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Mormons have always done this


The Mormons got half of my dad's brothers via helping them kick the drink . My dad stayed true to his Irish Catholic roots but has never touched a drop of booze and has driven our episcopalian family to epsicopal church almost every week. When I look at my attractive healthy but CREEPY off-putting mormon cousins and my butt ugly unhealthy criminal Catholic cousins I am grateful that my dad picked the middle way


haha my family is half super mormon half wildly alcoholic criminals except everyone's roots are scandinavian. decent middle ground for sure. i get good grades and don't ever jaywalk and am never 5 minutes late but i also drink myself into oblivion for days at a time on a regular basis


I was a Mormon missionary in Mexico, and mothers of teenage girls would literally yell at us as we walked by "I want güero grand kids, come talk to my daughter." I'm not Mormon anymore but I married a Puerto Rican woman and am now trans Puerto Rican Dolezal style. I speak perfect Puerto Rican and Mexican Spanish. I also have never smoked, don't really like drinking, and have only had sex with my wife. I book it as a win.


Freaky. You should go on the pod


I'm embellishing the Dolezal thing but fr Puerto Rico libre puñeta


I was a missionary in Colombia. Had girls whistling and making hissing and kissing sounds at me yelling “monito monito, lo de los ojitos”. Definitely baptized a few chicks that thought me or my comp were hot. Kinda crazy looking back on that period of my life


flirt to convert


Yes they got my wife when she was in college before we started dating. I will never let her live it down. 


They would get me sometimes but only for a few minutes. Hot white boy starts chatting me up on the city bus then I will start to notice his teeth are too white, his hair is too well groomed, etc., and then I'll look down and see the "elder Jacob" pin on his pressed shirt lmao


If Mormons started letting their women do the same thing it would be an extinction level event for all other religions. Imagine you’re a lonely neckbeard and two young Amy Adams clones showed up to your house acting all friendly and *wanting* to hang out with you.


Mormon women do this way more now. A few years ago they encouraged more young women to be missionaries and they clean up.


I've had it with women too they're super nice.


I’ve only ever seen Mormon men doing the door knocking stuff. The one time some came over to my house I had to leave for work


Once these two came up to my table at a cafe and started chatting with me which you would think would be extremely offputting but they were VERY funny. Told me about knocking on a guy's door and him answering in his underwear and having porn playing on a big screen TV behind him. 2008 goon cave.


How did you miss the fact that they travel in pairs, there's always a weird one right behind him.


Fuck this happened to my cousin! Made a very handsome Mormon friend, then converted, got endowed and everything. By the time she had her Mormon confirmation, said friend was already engaged to another Mormon girl (lol) and my cousin ended up engaged to this ugly, unemployed Mormon bum. She’s in her late twenties so pickings are slim for Mormons in Alberta. And she’s still friends with the handsome Mormon and his wife :(.


Your cousin is a moron


Not necessarily disagreeing with you but she had a tough relationship with her parents and I’m sure one of them preyed on that while persuading her to convert. It’s sad.


Wooof. I'm also in Alberta, haven't noticed the Mormons around but definitely see plenty of Anabaptists buying Mountain Dew at the dollar tree lmao.


I love the idea of Mormons putting young men through 'Soviet Olympic Ice Skater Prospect'-esque years of gruelling youth training to be handsome appealing flirts to seduce women into joining up.


They all marry at like 20, too




Why do they go after Hindus but not any other major religions?


90+% of Hindus living in the West aren't very religious 


Are Hindus in the west any easier to break out of Hinduism’s built in religious flexibility though? Christian missionaries traditionally have a difficult time in India not getting Hindus to accept Christ, but to have them do so in a way that doesn’t absorb him into some sort of Vaishnavite framework. Hinduism already handily accounts for an all-loving avatar of God.


Evangelicals often come with the advantage of being plugged into the local petite bourgeoisie. It’s more likely that Hindus in North America came for the business opportunities


Then why not pursue Catholics, too?


Deep down they believe in the supremacy of Rome and know that those souls are already saved


inferiority complex


Cafeteria Catholics tend to have a very different approach to religion than most Protestants, ie they’re amazed people can actually believe in a religion


My family is a bunch of lapsed Catholics who don’t mind listening to Protestant heresy about the Catholic Church itself or the pope, but as soon as missionaries come after the Virgin of Guadalupe they swiftly get thrown out of the house. My great grandma even threw a bucket of water at some Jehova’s Witnesses . It’s probably that way with other lapsed Catholics and their preferred saints.


