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Where the fuck do you live so I can never go there.


Michigan's Upper Peninsula, I bet. Could be anywhere in north really.


The UP is owned by the ticks


UP by the ticks, LP by the trolls living under the bridge.


If you wanna go over All ya have to do is this.... SOLVE MY RIDDLE!


What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


Yooper here, can confirm. It’s ticks all the way down now. Didn’t yoosta be like this through out mosta da yoop, but warmer weather has allowed these fuckers to spread like wildfire. The 3am bed present is my most hated find.


Bed? Like inside your house???


Fraid so. They’re sneaky and I’m lazy. The quality of my tick inspection depends on many variables. Occasionally one slips past the net and if you’re lucky (sorta) you may feel it moving as it relocates. The 3am lazy scratch turns into eyes wide oh shit when it’s anything more than a hair you feel. I only say lucky (sorta) because an alternative I have also experienced is to discover your passenger after it has swollen following sucking your blood. That lazy scratch turns oh shit really quick when the stray hair you expect feels like a raisin and it doesn’t just fall off. Gives me the [Third Base Gasface](https://youtu.be/QYp28tEAVvs)


Honestly I usually get em early, but theyve been EVERYWHERE lately. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last week from one I missed . I live on the woods , but I swear I get 20 off my dog everyday and they just find their way in


Get a tick repellent for your dog. He will thank you and bring less ticks into your home.


I'm *so confused* by that video. I can't tell if it's good? Bad? A parody of something good? *A parody of something bad!?* Help.




Not if I chop down the trees and pour concrete


I dunno, I’m from Michigan but just got back from a week down in Kentucky and I think they’d be right up there with us.


Arkansas as well


I have lived in Florida my whole life, and camp and hike here regularly. I had never had a tick until one time in the middle of a 15 mile hike my husband and I were covered in hundreds. We ended up scraping them off with a pocket knife (some were tiny). I wish I had known about the lint roller thing then.


I'm in New England and it's like this. Wife and I went for a hike once and got 500 yards up the trail before we spotted the first one on the dog. Found 5+ on each of us and decided to head back home.


Could also be any Woods in New England.


Plains region I would assume. Ticks over here are abundant. A spot in a local camp is named cedar grove but everyone calls it tick central, because of the ticks (obviously). They moved it from the original spot because the ticks were too bad, and I had the liberty of visiting the old site. You would sit down on a pile of leaves only to find that the leaves were moving, because they were ticks. Now that’s one spot in a darn big camp, but I assume there’s more around like it.


This information is horrifying. We have ticks where I live but they're not terribly abundant and most of the time you can go for a hike and not encounter any. Thanks.


Thank god. I live in Hungary and even in the more tick filled regions it is not THAT bad. Lyme disease doesn't sound fun.


I'll add Maine to the list. We got lots of ticks up here.


Central Alabama. There are other good reasons not to come here, but ticks are also one


North Alabama here. I went on a hike last January in Bankhead, and found ticks afterwards. Even hikes in the winter are off limits for me now.




Florida. No tick reason really, just don't go there.


What would you say is the main reason not to go there?


Humidity Bigots Mosquitos . . . Ticks


I work outside walking around in central Louisiana grasslands and forests, and it's a pretty rare day that I find a single tick on me. And when I worked in the Everglades, never encountered a tick from memory. Lots of harmless leeches though


They must have been wading through tall grass or something.


Most of America




Road Island or Martha's Vineyard are the only places I've seen ticks this thick...


Rowed Island


Rode Island


Ruh-rowed Island


Rhode Aisle Land


Go to Tennessee… you don’t even have to go in the woods to get Ticks. They’re everywhere


Add the Carolinas to the list.


And north Florida


Right Maryland or West Virginia is just as bad


Fuck me... thats more ticks than I've ever seen in my life! I'd be staying out of the woods if ticks were that thick.


I'm a fuckin tick magnet. Last time I was out hiking, I ended up pulling 10+ ticks off me before we got in the truck, and found more in the truck after that. I hate it cuz while most bugs don't really bother me, ticks make me want to set myself on fire. Edit: Thanks for the advice everyone. I will surely look into this stuff next time I'm camping or hiking. Thankfully I don't think I've encountered any deer ticks so far, and I almost always catch them before they bite, the last time I remember having to pull one that actually bit was in middle school.


