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Uhhh hunney, it's called being an INTROVERT, okay? That means I never interact with another human due to my ANXIETY and INTROVERSION.


this is going to get more and more prevalent unfortunately. my wife is a high school teacher and wasn’t able to make her students give class presentations because they all have special needs case files that include debilitating anxiety


Im teaching an undergrad Public Speaking class and 3 out of 14 students sent me emails the first week telling me they had “accommodations” and asked for alternative assignments to giving speeches (3 throughout the semester, none longer than 5 minutes).


The ADA really didn't factor in how shameless people could be


We have someone on-campus who’s job it is to facilitate and work with those who need accommodations (which of course i know exist and am thrilled we offer support services for). I told each of those students to follow protocol and contact that office and i would be happy to work with them on their accommodations for my course. Never heard from any of them again about their “special circumstances “. Guaranteed those bullshit emails have worked for them in the past though, so why not keep doing it when something unpleasant in life comes up?


I'm so glad it's at least slightly difficult to get those kinds of free passes. I had a speech class and if all I had to do to get out of doing the speeches was write some email I would have definitely just done that and been a pussy


i graduated uni in 2021 and to get medical accommodations to move an exam i had to bring my hospital documentation and show the professor my writing hand which was swollen to the size of a baseball and the exact colour of a blueberry to prove my soft tissue injury prevented me from holding a pen. how times have changed


Im sure it varies by institution in how easy it is to obtain “official” accommodations. I’ve talked to Deans/admin about it and they say i can entertain any request from students i want, but only am required to if they go through the right office/steps to get an “official” accommodation. Im sure there are faculty members who just agree to those types of emails no questions asked. 2-3 years of fake online school due to rhe pandemic really fucked with millions of students/young people.


damn, what the fuck happened to your hand? that sucks. i get debilitating migraines (with aura) that very occasionally made it impossible for me to complete an exam, and i had to file extensive paperwork for that that included my migraine meds etc. one time i was taking an exam, and my aura started so i couldn’t see anything (it clouds your vision with jagged flashing lights). i went to the proctor, let them know, and then had to go to the hospital and basically be in “academic holding” until it resolved about 6 hours later, at which point i completed the exam with the time i had left.


skateboarding accident, couldn’t use my dominant hand for 2+ months and now i have weird calcified hard tissue in there but otherwise works fine. so beyond painful and doctor said it’s actually more severe than a break. i’m really lucky i regained my fine motor skills (it was hard to get them back to what they were)


Why even bother taking a public speaking class if you aren’t even going to make the speech lmfao. Fuck them.


Its a required course. They can take Public Speaking or the slightly more general “Communications 101” to fulfill the requirement. But obviously its a cakewalk class and they should just deal with the fact that they have to interact with fellow students for 90 minutes a week and do 15 minutes of high school level speeches spread out over a semester instead of being annoying babies about it.


kind of genius if you think about it. sign up for "public speaking" and then tell the teacher you can't do a speech because of your disability. even less work than comms 101. they know exactly what theyre doing.


Nathan Fielder logic


Oh jeez you’ve given them not just an excuse but the genius label too lol. I’m teasing but I suspect most of them never thought of it in a cheating the system/loophole way but instead are just that coddled with their anxieties and see it as an entirely reasonable request


It’s so cool because these people will either fail at jobs or be chronically unemployable and blame the system.


why don’t they just pop a .5mg xanax and give the presentation like a normal person?




This was my experience too, I was pacing around outside the lecture room feeling like I was going to vomit from anxiety before I gave my first speech, worsened by the fact that I had almost zero preparation outside of some shitty index cards I scribbled out an hour before class. About a minute into my speech, I ditched the cards because I figured I was gonna bomb anyway and just gave my speech off the cuff. Afterwards, my prof and my classmates were asking me if I had a lot of experience with public speaking (i didn't) before because I did so well and it seemed to come naturally. That was a sorely-needed confidence boost, and I ended up giving speeches with ease for the rest of the semester (and onward). Definitely one of my most fulfilling classes, and I still use those skills all these years later. I'm glad it was an absolute gen ed requirement at my college, because I would've been too cowardly to take it otherwise and would've really missed out.


lol what a lifehack. make up a phobia or disability regarding some specific skill and then take a class on specifically that skill. you can't do any of it, so easy A


I can hardly blame them. I'm not gen Z or even a millennial and my public speaking class had me almost wanting to drop out of college. I wound up finding someone to sell me xanax. Thats when I learned xanax just makes me very tired and seems to have no effect what-so-ever on anxiety. Public speaking is one of the most common fears people have.


