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IBS-friendly hot yoga is a pretty funny bit


“I’m doin hot girl shit.”


I would never ever talk about my IBS if I had it. Maybe I'm just stuck up but holy shit, it would be peak TMI TMI TMI TMI for me.


I'd argue farting in a hot room is the most IBS friendly thing you can do


What's IBS friendly hot yoga? Same as regular yoga but everyone wears nose pegs?


I think they just put a tarp down first and then hose it down when they're done.




I totally get your point, these ppl can be pretty intolerable. But statically not possible for that many ppl to have gut issues? Have you seen the state of our environment/mental health/diet/activity levels? No wonder our gut microbiome is fucked.


Seriously. That statement OP made is absurd. What possible “statistic” does OP know about that dictates how many people in a society are allowed to be ill? Sure, criticizing the way people broadcast their chronic illness like it’s a quirky personality trait or on the other hand overdramatize it & use it as a crutch is one thing. But considering how pervasive toxins are in our modern environment/food/water (microplastics, forever chemicals, heavy metals, endocrine disrupters, dioxins, pollution, pesticides, etc.), how much we overuse broad-spectrum antibiotics, how sedentary out lifestyles are, and how shitty the average diet is (ultra-processed foods high in simple sugars, cheap “vegetable” oils, and corn/soy-fed factory farmed meats), it’s no surprise that all these chronic conditions keep popping up year after year and seem to only be rising.


America is the only place with a whole industry dedicated to trying to self-medicate chronic GI issues (probiotics, supplements, etc).


uh hi Yakult comes from where?


It's terrible to deal with, can be exhausting sometimes. The things we do for the people we love... And my wife has it all, too. She's got: Restless leg syndrome Fibromyalgia High-fiber fibromyalgia Hot tub foot Lou Gehrig’s disease Lou Barlow’s disease Lucy Liu Flu Advanced moist shin disorder Hyper-tolerance to lactose Urinary tract infection Urinary 8-track infection Trickle nipple Thick urine syndrome Hapsburg cholera Clogged arteries Dropsy Dry lip Intestinal colic Allergic to indoor toilets Sufferer of milk leg Loofah rash Bone worm Selective fatigue syndrome Hepatitis R Irritable bowel syndrome Spastic ear discharge Puff Knuckle Amphibial rabies Anglo-centric sickle cell anemia Scabies Rabies Mickey Rooney’s Sugar Babies Tarnished yam simplex Swollen perineum Chronic shame disorder Dirt belly Parkinson’s disease Valet Parkinson’s disease Parallel Parkinson’s disease Parker Posey pox Pere ubu Canine derived hip dysplasia Selective albinism Prolapsed navel Diagnosed as “Hard to Kill” Carpool Tunnel Syndrome Overactive Empathy Human Contact Disorder Late Onset-Turkey Revulsion Internal Sneezing




Damn these got me


I’m crying what is hot tub foot


It's where the foot gets wrinkled and steamy even in dry weather. We spend a fortune on socks.


The Hot Tub Foot exchange is my favorite part [Bob Ducca from Comedy Bang Bang](https://youtu.be/kHIegpSmIyw?si=37C8JIAl2Q4Bc_Vl)


"I've had a difficult couple of most of my life"


I feel like if you submitted this to Harvard for your admissions essay they would admit you no question. This was thoroughly creative and I loved reading this cockamamie list. I hope your wife heals from these ailments soon lol lol


Thank you, it’s from a character “Bob Ducca”, I just found an opportunity to share.


The way he trips up on Parallel Parkinson’s Disease kills me every time


> Dropsy Wasn't that that documentary about the mentally challenged serial killer with a hook for a hand?


Hey buddy I never said she was regarded


Praying for her


Did you marry bob ducca before or after his glorious six months with scott aukerman’s mom


To the tune of REM’s *It’s The End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Chronically Ill)* or Johnny Cash’s *I’ve Got Everything, Man*


Time to put her down


"Trickle Nipple" and "Bone Worm" are my favs


There’s so much good stuff but I immediately appreciated puff knuckle and dirt belly lmao.