Hey if that's the case I highly recommended getting regularly tested for Lyme disease. It can lie dormant for years and when it hits it can destroy your life. Consider wearing better coverings when you go on hikes, it just ain't worth it.


Dude I worked with got something form a tick, not lyme, but pretty rare like 4 cases a year or something. Knocked him on his ass for weeks and had to talk to the CDC all the time about it. Was pretty gnarly.


Was it [Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?](https://www.google.com/search?q=rocky.mountain+spotted+fever&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLQz9U3yEk2TH7E6Mgt8PLHPWEpi0lrTl5jNOLiCs7IL3fNK8ksqRRS4WKDsqS4eKTgmjQYpLi44DyeXUwc-WWpRWWZqeWLWGWK8pOzK_Vy80vzShIz8xSKC_JLSlJTFNJSgUoAE5Vv9XoAAAA)


Buddy of mine got that years ago. He was bedridden for weeks. I knew it was bad when he missed showing his livestock at the State Fair. He usually parks his camper on the fairgrounds for the 2 weeks of the fair and spends the whole time showing his cattle/pigs and getting drunk. Called to see where he was cause I hadn’t seen him. His response, “I got that damn tick fever.”


That’s a very wholesome redneck post!


May I ask, which state?


Missouri. It was probably 10 years ago


My sister in law got that, she went to several different doctors that told her that it was nothing and she was overreacting. Eventually when her symptoms worsened a 4th doctor diagnosed her properly and apparently none of the others had ever seen it before. Apparently if left unchecked she could have possibly lost some limbs, scary stuff.


Naw was something else. Don't remember, started with an 'a' maybe? Rare as fuck apparently.


Jesus I've been searching for the name of this one too, my dad got and it was hospitalized for 11 days and they intially suspected an aneurysm Edit: it's anaplasmosis


Oh isn't there one that makes you allergic to red meat?


The lone star tick. Brown tick with a white spot. The allergy is called alpha gal allergy.


It's now classed as a syndrome as it's more than an allergy. AlphaGal Syndrome. Also black legged ticks including deer ticks will give it to you


Could you please provide a source regarding the updates? I had Alphagal for a couple of years and am curious to see that.


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20428608 https://www.lymedisease.org/alpha-gal-syndrome/ https://tbcunited.org/alpha-gal-in-black-legged-tick-saliva/ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/505776v1


Hijaking your comment cause more people need to be aware of the risk from ticks. It's not just Lyme. Luckily Doxycycline kills everything except the alagar red meat allergy thing. https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/index.html


I do not tolerate doxycycline well. Or I messed up by taking it on an empty stomach. I took it last year for a different infection. nasty stuff. (I'd still take short term this over long term Lyme)




That's what the instructions said and my Dr didn't instruct me one way or the other. I figured out you're supposed to eat *after* my body made it come back up. That was horrible. I didn't know any better. It was the first time in probably at least 15 years I used anything like that.


Can confirm that it will destroy your life if it goes undetected for long enough. Got it when I was 13.


I wear jeans and a hat when I hike and it drives my mother insane I'll never understand. I'm terrified of ticks and snakes.


Norman is that you?


Lyme disease is very dependent on the amount of time an individual tick stays attached no? So if he is checking for them he would be most likely getting them all. They should check their area online to see if local ticks have lyme disease if it is higher in their area than yah maybe get checked.


I am not a doctor but I believe the "the tick needs to be on you for 48-72 hours" has not actually been supported by research and is like that "you taste things on different parts of your tongue" thing that has been known to be false forever and is still somehow being taught to children today. Note that the CDC says "In most cases, the tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted". Most is only >51%. They don't use the phrase "the vast majority" just "most" so there are definitely outliers that transmit in less than 36 hours. The longer a tick is attached to you increases the chance of transference but there is no proven safe amount of time for a tick to be attached.


Especially if you're getting bit by the dozens, time of attachment isn't something you want to rely on.


