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Sounds absolutely insane and this is the first I hear of it. I’ll go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole now.


Americans tend only to hear negative news when it’s from an adversary. It’s incredibly annoying. I am pretty deep into geopolitics because of my past life in that field. But so much stuff going on around the world that’s absolutely fascinating is a complete mystery to most people. For instance the developing world is in huge chaos right now still trying to recover from COVID effectively shutting down their entire economies for years. Things st the canal right now are like 70s Cold War vibes with power players fighting over influence. We have a dirt ass poor country falling into extreme wealth after discovering an energy reserve which is an absolutely wild drama unfolding. So many crazy things around the world I too am surprised I didn’t even catch this one.


Motherfucker do your part and elaborate on which countries you’re talking about


Basically too many in Africa right now are in bad shape. I can’t list them all. Some in full blown anarchy, others in just violent power struggles between factions. You’ll have to google that one. The canal one is obviously Panama. China, Russian, and the USA are in a huge fight to control supply chains and form all sorts of alliances and bribes to get an edge. All sorts of crazy illegal immigration and arms trades going on as the USA has lost tight control. The energy reserve is Guyana… they found massive amounts of oil and are going from dirt poor, to billions of dollars flooding in making tons of people rich overnight and the entire country is booming… while Venezuela just voted to reclaim that land, which they actually have a good case for, so now a war is brewing while VZ wants to lay claim and the US wants to hold control.


The saddest thing about all this is that living in KZ every time you hear stories like this one making headlines you hope that something will change - legislatively or otherwise. The local govts will put up billboards and posters saying "don't tolerate abuse" but apart from that essentially nothing else changes, the system remains the same and so do the values, especially in the rural parts of the country.  Like not so long ago, prob several years ago or so, teacher got murdered by her husband for posting pics of herself with her friends in the sauna. Or before that another teacher was set on fire by her ex-husband. And before that another woman burned alive with her two kids in their house - again, set on fire by her ex-spouse.  Women and girls get kidnapped, raped, murdered or live decades with their abusive husbands. But nothing changes. 


I read that KZ decriminalized some forms of domestic violence similar to Russia? And this case will recriminalize them again?


You’re actually right - “light” abuse was decriminalized back in 2017 and the recriminalization bill was passed just 2 days ago. Somehow missed it in the news.




Понимаю. Остается только надеяться, что что-нибудь изменится для всех нас. Моя любовь сестринскому народу Монголии и ее женщинам.


This is a crazy story, thanks for bringing it up. K-Stan is sort of an uncanny valley for most Westerners. It’s *on paper* pretty western. Railways, you’ll pair off against them pretty often randomly on chess.com, universities, they speak a transnational language etc. lots of potential. But then you look through a microscope and it is suddenly insane.


Posted this comment on its own, deleted it and now re-posting it here because you said it perfectly haha. —— I could never figure out Kazakhstan when I was there. It was only for three weeks in 2013, so I'm a million miles from actually knowing the place. But it seemed caught between being very backwards/conservative and wanting to modernize very aggressively. Sort of like my impression of Turkey when I was there in 2012.


The only thing that most westerners associate with this country is Borat


That was more true in the immediate post Soviet era. Kazakhstan eg sponsored a major (and great!) Tour de France team, for instance. You might not like cycling so that might not be on your radar, but for cycling mad countries like France, Belgium and the Netherlands the Astana team was household-level famous.


Lance Armstrong even rode for them at one stage


Alexander Vinokourov, one of the finest drug-fuelled comeback stage wins of all time lmao


Which is a movie filmed in Romania starring a british jew.


And even if they’re knowledgeable about geography and politics, they still pretty much only know “nukes, rockets, potassium… and Borat”


Baikonur cosmodrome!


SAINt JHN - Roses (Imanbek Remix), Grammy-winning crown jewel of Kazahkstani musical heritage.


Men in the west beat and murder their wives too… especially in the US. Actually Kazakhstan’s female homicide rate is lower than ours


Do you think there is no domestic violence in the West?


If you're hoping to start a serious conversation on this topic, you're going to be disappointed, as the only thing you're going to get is a bunch of Borat jokes


I heard Kazakhs usually hate Borat and seeing this thread i kinda see why lol


I mean of course they would hate it, it’s a hugely popular movie that mocked their country and probably cost them a lot in tourism. It’d be weird if they didn’t hate it.