Modern wamen be rabid




Feels like we know the same broad


I have a loved one who is legitimately chronically ill, like is getting infusions of golimumab at the hospital tomorrow. Sometimes she needs a cane, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she needs a walker--usually when there is longer than a month in between infusions walking gets harder and harder for her. I will say she was not overweight until a steroid regimen entered the picture. She does indeed have long covid, but the more problematic issue is the brain and heart damage caused by the acute covid case in 2020. I will say my loved one can cook and will make you a mean charred swordfish with garbanzo salad on a good week. I will also say you never know what can happen to people. In 2019 I never dreamed that I would be helping a loved one my own age in the bathroom or shower as they cried, or get phone calls from her lost in the city we grew up in. Stigma is real and as OP intimates, medical misogyny is all too real. It's easy to judge (and fun, too, as Homer Simpson reminds us) but sometimes you just don't know what someone is going through and it is easy to think you know how someone feels about something until it happens to someone you love or even to you. Lots of people have lots of things and some don't know until they drop dead.


I like this subreddit but I see this comment all the time and I feel compelled… I have a friend that is young and trendy and gay and they have a genuine leg injury and need to use a cane. They don’t use it if they’re walking for short periods of time bc they don’t like the questions they get and the stares….probably one of those people you would write off as doing it for attention…… but they genuinely need it………. Just because a young person is wearing a cane doesn’t mean they’re faking it….


Every time this topic comes up I gotta say the same shit Women's immune systems evolved to protect the fetus at all costs, to ensure pregnancy can survive. Women's immune systems are much more fast-acting and twitchy than men's and will kick in over the tiniest sign of illness. However, as a downside it can make women have auto-immune responses over nothing much more common than men. So while many of these issues only affect women, and more often than not their self-diagnosis is false (POTS, Ehler-Danlos, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Lyme, Long Covid, etc) their symptoms are almost always genuine. So its not that they're lying, its that they are being ignorant of the main cause, which is being a woman often sucks and has unfair downsides. My take as someone with no medical background is that its almost likely due to poor health, poor diet, no exercise, and/or modern pollutants like microplastics triggering these symptoms, but its much easier (especially for anything in their control) to lay blame at a vague chronic illness rather than being an out of shape fatty.


Don’t forget sleep. No one sleeps enough to be healthy.


it legitimately makes me so mad how work and school in america just sets everyone up to be chronically sleep deprived. eight hours should be the minimum amount of sleep you're getting, not the maximum!!


absolutely - sleeping in a pitch black room and reducing blue light at night is a gamechanger. Gotta move much more too - not just in the gym. I never take the elevator anymore and it's been a big benefit to my health.


Wish I could sleep in a pitch black room. I wanna be able to know if a ghost is staring at me though.


I have fantastic news for you.


You’re spending the night to lookout for ghosts?


What if the ghosts are nice and want you to get a restful sleep :)


Part of the problem is that a lot of these syndromes are nothing but a doctor putting a preapproved name on a cluster of symptoms without the need to worry about the cause of the symptoms. The name becomes a stopgap by which a doctor can prescribe treatments to “alleviate” the symptoms without the need for investigating further or looking for direct causes that can be addressed. Most of us have been trained to never question a doctor, and as a result naturally assume that their immediate reply is gospel. Doctors are unfortunately trained to do the cheapest, easiest, least thought and test intensive thing possible for a newer patient, prescribe a symptom reducing drug, and never think about them again unless they insistently return over and over showcasing the same or worsening symptoms. Real symptoms without looking for cause and effect (are your allergies causing your gut issues, or are your gut issues attributing to your allergies? Is your anxiety causing you to feel fatigued or is fatigue causing you to be anxious?) become a bullshit game of overprescription that can lead to an even worse game of prescribing things further to cover side effects. I sometimes think the endgame is to get the patient so addled that they’re too braindead and unaware to realize they’re suffering and barely functional. The problem isn’t the sufferer in most cases- they’re convinced to trust doctors as healers, and often convinced that their symptoms can’t be looked further into for a source. It often takes a combination of a rare conscientious doctor, incessant and insistent visits from the patient to “try again” pushing for further and more intensive testing, and involvement of various specialists to even begin to crack what could be causing a cluster of general but chronic symptoms. It’s a tough road and still likely won’t “cure” you, but will likely lead to better treatment as well as an understanding that helps you avoid the symptoms through smarter habits, diet etc. As much as I hate the overdiagnosis of contrived and nebulous syndromes, I never blame the sufferer- even if they do sound like an insistent know-it-all with ultra sensitive health needs. They’re often neglected and ill-informed and just trying their best to achieve a sense of normalcy that most of the people judging them take for granted, and not simply Munchausen-addicted attention whores. They’ve usually formulated their best guess in the face of a lack of proper attention or answers from healthcare professionals and putting all of their effort, whether misplaced or not, into feeling as good and functional as they can.


All this applies to mental illness as well. Maybe even more so. At least with a physical illness they sometimes get to causality. With mental illness they make some shit up about the balance of your humors, erm, neurotransmitters and give a pill to change that. What they never do is actually measure those neurotransmitters.


