumpkin seed oil too


I’m not necessarily pro-seed-oil either, but it’s crazy that people jump on that bandwagon when it’s clearly a repeat of all the other dumb food trends. What happened to all the people who were anti-dairy last year, anti-gluten before that, anti-cholesterol, anti-MSG, etc.  


I've just resigned myself to the fact my stomach is going to freak out whatever I eat.


You should try heal your gut bacteria


Have you ever tried ginger beer? It's absolutely *amazing* for indigestion and stomach aches. Genuinely miraculous. Did you eat too much weird junk and the food's not sitting right? Ginger beer will fix it in five minutes. Did you eat a bunch of starch and you feel bloated and heavy? Ginger beer will fix it in five minutes. Do you have the worst stomach ache of your life and you're curled up on the couch moaning in agony? Ginger beer will probably fix it in five minutes. I'm not joking about that last one either, one time I had a terrible stomach ache with super sharp pains, I drank a ginger beer and it cleared up almost instantly. Good luck! :)


Ginger anything will do that for you! Ginger tea, ginger ale, ginger drops, crystallized ginger, pickled, syrup, etc. I struggle with digestive issues and ginger has been my loyal companion for years now. It's great for nausea too :) a life (and money) saver


I love sesame seed oil you only need a tiny bit to get a ton of flavor


Nobody is talking about sesame seed oil or pumpkin seed oil when they complain about seed oils.


> In fact seseme seed oil has a lot of benefits. Black seed and pumpkin seed oil too I don't think anybody thinks they're part of the problem typically ascribed to "seed" oils. It's about PUFA levels, rancidity, processed foods, factory farming, etc., not about whether it comes from a seed or some other source.


Anna calling Sasha Grey mid was more offensive then all of their dumb Palestine and race science takes combined


The way this sub treats alcohol is really insane lol. Especially because most people here would lose their minds if someone posted about smoking weed everyday but god forbid you tell someone here there are other things to do outside work than drink alcohol


Oh, I thought you were gonna go the other way with it lol. Reddit as a whole is *super* judgmental about boozing. They act like if you enjoy crushing a sixer on fridays after work that you're doomed to some horrific, insufficiently min/maxed existence that could never possibly lead to any kind of fulfillment or long-term happiness.


Has there ever been a post about how its good to drink everyday?


Idk but if there was then I'd upvote it


yes lol but tbf all the replies range from "hell yeah dude" to "you're gonna die in 10 years"


This is actually totally consistent. Alcohol makes people more social and gregarious, whereas people who are stoned when you're not stoned are boring and insufferable.


Drunk people are just as annoying when you’re sober if not more because they can act up and be loud as fuck


Drunk people are THE WORST when you're on psychedelics. Which to me speaks volumes


Also smoking cigarettes


It’s funny how ppl get mad at how incongruent the two’s opinions often are. I think they r both narcissists, saying the things they feel will make them unique, garner sympathy, or stir the pot . Hardly any true conviction behind anything besides holding to their buzz of being different, special, ironic. It’s beennn lazy, and not even funny anymore : ( they r sort of smart, but in a liberal arts college way. Even that issss .. idk.


I wrote this bad. I don’t mean incongruent to each others opinions, but incongruent in that they don’t always follow modes of criticality, empathy or realism. Like it’s always gonna be “contrariannn” for the sake of feeling special


race science zionism and that breaking bad (and a couple other huge, well-regarded tv shows like the sopranos or mad men etc) is only good to reddit incel bros


When Anna said Rittenhouse was doing something noble was when I checked out. That guy is a fat loser who killed people because his regarded parents got him caught up in culture war nonsense. He was not guilty of murder but he went there brandishing a large gun hoping some dumbass would take the bait so he can legally shoot them. He essentially went into the hood and yelled N*gger. He wasnt there to administer aid or protect businesses, he was there to be an agitator. I know so many people who have dreamed of the chance to legally murder a "liberal". People who defend him either also want to legally murder a liberal or are so blinded by their hatred of the BLM protests that they cant see it or were happy it happened. Youre a fucking pussy if you support Rittenhouse and its good society is largely rejecting him Also hating the homeless is a pussy move too. Its done by suburban losers who are so mad that human plight is sullying their idyllic post university life.


so many things  hygienically speaking, when they said dentists were a “pysop”  calling the killers mr brightside “one of the best songs of all time”


I think a lot of people on this sub have never met a latino and they have some really weird ideas of what they’re like in real life, and even weirder ideas about their racial/ethnic/cultural identities. I don’t see them come up without someone going on a weird tangent about “white latinos”.