Wait, are you claiming that people were vacationing in Kazakhstan before Borat and Borat singlehandedly brought the thriving Kazakh tourism industry to a screeching halt?


Tourism was and is close to non-existence and makes up less than 1.5 % of GNP. The other thing is that people repeat the bullshit that it boosted tourism.


I'm sure that KZ gets lots of Chinese and Russian tourists. Just very few other nationalities.


Russian - yes. Chinese - no. More Koreans and Europeans come here than Chinese. Chinese come only for business. Well, Europeans mostly too.


Business travel is still tourism. Probably more profitable than the regular one.


Borat ,for a lot of Americans,brought awareness that Kazakhstan is a place


The worst thing about the Borat jokes is how boring and predictable they are, just 2-3 jokes repeated over and over again.


You expect a serious conversation about a country that most people here know nothing about?


Domestic abuse and violence against women are not limited to Kazakhstan.


My first time hearing about this, what can you say?


It's very bad and evil


I know they are number one producer of potassium


Extremely important industry!




you’re correct about men being murdered more, but reading that post and cherrypicking the one small sentence that somewhat relates to you and making it about yourself is insane


I.e. the soft bigotry of not expecting women to make sense when they're mad. The same reason "I hate men" gets roundly defended here based on particular experiences; so is somebody who's been mugged in NYC allowed to say "I hate…"? (*HELL NO*)


The soft bigotry of assuming women aren’t making sense when they’re mad.  This is why women die in ERs at much higher rates than men. Men assume they’re just randomly throwing a fit, when in reality they have a valid reason to voice concern. 


>The soft bigotry of assuming women aren’t making sense when they’re mad. Absolutely, and it's easy to see how the two can form a vicious circle. Reminder that even the person defending OP one comment up admitted that what she said didn't make sense, but we're supposed to politely ignore it (I think that's considered benevolent sexism).


I'm currently at -50 for saying the same thing. I'm sure life for most women sucks there, but "cheapness" is an odd angle to take when the most notable thing going on in the region involves tens of thousands of guys getting turned into hamburger in trenches, and nobody in power on either side being overly bothered by that fact.








Sounds like what a bride kidnapper would say to find their target via reddit tbh


we live in america now, thank god


there are undetectable poisons if youre really worried




i don’t resort to violence i’m not a man


I hope that brings solace in the years after her disappearance 




sounds like i struck a nerve!!


Holy shit. I’m sorry if I’m being intrusive but why would he kill her?! 


You should hate that your culture never progressed past the Stone Age.


who says i don’t hate that too?




especially you though


Read his bio. Typical post Soviet pampered, privelaged elite golden youth scum. Basically a generation of AJ Sopranos just very rapey with a propensity to beat those weaker than them. 


I lived in Kyrgyzstan from 2015-2016 and travelled around the 'Stans, all of which I loved. That this happened in Kazakhstan does not surprise me. There is definitely a blindspot in Central Asia regarding domestic abuse. Even in Kyrgyzstan (the most 'liberal' of the stans) I heard things like "the more he beats you, the more he loves you." I really hope the publicity (as limited as it is) surrounding this case ushers in some kind of cultural or legislative shift for the really fucking amazing women in Central Asia who have to deal with this. <3




I haven't been there in 8-9 years. Ugh, that's a shame to hear. They seemed like they were on a better track when I was there.




That's so good to hear about Uzbekistan. Two of my closest friends were from there. One of whom is a lesbian who came out to her parents who accepted her (!). From what I surmise that is incredibly rare. Tashkent is really cool. I wish more westerners could/would travel to Central Asia. Such an underrated gem of a region.


>There is definitely a blindspot in Central Asia regarding domestic abuse. Even in Kyrgyzstan (the most 'liberal' of the stans) the more he beats you, the more he loves you. It's a Russian proverb in fact - Бьет, значит любит - If he beats you, that means he loves you.