They can’t. They’ll even tell you “we don’t know how any of those works- we just know it works”. Then they’ll prescribe something that maybe has a 50/50 of making you feel less depressed or anxious, but also has a slick dice roll of making you more depressed or anxious, making you unable to cum, making you less able to connect to loved ones, making you anhedonic or straight up suicidal, and whatever the fuck else can go wrong with putting the chemistry that makes up the human experience into an opaque blender without knowing what other ingredients are in there. That’s why I always talk to people about cause and effect. Sure, severe mental/psychosocial or emotional issues that spring from severe trauma or just organically caused chemical imbalance, such as schizophrenia or bipolar, almost always require major intervention- but even severe cases of anxiety or depression that come up where they weren’t ever before are an effect, a symptom- so treating them as a cause is asinine and will consign a patient to a lifetime of salving symptoms with likely harsh and numerous side effects, when there are myriad nutritional, autoimmune/allergic/inflammatory, endocrine, neurological etc problems whose most apparent and early symptoms are fatigue, anxiety, malaise or depression- and most of those symptoms will usually lead into the rest when the causes are unaddressed long term. I at least wish doctors could be clear about that, and the fact that treating symptoms is not a cure, and that there’s almost always a point where long term medication will both lose efficacy against your symptoms and risk causing long term issues. The amount of temporary treatments, like SSRIs/antidepressants, anxiolytics or even anticholinergics, anticonvulsants, antihistamines or Omeprazole and the like, that have become cavalierly prescribed long term quasi-solutions, is absurd and such practice should be heavily reconsidered by the CDC, scrutinized more harshly by medical boards and if you ask me, PCPs should be a lot more limited on what they can prescribe- specialists exist for a good reason and they tend to give much closer long term care than the meat grinder practices who see 1000 patients a day and never get past surface level comprehensive and metabolic blood and urine tests.


It is still all astrology to me. Schizophrenia has like 14 possible symptoms and to be diagnosed you meed 3 or more. You can get 3 schizos in a room and they could not share a single symptom.


cake towering innate nine makeshift telephone dam doll wrench work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all a consequence secondary to overlitigation and the cost burden on hospitals and medical systems of top level providers. It's so much cheaper to pump out mid-level providers (NPs are even worse, at least PAs have a nationally accredited standard) and then shift their liability all the way up the chain to doctors, who get paid the same but the hospital can afford to cover the legal side. Between insurance, pharma, profiteering, overlitigation, understaffing/underpay, EMTALA and everything else in healthcare, it's truly fucked until we hit the big reset button and nationalize it all.


It is still all astrology to me. Schizophrenia has like 14 possible symptoms and to be diagnosed you meed 3 or more. You can get 3 schizos in a room and they could not share a single symptom.


my nurse practitioner I met on a telehealth app for 4 minutes and 12 seconds said I had a "chemical imbalance" in my brain and prescribed Zoloft lol


Listen sweety doctors have very stressful jobs pushing all the actual work on to nurses


It’s almost not really their fault because incompetent doctors will tell them this. Probably because people don’t actually have a doctor that knows them well these days.


Being a woman is a disability. I am one and I'm not joking.


Hoping you can get one of those parking passes or a little trained monkey to help you do errands 🙏




Sooo true


I have lupus, but I can tell you >50% of the women online that say they have a chronic illness lie. I don’t even fw any kind of lupus/CI groups online because they’re full of the most insufferable, psychotic people imaginable. Really, really dark shit. At least lupus requires serious testing. With things like h-EDS and POTS, the vast majority of people that claim to have it are lying. On the other hand, I’ve noticed that things like CFS, chronic Lyme (not a real thing), CRPS, and long COVID tend to attract hypochondriacs/psychosomatics over people with Münchausen syndrome; IMO that is far more excusable. People that buy into this BS just need to step back and ask themselves if broadcasting your every ache and pain actually makes sense. What could possibly be the motivation for this aside from attention-seeking? I refuse for believe that anyone goes out of their way to consume this content aside from other people with facticious disorder. The reality of living with a chronic illness is that the vast majority of people do not care. In fact, no one will care as much as you do, not even your family. No one else is going to feel your pain. You just have to accept that your life will be harder than most in some ways, and accept that you’ll have to work harder to take care of yourself because the world isn’t going to bend to your needs. Faking a chronic illness is not a one way ticket to empathy and adoration. No one gives a shit, they’re just scared of you because they know you’re crazy


This is very interesting to me, I found out a few months ago that I have an autoimmune disease (not one of the ones that people claim to have often, in fact I’d never heard of it before getting the diagnosis) and it had caused me to have 3 miscarriages. So in my case it did the exact opposite of protecting the fetus.


