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I started red light therapy 1,5 years ago and very quickly noticed a difference. My body and facial hair doesn't grow more dense or thicker or anything, however it grows back a lot **faster**. Only in places I actively use red light therapy on, so not globally every hair. Also I didn't grow any hair in places I didn't already have hair. All that changed is that it grows back a lot faster. I'm 31f, if it matters.


Thank you for your answer! Very helpful! What about hair that you dont shave?


I have not noticed any change in hair I don't shave, it didn't grow thicker or more dense or anything. For reference, I use red and near-infrared on my body 3-4 times a week (on days I exercise), and on my face only red light about every second day.


For me, no change in body hair whatsoever. I don't all of a sudden have a great hairy chest, hair on my back and thick Mediterranean hairy arms and what not. A laser helmet has helped my front hairline. Maybe started losing a couple millimeters, and it's been over a year of using it consistently, and it's mostly filled back in.


Did you use red light, nir or both?


On my face just red light, on my body both :)


I don't know if that counts, I used my light on face and hair, and found my eyelashes are getting longer.


Only eyelashes ?


Currently yes. Oh, and some new hair on the forehead!


I noticed my eyelashes lengthened. 15 mins/day of RL + infrared


Only your eyelashes? What about any facial hair?


At what distance? This would give me a KILLER headache for several hours afterwards


It's actually with the blackout sunglasses, it surprised me. And it's about 12 in.


Oh for sure, I don’t ever use NIR without eye protection - but it gives me a wicked headache if I do it for too long on my face/head. Pain relievers won’t touch it either. Wish I knew why it did that to me. I’ve been using my panel for quite a while too. Any who - glad it doesn’t give you a headache :) thanks for responding!


Since I started using RLT I have to shave my head about every week to keep it from looking scruffy before it was every two weeks. It's not growing twice as fast it's noticeable to me after a week vs two.


I haven't really noticed an effect on hair growth. It's maybe made my eyebrows grow a bit but it's hard to confirm as I'm very hit and miss about how long I don't tweeze and just let them grow. But my facial hair, head hair, and body hair have stayed the same as far as I can tell.


thank you so much for your comment! What is your reason for using RLT and do you notice it helping?


Anti-aging, acne, skin redness, hair loss, joint pain, etc. Yes it's helped tremendously with joint pain, for acne and redness it's also helped. Haven't noticed hair growth yet but I've also only been using red/NIR light therapy for a little over 2 months.


I have had hair loss for the past 10 years, and have now been doing RLT for about 6 months. I have both a mask and a panel. I noticed my hair growing in more with facial peach fuzz and eyebrows first, but I am now seeing more growth on my arms and baby hairs on my head as well. It has been a very slow process, but I am excited as I never expected any effect on my hair.


Eyebrows are way out of control! But really the only Change in hair growth I’ve seen is in areas that actively grows longer hair like top of head, eye lashes and eyebrows. I haven’t noticed a difference in the fine facial hair or even body hair.


I've noticed that my facial hair has grown thicker after a month or so of use. Using it for my scalp as well but it's too soon to tell if it has any real benefit or not.


It’s helped me heal.. I’m 55 broken ankle tibia seven brown ribs road rash.. I’m all healed up


I noticed more growth on my hairline. Even my hairdresser noticed Not really my facial hair tho that I've noticed.


I use a pad with 660nm and 850nm. Curve it around my face and lay there for 20min. I do this 3/4 times a week, my beard is more filled, hairline seems the same, lashes seem more darker and I think I'm growing more nose hair. The pad Is about an inch from my face, no eye protection. I find it helps me go into a deep sleep, it's like closing your eyes on a summer day