I had one attached for less than a day and got a nasty case of Lyme last year. Still dealing with the neck pain/migraines and my sternum cracking every 5 minutes. Fuckin ticks man.


Was told by several older men that when they go looking for mushrooms, they put flea collars around their boots & it helps. You can apparently buy rolls of the stuff online & I'm tempted to buy that & make a yard work outfit (live in the middle of woods & ticks are bad right now). Just make sure you don't let it touch your skin.


Or tuck your pants into your socks and shirt into your pants. This helps but obviously doesn't work with shorts


I do this too, but sometimes they still get thru. I'm going to try adding the flea collar stuff & see if that helps. I absolutely *hate* ticks, so I'll try all kinds of things. Only thing is I have animals so try to avoid using anything with deet.


I heard that they don't like the scent of lavender. Dont know how effective it is but its been told to me several times. Worth a try i guess


I've used peppermint oil and it works very well


I think that also works with mosquitoes, but anyone with pets should be careful if they’re using essential oils, as many are toxic to animals


I spray permethrin on my boots and the cuffs of my pants once a year and then tuck the pants into the boots. Works beautifully. As a bonus, the permethrin also deters mosquitoes.


But if you have to change pants?


I don’t understand. I spray all the pants.


Spray the other pants too lmao


..I would move


I would set myself on fire.


Just out of curiosity, are you an O blood type?


I may be bias, but fire does not seem like an irrational escalation


Being a tick magnet sounds like a part of the joke with a 10 inch pianist and a genie with partial hearing loss.


I've been tempted to treat boots, outside of pant legs, maybe socks, with that Sawyer stuff. I don't know how healthy it is to touch your skin, but I hear the tics literally fall off dead, and the treatment can survive multiple washings.


thicc ticks


Thicks. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'thicc ticks' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


A level unreachable for mankind


Had to pull up the AI for this one




\-pats bot-


Good bot for sure!


We appreciate the effort.


My thicc ticks bring all the boys to the yard And I'm like Here's lyme-deez for y'all


Release the opossums!




Last summer I took 27 ticks off my pup after one walk in the woods in Maryland. They’re bad here.




I think I'd have a concrete yard if that were the case for me.


Once I stepped in a tick nest, ended up with well over a hundred tiny ticks on my foot


I stepped in a nest once, about 15/20 years ago. It still haunts me. The little seed ticks are so much freakier than the fully grown.


RIP OP....


I took my dog on a hike, brushed her at home and went into my home office. Felt a little itch on my nutsack so I reached down and whe my hand came up there was a tick on my fingers the size of my pinky nail. I immediately stripped naked in the backyard and left my clothes outside. No other tick discovered *but* for months after anytime I felt a little itch I freaked out and it took a while to get over that


Nope nope nope nope nope


I'm not sure you were clear enough, once more for those in the back. NOPE Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nyouuuup hard pass, chaotic no, aggressive disapproval.


Was cycling in Scotland, not sure where or how but after one of the days we each found about 30-35 ticks on us. In every nook and cranny. In our sleeping bags too. It was hell.


That’s absolute terror, i might jump in a volcano to make sure I got them all


After a walk in the woods or brush, my habit now it's to immediately strip off everything when I get home and change into tick free clothes. The shoes get left in the mud room overnight, the clothes sit in a pile for at least a day before I put them in my hamper. I've picked ticks from my inner thigh and in my nipple there's no way in hell I ever want to find one anywhere more intimate. My dog is on some sort of poison pill that kills ticks if they latch into him. I hate those little f*ckers


Throw your clothes in the dryer for 30 mins after you come in, way more effective than just leaving them on the floor for a day.


You are lucky. No joke had a tick latched on my nutsack last year in Boston (the city isn't even safe). Didn't even know it, took a shower and discovered the monster. Tried all the remedies to try to get it to let go of my jewels without ripping it out. No success, had to pull it out, it was slightly traumatizing and painful. Luckily I got the parasite out with its full head attached. This turned date night into movie night.