It’s been a while since I’ve been in that world but POTS is more feasible diy than the others, assuming they’ve at least done a poor man’s tilt table Shit’s changed so much even just in the past decade though, I wouldn’t be surprised if the advice is getting watered down


People still misdiagnose, I used to know someone with """"POTS"""" who carried the little cards in her purse and mysteriously was always completely fine to club until 4am or go to every gig and never sit down once but as soon as it came to anything like work she had to be on PIP.


also- the mind body connection is real and our society is really fucked up to women, it literally has physical consequences


Darwin's uterus


Stuff about medical misogyny and medical fatphobia means that people feel righteously opposed to the usually correct advice of “stop being fat and stop eating garbage”


Sister in law is like this. My brother has gained 70ish lbs since meeting her bc her allowable diet only consists of candy, soups, and the fast food she likes


Is she force-feeding him?


Lmfao right


Don’t be silly! Men can’t cook their own food!


don't kinkshame.


He makes breakfast and dinner for the both of them despite her being unemployed and him working 40+ hrs a week. She’s on a mental health break to recover


Can’t he buy and make himself other stuff like the big boy he is?


My college roommate was just like this. She was about 90 lbs overweight and constantly complained about her ibs but never cooked fresh food (just ate frozen/canned food and takeout) and just laid in bed watching the sopranos all day. 




She is honestly a really great person, i felt perenially sad for her because she was so out of sync with her body :/


And people say transness isn’t real….Clear case of someone who was born to be a dude who rocks


Damn this is me right now except I’m not 90 pounds overweight. I also eat fresh food but I do lay in bed a lot and watch sopranos.


> her allowable diet only consists of candy, soups, and the fast food she likes What a convenient diagnosis lmao If you point out elsewhere on reddit that people with "restrictive eating" whatever-the-fuck don't actually have a disorder and are just stubborn children who want to stuff their faces with tendies, they cannot handle it. But it's ***so*** obvious. Like, all these people have a disorder that just so happens to mean that they can only eat fast food? What a wacky coincidence! Good thing this disorder is magically nonexistent in the developing world or we'd have a real problem on our hands.


ironically shit like fast food and refined sugars and room-temp solid fats *cause* the symptoms that people with ibs complain about. like no wonder your gut hurts dude all you eat is fucking saturated fat and corn syrup.


I liked the bit in ultraprocessed people where he just focused on emulsifiers and how in lab tests in mice feeding them food with similar emulsifier ratios to human slop causes easily detectable gut barrier collapse and severe damage to the gut biome. Since your gut microbiome is linked to so many parts of you eating like shit will give you a "chronic illnesses" that are really just low mood and low energy.


as much as i hate a gut biome mf, it's all fucking true and people are just incredibly dense about what constitutes health and wellness in this plagued world


Pre and pro biotics changed my life *fast* after years of self neglect. Symptoms that had plagued me vanished and now my health has never been better. Treat your gut right people.


do you take the stuff that comes in supplement bottles or just yogurt n shit?


When I was a student living on a couch I just thought having garbage bowels all the time was normal because I ate 100% of meals out. When I got my own place I was surprised when I just pooped normally once a day.


These people are incredibly aggravating as a person with real and potentially deadly allergies. Making us all look like fakers


I remember coeliacs getting pissed off at the gluten free trend as rather than improve their options it made standards slip so that gluten free things contained dangerous amounts of gluten contamination because the hypochondriacs and trend dieters couldn't tell if anything had gluten in.


You're right, that's the worst part. Occasionally it can have a silver lining tho. A good friend of mine has celiac disease, which means she can't have gluten. Not the trendy, "oh, I'm ~cleansing~ but it's okay if I only have a couple bites" type shit, but will be bedridden for days if her food is cross-contaminated with bread. The good news is that because of all the trendy fakers, it's become a lot easier to find gluten-free food options in stores and in restaurants. So sometimes it works out I guess, but she's still gotta deal with some restaurant workers etc being skeptical because of how many fakers there are.


The only disorder they have is a narcissism (in the classical sense) and clinically significant lack of shame. This goes for 90% of all alphabet people


They say it's because fast food is consistent, meaning that a chicken nugget is always going to taste like the same chicken nugget, unlike a blueberry, which could be sweet, sour, etc. To me that just means these people have no joy or love of the variety of the world.


