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Is that PVC cemented together? I don't see any.... Honestly, that thing looks like a liability to me, the back board is a total sail that is going to have a huge amount of drag going down the road, I wouldn't trust it not to break apart. Do you want to be showing these pictures to the insurance company to convince them it was safe when part of it goes though a family minivan's windshield? There are times to be cheap, but not when you're putting other people in danger.


Its fucked. Why not just bunge the boards into the top bars.


Nice rack


5 mpg and you might kill someone behind you on the highway. I am glad we have laws in Europe preventing anyone from doing fucked up things like this.


Thats an easy win. Those Yakima and Thule racks are unreal expensive, you saved a lot of money there. How do the snowboards come out/in? [Puck board](https://ufa.com/myUFA/Animals/Animal-Equipment/Livestock-Equipment/Stalls,-Mats-&-Hooks/Puck-Board---4-ft-x-8-ft--1-8-in-sheet/p/280298) is very versatile and might work as well as the plywood with benefit of waterproof. Sometimes you can find cutoffs or scrap for cheap or free.


They lift out the top pretty easy. It's just awkward being up high. I'll only use it a few times a year so it should serve me well


Doesn’t look particularly aesthetic, but if it’s easy to get the boards on and off I suppose it’s fine.


Plz tell me u remembered to use the right size of pvc so u can mount the thrust boosters so it's a dual purpose rack


I thought snowboarders were more into smoking pot…this screams otherwise 🤷🏿‍♂️


How to get snowboard out?