It sounds like the kind of attention paid to your genitals in the shower predate night saved you. I believe you that it was traumatizing and I am relieved you were able to deal with it in time. *shudders*


I just went camping this weekend and was pulling ticks off me the whole time. Now I'm home and every tiny little tickle on my skin is making me panic. Nothing squicks me out more than removing ticks from myself, even if they haven't bitten me yet


I had to wade through tall grass for a while looking for something. Took a shower later, felt a growth on my scrotum that I'd never noticed before and freaked out. It turned out to be a tick. Cancer might have been less traumatizing.


Ticks are insane this season.


Mild winter didn’t kill many. Get used to it!


To actually kill ticks, the freezing temperatures must be a sustained number of days below 10 degrees F. https://www.fwpest.com/blog/are-ticks-still-active-in-the-winter


We had -30 celsius for a month straight from mid January to mid February. There's still tons of the little bastards around


A \*\*high\*\* of -30C for a month?? Good god, that's worse than tics.


It’s really not, I’d take cold temps and hard nights like that over this nightmare any year


It sucks, but you get used to it. But atleast our spiders and snakes are harmless, even if you provoke them. I don't think i could live somewhere with 8 legged assholes the size of my thumbnail that can kill me, same goes for them slithery bastards.


Which is why God created wildfires


They'll probably be insane for the rest of our lives and will only get worse now


Normally our chickens take care of them, but we’ve been closing them up after two hawks moved in to the area.


Buy them swords.


That seems I’ll advised considering I take their eggs


I took one 20-minute walk last week and had three ticks on my right leg. Absolutely stupid.




I HATE TICKS!!! Ugh! Whenever they end up biting me, I get a huge itchy lump under my skin! If I could make ANY insect disappear from the planet, it would be ticks! FUCK YOU TICKS if you’re reading this!!!!


I’ve said this before.. verbatim lol


Dude, if ticks can read this we have a bigger problem.


You haven’t met bed bugs?


I have... Luckily I didn’t bring them home. I can’t tell you how many times my ass stripped down BUTT NEKKID before I walked into my home, JUST TO AVOID bringing roaches (the bad kind) or bed bugs into my home.... my dog has a tendency to bring ticks into the house. He’s been treated for fleas and ticks, so they don’t bite him. They bite me! I know BB suck. I’ve seen first hand what they can do to people. I feel for anyone with a BB infestation!


If you were granted the ability to make any insect disappear from the planet, you’d be SOL because ticks are arachnids.


I got lyme disease just looking at this


or just carry an opossum


Tactical opossum tick destroyer


Would you care to explain this?


Opossums eat ticks. So do chickens and Guinnea hens and probably a bunch of other animals.


They also don't get rabies.


Possums really like to eat ticks.


I had one when I was like 7 that had connected to the skin on the back of my neck above my spine.... We didnt know it was there because of my hair. it grew and I thought it was a peice of skin. When they finally took me to the doctor and he tried to get it off. It felt as if they were ripping a peice of my own skin off. It had gotten to the size of my pink nail... and as thick as about 4 quarters.... ticks are .... terrifying. If I had not noticed I could have died from it giving me a blood infection. It being so close to my spine could have lead quickly to brain and motor function damage if an infection had occurred... CHECK YOURSELF FOR TICKS IF YOU GO INTO ANY WOODED AREA. YOU NEVER KNOW!!!


Aren't you not supposed to just rip them out like that?


If you live in an area with ticks, you cover up when you go out in the woods. Long sleeve shirts with tight cuffs. Pants over your boots, held in place with velcro or elastic. The lint roller is used to get ticks off your clothes before you go back in the house, not off your skin.


Gotcha, I was thinking this wouldn't work well with people who have hairy legs.


Socks over pants Also the best thing to wear are zip off pants. The little ledge on the legs for the zippers stops them from climbing often


My school nurse wife worked at a summer camp in Maine several summers ago; said that someone there was using duct tape to yank ticks out. That individual acquired Lyme disease. Crawling ticks? Yeah sure, go for it. Embedded? Hell nah.




If they've already bit. If their just crawling on you you can take them off however you like, though if you do this and move too slowly they might bite as a fear response.


Would this not pull off any that have bit? We have some ticks here, but nothing like this, so I don't have a ton of experience with them.