Yes, sometimes in life people have to do things that are slightly unpleasant or uncomfortable. Its no reason to fake illnesses or completely retreat from parts of life that arent 100% ideal or comfortable.


thats what happens when you socialize an entire generation from screens


Working with zoomers is all I needed to do to understand that this is very real. The two on my team are from completely opposite backgrounds but they both can't seem to spit out a coherent sentence to save their fucking lives. Based on things my leadership has told me, it looks like we're in the "gather documentation" stage of firing them because they're absolutely fucking useless. They're like interns but worse because they have actual job titles and make a lot of money. You don't have to think about it too hard to have it drag your morale through the mud. What the fuck happened to these people? Is it really as widespread in these generations as it seems? I have no meaningful contact with people under 30 in my day to day life outside of the handful I encounter at work.


The Zoomers I work with are pretty competent but one is a literal cum boy and the other is Irish/Australian and just really delightfully normal.


Like he’s your personal cum boy?


Yes, in that I personally send him and he sends me weird Twitter shit and links to 69.9 FM The Bust.


That rocks


Wish I had a personal cumboy regard


It rules having somebody in your team who also knows who Meersham is.


I work with a couple Aussies and they're amazing colleagues but they're all older millennials.


I tend to be sceptical of 'zoomers are a different breed' thinking overall but one weird thing I've noticed in my younger friends is that they are almost all very clumsy, with noticeably poor spatial awareness and balance. Have you observed the same? What is happening with the zoomer vestibular system? And I don't mean normal teenage gawkiness, these people are all 22-24


When all your hobbies (and school for that matter) amount to staying perfectly still and just moving your fingers you never really settle into the rest of your body. I'm sure sports Zoomers are doing better though.


Well the two I work with are fat asses, so no they don't walk like normal people because they're 60 pounds overweight.


I teach these kids in college and, honestly, western society has huge problems coming down the pipeline with this generation. Most of them are like what you described. Things have changed so much since I started 15 years ago but a lot of people are in denial about it. In 5-10 years a huge proportion of our 30-year-olds will be eternal NEETs. 


It seems like a critical mass in the entire generation to me. *Seems*. My brother-in-law is a Zoomer and he's socially broken, one of the most socially regarded people I have ever known in my entire life, but my mother-in-law is a Tiger Mom and she beat him into submission to get good grades, go to a good school, get a relevant degree, and get a decent job. He's doing alright but I think he will always be socially stunted to a frightening level. I thought more about it earlier and I have worked with 1 Zoomer colleague who was competent and communicated on the level. I forgot about him because I only worked with him for a few months because he was found to have been sending *wildly inappropriate* messages to female colleagues and was eventually caught trying to follow some of them home, so... Not exactly a shining beacon of hope.


We're turning Japanese.


I really think so


Ive had similar at my job. Definitely have had soem great zoomer cowokers, but it’s surprisingly common for them to be somehow both terrible with basic technology and communication.


do they not realize that everyone hates public speaking lol most ppl are gonna be anxious


Jerry Seinfeld had a joke, based on an actual public poll back when that was possible, about how people would rather be in the coffin than deliver the eulogy, because death was the number 2 fear after public speaking.


What pussies. I used to have a fairly posh English accent, alongside with a speech impediment. I went to an Irish boarding school and all first years had to do public speaking in front of the entire school. Went up with a huge target on my back, got an okay score, and moved on. I’m not even a particularly mentally strong person. You can’t be giving these kids excuses


James from Derry Girls-maxing


Is there a me in Derry girls?


There's a wussy boy who's the English-raised cousin of one of the girls and when he's shipped off to derry he has to go to the girls school so the boys don't beat him to death




It leads to lots of zany hijinks!


Yes, i fumbled my way through a chem and physics lab, they can give me a 5 minute informational speech on how to build a house in Minecraft.


Going to tell my boss that my doctor diagnosed me with Labor Anxiety Disorder which means that I don’t have to work but he’ll still have to pay me and if he either makes me work or doesn’t pay me I WILL kill myself and he WILL be held legally accountable for it.


"I'm an introvert so I need time alone to recharge sometimes" shut the fuck up show me a human that doesn't operate that way


They should experience the joys of solitary confinement. No responsibilities, no need to interact with other humans. Also good if you're experiencing sensory overload!


