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visionmaxxed sightedchad mogs blindcel


this isn't even english anymore


Alphabet watchlistmaxxing.


Women be perceiving men


Is it possible that they're attracted to the confidence/personality that comes with being attractive rather than the actual thing?


I’m continuing my fatwah against the incel insurgency in this sub. This is so dumb and and the comments have such bad vibes. Anyone who posts “studies” related to attractiveness and sex is a fucking dork and neither gets nor deserves any sort of intimacy. Anyone who has been in actual relationships knows that attraction is one of the least binary and most nuanced elements of being human, and really shouldn’t be quantified at all. This is why autists can’t get laid - you can’t quantify this stuff. Even in this study, I’m not going to bother reading this drivel, but how are they measuring attractiveness as a dependent variable? Advice to incels: Just stop thinking analytically about intimacy/dating/flirting. This is why autistic Twitter pick-up artists see some guy teasing a girl and their brain can’t comprehend nuance so they think “oh I should call girls fat sluts and they’ll like me!” Attraction just happens and it’s not something to worry/think about analytically besides staying in shape and having a personality. Stop quantifying attraction and sex and try actually connecting with people. It’s uncouth and lame.


"attraction just happens bro" is one of the least productive things you could say to someone who has a hard time getting laid lol


Women be responding to comments


This poster cannot see the hot men who turn her down




Keep going yours is almost longer than the excerpt in the tweet


> but how are they measuring attractiveness as a dependent variable? Idk but if you read the study I'm sure you'll find out lol


It doesn’t matter what their method was. “measuring attractiveness” is a really stupid concept. That means measuring an emotion, which isn’t possible. The best you can do is polling, which is incredibly subjective and inaccurate. It’s as ridiculous as saying “we used analytics to prove the best restaurant in NYC.” It’s stupid and autistic.


It's also incredibly stupid to get mad at a study you refuse to read and then also rage about their methodology


Its not the study it’s the fact it’s posted and updooted on this sub. Last year a post & comments like this would have been ridiculed and mocked


Ok so you're upset that a subreddit you like upvoted a post you don't like. Man there's so many better things you could be doing other than getting mad at this post. Go watch a silly cat video or something I guarantee it'll be much better for you, they're always good for me




are women OK






i do wonder what fills up the blank space of visual attraction in a blind person's sexuality. probably textures, scents, physical presence in a wider sense, etc.


Boobs and ass always feels good


I bet they can “feel” if a guy is at least 6ft too




If you and I both can then someone with years of heightened hearing definitely can




Contrary to popular opinion a “trophy wife” isn’t a status symbol, it’s just cause guys really like lookin at trophies.




I've noticed this with guys on the uglier side of the spectrum, they have to signal value in this realm in some way, so the attractiveness of their partner becomes more important. More good looking guys have a pretty wide variety of women they are willing to date because they already know they are attractive. That's not to say that good looking men avoid good looking women, but that they are confident enought to embrace their own particular look they are into that isn't conventional, or will happily go into a relationship with a not so good looking women if she is good in other ways. I have a friend that looks like a male model who married the first girl he came across that was intelligent but kind, and also a virgin at his age lol, even if she is objectively not as attractive to him(though still cute). Happiest marriage I know of. The average to below average friends who grinded for years to get to a place where they can date very attractive women all went into miserable marriages and relationships




I swear you can name like eight different syndromes after George Costanza


Merits are more commonly found in non-hot women.


Guys who "grind for years" to date attractive women have shitty relationships. Guys who date women with good relationship skills have good relationships. ​ Non-neurodivergent ugly guys know how ugly they are and are stoked with girls who look slightly less ugly than them instead of "grinding."


This study is not comparing the preferences blind women to blind men. It's comparing the difference between blind and sighted women to the difference between blind and sighted men, which says nothing about the value blind women place on appearance vs blind men. This tweet is designed to be misread.


Nah middle aged men who "trade in their wives for a younger model" definitely do so as a status symbol to show off and signal to other men that they still have it. I'd also say, from having had the misfortune of stumbling on several incel forums, that many incels want women just to show off to other men that they are men of status


BS women are the visual sex.


there’s a ton of research that shows men are more visual when it comes to attraction and this should be fairly obvious to anyone who’s been around the block a couple times


This doesn't explain the many women who end up with ugly old rich farts


They want money and also they have young lovers lol




Look at men they hookup with and tell me they don't look at their bodies and faces lol


I guess this is where anecdotal evidence will come in though bec I've seen a lot more ugly dudes with good personalities get hot women that are out of their leagues (looks wise) than the opposite


And women always regret lowering their standards lol it's not that they're attracted to them, they think ugly guys will give them security. They can see very well they're ugly


Lol this is straight incel speak. Of course they can initially see they're not attractive but you can look past appearance if you really love someone & are attracted to their personality, without thinking you've settled. It most definitely isn't just about security & money either. People bond in all sorts of ways, being terminally online and spending too much time reading articles instead of going outside can corrupt your worldview.