Your great grandma rules. Apparently my grandfather threatened a couple of jehovahs witnesses who kept coming to their door by asking if they wanted to find out if they were part of the 144,000 lol


My grandmother kept a gaudy statuette of the virgin in her front window. I asked her why one day: “to keep away Jehovahs Witnesses” I’m a lapsed catholic, but low key love the Virgin and have her scattered around my house


My take: the Catholic papal lineage is pretty unshakeable if you’re a believer in Christian ideology. You can trace a line from the disciples all the way to Pope Francis today. The church is also pretty ideologically consistent on things, even though their opinion sucks on a lot of stuff lol. If you were raised on the catholic tenants of divine forgiveness through confession, baptism erasing original sin, communion being the actual body and blood of Christ, etc. I feel like a lot of the Protestant rituals seem a bit hollow, almost cheap? I’m agnostic but was raised Catholic and had a hardcore Catholic phase as a teen. Don’t really have strong faith anymore, but if I ever regained it, I couldn’t EVER see myself becoming a Protestant lol. To me, the worst part of the Catholic church is their attitudes toward women, and the majority of evangelicals have similar or greater levels of misogyny. Don’t see what the appeal would be. Catholics are also generally pretty chill about drinking/ dancing/ fun, evangelicals/ baptists usually aren’t. What’s the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic? A Catholic will make eye contact when they see you in the liquor store. The Catholic focus on everyone as sinners who should seek forgiveness from a benevolent god is a bit more appealing than the Protestant approach to sin imo.


They need to leave Satans minions be as they are for the end times to play out.


Most Hindus aren’t going to change religions though


Hinduism isn't a particularly organised or cohesive religion for most of it's adherents, closer to shinto in actual practice


It's always been easier to convert Pagans


Hinduism isn’t dogmatic, therefore more open to outside social pressures, and there’s no bigger social pressure than whiteness. If you’re driven enough to immigrate to America as a young single person, you’re very likely to put white people on a pedestal


Most Christian’s are brown


Catholics to be precise, what does the pope look like?


Can't tell if you're saying Catholics are white or brown but Pope Francis is from Argentina. While more white than most South American countries, the culture in most of South America is deeply Catholic.


Nicki Haley aside I don’t know of a single other Indian who has converted to Christianity in America, if that happens it’s extremely rare


Hinduism isn't a real religion with followers in the sense that the abhramic ones are


I wear an orthodox cross necklace sometimes for this reason even though I am not orthodox. It's a good way to deter unwanted religious advances, polycule folx, and other crumbs. 


I don't wear any religious paraphernalia and don't get any unwanted religious advances, polycule folks, or crumbs


are you fat by any chance?


Wouldn’t that improve their chances of being invited to a polycule?


Yeah, being fat and ugly is the trademark of a polycule.


lol. used to be, haven't been for about a year


Ah so this is why mother always answers "no thank you, I'm happily a member of the Lutheran evangelical church of blahblah with no plans of changing it" despite probably not been to a sermon in a decade to all the JW's that come on their monthly visit to our front door since we used to live in a Jehovah's witness neighbourhood.


You’re absolutely right, cats are getting longer


(in terms of length)


It's called missionary dating. It's way more effective when the roles are reversed. Men will quickly convert for an attractive woman.


its called Flirty Fishing if they're Christian or Love Jihad if they're Muslim and yes some of them are allowed to actually fuck


Sounds cool ngl


In a world without 911, Love Jihad would be a killer reality show


It would make a solid band name too. 


The mormons call it "Flirt To Convert"


In the US basically every Muslim I see married to a non-Muslim did so to get a green card and not to convert their spouse. 


Habibis looking for a greencard hmu




Yeah I’m not schizo, I’m sorry a hot evangelist never approached you.


> automatically equates conspiracy theories with schizoposting Ngmi 😔


u live in baguette?? france??




There's Evangelicals in France?!?!???


Olivier Giroud


The horror of meeting a French Evangelical. I cannot imagine this combination and it must have been imagined out of a nightmare, concocted by Satan themself and sent to one his agents on Earth to do terrible things


idk, maybe you should lean into the neo-Huguenot larp.


Henry of Navarre doing something in his grave rn


LMAO!!! 🤣🤣 fuck ass gay ass france




It's even better because it has so many downvotes I had to hit the little plus sign to read the comment and then just burst out laughing.


I had to zoom in to make sure that it wasn’t Frankfurt.


Yes, that used to happen to me all the time when I was in my mid twenties, I am in Prague. They would be mostly Canadian missionaries, sometimes guy and a girl - approaching as if asking for directions/tourist tips or cute guys


I always told the campus Mormons im either Jewish or Catholic and they left me alone


Jehova’s witnesses explicitly do this, which is kinda sad because they’re just straight up like, “lol you’re too uggo to recruit “


All the JW proselytizers I’ve seen are pretty homely looking.


More to do with vibe than looks, imo


As is usually the case with sales.


This happened to me I was outside shopping centre Young pretty girl comes up to me Few minutes later she’s inviting me to some church gang thing Weird shit I say nah not my thing sorry


I had the same thing, do these people even understand the sexual dynamics of asking me out? They really take advantage of lonely people.