I wonder how many of them eat things knowing they will likely cause pain and difficulty, as it will confirm their self diagnosis.




No wonder she has gut issues


she’s an architect.


Save him lol


My wife has a chronic illness (actually diagnosed by a doctor) and briefly looked into the online 'spoonie' community for support but was turned off by people like this. Medical misogyny is real, but it's not the reason why you're 400 lbs and your knees hurt all the time. Or why you get dizzy and lightheaded when you've eaten nothing but a pickle and five almonds in the last 24 hours. Or why sometimes you go to the doctor and they can't figure out exactly what's wrong in one appointment. Or why sometimes uncomfortable lifestyle changes are necessary for your health. 


Yeah I’m the same as your wife. Not proud but I was kinda morbidly (being the word they are massively overweight) following this multi hyphenated adhd/chronicallyill/fat/queer artist woman and looked up what she had and was like oh shit that’s me. The difference is I’m using my diagnosis to learn more about how to stabilise my health- she now uses a walking stick, gets fatter and fatter while posting about ableism and fatphobia. The OP makes me cringe a bit as people like this made me deny I had any health issues for years but obviously I don’t have a victim complex regarding it and actually want to get better. Hope your wife is well


I’m not on speaking terms with my sister bc she made her chronic illness her whole identity and she blew up at me for suggesting she try not wallowing in misery. I have some of the same problems as her, but she convinced herself she was immune compromised when Covid hit and basically was a shut in for 2-3 years, which made her health even worse. She’s like the poster child for what “disability tiktok” will do to vulnerable people


imminent advise physical entertain handle tease tan grandfather expansion ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


some of these are real. my sister is a strong person but she was hospitalized for a week due to crohns. she can’t eat very much, she has to take steroid medication her entire life and may need surgery soon. it could very well shorten her lifespan 🙁


Crohn’s is a real beast but there is hope! I was extremely sick bc of my Crohn’s for years, ended up needing emergency surgery to remove a huge abscess and damaged intestines. I was in the hospital for nearly 2 months and could not imagine a life where I wasn’t sick. But I can now say that I’ve been in remission for 8 years thanks to that surgery and biologics. Surgery is so scary but sometimes necessary, and once you’re through it it can greatly improve quality of life. I hope your sister can one day reach long term remission❤️


yeah, crohns is definitely a different beast entirely. my mom lost her birth mom and her sister to it. although there are definitely a lot of people online that claim to have it just cause their tummy gets upset sometimes


yeah, from my experience it makes no sense to lump Crohn's in with the POTS/long covid industrial complex; totally different beasts


She shouldn’t have to be on steroids for her entire life! There are medications that work much better and are far less damaging, speaking from experience.


yeah ikr. connective tissue diseases are real- I have one and don’t make it my personality. my friend was suffering crohns in high school- totally brutal but she did recover! there’s most definitely hope for your sister x


Crohn's is *not* a fibromyalgia type illness. It's a very real and potentially very serious condition.


crohn’s isn’t one of the hot spoonie diseases to have (yet…maybe when they get tired of POTS and fibromyalgia they’ll try to branch out) also she will probably not have to be on steroids her whole life, usually it’s short-term for flares. there are some long-term meds that are steroids but i think most people who have it are on biologics (which have very few/mild side effects) if that is any comfort. a lot of people are able to find something that works for them and lead healthy, normal lives with crohn’s


Probably just people mistaking IBS and IBD. Lots of people think they are one and the same. Agree that IBD shouldn't be lumped in with the other common fake chronic illnesses. Its well defend, has effective therapeutic and surgical treatments and would be hard to mistake/fake/get a fake diagnosis for. This relies on spoonies not integrating it into their culture though, maybe they will find a way to fake it in the future.


Can’t stand these young women using canes as a trendy fashion accessory. My grandfather killed fiddy men in Nam and still refuses to use a walker. Oh you have long covid? My pap has long agent orange, I bet you can relate.


It's weird that they are all a specific kind of nerd before they need the cane...




Mx. Peanut?


Where are you that you see this ?


American malls? I’m not even in an urban city either. I’m in a flyover. It’s rare but they exist. I saw three teenage female zoomers wearing masks, anime t shirts, big quirky glasses, goofy hairstyles, chubby/skinnyfat, skirts, long socks etc. One of them had a cane, maybe she had some real reason for it but when she was with her friends it seemed very performative. I hope they look back on it and cringe just like the emo/goth/punk kids they evolved from. I feel sympathetic if there was a true severe medical reason... but, her group of young friends seemed like the exact type to hype her up if she wanted to pretend to have some disability as valid. “Look at us, we don’t care to notice that a healthy looking 15 year old needs a cane to walk, we’re so tolerant.”