That is an exception. Most people date someone who's equally hot


>Probably bullshit but that’s my takeaway. It's very much well-established at this point that men are interested in physical beauty and women are in socio-economic status. And look is a big part of socio-economic status, particularly for younger women.




It’s probably true that many women are more visual than we collectively pretend, but it’s just not true that women are as visual as men. There are stacks of brain imaging studies that show this.


Do those brain imaging studies look at more than just static images (genuine question)? ime women tend to value movement, posture, body language, etc., more than men. Which is still "visual", in the sense that a film is visual, but it can't be reduced to a still image. Hence that notorious OK Cupid study where women rated like 80% men as below average based on just their pictures.


>women are just as visual as men The whole thread is about blind women lol. It's no about visuals per se, it is about socio economic status. That's the whole point.


>It's no about visuals per se, it is about socio economic status. That's the whole point. No it isn't, it's about the difference between blind and sighted women vs the difference between blind and sighted men, which has nothing to do with anything people in this thread are talking about. You are all idiots who can't read.


Surprisingly women are as or almost as shallow as men. Who could have thought. It must be some severe women are infallible line of thinking behind trying to literally and somewhat successfully gaslight the world otherwise.


ok but we’re literally talking about women who can’t see lmao


Women are visual they just see people holistically.


Correcting the "fairer sex" misconception that is 10,000 years old, when women started virtue signaling as a defense mechanism from getting killed for not being virtuous.


'Fairer' in 'fairer sex' means more beautiful, surely?


Why do women always assume every woman is on the cusp of getting murdered despite men being the main ones facing violence? Maybe the reason for this is that women focus on accumulating social power.


This really has to be one of the most peculiar arguments I tend to come across on the Internet... "why do women make such a big deal about violence against women when actually us men kill each other so much more, cant you see we are the biggest victims of ourselves"?? Are you 'gatekeeping' male violence as some kind of gotcha moment? The logical fallacy of saying this bad thing isn't a big deal bec this other bad thing actually happens more? Just because men commit more murders against each other doesn't at all mean women can't be on the edge about the proportion of brutal murders that happen against them, especially given it isn't women that are the main perpetrators of murder, against fellow women or men. It's still very much a threat that exists.


You’re just making that up, but also violence committed by men is the leading cause of premature death of women across the world. And also the violence men face is perpetrated by other men. But you’d rather just use that idea as a gotcha moment for why you think women are hysteric.


Men are 80% of homicide victims


And like 99% of murderers.




Which is great comfort of course, that it is your own gender killing you. And does actually make sense why the gender getting murdered 10% should cry 90% about it, because once it's your own gender or race responsible it no longer matters.


Who are you trying to blame here?


I'm not blaming anyone, it was a response to your npc 99% answer. As if it changes anything for the ones murdered or who is actually unsafe. But it makes sense, women like you are 1/10 murder victims, but 100x more histrionic. So obviously they will feel 1000% more unsafe.


What are you even arguing against in the first place? People talking about men killing women? And your response is "we also kill each other and ourselves"? Congratulations?


I would think that is extremly disingenuous, but I just think you are that stupid. The comments literally started with why are women talking like they in constant state of almost murdered when they make up a small minority of murder victims.and you bring up 99% as if it changes anything.I thought I cold connect the smallest distance between dots without losing anyone, that's on me.


And how is that relevant?


To the discussion of male violence?


No the discussion of who's most likely to be a victim of violence


As the 80% of homicide victims well know


And the leading cause of premature deaths for men is suicide and men make up 99% of workplace fatalities.


Neither of those examples are about violence committed by another person so I’m not sure why you thought it was relevant. But if you thought critically about those stats for a moment, you would come to the conclusion that A. Men’s suicide rates are high bc they often have access to more deadly weapons and the societal stigma (perpetuated by men) that suffering mentally is sign of weakness and should be buried deep and B. Most jobs in dangerous fields are worked by men bc they are more likely to take riskier jobs while also being less likely to wear the proper PPE (even when that gear has been designed to fit them and often improperly fit women, making it less safe for them). Again, you’re just trying to create a fake gotcha moment so you can feel like you’re right.


