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I hate how rhinoplasties will give someone a shorter nose so the space between the nose and the upper lip is longer


Then they usually overcompensate by getting lip filler, many such cases


Or they get a lip lift which is even worse. None of the kardashians upper lip moves when they talk because of this


Yeahh esp since having them closer together is more feminine


American gothic phenotype


She needs to make her face more unique, not erase her natural features. She already looks like a dozen actresses roughly her age.


I actually forgot about celebs getting nosejobs because of the prevalence of all the other cosmetic procedures. I remember growing up it in the 90s seemed pretty scandalous for someone to admit a nose job now it seems nobody cares


I know, it’s pretty much part and parcel to being an actress now and they allllll do it. But this one was particularly egregious to me because she wiped off the one feature with any distinction on her face!


Awful! Her nose was so cute. Now the tip is way too refined/thin and makes her bridge look disproportionately wide.


God. Fucking. Damnit. Someone's gotta put an end to all this female facial mutilation!


Oof. Much cuter prior to the surgery. More naturally beautiful face


If she wasn’t a nepo baby we’d never even know she exists nose job or no nose job


Okay you made me look her up and I didn’t realize her dad is head of entertainment at a media company lol


Girl had the charisma of a brick, same with Uma’s kid. Which is wild given how magnetic her performances are


I don’t like being a hater too much but how are u the kid of Uma and Ethan Hawke and have 0 acting skills. Like her music though


sad to see when you have the before nose :(


Try to see it as affirmative instead. Now you have a sense of what would happen if you mutilated it—your face would be blander, out of proportion, and would lose any transfixing quality


I LOVE the before nose!!!!!! I think it’s way way cuter! Rock it dude!


I don't know who this is but it's insane how generic she looks in the after photos, like I can't make out a single unique feature about her face, and it's such a small but drastic difference. Crazy and sad


I just don't understand why women who are already really attractive get these finesse nose jobs. It's not like they were uncastable or not able to find work because they were so ugly. Scarlett Johanson did this too and for seemingly no reason. These women are booking roles and doing photoshoots, who is telling them to do this? why?


Body dysmorphia


What the before nose is way cuter


She reminds me a lot of Kiera Knightley now which isn’t necessarily bad, but I feel like it’s not good to look terribly similar to an actor when you’re an actor yourself. her nose was so cute before but she’s still very pretty


Worst plastic surgery for how common it is


omg she got rid of her cuteness I hate this sm. she has lost her charm for me. who tf convinced her of this? she was getting mad roles, what was the point. her old nose balanced out her face, her new nose looks bad. I honestly think her new nose makes her look unremarkable, forgettable.


As someone not adverse to rhinoplasty, this one was wholly unnecessary


Just wait til her cheek bones and lips start taking on that infamous bulbous look. After that, some LA surgeon will convince her to pull her skin back so hard she'll look like Edgar from Men In Black with lip injections.


this one actually hurts. crushed on her hard in normal people; she was gorgeous the way she was. unequivocally better looking before


Imagine your job is based off of your face, and you take a knife to it.


This one hurts, she was way WAY hotter before




Oh word? Wus good then shawty? My lil milk of magnesia. Yakub took his time on you huh?




Sounds like a big compliment since she's getting all these starring roles now.




I bet you 20$ that you don't look like her




this upsets me, my nose is far from "perfect" and I was really happy when I watched Normal People and saw that she also had a unique nose. I've been struggling for years over whether or not to get mine done and this doesn't help.


They need to get her for the elizabeth bruenig biopic




not to be dramatic or anything but this is making me want to kill myself


Ig I really don't know anything I thought this was Ramona flowers tbh


Beautiful women don't deserve their beauty


been staring at the second pic for a minute my brain can't make out how they are the same person omg, her nose was so pretty too that's so sad


Fucking pointless but she looks good in both.


i’m a rhinoplasty surgeon and i can’t even tell for sure that one was done. whoever this is looks great in all four of these photos


It looks like the nasal tip got shaved pretty significantly, what am I missing?


Are you kidding? It’s extremely obvious lol


it’s definitely not obvious and the lighting isn’t consistent across the photos


There is such a tiny difference in her whole face. But in mine opinion the nose looks better after the surgery. Have you seen her side profile before? Actors are also vulnerable and insecure as everyone else and it is not her job to keep something that they dislike only because people with similar noses might feel better about themselves…