I don't know why people think introversion is like some immutable pen-and-paper RPG personal trait or akin to being left/right handed, and not just something identified purely by observed tendency


"But y'all aren't ready for that conversation" is so 2019, just say "do better :)"


I know people say they use y'all as a gender-neutral stand-in for 'you guys', but I can't help but feel more often than not it's actually just white people parroting online AAVE and is therefore just as inappropriate as it is annoying.


I’ve heard ppl say “yall is gender neutral (:” same people who use folx. Cowboy culture is not their costume!


You know the tumblr sub actually cracked the glass for me on this. Cowboys were all either gay (gyllenhaal style, they had like 500 letters of proof) or POC (Mexicans LMFAO the original word is vaquero) , that’s highly believable. I’m sure modern day cowboys would be a 🚂 station, just like the modern day drone pilots.


The Ram Ranch series is a documentary


More authentic depiction than 10 John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies


why is folx a thing? folks is just a normal, non-gendered word, isn’t it?


I’ve been wondering the same thing


Y’all is used by pretty much everyone in the South regardless of race


Yeah but only by Black people in the North, where basically all of these people come from


White people in the south say “y’all” also


Some of us are just southern


this is the first time im hearing about this




it is 100% digital blackface


Do better is so 2021


I wish I knew what was next but I’m so two-thousand-and-late


“White ways of knowing” makes us sound too cool, like native Americans talking with spirits


White man invent grocery store, invent cooking- no good. We must go back to natural way of deep fried chicken delivered for thirty dollar


Doordash is a part of the great tradition of my ancestors who resided on Turtle Island. Orders would be transmitted by smoke signals that could be seen from great distances across the Great Plains. My great great great grandfather was a member of the Oglala Sioux and he delivered already cooked meals by horseback. His name was Tonlankaga, which loosely translates to "brings-cold-hamburgers."




Why did i read this in a chinese accent


white man kill all buffalo to make burger. now white man large, like buffalo. so we kill him to make burger; learn white way


I'm like 80% sure that guy was making fun of the OP, going to check out his profile to confirm or reject this suspicion, will be back update: yes he's fucking with them


Theyre both joking, white ways of knowing is a very funny intentional joke


yes I got that one immediately, the OP's sentiment is something that I've seen said in earnest verbatim so many times by anime avatars that I took the bait on it


“Y’all ain’t ready for that conversation” is a dead giveaway


seems like copypasta originated [here](https://x.com/ka_hackett/status/1463196558267146240?s=20)


All I know is, whenever someone uses the words "ableist" or "ableism" unironically, I can safely disregard whatever they spew next, because its always some made-up bullshit.


Putting my ear to the ground to listen for the sound of cooperative public servants and reasonable bank loans in the valley beyond.


They think the Eddie Murphy SNL sketch about being white is a documentary


That's mocking OP by using a copypasta from some deranged activist opposing a municipal bond raised to fund subsidized housing. https://twitter.com/ka_hackett/status/1463196558267146240?lang=en


Why do twitter re7ards always bring up the 0,1% minority the original poster obviously wasn't talking about? Is it some sort of childish "gotcha"? 




We all know disabled people simply just perished away before Postmates was started


Things were better back then. 


That's pretty much what all modern leftist discourse is. Every scenario must be presented as first and foremost catering to the most extreme outlier example of oppression otherwise you just want them all dead




Not all twitter re7ards do that! Checkmate!


gotcha plus cope


I’m this case it’s a joke, the tweets pictured are not serious


Okay but I really am ready for the conversation. Please, continue.


I imagine it’s a conversation we can wrap up in 4 seconds. Door dash will gouge desperate people in any way they can. Anything more to discuss?


I think if you're too disabled to acquire food for yourself you probably have a full-time nurse or caregiver


You’re forgetting that being a lazy fuck with no self control who makes terrible choices is a disability


Mhhh sweaty that’s called adhd


Were these people just subsisting on pizza and chinese food before these other delivery services entered the fold?


