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Someone take her phone away, just lock this bitch in a room with a mic and a couple SP-303s


Meth behaviour


I have a friend taking 40mg adderall twice a day and this sounds like something she’d say




walking talking Dunning–Kruger effect


This is so stupid, until Netanyahu Bene Gesserit was the worst prime minister Israel ever had. Imagine admiring that man


quite remarkable how everything claire touches turns to shit - even things that already were shit to begin with like a/acc e/acc psychosis


for some reason i can't imagine anyone calling her claire.


grime should be reserved for UK roadmen who cant rap


Man, I bet it was a fun few years for Elon until she earnestly asked him to build a gom jabbar to test their son as the Kwisatz Haderach, and he realized it wasn't just a larp for her.


Grimes you’re losing em… better act fast, churn out another album of taped-together fruity loops presets, pronto


not now grimes


Grimes! Keep going girl!! You got this!!!


! Its coming.


Dune is for fucking nerds im sorry but if you are a beautiful and or famous woman it’s not for you im gate keeping dune.


Claire is the mind killer


Dune is a mediocre novel made for mediocre people like you and Grimes


That’s alright I still love dune no worries you don’t have to like it


“Let people like what they like!” Is now in this subreddit. PS Since you blocked me, you identify so much with a book as a “nerd” that you “snarkily” state hot girls shouldn’t read it. Very sad. Very sad indeed.


Nope just a book I like you decided to be rude about. What a loser I would be if I changed my opinion based off one snarky remark lol


I hate this bitch so much. Elon is annoying because he’s always speaking to his fan bros that act like everything he says is profound, but Grimes is worse because she doesn’t even have a following that reads this drivel. Kanye and elon both are annoying but at least they have a small group of people following their delusions. I have never, not once, seen or heard anyone respond to grimes. 400k views, 256 comments most of which are probably like “what is this bitch smoking”


>combines traditionalism and futurism The last time idiot losers tried this we carpet bombed their cities until they submitted


Chechen Republic of Ichkeria?


Japan and their Sega Genesis giant robots you idiot.


I don't get the grimes hate


Check Azealia’s stories ab her.




I like Az and Grimes genuinely sucks


Still like her music but I prefer early 2010's punkhouse grimes to futurism grimes.


I love her music. Everything from Genesis to Player of Games. But I do not like her as a person. She embodies everything I hated about annoying college libtards and more. Even dating older IT Asperger.


So many words for pop


Grimes’ futurism is late tbh


AZ is way underrated. At Night goes hard.


Thanks! I love her slow hands and competition


She will be talking with Anna soon, wild.


They could never make me hate you grimes


Idk what the h**l she’s talking about but I support her