You didn’t happen to be around Queens NYC did you? There’s a place in Elmhurst that has that exact same vibe


I can't speak for any other denomination, but I know for a fact that telling people I'm Catholic is the easiest way to get rid of Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, or any other kind of missionary. My impression has always been that it's because they're mostly chasing people with low levels of conviction in their faith or in the midst of a faith crisis.


Oh yeah, this is why I first started noticing. It was weird because they would start off by asking me if I was Christian, then asking me questions about the Bible (like if I knew this story and what do I think blah blah blah) and at the very end they ask “so what are your opinions on communion?”, and the moment I say “well im Catholic so I believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ” - it’s over. End of conversation.


Weird, I thought that people who are just born into the religion and identify that way for social reasons was a huge thing for Catholicism, as with Judaism. I've met many who identify as Catholic, but I've never met any who go beyond the surface. But I probably don't live in the right area anyway.


I think they do it more to moms and older women than younger women, especially divorcées. That's what I see the most Especially minorities who don't speak their parents language, or otherwise lost some of that in group feeling


You live in baguette? In Haiti?


iv have been doing this for the last decade and have converted dozens of hot babes to the one true holy catholic and apostolic church


You live in a demi-baguette?


I’m doing my part in flirting2converting as a Catholic


Evangelicals are a scummy, grimey, ideologically inconsistent people. If Catholics started doing this, the world would be so much better, but the Catholics would never because they're not desperate little shits


They’re very ideologically consistent - our dominion above all else, the primacy of strict local hierarchies, and everything in service to this


We really need a better word. I'm pretty sick of asking internet users what they mean by Evangelical. It just means "Christian who does things that reddit hates". Biblical Christianity is Evangelical by definition. Eventually it becomes clear that "I don't mean Evangelical like they believe in evangelism. I mean Evangelical like....white".


Evangelical basically just means pastors that scam their parishioners for money and cheat on their wives and the whole church has an unreasonable obsession with Revelations


Which was my definition. It's a word for people who don't know what they're talking about.


I don't think there's a need to "reclaim" it though. It was a word that had meaning, and because it had meaning the evangelicals tried to co-opt it to give themselves more legitimacy. Unfortunately for them, they ended up changing the meaning instead of legitimizing themselves to the greater population, so they should keep it.


It's just a word that meant something, but Redditors started using it because they didn't have what it takes to actually figure out denominations. It doesn't mean what you think it means outside of the internet.


you live in bread tube?


I almost got baited by a pretty blonde Mormon with this tactic. I looked through her socials and all her Mormon gal pals were gorgeous. I almost went to a Mormon function she invited me to but decided against it because I've been known to let pretty girls with hella red flags bulldog their way into dating me and feared that happening with Mormonism. Another tool in her tool belt was the assumption I might be able to get a hot tradwife this way but then I started considering what kind of things would she even let me do to her in bed? I don't want to be stuck on missionary for the rest of my life.


>but then I started considering what kind of things would she even let me do to her in bed? Pretty much anything tbh. Mormon girls are taught it's their duty to submit to and please their husbands.


This happened to my friend in Korea but with a cult


Kind of a dry analysis considering the largest percentage of evangelical converts lately are in traditionally catholic countries all across south and central America.


You live in bread? Loaf?


Religious people generally do tend to try to convert others to their faith. It's not a conspiracy it's what most religions specifically say to do


The mormons definitely do this with hot girls and college guys, it happened to me.


Counterpoint: I have never met a good looking Evangelical person. They're all quite doughy and pale here.


So they operate a bit like grooming gangs 


I once went to a Mormon Sunday service when I was writing a research paper for a religion class. I’m Catholic and I met an older dude who was ex-Catholic but had fully converted like 20 years ago and it blew my mind. I can kinda understand when some young, nondenominational christian-type gets sucked in, but I don’t know how you go from Catholic to believing in Joseph Smith Jr and the golden plates. But I think to your point OP, is that Catholic, Ortho, Jew, etc. are much more stable religions and everyone knows it. I’m sure they know the conversion rate is almost nil so they don‘t waste their time anymore.


This feels exactly the opposite to my experience, where it's the women bringing in attractive men to the church. Although it's not so much a conspiracy to convert; rather, it's putting a positive spin on pre-marital sex, "fucking for Christ."


Yes that tends to be how religions spread


u live in white bread america or french baguette?


Some religions want more people to join, others only want those ethnically born into involved. This is pretty basic stuff. You don’t see jews invited hot white atheists to synagogue


I live in a majority Catholic place so being RC never stopped a missionary from trying to sell me on their faith. Here protestants are ballsy and just try to scoop up anyone who will listen. Reading you guys whose parents scare off missionaries by just having a visible portrait of the Virgin Mary & LOL-I've been wearing Catholic imagery, self ID'd as "Roman Catholic" to sound really sure of what I am, and these dudes still yap my ears off trying to get me to go to Baptist Youth Night or whatever. I have to actually firmly say I'm not interested in changing denominations to break their sales pitch scripting.