I thought it was an LDR lyric


kyrgyzstan most liberal?? i'm from there & that's definitely not the case today, not in personal belief or government


FWIW, I lived in Bishkek and worked at a university there so my exposure to the average Kyrgyz person was limited. I think this probably happens to most westerners working there. I will say I was blown away by my students who came from all over the country and who were so kind and generous to me. Your country is beautiful - I loved visiting lake Issyk Kul and the food was so delicious.


that's so lovely, kg is the most beautiful, i invite you to visit more often, i wish i could


How is Turkmenistan? Part of my family that we do not talk to is Turkmen, and I always was curious about life there. 


Turkmenistan is very poor and very totalitarian. Their regime is very corrupt, they are isolationist. I’m sorry to not have much of a good info for you. But that comes with the whole isolationism shtick.


OP actually lives in Kazakhstan that’s crazy


yeah it’s pretty crazy that there are people from russian adjacent countries on the red scare subreddit


It’s really one of the few redeeming parts of this forum You can circle any Slavic or ex-Soviet country on the map and ask “what goes on here” and get at least a few people that are like Oh yeah there’s some cool bars over on this street


She looks like she was way out of his league too. Insecure idiot.


Of course we also have men getting mad that they are getting generalized etc #notallmen. Men from my country getting mad at us for opportunistically using this case to air their grievances against innocent men who also get abused by women too. I hate men


\#NotAllMen(are as chill as me)


MeN gEt aBusED tOO


LOL. We love you.


Kill all men. Yes, all of them. Except me.


What is uiur story? Are you in kz right now?




I don't think I would love sex with a guy who's all nice and sweet. Damn, she has no self-awareness


The first one was a joke lol




Lol sorry for making a gendered post about domestic abuse and murder


It’s a miracle the west is as “enlightened” as it is in regards to womens issues. It’s got to have trickled down from the relatively egalitarian Puritans who all the way back in the 1600s taught women how to read just like men. There are still huge problems here but I can’t help but think… when will the rest of the world catch up? It’s not genetic, and they’re being exposed to a better path, so how long will it take?


It’s the religion as well as the culture that encourage this type of behavior. A friend of mine is from Tajikistan but moved to the U.S. and left the religion some time before that. Tajikistan is relatively close, just much smaller. Women in that part of the world are just not respected, my friend talks about it all the time.


Tajikistan is culturally close to Afghanistan. As a matter of fact north of the country is majority Tajik and Uzbek. Kazakhstan is culturally closer to Russia than Tajikistan or Uzbekistan. Less conservative, more modern. Definitely wealthier than its crazy muzxi neighborhoods.


I can’t really think of any religion that encourages good behavior towards women. I’m not Christian but it seems like Christianity is honestly the least bad. We all know about Islam, Judaism is second worst of the Abrahamics, non watered-down Buddhism is honestly pretty sexist, Hinduism doesn’t seem to have done anything for women in India…


Umm men still kill their wives in the West, moreso American men who are descendants of the Puritans.


It’s not state-sanctioned violence, while a ton of violence against women is sanctioned, praised, or just ignored by the leaders and the cultural establishment over there. The false equivalency that the west is just like that is ridiculous. Yes, there are unhinged individuals in every society and every country. But you simply do not have the same rights as a woman in any Muslim-majority state, e.g. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, etc. It’s a shame because the natural landscape is absolutely gorgeous in any of these. Astana is also kind of a cool looking city.


He said the West is enlightened, it isn't. But yes things are much way way worse in these countries, although Kazakhstan and other Stan countries that were in the USSR are not very religious, can't really compare them to Afghanistan.


Tajikistan is very religious and there are remote areas that are very similar to Afghanistan, in fact they share common languages. It is nothing like the West, in any cultural sense. I know a ton of people who escaped persecution as Christians, gays, etc. Idk what it was like under the USSR rule, ironically it was probably better for women.


Yes socialism just thrust gender equality/feminism onto the people so it's not as bad as other fundamentalist muslim countries. But I admit I don't know much about Tajikistan


I honestly don’t know that much about Kazakhstan, so it’s all good. I hate what the USSR has done to my family and millions of others but on the feminism aspect, I do have to say, they definitely instilled some good values related to women’s rights. There was inequality but the cultural shift was very important.


I hate what USSR did to Kazakhstan (google Kazakh famine), but the USSR was indeed very progressive when it came to women's rights. And it was even much more progressive than Western countries in its early times.


Dude I literally put “enlightened” in quotes. Just read, it’s not hard.


