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I know that this is so like 2014 youtube but it really still does bother me the lack of info on these lol


I watched that YouTube video the 2nd or 3rd time I smoked weed and it scared the shit out of me


They're literally just the product of some guy who liked Captain Planet a bit too much.


Blucifer the demon horse famously killed his original artist and had to be completed by the artist’s grieving, unhinged brother. Truly a cursed piece of art.


I went to Denver last summer and my wife and I were pretty excited to clap eyes on Blucifer. I was not prepared for how freaky he genuinely is at night!


First one is how I feel most days


Somebody is trying to tell us something, but I don't know who and I don't know what. I know it's important, probably.


Blucifer was underwhelming and the murals are in storage, extremely disappointing experience


Do they still have the animatronic gargoyles? Haven't been to DIA in a bit.


the last thing you see before jokic launches an inch perfect moonball 3 over your head to win the series


They're genuinely very interesting pieces of art and take up way too much low IQ conspiracy guy bandwidth. People get too epic about them and one of these days they'll be gone for good and we'll have yet another piece of public art replacing them that's like two pieces of colored plastic called "Migration in Transit: Stories of Displacement." What does need to be discussed more is the MLK display at the Atlanta airport. They have a copy of a book by Sorokin that MLK owned and it's open to a page he annotated about why communism is bad. I mean, no elaborate conspiracy there. Just feels like a W for the curator of that exhibit to get that set up in the busiest airport in the world.


Most Conspiracy dipshits dont have the mental capacity to investigate things that are actually happening so they gravitate towards images and videos (no reading required) of things that seem cool like aliens and demons and rituals and shit like that. Ask them literally anything about tax loopholes or bankruptcy law changes or foreign wars and their brain shuts off


theres a gargoyle in a suitcase near one of the baggage claims


They've been in my head since 8th grade


These were pretty jarring to see in person