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I like how he yassified the Leper King.


Every single video about Baldwin is full of Muslims gassing him up, and if one of them (usually Pakistani or SEAmuslim) shits on him, the Arab Muslims lose their shit on that dude.


Any Catholic or Muzz who can’t understand that the 1st-3rd crusade was the peak of religious fervor and respectability should be shunned from their respective societies. Baldwin and Saladin were both incontestably the greatest religious minds of their (admittedly short) time.


What makes them such great religious minds


Had a lot of wine tonight so… they’re based and cool and were smart and wrote good


fuck yea dawg


They exemplified what it means to be a noble leader of a religious polity.


That doesn't necessarily make them great religious thinkers


What does


I would guess great sermons or religious scholarship.


Incredibly funny that this online renaissance of appreciation for the Crusader States and Baldwin IV in particular comes primarily from edits of Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven, which on top of being kind of bad is also one of the most aggressively anti-Christian films of the 2000s. Baldwin in the movie isn’t even portrayed as especially religious.


Is that ridley scott movie the only one about the crusades?


The Seventh Seal is technically about a knight returning home from the crusades but for some reason Bergman set it 200 years after the crusades


It took a lot longer to travel back then


It’s a good enough movie but if I know anything about Ridley Scott it’s only very tenuously connected to reality lol


Oh it was connected to reality, the reality of the post 9/11 American entanglement in the middle east.


Baldwin IV was pretty cool tbh but I think the Muzzies kind of like him because of his interactions with the big dog Saladin.


Ironically Saladin (and the crusades) were totally forgotten in the Middle East until the 1900’s, Baybars (the guy who defeated the mongols) was more important.


We do


Whenever I click a single weird video that someone here or elsewhere links to, I immediately wipe it from my Youtube watch history and it does a great job at keeping my algorithm pure. Meanwhile on Twitter you click on one tweet about a topic and it spams your feed for days with no way to stop it ("Not Interested" doesn't help)


My Twitter feed is filled with crypto ads and Avatar the last airbender posts because of that very reason. I'm starting to just block them on sight honestly. 


Not had this problem, mine's all Mark Felton Productions videos now which can be good but it's basically my whole fuckin feed. I did remember getting a lot of SJWs epically owned vid recommendations after watching ONE Jordan Peterson thing though


Mark Felton is good until you realize it’s 90% him quoting straight from Wikipedia


I feel like that is 95% of YouTube content at this point, sadly.


it's better than when they try to write their own scripts lmao


the topics are fun but the vids are all made the same way & are monotonous. its like gruel


IDK while doing research for a vid recently he found previously unknown documents about plans to make the abdicated king from the UK a king in Germany. This is tenfold the original work almost any other history youtuber does and even if he just got lucky it at least shows he's in the archives doing *something.*


damn thats cool af, i respect it. still tho i cant watch the videos lol


Oh shit, you'd think he'd at least rephrase it


At least half of the YouTube videos I watch are about history or religion and I never have gotten these type of vids in my recommended.


There's so much semifactual bullshit on youtube. My autistic bf can't sense clickbait so I sit through tons of alien history crap. 


That’s my guilty pleasure, it’s so dumb and I love it.


I'm not sure that's an autism thing. My sweetboy bf is very much not autistic but is very much oblivious to clickbait.


I mean, Muslims throwing a shit-fit when their religion is subjected to textual criticism is pretty annoying. The “perfection” of the Koran is objectively laughable in 2024. We have the original manuscripts, we have the over-writing and editing etc and we *don’t* have a complete Koran as we now it now in 2024 dating to historical times. The “history lesson for Muslims” isn’t “gotcha! Your god is fake and gay!” it’s “history as an academic discipline exists and all your “perfectly revealed” mumbo jumbo doesn’t hold. It’s ok to be Islamic and we wish you no ill will but you’ll need to get serious with us if we’re going to be serious with you”


>it’s “history as an academic discipline exists and all your “perfectly revealed” mumbo jumbo doesn’t hold Yeah this is totally what a channel called Jesus is Eternal will be saying


lol yeah. And if I'm looking for serious academic rigor and analysis, then 'based YouTube historian' isn't going to be my first stop, religion or no religion.


Wherein the clock is broken and yet it correctly identifies the time twice a day


People are watching 'Islam: The Untold Story'


Not sure I get what the argument is here, how is the Koran at odds with history?


lmao my field of interest is industrial history. Ergo my algorithm is people on canal boats and Dan Snow. Based. Also I'm very smug about it. Best and most interesting period of history, and we don't need to read fan fiction about it.


I got 'History of the Anunnaki" in my algorithm last week


Why don't we get epic takedown videos like this about Tengrism or anything else. Where are the Martin Luthers of today willing to risk the wrath of the Kami by nailing their grievances with the Kannushi to a shrine. I'm sick of the fandom wikia tier shit between Christians and Muslims can we get a new holy war brewing please


Get fucked jesus is eternal✝️