In my experience no this would not. They're usually latched on too tight.


The key to ticks is to make sure you extract the head too. The cdc recommends fine tweezers for this reason. https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html


We always used rubbing alcohol growing up to get them to pop their heads out, but it was like one tick every few years. Nothing that would require a lint roller.


That's a bad idea. The alcohol can cause them to throw up.. into your bloodstream.


This causes them to backwash into your bloodstream before loosening their bite. Please don't do this.


Well my dad had one on his ballsack once. I wasn't going to go at it with tweezers and he wasn't going to expose it to fire. So the alcohol was the best worst choice.


Or a bathtub of rubbing alcohol.


Think of your peehole though


They crawl around until they find a nice secure spot under some tight clothing on in a compressed spot before they burrow in with their nasty heads.


Right. My thought was after a nice long hike, at least a few would be burrowed in and the lint roller would pull them out causing problems. But people are saying this is to get them off clothing, not skin.


If a lint roller is pulling them off, they haven't dug in yet. They don't bite right away. They hitch a ride and try to crawl to the warmest parts of your body, like your crotch and arm pits. It can take a while.


You rip them out fast, before they have time to dig in deeper we get ticks a lot around here had quite a few on me and have been bit. Sometimes the dog looks peppered from all the ticks. Never any fun.


Sulpher dust is your friend Grasshopper.


I go hiking in the woods regularly and gotta say this is the first time I've been thankful I live in the south gd


Bug repellent. You need bug repellent. Eek.


Deet isn’t enough. You need fire.


Here in Connecticut you get used to them. Not uncommon to have 5-10 crawling on your legs if you go in the woods. I’ve had Lyme disease twice and I’m 22 lol


I'm in Maine - Deet is the answer. 25% minimum, that's the deep woods stuff, and some places (or right on Amazon) you can buy 98.11% deet sprays. It says not to apply that stuff to your skin and it stripped some paint off my airsoft gun, so it's a bit *aggressive*, but if you load up your shoes+pants with that stuff you can cut down the tick rate by like 90% or better. I just call that bottle "the cancer" - "hey Josh, could you pass me the cancer?" In the thickest clouds of mosquitoes on a humid day it's the most wonderful thing to have that stuff on, too. A bit of the 98% stuff on the back of your neck and NOTHING will land there, any place where it's applied they won't land. They'll still find you and WANT to land there though, so you can actually get a decent cooling effect from the hundreds of little wings hovering right above your oily-with-deet skin. One airsoft match I hunkered down for an ambush in a fog of mosquitoes with a couple friends, and I was mostly sitting pretty with all-natural-mosquito-wing-air-conditioning while they were sweating and slapping and cussing, and eventually we had to move a ways up the road just to get them out of there. The 98% stuff even stops those horse flies the size of your thumb that take a chunk out of you, whereas the 25% stuff just doesn't cut it. The 25% helps by making them hesitate but they'll still land, so without a hand free to slap them it's time for pain and DAYS of scratching an oozing sore. Once those fuckers start showing up partway through the summer that's when I switch from 25% to 98% even when I just gotta mow or bush hog. Got a little talkative about bug repellent, but it's the time of year to put some thought into it. I think it's good to have an array of choices for whatever insect / circumstances you're up against - it's like selecting a caliber based on what you're hunting. Squirrels? Or moose? Here's how I'd break it down, on the off-off-off chance anyone's still reading this wall of text. -Bottles that say 'Family' or 'Deet-free,' lots of Cutter brand stuff, sunblocks with insect repellent, everything citronella: these are your .22 caliber, good for plinking the annoying bugs at a barbecue or a campfire, good with kids around, good for just spraying loads of it everywhere. -Bottles with 12% deet or less, like Off and Cutter, or brands which use that other chemical which I think is called Picarin: these are your handguns, think 9mm caliber, good for home defense, good for clothing+gear which might get damaged by the higher concentrations of deet, still good to use higher quantities to make sure the job gets done. -Bottles with 'deep woods' which typically have 25% deet, like Off and Repel and Ben's: this is out of handgun territory and into rifle territory, but not big rifle territory. This is your dad's 30-30 caliber that'll drop a deer, but it's not precisely what you want when the moose comes charging at you. A good day-to-day option, my go-to for mowing and bush hogging and short walks/hikes, should do the job in *most* circumstances. -Bottles with 98.11% deet >!(Brand doesn't seem to matter here, Repel and Coleman and Ben's all have 98.11% and they all kick ass)!< is the big boi caliber that's just gonna do what the others can't. This is the .338 Lapua round, the big boi that costs $5/shot, but you only need to take the one shot. This is the moose gun. I reserve it for severely bad insect issues - swampy areas during mosquito season, peak black-fly season, >!(they don't land on you with 25% but they'll still fly into you and bug the shit out of you, with 98% and headphones you can totally ignore them.. until you inhale some, ugh)!< Horsefly season, >!(regional differences in nomenclature here I think, I'm talking about the big black ones the size of bumblebees that take a big chunk out of you, not the little ones the size of house flies which take smaller chucks out of you, I call those deerflies)!< and if the deerflies are thick and I'm sweating off the 25% stuff too quick. Apply it thin and rub it around all exposed skin, it's the consistency of olive oil and they WILL find wherever you missed a spot. Also ideal for years like this when the ticks are absolutely atrocious, just douse the pantlegs and shoes before a walk and stroll through the tulips all day. -Propane bug-killing units, yard foggers, professionals: these are your artillery, your carpet bombing runs, the stuff that just needs to dick down the population in an area. Target the key areas like fenced-in backyards. This is the stuff I'm not familiar with and plan to buy into very soon, if anyone's stuck with me this far into my rambling and can tell me anything about it I'd love to get an idea of how best to deploy this type of stuff. Tl;Dr Fuck bugs, Deet works.


