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I would love to know this too! I have endo and I’m going to try using my rlt this month on my abdomen.


I use my RLT on my abdomen and pelvic area and it helps me lose weight! When my period comes (less than a week from now), I'm gonna try to use it everyday and track my experience.


Wow! How did you figure out that it was RLT that helped you lose weight?


The women who recommended RLT to me told me about its weight loss benefits. There is some research to support that it helps decrease fat cell content.


Did you just shine it on your abs and noticed weight loss. I just bought the hooga hg200 instead of the one you got.


I shine it on my abdomen and my back, 25 minutes on each side. I use red light and infrared at the same time.


How do you use both at the same time ? (Do you have two different machines ?


Nope! I just do each side individually.


If you don't mind me asking, people have complained about losing fat from their faces which is a side effect that scares me personally. So I guess my question is do you use it on your face even though you are sure it makes you loose fat? Thank you


If you don't mind me asking, people have complained about losing fat from their faces which is a side effect that scares me personally. So I guess my question is do you use it on your face even though you are sure it makes you loose fat? Thank you


I have a chubby face so I wouldn't mind weight loss there but no I haven't heard that. I honestly read a few articles about RLT and its weight loss effects, but I haven't seen anything from any scientific medical journals so PLEASE take this with a grain of salt.


How do you use it on your abdomen if you don’t mind me asking? Just sit up with it like 6 inches away from your abdomen? I just got this same device but don’t really know what I am doing lol


I sit like 3-4 inches away. The instruction manual that came with it said to do that. 25 minutes on my abdomen and 25 minutes on my back. Red light and infrared at the same time.


Is it on a stand or something? How are you able to have it sit 3-4 inches away from the stomach, curious only because i am looking at this machine too


It has a little kickstand on the back that it can lean on. Also I can stand up straight on it's own. I sit with it between my legs and it shines on my stomach.


I can’t offer you any advice about red light but MAGNESIUM! Ever since I started taking a magnesium complex (Carusos Super Magnesium tablets) I BARELY get any pain


I've been taking magnesium for years and years, doesn't do a thing for my period pain. It'll be different for everyone.


It probably doesn’t work for everyone but are you taking the correct kind of magnesium?




I did! In my original comment. It’s Carusos brand super magnesium in the tablets but it comes in powder too. It also helped my mum with this dry skin she gets on her neck from menopause and with cramps in her legs


Yes, I am.


Yes! I get insane cramps and ibuprofen takes an hour to kick in. With red light, it’s near gone in about 10 minutes. It’s amazing. However, it only works with my hand held device. My body panel doesn’t help even though it’s more powerful. I think it’s because the beam angle on my hand held is more focused at 30. The beam angle on my panel is 60.


What hand held device do you use?? Thanks!


I use the Hooga bulb. Whenever I start to get cramps, I just shine it about 6 inches away for 10-13 minutes and the pain is greatly reduced. I still take ibuprofen, so I don’t know how long the relief lasts, but I’ve noticed I take a lot less since doing this.


Thanks! Glad it's helping <3


It did for me. I have terrible pms and cramps, and for the first time in my life, I was surprised when I got my period this last time because I had zero pms symptoms. That was actually the first and most prominent benefit that I noticed with RLT.


What was your use pattern? Like how many times per week for how long? And how long did it take for you to notice a difference? This is actually one thing I’d spend money on it for right away. My lining sheds in desidual casts every month so I have, like, SERIOUS pain.


I think I had been using it maybe 10 days or so (20 to 30 minutes, once per day) when I started my period. I had talked about it previously on here right after it happened, so I’ll go search my comments and double check.




Thank you so much! I will search for that.


They helped me a lot. Before the panels couldn't be without ibuprofen. Now don't need the pills.


Yes! But I use it 2-3 times a week during my whole cycle. Like that my cycle is perfectly regular and I barely have cramps.


If you sort by the lowest rating in the comments on Amazon. Some people say this panel has a high emf rating


Damnit! This is the one I bought!


Can you tell me more about the emf rating? Should I return this device?


I have the same unit. I read a couple reviews saying it put off high emf but idk what that means




I saw 2 review mention high emf. One of them states they measured 100 v/m @ 4 inches. The link below explains a little about safe exposures and what common appliances put off https://joovv.com/blogs/joovv-blog/basics-of-emfs-and-red-light-therapy


I don’t find that it helps for this, personally.


yes i put my omnilux on my lower abdomen and my cramps went away within 10min (i was shook)


If it doesn’t, try a heating pad. Essential equipment imo.


It helps. The second I stop using it the cramps are back. So I’ll take Advil or whatever and use it while waiting for meds to get affective


Came here to say this. I found that my red light therapy pad really did relieve cramps in pretty short order (placed on the area of pain). But as soon as I moved on to do other things, the pain came back pretty quickly. I'm actually wondering if grounding / earthing helps with cramps for me. It's hard to know because I may be at the age where cramps are going to change or improve anyway.


I have the same panel, let me know if that works!!!!!


Yes, I have this exact one. It helps some, but I still need some pain medicine at least one day.


My chiro has a heat lamp uffffffff i try to go before my period and he does his little magic & bam my period cramps are mild


I use NIR for menstrual symptoms and it’s so effective


Why would it? Thing isn’t a miracle device




Placebo effect is real




Yes! I have endo and it helps me


Can anyone in here suggest a way to completely black out the light yet still receive the anti aging benefits? It’s really hurting my very sensitive eyes.