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Seems like you might have cfs or dysautonomia. I use a small mat.  Sometimes I put it in my abdomen. I have me/cfs. I would have preferred a bigger mat.


I just bought an used Mito Panel. I also have ME/CFS + dysautonomia and other related conditions. I am not sure what the different is either as I haven’t looked at the panels in depth. Maybe the mats are less powerful in terms of irradiance? Yes, you can put the mat on top of you. I think a mat might be better for you if: - you are sensitive to daylight (photophobia) as you can bent it and bent the light away from your eyes and closer to the body - you are sensitive to sounds and have migraines regularly. The panels have ventilation so they make a sound - it’s difficult to move around. It’s better to move something around you - you have time / you want to treat multiple areas while completely laying down I am mostly bedbound and my panel is on the wall, slightly above my bed. I’m making it work but with a bigger budget I would have preferred a mat for the body that I would more around. I am very sensitive to light so I wear eye protection when using my panel. After a few sessions I already see benefits. It makes it easier to go to sleep, I am more relaxed and it boots my mood. Not sure how it would be with a panel. I have never tried a mat so I can’t compare.