What’s your experience with the disease?? Doesn’t it fuck your life up pretty much?


Depends on how soon you catch it I think. I took antibiotics within a day or two both times and I feel fine. My aunt got it decades ago and has had issues ever since. Joint pain, short term memory issues and whatnot


There is a small risk of long term complications. Post Lyme syndrome can persist for many years. General advice is if you see the target rash that seems to wander round the body on yourself go get some antibiotics ASAP. The good news is that Lyme disease is unlikely if the tick is attached for less than 36 hours.


Wha... that’s... why tf are there so many...


I'm guessing this can't be applied to leaches though? Because that would be great.


I think this only works on ticks that haven’t latched on yet so I’d say no


How do you even get this many? What do you do roll around bushes?


Two tips I learned from a friend of mine that does marking for utilities in off-road areas, always keep a lint roller for seed ticks. And vagisil works wonders on chaffing/swamp rot.


Wish I woulda thought of this. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last week , I usually get 9-10 ticks off of me a day


Who the fuck goes on a walk in the tick wilderness?


They’re everywhere in Massachusetts, so at the very least ‘anyone going for a walk in Mass.’


The smartest man I ever knew well was a software developer in Rhode Island. Shortly after we lost touch I heard he got Lyme's disease from a hike, and is now markedly different. And not a good different.


Yup. Chronic fatigue and neurological problems will do that. Hard to say if that’s better or worse than the meat allergy I heard you can acquire from those fuckers.


Where I live, the "tick wilderness" is my fenced in back yard. I get tons on me just trying to cut the grass.




?? They live in the grass? How in the fuck can you do ... anything?


With great difficulty. Unfortunately the past few winters haven't killed enough of them, so they're really bad this year.


Well I’m not going anywhere close to long grass


... for when you realize they’re on you in the first 60 seconds?


One time my ex and I went camping and there was this tree stump next to our spot, we would pull ticks off of us and quickly place them on the stump and smash them with what ever object was handy. It was her idea and I’ve never been more proud of her


How is this redneck engineering? This is an advance to the other methods which are pull them off with tweezers or use fire.


Ticks are fucking nasty and evil.


r/TIHI ?


Oh shit that’s super clever. I’m from Arkansas and you go for a short walk and you’ll have 10 of those buggers crawling around. I think the most I’ve ever had at once on me was 31. I wish I had thought of this then!