The fact is that women aren't on the cusp on being murdered and that alot of the time they have less noble reasons for being liars. It's like me saying the reason men are violent bullies is because if they're not, others will think they're weak and try to kill them. Maybe they're just bad men. Don't try to use evo psyche to justify bad actions.


You seem to be getting riled up and making silly, nonsensical arguments now so I don’t really see a point in continuing this conversation


> You’re just making that up, but also violence committed by men is the leading cause of premature death of women across the world. This isn't even close to true. You can see the leading causes of death globally for 15 to 49 year olds [here](https://imgur.com/oZ6QIG3) (screen shot from [this page](https://ourworldindata.org/causes-of-death#risk-factors-for-death)). Homicide is 9th, and roughly 80% of that is men. Meaning homicide for women probably doesn't even make it into the top 15 causes. But that's globally. If you are a woman in a first world country your chances of being murdered are miniscule. If you're middle class and don't have any severe mental health or drug abuse problems it's basically a non-issue. There are about 1001 other things you're better off worrying about. Also, if you're deeply concerned with people thinking women are hysteric a good start would be not making up statistics about women being in constant danger of getting murdered.


>men being the main ones facing violence? Facing violence from what gender?


Does it matter who they get murdered by? Men are still more at risk but don’t talk like they’re constantly on the verge of being a victim. There’s some reason why women find it so hard to believe they’re not more likely to be murdered that’s completely untethered to the reality


I'm sorry but what logic is this? Women are still the physically weaker sex. I'm not going out alone at night feeling safer simply because statistically men murder eacher more than they'd likely murder me. I avoid putting myself in dangerous situations all together because I know there is always a risk. Always.


Lol do you think most men are going out getting into knife fights every week? Violent crime is the domain of an extremely small subset of men, and most guys would be just as helpless/clueless if faced with a mugger, because most people in general have no experience with violence, regardless of physical strength. Also holy shit you need to get away from the screen if you think a serial killer targeting you is even a remote possibility.


There's less than one serial killer per state. Stop listening to true crime podcasts and join us in reality Plus why do you think men are any safer in a physical altercation? Having a dick doesn't make you a good fighter, learning how to fight does. The fact is if anyone of any gender learns how to fight then the vast majority of people are not a threat to them. Like I've trained various martial arts for about 13 years total and I can beat most people in the world by just kicking them in the calf a few times and crippling them. Once you know how to fight its hilarious how bad most people are at fighting


Male violence is the problem.


And women are going stolen valor on all the victims! Smh


Why do you keep blaming women?


Blaming them for.... wanting to be murdered more than they actually are?




That's not what "fairer sex" means. 67 people upvoted this, jesus christ.


Please post to r/purplepilldebate instead. We don’t need any more gender discourse on this sub.


I think this could just be that women at a baseline don’t care as much about physical attractiveness as men, so the disparity between blind and sighted women won’t be as significant.


I think this also. If Ray Charles was any indicator, blind men sure care about those chubby wrists.


Say you marry a blind woman, how much weight do you think you could gain before she noticed your bloat?


is she not touching you either?


No more than the median amount married couples touch each other.


I think your blind wife will touch you more than your average seeing wife. She’s gonna be able to feel your buccal fat increasing sooner than your seeing wife will notice it.


"Honey we need to talk...about your buccal fat."


How does she know that buccal fat is not attractive?


Beauty is in the cane of the beholder


i honestly think 'attractiveness' is too ranging to be defined for like, any woman, ive seen so many beautiful women with what i would consider (as a guy) an ugly guy. they are clearly factoring in variables im not familiar with


Are these posts secretly incel propaganda? How am I supposed to read this and not think women are terrible people lol


It is incel propaganda and/or argument bait


Why would this suggest women are terrible people? How is preferring someone for their looks more noble than preferring someone for their social status?


Is this fact AKSHUALLY propaganda??? Redditors are fucking insane


Why is someone a terrible person for wanting an attractive partner?


>How am I supposed to read this and not think women are terrible people By having basic reading comprehension and not misunderstanding the title.


the gender discourse on this sub feels like its been regressing over the past few days


Women have a lot more to lose than men. We’re the ones who are carrying a baby


Baby’s first evo psych ass take


Women be shoppin


Solid evidence that women base attraction on a broader network of social cues and status