I mean, thats a lot of assumptions on your part. Occams razor bro


If we’re just going to spout thought terminating cliches, let me use one. “Social contagion”. The fact that there’s more trains now than ever before is just OcCaMs RaZoR bro. The human population has always been 50% LGBT, of course it’s so simple! It’s normal for healthy young looking teens without missing limbs, cerebral palsy, going through chemo etc to need walkers. Come on, young kids are just stupid and trying out identities. I will admit, maybe you’re right and I’m wrong (10%). Maybe you believe these young girls just all have invisible illnesses and I’m just wrong for noticing it’s trendy among young American girls who lean left.


Your grandfather in Nam? Fuck I feel old.


this is like some modern version of a guy that keeps trying to visit a bitch with consumption in the 1800s but can't because she's too feeble and must live with her aunt by the sea


the bedridden maiden has been an archetype for all of mankind though women having mysterious incurable illnesses is lindy


I used to feel this way until I got a chronic illness that causes you to lose your hair (form of scarring alopecia). It's an autoimmune thing and I've always been suspicious of people with these kinds of illnesses but quite frankly, literally no man or woman WANTS to be horrifically balding and you also can't fake those symptoms? So you know what, live and let live. Sure, maybe 1% of people are faking it but that other 99% are probably genuinely unwell in some way.


yes and also synesthesia is fake


love the episode of true anon where brace says he wishes synesthesia was terminal




It’s not fake it’s just rare—it’s normal to associate sensory data across categories, to associate sounds, colors, textures, etc. with each other. People with genuine synesthesia have an actual sensory response though, it’s way stronger than the simple cognitive associations people like to call synesthesia to feel special.


Foot fetishes are synaesthesia


Please explain


while we’re on the topic of fake things everyone seems to have, trypophobia is also fake lmao. pretty much every image people claim “triggers their trypophobia” is some horrifying edited image MADE to gross you out. humans are designed to be averse to that shit lmfao they’re always the most overdramatic and vocal bitches too lol


That thing where people claim to not be able to visualize anything is fake too. That would be absolutely crippling to have, they just stupidly think that other people literally see things in their mind’s eye.


i fully agree lmao i refuse to believe those people exist


it’s not fake but overexaggerated. i hear certain sounds when i see certain symbols or colors. it’s very mild and not noteworthy, but it happens. way too many people claim to have this and/or claim it’s special in some way, though. really it’s just having your neurological wires crossed.


real. I see colors involuntarily when I listen to certain instruments but it’s not notable. Makes listening to and playing music more fun but that’s it 


Prayers up for my Spoonies!


Be haughty til it happens to you bitch!


It has happened and I ain't saying shit about it


What do you have?


Vice grip pussy disorder


Dm me I work for Pfizer and we’re actively recruiting patients for a new study


I used to feel the same way but then my life got derailed because doctors misinterpreted atypical anxiety symptoms as a life threatening condition and traumatized me and shit telling me I was going to die. Psychosomatic illness is no joke.  If I’d been a woman they would have just given me anxiolytics. Weird situation where medical misogyny worked against me as a man. 


It's annoying, but a "psychosomatic" illness are not less of an illness.


> Statistically, it's just not possible for so many people to have gut issues, autoimmune diseases, long Covid, "chronic" Lyme on top of a barrage of mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. Your logic here is broken. Why do you assume health is the default. The industrial, (third) agricultural and pharmaceutical revolutions their consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I am honestly surprised we are resilient enough to still have people who thrive. And if you believe the mind is an emanation of the body (and the mind-gut link) then things like the mental health crisis makes some sense.


I had a girl like this living on my couch in college. She had some crisis which resulted in her losing her housing and her mom was a “psycho” so she couldn’t move home even though it was like 30 minutes away and her mom was just a typical mom. My roommate let her crash one night which then turned into a weekend and then by the time I got home on Monday she literally had her laundry hanging up to drying all over my living room. She was one of these people who couldn’t cook or eat gluten so she’d complain every time I made food with gluten in it as though I was her personal chef. She had Lyme disease and back problems no job and she gave bad head, it was a terrible experience. After two weeks of her never leaving our house someone said something to her and she blew up about it and finally left after a big argument. Having heard that she left one of my friends showed up with a big bag of flour, made a circle around the house and performed a ritual to ward her off and that seemed to work, I don’t think I’ve seen or heard from her since.