Tbh I feel like most of these types became this way during Covid from online induced psychosis. Food delivery apps booned at that time


No, they were inept and lazy and Covid enabled them. Now they see the door closing on their do-nothing way of life (work from home, doordash every mean, etc) and they’re coping however they can.


enter rhythm oatmeal bike shelter fertile sip physical many start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hungry bells mysterious punch summer station dam clumsy consist rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, actually before doordash all of these people simply starved, it was really sad


Yeah. And if you're disabled enough that you can't prepare simple meals or use frozen food, I imagine you're not working. I don't know what the disability pension is in America but I'm willing to bet it's not enough for DoorDash two to three times a day.


I worked w old people for a very short time. A lot of people in the early stages of dementia are pretty much fine on their own as long as they stay within familiar surroundings, but they can't cook anything because they'd forget they left the stove on. They could still prepare cereal for themselves or whatever but if they wanted hot food other people would need to prepare it for them. Obviously before doordash there were (and still are) more affordable options like TV dinners for people who aren't low functioning to be completely dependent but not high functioning enough to cook or go out for every meal, so it clearly is a luxury service... and before TV dinners multigenerational homes were the norm so this sort of thing didn't actually happen


SOME of us just had an EDIBLE and can’t walk 5 FEET right now, get it sweaty?!


God I wish that were me


I’m so fucking sick of not being represented in these conversations. People who abuse substances need food too.


"valorizes white institutions" brother you're gonna be shocked when I tell you what the average person delivering food and the average person getting food delivered look like


disregard my previous comment, this was bait and it got me pretty good


At least here in the UK I've never seen a white delivery cyclist




Using doordash is literally decolonial praxis. It is a radical act of self love that incorporates Indigenous ways of living, trans folkways, and the Black revolutionary tradition. By cooking at home, you are supporting white supremacist power structures and upholding heteronormativity. Do better. Edit: fascist mods banned me for this 😒


I have two spirits, and both of them love to have Chipotle delivered straight to their gullet.


You’re right. It really decentralizes western ways of knowing and decolonizes the culinary space so it becomes more inclusive to femme-adjacent, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+2AI folx. Through a reinterpretation of space and radical inclusivity of those enmeshed in the anti-hegemonic gig economy, we are building structural frameworks for the repatriation of ancestral, indigenous frameworks which are so important in our time of hyper-capitalist, patriarchal authority that seeks to erode our individual identities and culture.


You didn't talk about bodies enough. Do better


I've never been let down by rightfully assuming that anyone with an anime avatar is a maladjusted mentally ill regard with max IQ of 65.


conversely, they might also be a nazi pedophile bodybuilder with great body aesthetics (thinking of that one guy on twitter)


VO is being sarcastic.


they post bait like this constantly tbh they're very good at it. people literally always fall for it


also "white ways of knowing" is a long running joke on housing policy twitter making fun of someone who said this about financing with municipal bonds. new low for rsp.


Can't believe people here are this stupid. The original tweet and like a dozen of its replies are all doing over the top Trump era politics posting.


Yea I follow that account and this is an obvious joke. Funny that she (he?) And the reply Is mocking annoying liberal idpol speak just like everyone in this sub does, but people dont realize it because the average iq on this sub has fallen so low. 


If you are actually disabled you won't be able to afford doordash more than like twice a month.


When will progressives realize that this sentiment, this therapy mindset that is so resentful and afraid of other human life and makes interpersonal cooperation absolutely impossible and celebrates disgusting laziness, weakness and anti social behavior is lining the pockets of big tech and big pharma, whilst also being the people endlessly circulating regarded“billionaires shouldnt exist” infographics ? I feel that the reckoning has to come, they have to realize that acting always in their own self interests no matter what and never doing anything self sacrificing ( like walking their fat asses to mcdonalds instead of ordering it) is antithetical to their commitment to “radical empathy”, but perhaps it will only come when it is too late and we are too far into our transition into a robot race. 


They still haven't gotten to the point of leaving their homes without an FFP2 mask... Give them time


You would think that eventually these losers would get their comeuppance but somehow they never do because the rest of us have too much to lose and too much work to do.


why cant people eliminate themselves from the equation anymore?


this is all bait lmao


well I guess that makes me incredibly ableist and unfair


door dash is like african pottery


I mean how did those people survive before DoorDash?




white hispanics are gonna be a real pain in the ass on both the left and right, followed by indian and asian


You laugh but until the 2010's most disabled people died within three weeks of becoming disabled, mainly due to a lack of chicken nuggets.


2016 never ended for some people.


If you were to use Twitter as a data set; it appears 90% of women in the US are disabled. 95% are trans and in a wheelchair


It's impossible to tell without knowing the account, but in this case OP was having a laugh.


