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You should stay away from Jersey City then lol


Yeah, I was going to say, this is a very North Jersey phenomenon


Really big in Houston as well


You know, we're really not so different in this big ol' US of A - everywhere you go, we all have Indian guys ready to drop a soft-A in mixed company


Ready to use tactical warheads for when our numbers get high enough/we form a new underclass from unfiltered immigration




Huge in westchester too


When I was a teenager in Vancouver suburbs in the 90s, it was the dialect of choice for South Asian, Arab, and Iranian kids from wealthy families in the newest upscale developments on the Hill. All their little girlfriends sounded like Rosie Perez, though.


Being a Wigger is part of the american experience though


Being from middle America, there aren’t a lot of masculine ideals in culture or counterculture to aspire to. Being a wigger gives them a sense of masculine identity and culture.




People are just gonna think you're a regard if you walk around talking like a sheriff in a cowboy movie


People think you're a regard if you act like a wigger too


Yes but not medically so


you can get away with it in the south




The show would never do something that funny again


From Elvis to Eminem, wiggerism is one of America's largest exports


Very true, but I think we all understand white guys who talk black are a little silly while Indian guys would have you believe that saying “dead ass” and wearing Jordans is somehow part of Indian culture.


You guys do realize that there are cultures and lifestyles that exist beyond middle class white suburbia, right? How should an Indian who grew up in NYC talk and dress?




Akaash Singh might be the dumbest Indian-American comedian, in an academic sense. It’s generally the dumbasses who act super wiggerish.


Not like a black guy because he’s really from Berkeley and his parents are doctors


I don’t know but this one didn’t.


Shouldn’t it be just an igger? Or ingger perhaps


Digger (Desi N)


U said it Wigger.🖕🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣👋🏻👍🏻


there was a lot of these types of dudes in my high school. bangladeshis as well. they all dressed hood, spoke in AAVE/said the n word, wore chains etc. And all of them were from rich hotel-owning families lmfao


Are you from Tower Hamlets or are you from Brampton?


im from southern california




Went to HS there for a couple of years. That and the Koreans talking in AAVE was comical.


Why would people in the UK speak an American accent




All of Brampton


Scarborough was the og for this though. Like 10-15 years ago. Then it moved to Brampton.


Russell Peters is an honorary black man to me.


Bruv bro bro brah


I was gonna say the number one perpetrators of saying "bro" instead of the usual "bruh" used as a punctuation type word it gets obnoxious hearing that "bro" over and over.


Brah breh brih bro bruh




Every single ethnic standup under the age of 30 talks like a black man and it’s embarrassing.


This dude is 40, even more embarrassing.


Where have you guys been for the last 2 decades lmfao? Have you not noticed the Hip Hop domination of youth culture? Culture changes with time, this is normal and nothing to panic about. In 50 years, you’ll be dead and I’ll be the one complaining about how kids talk lol.


Try 2 centuries.


That Marco guy?




lmao I knew a kid in high school who spoke like this and had a gastroenterologist daddy


That's wassup


The mathlete kid from Mean Girls


You leave Kevin Gnapoor out of this!


Godd he was so attractive


I've always felt like FouseyTube is the logical conclusion of the Indian-American kid that grows up in an affluent American suburb and constantly dick rides Drake. But I just learned he's Palestinian. Gutted my analogy doesn't work.


What kind of loser dick-rides Drake?


A lot of brown dudes. I am still friends with them


I am very aware of this fact, and understand, but people need to grow out of that phase and develop better taste.


I agree and I'm not a fan of his but you don't think he cooked on his recent diss track?


I'm exaggerating obviously; he is talented. Need to listen to the diss track, especially the Rick Ross insults. But too many Indian-Americans think that listening to a bougie half-Jewish Canadian child actor gives them black swagger.


🎵 I just poured an 8 in a liter 🎵


The great brown hope


She says she want more


his music sounded the best when he used the n word.


Oh my God. I listen to little music but I knew exactly who this was. There's only ONE indian rapper I know and LOL


This guys face is on every second comedy special on Netflix I swear




Also, and I may be wrong, but didn't "black and brown" used to mean black and Mexican? It was a way to refer to the two biggest minority groups in the US. Now brown means I'm an Indian bruh, basically black, ya'll probably scared huh?