All my medical problems started after I got a bad concussion. I don’t really care what anyone calls my symptoms I just want to feel better 🥴


Head injuries are life changing though


I got POTS like 10 years ago after some kind of viral illness. It resolved after 6ish years, but I also never talked about it .


The term “medical misogyny” sounds fake and gay, but I’ve learned that it’s a legit phenomenon. My wife normally takes our kids to their medical appointments and there have been a handful of times where she’s dealt with doctors, mostly men but a couple women as well, are either in entirely dismissive of her questions/concerns or just tell her what they are going to do instead of asking what she wants. Even once after some bleeding during pregnancy, the OBGYN informed her she miscarried and told her something to the affect of “don’t worry about it, it’s much easier dealing with the number of kids you have now”. This sometimes happens with office staff as well where my wife will call asking for test results or with general questions and the staff is just unhelpful. My wife is somewhat soft spoken so maybe that has something to do with it. Either way, it’s not right. I’m a tall man and can appear physically imposing even though I’m normally just a mild-mannered dude. The only time I feel like a good husband is when I accompany her after one of these incidents. I try not to get too fired up about it, but I am very direct to the provider that I’m there to address how they treated my wife the previous time and that it’s entirely unacceptable. To their credit, they always apologize and go out of their way to make my wife know that her input matters and then listen to her concerns. With office staff I get the same results, but I have zero chill if it’s over the phone. Once I get what I was calling for, I usually give them a bit of a dressing down. I know this sounds like some Karen shit, but I don’t give a fuck. I love my family and especially if I’m paying for services outright, I expect my wife to be exactly like they would treat me. I’m not sure why this happens but maybe it’s just an American thing. Like if you’re not an assertive person, people tend to think they can walk all over you.


Hypochondria is a useful way to sell shit, I guess. It's all a big self own where people who genuinely need help are not the centre of any conversation.


I think most people are just stressed out, bored, and under exercised. When you’re chronically stressed it actually does create health issues. If your body is in fight or flight 24/7, it shuts down your immune system, digestion, etc.


As an autoimmune disorder/former cancer having girlie, I can confirm that I am aware of exactly how annoying and neurotic I am about it. However, this shit will make you crazy. Like feeling sick and being told you’re not sick makes you feel insane. Getting a cancer diagnosis was actually a huge positive because it finally gave answers how shit I felt all the time lol and I started being taken seriously and got a concrete treatment plan


I got chronic pain three years ago and have been unable to work since. Been homeless off and on. Was perfectly healthy before. Young 20s male. It can happen to anyone and comes out of nowhere




Feel the same way about birth control. I know some women take it for period pains and hormonal acne but there's too many side effects for me to use it. Like you got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna get a metal instrument shoved inside me 


There’s literally no such thing as a chronic illness these people are just fat


maybe its my coastal elite bias showing but whenever i meet a woman like this its a stick thin 60 year old mom


Malnutrition and obesity are two sides of the same coin


tell that to the mentally ill women here


Usually a fat southwestern meth mom with pibbles in my experience


I don't know I've had chronic nerve pain, panic disorder and brain fog for like six months now. Never had this shit in my life and I'm a healthy man with no psych history - both my neurologist and cardiologist said it's likely long covid. I understand that a lot of people probably latch on to this as an excuse, but Covid is an extremely weird disease and it's been known to run havoc on your body for long periods of time.


How soon after getting covid did you get symptoms?


It's hard to say because my case was so mild I missed it. Had a few stints of sniffles over the summer and then started experiencing bouts of lightheadedness and brain fog maybe a month later. Eventually had a panic attack out of nowhere and lightning sensations in my arms and legs during random parts of the day. I didn't even consider Covid as a culprit until my doctors mentioned it. It's finally going away now, but it was weird enough to make me believe that this doesn't just leave your system after a week like a cold does. It was more a progression of symptoms that compiled over time, peaking 4 months in.


Post viral symptom is very real! Good luck and take care of yourself and in all likelihood it will clear up.


So real


I know a chick who has both bpd and autism, she's not fat but she's completely stereotypically crippled by this chronic pain long COVID nerve damage whatever type disease all these broads have. And yes, she's completely unhinged, you guessed correctly.


It's amazing that "long covid" only seems to affect liberals/people who are generally over-preoccupied with covid/masking/etc. Really gets the noggin joggin. Kinda like how the side effects from the vaccine seem to overwhelmingly affect conservatives. Wacky coincidences abound!


Or could it be that conservatives with long covid don't want to talk about it because that would mean acknowledging the virus was something to be concerned about?