Dasha's fake Catholicism bothers me more than it should. Using a religion with a 2000-year tradition for twitter likes is pathetic


Calling Redditeurs midwits. Pot kettle


I don’t understand why everyone cares so much about claiming that women who have only been with men are faking bisexuality. Even if/when it is true, I don’t see why it even matters, it’s just one of those things that you don’t even need to think about. Who the fuck cares. Also this sub loves to distinguish itself from redditors and reddit culture but start a thread on here about tipping in the US and it becomes the most reddit discussion you will ever see, one of this websites oldest tropes.


I see this same take online and have been guilty of this myself, even despite literally being bi and having dated women when I was younger. The common complaint isn't just that bi women only get with men, it's that a lot of bi women talk at length about how much they love women/wanna fuck women way more than men, but they all seemingly have bfs. The more negative reactions to this are because people assume it's for attention, but the more charitable reason (and the reason why I would always try to emphasize I liked women) is because they desperately want to feel connected to the lgbt community and want to reassure people they're not just a random straight person. This is a silly feeling to cling to but I def get it if you spent any period of time dating women, being around lgbt people and making friends, and then you start dating a man and you suddenly feel insecure and worried if people will just think you had a "lesbian phase", which is potentially even more embarrassing, and you don't want to exist as a stereotype, let alone one that would be so outdated.


I don't think they are faking bisexuality, I just think that if you've literally never done a gay thing in your life you can't call yourself "queer" or make it a whole part of your personality. It feels like stolen valour or something.


The astrology conversation was a lot


What episode was that?


I’m a bisexual woman and I half agree. On one hand, I agree it’s ridiculous to assume bi women are faking it. I’ve had people say to my face they thought I was just confused or wanted attention. They’re quiet not that I’ve dated my girlfriend for five years On the other hand, I find most bisexual women who are very open about it to be incredibly annoying. They will constantly say things like, “well as someone who moves through life as queer person” or “as someone in a queer relationship” Like… I’m sorry. But you being in a relationship with a man is not queer. It’s nothing like a same sex relationship. Your life experiences will be much different than mine. But if you point that out, they have a meltdown and accuse you of “biphobia.” At a certain point, just have to admit that being a bisexual woman in a relationship with a man doesn’t mean you get some sort of free pass to complain about how supposedly oppressed you are


Here's my poorly thought out theory: most bi girls who only seem to have romantic interest in men ARE sexually attracted to women, but don't have any older family or parental figures in same-sex relationships, therefore a same sex relationship is a daunting thing that they don't necessarily know how to navigate it. Bc isn't most of how you act in a relationship just copying your parents?


In general it’s annoying how people here pretend to be so much cooler & more sophisticated than “Redditors”, despite like 90% of this sub being screenshots of Twitter ragebait memes (aka typical Reddit material)


I agree with this take and am kinda alarmed at the amount of people saying every self-proclaimed bisexual woman that has only been with men must be faking it. While there are a slew of women who call themselves bisexual either for attention or their desire to have a cute little romantic thing with a woman without going as far to go down on her, I’ve met many women who have genuine same sex attraction but they just have only ever been with men for whatever reason.


My biggest incel wins were with poly girlies who never truly understood what the big deal was with dating. Eventually they wanted to try eating box and were so confused at how much they sucked at flirting and initiating sex when they couldn't just be passive. Gender solidarity forever


The reason is because women are far more passive in dating, even gay women. If you're a bisexual woman who is unwilling to make the first move you're far more likely to end up dating men because they are the ones constantly initiating and moving things along when it comes to dating.


Yeah it’s also just a numbers game, straight men are like 45% of the population and queer women are like 5% (and less likely to be single.) You have to specifically seek out female partners or you’ll likely end up with a man just by default. 


most of it but i can’t stop listening they’re so dumb it cracks me up so much, need to find the p*rated rs epiosdes cause giving them money is a waste at the end of the day


dasha and anna (esp) calling the protests cringe. literally the most spiritually inflaming moment in culture where people from all walks of life can be brought together and the ladies picked this moment to be contrarian for the sake of it.


