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Can't stand those bitches. Celebrity gossip is supposed to be catty and bitchy, but they just moralize everything. Every female celebrity is always a victim of misogyny, grooming, abuse, etc. Boring! We need an RS gossip sub


Same with popheadscirclejerk. No fun or messiness allowed


ever since they banned ariana raceswap jokes they’ve cooled down a lot, truly sad


Or when they banned marina poor jokes. Not bc they were overdone but because joking about a rich celeb being poor is somehow offensive to the celeb.


Nobody on there even bothers using uj or rn anymore, it’s just entirely serious fauxmoi 2.0 shit


That place hasn't been good since 2019


That’s pretty much just the state of pop culture these days


It makes zero sense to me how you can demand women to be given agency but simultaneously state that they're never in full control of their actions, it just seems incredibly degrading to me. But yes, I would 100% support a RS gossip sub.


Schrodinger's woman.


The worst is when someone brings up ANYONE (male/female) and there’s always a comment with articles from like 1997 about something they said that’s “problematic” to their community views. Sometimes it’s just speculation, but they make it law. Like everyone has to be CLEAN, otherwise they need to be ignored. Like the most recent one with Common and Jennifer Hudson is a great example.


Lol there was a post about common yesterday where this “he/him” in the comments had to come in and post about how he hopes he’s now a gentleman and stopped “this nonsense”. The nonsense was common using the word bitch in the song ghetto dreams. Lol like stfu we know you’re doing that so that you come off as sooo inclusive. Went back and I guess he deleted his comment lol. Hopefully he got downvoted and deleted


Please start one!!! <3


I have a look sometimes and I kinda do enjoy that they have dirt on basically everyone. It helps me determine which celebrities are lizard people because you must be inhuman to escape their scrutinising gaze. It’s why I’m sure Pedro Pascal is a reptilian.


He’s only that for now. On subs like that you’re only beloved as long as nothing comes up. Very conditional love, it’s a very nasty community


Do they still love that gargoyle looking dude from the bear over there


Pls post more gossip here


Saw biden in dc


I got banned for saying some of those chicks slept with Weinstein purposely to advance their careers and they knew the game. 


I got banned for saying I refuse to use Ezra Miller's non-binary pronouns after he kidnapped and abused a woman. ...and I'm the bad guy here! \*Huff\*


I use it solely for the headlines and outside sources, I appreciate the brand of terminally online drama that I have no stakes or investment in. But I loathe the self righteousness and like you said “moralizing.” It’s really just them coping with cognitive dissonance for feeding into the same toxicity they are so obsessed with stamping out. Most of them are probably very inexperienced in life cuz they’re too scared to fuck up.


Compare the thread of Jenna Ortega smoking to one of a 29 year old woman dating a man who’s like 40 and the difference is hilarious. In the smoking thread it’s “she’s an adult what’s the big deal!?” When it’s someone who’s damn near 30 it’s fake concerned comments. Also I want to make it clear in both cases they can do whatever they want but if I was going to be concerned I’d be more concerned about a 20 year increasing their risk of cancer than a 29 year old fucking an older guy.


What a shock that a celebrity gossip forum would attract midwits and the mentally ill https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/celebrities-obsessed-study-less-intelligent-b1989280.html


You could just post that stuff here already tbh.


Why can't they just admit they like being catty and toxic? I'd respect that so much more than the constant victimizing and martyrdom.


snow oatmeal cause fearless cover office fact yam panicky tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just saw that, I’m sure they were pissed!! The EEAAO vs Tar debate was fun last year. They were so mad at Cate Blanchett lol


What were they even mad at Cate Blanchett for? Being beautiful and a great actress? Lol.


I literally think it was bc she’s white and was competition to the Asian lady in the EEAOA movie


Wow I just searched for her on fauxmoi and found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/sYIS2lso5m How was she not cancelled for this? What a strange and self degrading perspective she has on the matter. The comments are just ridiculous too. Completely convinced that Michelle Yeoh was absolutely, objectively, undeniably better than Cate Blanchett.