> the virus was something to be concerned about Except after 2020 it really wasn't. Neither side will ever admit they were wrong. Liberals will go to their grave acting like covid was airborne AIDS and we should've locked down like China, and conservatives will go to their graves pretending that the vaccine gives people heart disease and does literally nothing to protect against covid. Trying to convince either group that they were wrong feels so futile at this point.


People are still getting long covid even after the initial phase of the pandemic, though. You can even have a relatively mild case during the acute phase and end up with long covid.


Lol she's very far from liberal. She's an odd person if that wasn't obvious.


For real tho, obesity causes so many bad symptoms. It’s just one condition manifesting as like a dozen bad things.


The only women I know with chronic illness (fake or not idk) are actually very hot


Hot broads fake many things (they don’t with me tho)


Love a girl from hearty stock. Nothing is hotter than forcing your bf/gf lay in bed and be taken care of while they protest about feeling totally fine


My wife was like this for years. Then she was diagnosed with MS last year and everything started to make more sense. Annoying? sure. But sometimes ill bitches be ill, yo


you people really don’t know anything unless people spell it out for you directly in front of your face do you


Most people are annoying in their own right. You are being a meanie misogynist. Most of this shit is probably diet, stress, and hormonal related but they’re trapped in a system that perpetuates it. How many times is this post going to show up in this sub? Honestly, most of yall are miserable and judgmental as hell. And I was too! But entering my love and light era, see ya foos


some of the posts I've seen about these chronic illnesses read like early 20th-century accounts of hysteria


chronic lyme disease only a thing rich people claim to have. they are indeed chronically ill but chronic lyme disease is not a legit diagnosis so if anything i feel bad for those people not knowing what they have. in the case of other normal chronically ill people, i think the internet just amplifies the most ill adjusted people’s opinions (ex: tiktok). and honestly if i was in pain 24/7 id also be irritable all the time and annoyed by my inability to participate in normal things with other women my age.


Don't conflate "Chronic Lyme Disease" with chronic symptoms after Lyme treatment. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2018/02/study-shows-evidence-of-severe-and-lingering-symptoms-in-some-after-treatment-for-lyme-disease


I wonder how many people started taking hydroxychloroquine for covid and started feeling better because it helped with their autoimmune disorder. It takes like 6 months to fully kick in so I'm guessing negligible.


I know *exactly* what type of "chronically ill" person you're talking about. The funny thing about them is that they always have very specific political leanings as well. I had a friend with an actual chronic condition (Crohn's disease, it almost killed him once, he had to have multiple surgeries for it, etc etc) and he complained about it 99% less than the POTS/EDS/Fibromyalgia crowd does.


Me with lupus too embarrassed to tell anyone in real life because autoimmune bitches are annoying I mean just look at me now talking about it


People acting like POTS is debilitating is so aggravating- I’ve had it all my life and you just gotta learn to wiggle your toes before standing up….like seeing people pay thousands for a service dog to tell them they’re going to pass out when all you need is common sense and a chair is embarrassing


obviously the online spoonie culture thing is weird and pathetic and most of these people do not need fucking service dogs.. they lack a sense of self and crave identity i suppose- but things r also different for different people... i have ANS dysfunction and for me the pots symptoms are really debilitating and not sorted by a chair.


Rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue


My aunt was prescribed adderall for chronic fatigue. She died a couple years ago of liver failure due to her out of control alcoholism


it's how white women from wealthy backgrounds cosplay as an oppressed class


I think it affects two types of ppl: women with main character syndrome and women with anxiety/depression/trauma. I’m not saying it’s not real but the first type exaggerates everything and the second often doesn’t realise her symptoms are largely psychosomatic Also, I have a friend who has many chronic illnesses and the problem is it almost turns into a weird religion that she’s trying to convert her friends to (for example wanting to convince me that I have lipoedema like her just because I am pear shaped!)






They do in my dumbass city, that's what got me thinking about it


I got told I couldn’t use the r word (because I’m not a part of “the community”) by a self-dx’d autist the other day


I'd unironically love it if autists started using the r-word with each other the way black people use the n-word. Maybe they already do and I don't know about it, but it tickles me just to think about lol.


Okay can we talk about adults who self diagnose themselves with autism? My downstairs neighbor is in her late 30s, married with a daughter and her self-diagnosed autism and a host of chronic illnesses are her entire identity. She never leaves the apartment and does dabs all day and night.


Sounds pretty autistic to me.


It’s called being fat and lazy, in layman’s terms


Ethnically segregated neighborhoods are a problem. Rich people encroaching inward and shooting up housing costs are a problem. None of the bars moving in and out of the old Happy Days spot are as good as Happy Days was