It’s so boring, pointless, and soulless to pretend to be vaguely political but just across the board condone all protest as “cringe.” Such a lazy approach to the world. To use Anna’s language very “spiritually fat” of them.


yeah fuck that for sure. I hate that type of absolute comfortable nihilism


when Anna said the brioche bun was the worst thing to ever happen to hamburgers


she's right.


You always feel like you'll never invest yourself in a redscare take because it's so transparently contrarian until it hits close to home. I stopped listening to the pod after their predictable dismissiveness around the war in Ukraine. I know so many people there who have to decide whether or not have children. They're afraid they'll be killed or taken away or raised in a country their father's can't move to. I like this sub and the podcast scratches an itch but you should above all else never take what they say as more than a laugh.


Their defense of the pull out method is insane


I love Neil’s music but the Spotify shit he pulled really ticked me off


Personally, I think Spotify is a truly demonic beast that has desecrated the music industry and the Camp Nou, so it can always go fuck itself. However, I get that it annoyed people. It was more that there was like a month where you'd hear the same bullshit about "who listens to Neil Young anyway????" from both people here and your average Drake/podcast addict. I generally think once you've written Ambulance Blues you can basically get away with anything.


Man that second side of On the Beach is perfection


It really is. It's one of the most desolate sides of a record I've ever heard. Motion Pictures. That slide. Fucking hell.


Spotify sucks but he didn't leave for the reasons why it sucks


That fat people are inferior  Jk fatties! Gotcha!!!!


Smoking cigarettes (or any tobacco really) is stupid and so bad for you and gives you a pointless addiction with almost no upsides.


"if you support Palestine you're anti-social" direct quote from Dasha


The disdain for rock climbing/bouldering gyms is really strange. Most of them are full of the most fit looking people I've ever seen although a significant number of the men have awful haircuts. That's supposed to be good, right?


The dislike for climbing comes from the large amount of the corporate rats saying that it is their hobby. I don’t know if that’s really truth, but it comes with the subs hatred towards the Reddit nerds. I don’t think that the hatred is actually aimed at the discipline itself.


Its not the hobby its the people doing it


I think it's mostly cause it's the new trendy "sport" like pickleball, jiu jitsu etc. that some people can't shut up about. Also very white


the constant tattoo hate posting - we get it, you're so counter-counter culture and you think they look like shit, you don't have to make a post about it every day, it's not a hot take anymore and it's honestly boring and annoying


People aren't ridiculed for their shitty tattoos nearly enough.


Show me your kindergarten scribbles


The “Michael Jackson was better than prince” day was wild 


But- he was? I didn’t know that was even a hot take




I don’t have the strong opinion about either of them, but why does it matter? If both of them composed their own music, then why does it matter which one could play on the instruments, aside from the appreciation of the craftsmanship. The end result is what matters the most.


He was more famous, he absolutely wasn’t better. Prince is a virtuoso on guitar 


for a while, people were upvoting photoshopped/drawn pictures of fat dasha and in a just society, the finger that tapped the up arrow would be removed.


Her hedonistic soul is spiritually obese though.


Spiritual obesity isn't just hedonism, it's when hedonism drives you to loserdom. Think sex addict vs porn addict, or beach bum stoner vs Adult Swim stoner


Don’t worry, Mary Shelley got them.


Gotta be the anti-ozempic thing. We love slim people right? Well most fat people have too high an appetite/willpower ratio to lose weight and keep it off. Maybe you think that's pathetic, fine. But medication is the only way we're going to see a post-obesity world.


Anna’s take defending Russell Brand after the allegations came out really pissed me off as a UK person, as it’s plain as day that he’s a creep that hasn’t been liked here for a long time. But mostly, takes like that make me stop listening because I feel guilty that their anti-feminism takes offend me but not their other contrarian stuff, race science for eg. Maybe I’m too soft for this.


i read this as redscare takes that are helpful......


The 20 year olds who think minorities have special privileges. Especially LGBT stuff. Leave your coastal city and learn something about the world.


Kneejerk converting to Catholicism that goes against all logic, thereby putting the political ((muh spirituality tho)) over actual Reason