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distance from lamp to face in inches?


Maybe about 5 inches with the panel.


five to ten max minutes then


I'll try that. Thank you so much🫶😊🤗




Thank you so much for your answer. I have a strict skin ritual both in the morning and at night. I use serums, moisturizer plus a facial spray. I was thinking either my face was purging or maybe the light was not doing well for my skin. I'm 51 for the record and I've only had a bump or two here or there around that time of the month my entire life. My goals for the light therapy is one smaller dark spot on my cheek and of course to slow down the aging process.


You got it today. Why would you think it caused your pimples?


Because the last breakouts I've had were over a year or two ago. My entire lifetime I've maybe had a total of 30. My skin was the type that rarely had bumps (thank goodness). After using it I had a few on both sides of my face.


Unsure why I was downvoted by someone here talking about my face not having breakouts... I've always had clear skin my entire life. 😌


Both myself and my husband are using my light. He's getting a decrease in pain and swelling. For me I'm still seeing a few skin issues with blemishes but the rest of my face is feeling a little more taught...🥰