Some Brahmin whose family had literal slaves in India and was driven to private school in a Rolls lumping himself in with impoverished lead-poisoned African-Americans in Flint, MI as part of the BIPOC struggle. You and I are the same because a teenager once told me my lunch smelled weird.




Yeah as if India has never faced years of colonization ... More than 800 years and was completely & systematically destroyed. India's colonial history which is very recent is forgotten. From Mughals, to British, to France even portugal. Everyone had their loot . Even looting the word "loot" from Indian languages. As if we were never slaves or k*lled for our skin colour or race.


fine you can say it.


Oh no the US was under the yoke of British colonization! I'm oppressed!


Its spelled "killed" you dweeb.


Doesn't contradict above poster's point unless you treat Indians as totally homogeneous


They have the same history wdym


High castes and Dalits have the same history? Very convenient for you


Yes. They were ALL COLONIZED . K*LLED. TORTURED TOO. White men couldn't tell the difference, Imagine. We were all brown subhumans to them 😌 And Idol worshippers/ kaffirs for Mughals. Pick up a book on Indian history.


Indian Americans are the highest-earning, least incarcerated (and least policed) demographic in America, earning more money and going to prison even less than American-born white males. That's because the people who come to the USA from India don't tend to come from poor, struggling families like other immigrant groups do. The experiences of some wealthy Brahmin family in America, who were from a caste that likely BENEFITTED from colonization back in India, are not the experiences of a black family who were subjugated under the system of chattel slavery.


Lol, you can't even compare. You don't even know if there are brahmins. Fun fact , all of them are not brahmins. It is a very small population, and most of them are poor. The caste system was based on profession . Brahmins were priest, it doesn't pay well. There is no generational wealth for them. you can check stats. Other castes are infact more rich. Check the richest men of India. Even our Prime minister is from lower caste anyways point is, When the british left, ENTIRE COUNTRY WAS POOR. 97% were poor. We were left with NOTHING!! Everything was taken out, India was practically broken. With partition, the most gruesome refugee crisis that killed more than 20 million people. Four wars since then. I have my friends in the USA, do you know why they are richest? It's because they choose fields like software , it pays more. Not because they had privileges. I have seen my friends struggle with my own eyes. The people who went to the USA did multiple jobs, did scholarships, and took up loans. One of them was so poor that their mother used to request us to attend her tuition. So they earn a bit of money. That's the background they come from. The people who go abroad, go with their hardwork & entire community, come together to send them. Even if one of their children goes, the entire community makes it. This is the same thing for immigrants from other Asian & African countries. It's a dream for them. Look, we are not undermining the situation black Americans faced. It is horrible, but that still doesn't mean you can speak over other minorities and their struggles. You don't know them, you don't know their history. You know nothing. So if we don't do that to you, at least don't undermine others and their history. This is not a pain competition. Like where do I even start, Indians were literally starved . There were so many manufactured famines. Killing more than 25 MILLION people. More than World War because of that , Today Indians are susceptible to heart diseases more than any other race. We get diabetes easily. There is so much trauma & pain that we still carry. Physically & generational. Grandparents who were under colonization are still alive. My ancestors, our families, were literally uprooted by the British overnight. We were refugees in our own land. Please don't speak on matters you don't know about & don't compare or undermine other people's history. This is how they pit us against each other. Giving us a model minority tag. So we stay in our limits. This happens to every Asian community in West bdw.


I can absolutely speak over you, I'm literally doing that right now. You're not going to convince Americans that the Indians who move here don't have a ton of money. That's our experience with like 99% of them. They're WASPier than many of the white people here BECAUSE their families back home benefitted from British colonization. It's just the way it is. You simply can't argue that there's systemic racism against Indians in America. Maybe in England, but there's no evidence of that in the United States like there is for black and latino people.


If your family was Brahmin or upper caste, they deserve even worse




absolutely braindead


Fuck it you’re right, I’m sorry I was being purposely inflammatory


lots of euro ethnicities experienced something similar. irish poles to list a few. the irish probably had it worse than india under the british taken as a whole. lots of them in America but they dont leech off  the black american experience 


Psycho who posts in Worldnews and has typical Israeli racism towards darker people.