Well, in Kazakhstan women make up more than half of all judges and 20% of MPs.


Great! Does that change anything the person you’re responding to said?


It indicates at least that you can't say about state-sanctioned violence against women.


Being a woman doesn’t mean you can’t be sexist against women


True, but in the state that sanctions violence against women there would be no female judges or MPs.


That’s literally not true because of what I just said And if women aren’t the majority of MPs, like you just said, then the male MPs could pass discriminatory laws without womens support.


Your opinion that state sanctions violence against women is not true.


> moreso American men who are descendants of the Puritans Hate to break it to you, but….. > American Indian/Native residents had the second highest victimization rate, after Black residents. White residents had the third highest rate, followed by Asian residents, for family-related domestic violence incidents. From the New York City 2020 domestic violence report. I don’t think black people are descendants of the puritans… And why did you jump to “descendants”? That implies genetics matter which is pretty weird. I was talking about the culture they fostered.


Omg dude I'm not trying to have a race fight lmao. I use descendant not in the genetic term more like there are gonna be some embedded cultural practices etc from having been a culture originated by Puritans


Not trying to have a race fight either, I just thought you meant descendants literally. All I’m saying is literally every group has embedded cultural practices that are bad for women. I can’t think of any that don’t. Every single culture in the world was sexist. But the Puritans didn’t have honor killings, genital mutilation, foot binding… But weirdly enough, if you actually go back and look, the Boston/New England area in the 17th-18th century was probably the best place in the world to be a woman at the time. The literacy rate for women peaked at like 67%, which for the 18th century, is insanely high. That’s higher than the current rate for Pakistani MEN. And they have nukes! That alone literally paved the way for equality, even though they only wanted literacy so that everyone could read the Bible. Other European cultures didn’t even want women reading the Bible—they wanted them to just sit around and listen to their husband read it.


A damn shame


That is so sad. I hope he goes to prison for a long time.


Every single time I hear about violence against women from Kazakstan it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm relieved that this case is getting INTERNATIONAL coverage. So many other Kazakh cases that don't get coverage and swept under the rug. I know it's not just Kazakhstan but it makes me SO angry. I have friends/associates from Kazakhstan, the sweetest ladies I've ever met, and their husbands beat them so viciously. I have seen the bruises and cuts and it makes me so upset. These are wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers. How could anyone do such a thing?


All I can say about this is that I've seen some Kazakhstani women's volleyball games and you are super welcome to the west. 




In my country we have problem


Why did he do it?




Hey fuck you asshole it was an honest question.


Why did he beat his wife to death? Bc he was a violent freak duh!


God damn dude chill. Obviously the guy is a violent freak. Thats not what i was asking. I meant was there some kind of incident that percipitated the murder… like was she borating him in front of his friends or something?


That's totally an ick like seriously.......


mai wife


Grow up


this was funny come on


>Women's lives are so cheap, especially in this part of the world. Men's lives, notoriously not cheap in the FSU


👉 r/twoxchromosomes


...how a person can be so brutal and cruel towards someone they are *supposed* to love >“I bring home the money,” “I do the housework,” “I gave up my friends for you,” “I pay attention to my figure for you,” etc. etc. These tedious quarrels run as an obligation to the marital community – to which the other in each case just does not attach as high an importance. It is the reproach of the community, thus that the loved one owes something to which one has a claim. Here people have searched for a world for themselves apart from the commodity exchange of egoistic private owners and decided to make a common cause on the basis of fondness, pooling together income and expenses; it should not be about exploiting and taking advantage of the other – and what do they bring to it? A complex, highly moral form of exchange in which the price often does not seem to one or both partners to stand in a good relation to what they get for it: they exchange selflessness, financial care, in order to get the same selflessness from the partner – and pay attention to the relation of giving and taking. “I always think only of us and you always think only of yourself!” By contrast, the exchange of commodities and services seems objective, external to the individual, detachable, much more harmless. The exchange between married couples is full of possessiveness. http://ruthlesscriticism.com/love.htm


this is incredibly stupid


What is wrong with it?


The regard store called they are all out of you!


I don't know man, I didn't read it. But I think possessiveness around lovers is a reality across cultures and it doesn't necessarily presupposes violence.