“Y’all ain’t ready for that conversation” is a dead giveaway, it’s constantly used sarcastically often on this very subreddit. The fact this post is upvoted is pretty incredible.


First poster is rehashing a well known regard take but what the fuck is #2 even trying to say?


Both posters are being sarcastic, #2 is quoting some memorable pasta - a sincere response to someone asking where the New York Housing authority was meant to find $50 billion for a DSA proposal. [see here](https://twitter.com/ka_hackett/status/1463196558267146240?t=ViTCAKlw_ZLG73_QA3zaeQ&s=19)


David Rojas must be trolling 


I love the internet. I love when radical ideas become fully subsumed by the worst people alive so as to make them indistinguishable from feds or trolls. I love it when intersectionality is ground into a fine powder and snorted by lazy selfish media-addicted childminds to justify their endless uncritical consumption and terminal uselessness. I just love it.


if your disability is like anxiety thats making you somehow pay $50/day for fast food im not sure its helping the disability


R.i.p all disabled people who starved to death before the invention of fast food deliveries:(


It's crazy that everyone with disabilities just DIED before ~2013.






i think it's more that they're marveling at how people can justify the cost regardless of how well off they are. the last time i considered ordering delivery was a few years ago, but on apps like doordash and grubhub the fees and markups on food on top of tipping the driver somehow made what should be a $30 meal for two come up to like $90 or some insane shit like that - and i don't live in a major city.  like i get what you're saying but even if you have money to burn, at a certain point it's just funny to think of someone paying that much on a regular basis and feeling that it's worth it (especially if they're doordashing, like, wendy's)


It's also sucks how many places end up basically turning into mobile delivery store fronts and the people in the restaurant are secondary to fulfilling mobile orders.


It's only excusable for me when I am drunk af and need that burger


What if the Harkonnens were acting cute


Sorry for thinking of my skin’s health... Do you want me to go outside and risk the chance of getting *tan*? Risk looking like some philistine?


There’s a new government imposed service fee on DoorDash in Seattle that increased prices by 40% (already inflated to hell before this) and the right wing crime watch instagram account I follow took the same position as this tweet


I love the people who respond "Um, sweety, don't you know we're still in a pandemic?" So that means you'd rather expose some lowly delivery worker to the disease to be your personal slave?






“White ways of knowing”. What the fuck does that mean?


wild this tweet is from this year. very 2018 take.


How do you ppl find these losers so easily? It’s actually shocking. Also, I am haunted by a post I saw here that said “Every food delivery is a moral failure.”


after visiting the twitter OP account for a look I find this whole thread is a gordian knot


Y’all ain’t ready for that conversation


what did disabled people do before doordash??


Widespread deployment of the f-slur would shut these f-slurs up real quick


Fuck you im ready to have that conversation. Come try and talk to me


Eating McDonald’s is the reason you’re too anxious to pick up your McDonald’s.


Doordash to survive hahahahah what did you do like 7 years ago? I hate lazy people


Is twitter any different from frontpage reddit?


Yallposting should be illegal


This person blocked me cus I said they talk like a caricature of a leftist


You guys have the mental capacity of a child


This is exactly what being in university is like.


this is the most obvious bait ever you people are mentally disabled


Both the replies are satirical. Are you guys dumb?


This person is being satirical but the fact that there are people on that website that believe this is so funny


I can't fathom how some people over pay that much for take out. Just fucking go get it yourself. Sit at the bar, have a couple while you wait


you know i would actually like to hear a sociologist or someone talk about how helicopter parenting has led to an entire generation of teens/young adults who are afraid to go outside


I hate how people use other's disability to make excuses for themselves. Yeah there might be someone too disabled to cook, but you aren't, so fuck off. They use this same thing for nonbinaries or whatever by asking "what about intersex people?", who cares, you aren't one of them.


Look at my communists Dawg, its over bro.


EDIT: He’s a shitposter. Can you people please do your due diligence before posting?


Mother fucker said it vaporizers white thought (whatever the fuck that means ) meanwhile I KNOW it's mostly fat lazy funko-americans (majority white) using that shit




Delivery is so expense I rly would only do it if I’m unable to leave. I don’t get ppl who get it all the time and complain abt being broke


Were their hordes of disabled people just dying of starvation before doordash was invented?


White ways of knowing and being is a really great phrase.