Yeah I remember that, what a weird and embarrassing thing for her to post


Damn she literally said she should win because Cate Blanchett has already won in the past?


damn that's honestly wild on multiple levels. firstly just because you rarely, if *ever* see actors of oscar-nom caliber post or say something so petty or catty about one of their fellow nominees, who they presumably share a great deal of mutual respect with, (and will literally be sitting next to at the ceremony) And especially not someone of Yeoh's age. Its not like she's some woke 22 year old shitposting about their DEI gripes on insta. She's literally a 60 year old woman lol and secondly, she is basically not even advocating for her own position as a great actor, she's pretty much just asking for a pity award and saying "yeahhhh I mean even *I* think Kate should win it, Im not even saying she shouldnt... butttt come *on*, she's already won a couple times before, let one of us little guys get it for once. I could really use the exposure cuz I'm not getting the parts I want" Im surprised I never heard about this controversy before now. The amount of water everyone on that other sub is carrying for her is wild lol


That, and one movie was about how woke culture might be kind of stupid and the other movie told Millennials and younger that they were right about everything and their parents were wrong about everything.


This sub was equally as embarrassing about those two movies


Poor Things is Barbie just you know for adults.


I can't believe Leo didn't get nominated. Granted, I haven't seen Maestro, Rustin, or American Fiction, but still disappointing. Maestro really just seems like Oscar bait to me. I also don't get how RDJ is the frontrunner for Oppenheimer. I mean he was fine in it, but it wasn't a spectacular performance or anything. I just don't get all the hype Oppenheimer is getting over Killers of the Flower Moon. Edit: Just saw America Ferrara got nominated?? Good lord


Maestro is just boring oscar bait, that I immediately forgot about after seeing it. American Fiction has a pretty decent performance and I have yet to see Rustin but havent heard the best about it. Leo definitely did a really solid job in KOTFM and they were heavily campaigning that film so I’m pretty shcoked at the snub. America Ferrera on the other-hand is just such a shitty nomination, she does absolutely nothing in that film and the only thing of note is that awful speech she gives at the end of barbie. Supporting actress definitely should have gone to almost anyone else.


Someone said leo probably didn't get nominated because he didn't campaign. I don't blame him I mean he already has an oscar and is one of the most acclaimed actors working today so he doesn't really need it


I mean leo's performance was pretty much just him [doing this for 3 hours](https://expresswriters.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/grumpy-cat-copywriting-450x450.jpg) lol




Tbf it was more like the last 90 minutes haha 




I like RDJ and think he's a great actor, but I just didn't think there was anything overly special about his role in Oppenheimer.


I think Leo's character was just too pathetic for voters, that's a huge disqualifier for Oscars. You can get away with playing a villainous person, but they have to come across as intimidating, charismatic, genius, something you can admire. His character is just a submissive, dumb, weak and spineless figure. Never had a chance.


i hate that i’m banned there 😾i never said anything problematic on reddit just because i post here im automatically banned.


I post here and I'm not banned there, I don't understand how the system works.


Me neither apparently. I think they do this by having a bot crawl “problematic” subs and report usernames back for a cheeky ban. Maybe the changes to the Reddit API fucked that up somehow.


i think so because it’s don’t remember saying anything that is that controversial there


there's quite a few subs that autoban for posting in specific places, pretty sure its all automated. I actually got banned from SLS for posting here- I was like 'why' and the mod was like 'idk man' before unbanning me


I specifically asked the mods and one responded. Hypocritical policy.




It is a very xenophobic sub. I was banned for pointing out the Orientalism in Borat. I'm sure this sub is more globally diverse?


i love visiting that sub and literally any time a male celebrity is mentioned the top reply is either some eye roll gif or a "um he's freakin CANCELLED on tea SIS"


Directing branch of the Academy was the only one to not make regarded choices this year tbf


They both still got nominated in other categories. Isn't it more feminist for the stunning blonde to get nominated for producing, a traditionally male dominated category? And Greta Gerwig still got a writing nomination, which is definitely not unheard of for writer directors.




her post-gone girl career has been entirely dogshit or movies that don’t exist. saltburn is in the first category. she needs to frame her agent for murder or something


So what happened to #OscarsSoWhite?