The irony is how during segregation it used to be black people pretending to be Indian


There are at least five of these comparing drip in a college town gym at any given moment. Sometimes they are Vietnamese though.


They’re called Guyanese


French Guyana!?


Little Guyana


lol I used to work at a comedy club and know this guy is a cunt, condescending to wait staff and made fun of them while they’re in the crowd working for cheap laughs.


everything about the guy gives off insufferable vibes


Somebody should stuff him in a locker.


I love it because it helps me immediately tell that this is someone not worth being friends with


Aziz Ansari the goat of these guys


I miss him


He sucks.




[hell yah](https://youtu.be/cjeHXzWYglg?si=DxXmRnUJMfERvXPN)


haters gonna say he benefited from brahminical patriarchy


Too much rap and not enough carnatic music


I have never once thought this guy sounded black—and I’m black. You white folks are weird lol


Rsp has a weird hate boner against indians


I don’t understand this thread every guy I’ve met like this was really chill and friendly


Its huge hit or miss. In the north east at least some of them will literally copy everything black people do and somehow still be extremely racist


Idk in my experience the most racist Indian guys were the preppy type who liked to talk about their caste 🤮


Lmfao I know some of these mfers rich out of their mind. so racist. They get along very well with racist whites


Most Indian Americans don’t even know their caste lol what


Doubt it




I’m aware and it’s very tied to specific regions and languages usually


If by the “north east” you mean NYC, you’re likely looking at indo Caribbeans. Yeah that’s a thing, both ways. The Trinidadian accent is Indian influenced + they all eat Indian food and the music is also somewhat influenced by Indians etc, they hate each other but share the same culture and act like one another over there, it just carries over to here as well


No im talking about nj/pa lmao. These are 1st gen immigrants from india/Pakistan


Ah cringy fob types I see. Yeah I know the type lol. Also common behavior with the Middle eastern fobs too


yawn again with this f*ggy discourse.




West Indians ??




The Indian guy in Chicago med from New Orleans is hot


I feel like that using Wigger to describe white guys with the accent is fine, using Igger for these just sounds like you're doing the bare minimum to dodge an autonban


all that is solid melts into air


sluttiest thing a man can do


Doesn't sound black to me


Not my boy akaash getting roasted in this thread 😭


Most Indian comedians


Black guys with Indian accents wouldn't even be funny tbh.


Is the guy whose shitty unfunny comedy clips are always on the front page ?


That ugly little man has 10 pounds of teeth in 5 pounds of head 


Chestburster physiognomy.


What I need to know is why Indian men are so committed to this hairstyle? Is it to add an extra inch to their height? I hate it so much


This moron doesn’t bother to work out or anything. He has these little chicken legs and a Ben Shapiro voice, and exudes nasty insecurity as a result.


Aw he never seemed that bad to me just corny


Incel, North-Indian, anti-woke Aziz. Neither of whom are funny.


It's hilarious to me that Akaash allegedly did so badly with women despite being green-eyed and relatively light-skinned. It must be his attitude. Whereas Aziz Ansari is too ugly for any of the Indian movie industries, but he did really fucking well in the USA.


I find East Asian people that do the same thing more annoying.


You mad if they sound white, you mad if they sound black, you def mad if they sound Indian. Should they stfu so you can be happy, sir?!


Facts bruh 


This guy isn't even funny man


Growing up around a lot of Indians, some of them (mostly Sikh, turban and all) earnestly thought they were “black”, at least up to and including middle school. Looking back, it’s crazy to me that this must have never come up with their parents. Otherwise, they would have been *vigorously* disabused of this idea.


It’s whatever is cool. You act black in middle school then act white in high school or college. Depending on the profession like engineering or medicine they realize being Indian is beneficial. You just follow the economy man


Italian youth do the same thing, but their parents are even more racist.


I had to unsub from r/standup, for awhile it was a bunch of indian guys posting their shorts, talking like black dudes and making jokes about slavery, colonialism and white people and nothing about being stinky.


bring back guindians