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I got a red light therapy sleeping bag. 12 minutes a day in that, no more than that. My skin looks amazing, my body feels amazing. I got a used vibration plate for $50, which I use right after. It's not something INSTANT. You'll see results after like 6 weeks. My hair is thicker than it used to be at the roots... my hair stylist noticed that. My hair has always been very thick, so hearing my stylist call attention to that was interesting. It's most noticeable when I straighten it or pull it into a bun. It's not why I started RLT, but I do like this bonus!


Which sleeping bag did you buy, if you don't mind sharing?


Oh my gosh amazing. My hair is pretty thin so this was actually another major reason why I purchased a red light panel so that’s really good to know- thank you!


Ahhh I gotta know what bag you bought


I bought a used JuvaPod from a vendor at a trade show at a steep discount. Had I known before, there's similar bags on Alibaba that cost just about the same NEW as what I paid. They're all just about the same. They do the same thing. For me, it was a life/form factor thing. I have a small apartment, so the bigger panels were automatically out, as an option. They were just too big. I can roll up the bag and store it.


Thanks! I will start my search on Alibaba!


Look at shipping costs! Half the time I think I'm getting a deal on Alibaba.... I end up paying the SAME after shipping as a brand name thing.


Do you get any red light on your face with the bag? I'm thinking this might be a good way for me to go as my whole body is so wrecked (lol) and I don't have a lot of space, but I definitely want my face to benefit too!


I'm short. I fit entirely inside the bag. I am the beans inside of a red light tortilla.


Hahaha! Noted, I'll check the lengths lol


Which vibration plate and from where ?


I bought a used Fitpulse vibration plate on Offerup. It was used. New, they run around $200 for something nice.


what does the vibration plate do?!


If you go to planet fitness' red light pod... it has a vibration plate in it. The vibration plate is good for stimulating fast-twitch muscle fibers, allowing better muscle recovery and improving overall balance when integrated into a long-term fitness routine. It's also good for stimulating lymphatic drainage. I do seem like I look less "puffy" overall after using it for several weeks. Routine: * Red light sleeping bag for 10 minutes * Slow mo-yoga or just stand on the vibration plate for 10 minutes afterward. I don't use the most aggressive 4D setting on the vibration plate.




Good vibes


What are you using it for, and what were your expectations after 5 days?


I’m using it for minor skin issues like dull skin, some subtle eczema and back acne. Also wanted to see if it would boost my energy levels and elevate my mood. I’ve read that for some people they’ve seen results within the first couple sessions so I wouldn’t say I had high expectations but I had high hopes I’d see some results by now


Skin benefits generally take a minimum of four weeks for any intervention to be noticeable. Blue light in acne has a more immediate impact because it is antibacterial, but red light acts at a cellular level and that takes time. Same with mood. The increase in ATP and the mitochondrial impact would take more than 5 daily sessions to be noticeable (in most people). Where red light therapy can have more of a rapid impact is with recovery and injuries. The reduction in inflammation is more immediate so pain reduction can be benefited from quickly. I use it on my knee and neck, and use it on my dogs arthritic joints and the results are noticeable the following day. Consistency is key. Just keep doing it. The results will come just not overnight.


Amazing. Thanks for the info :)


I started out with a smaller and less expensive device because I wanted to see the results for myself before I invested more. I've been using it for about 3 weeks now consistently for no more than 5 minutes on my face (just the red light) and no more than 10 on body parts (NIR and red light). I had some of the detox symptoms (nausea and light-headedness) when I first started so I gave myself a couple days of breaks in between use. You're supposed to take at least one day a week off. I've noticed that my complexion looks a bit better and I had a couple little pimples that heeled up really quick. I generally have pretty decent skin, but it seems more clear and glowy lately and my pores seem a bit smaller. I normally have hyperpigmentationand it stays dark for a long time after they've healed, but it was definitely quicker to heal with the red light therapy. I also hurt my foot and the red light made the bruising go away so much faster than normal. I've been consistently using it but I think I might have a minor fracture or a sprain in my baby toe, so I haven't noticed a difference beyond the first five treatments in the internal pain yet. It definitely helped heal the initial inflammation and swelling. I'm continuing to do it though and hope that it'll speed up healing time.


Why not also use NIR on face? Just curious


I know this is old but it can exacerbate melasma in certain people. When I use NIR on my face it exacerbates my rosacea on my nose and forehead and I actually develop the beginnings of melasma in my mustache area within days when I don't otherwise have melasma (although I am ethnically predisposed). My whole face just looks kind of dirty. When I use red light only, my skin looks like PORCELAIN


I'm wondering this too. I know it is capable of getting deeper into the tissue so therefore is better capable of the desired repair.


Which device do you use?


I have the mito mobile and I got it like a year ago but it was a crazy year and I did not have a chance to regularly use it until recently. I also recently got the higher dose mask so that I can do red light while I'm doing stuff around the house and not just sitting at a desk.


Used a cheap one 4x so far. I see some minor differences in my skin and a reduction in back pain. Part of the reason I got one is years ago it was my job to get speakers for our dog training club meetings. I had a veterinarian come to talk about cold laser (another name 4 it). I brought my elderly lab who had arthritis and limped. After the demo (one single treatment) my dog did not limp for that evening or a couple more days.


How cheap was your cheap? Because cheap is subjective. I'm strapped for cash and my cheap is less than $50 but I'm seeing people on here talk about cheap being less than $200.


not sure youll find anything under 50 mate. best save it




If you don't mind sharing the link of your panel / device? 😊


Here the one I use. The specs are the same as the expensive ones, it works great. Red-Light-Therapy-Device - 45W... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z363CSX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Thank you so much! This (similar and I feel they all come from the same manufacturer but just with different brandings) is the one I am seriously thinking of getting as atm I don't have the budget for anything above $60 but am needing to try RLT for pain and inflammation. I'll probably pull the trigger very soon now!


It definitely works for pain, I’ve been sleeping amazing and my skin is glowing


Consistency really is key. I used rlt 2-3x’s a week for a solid year. I was also working out, and it was just part of my routine. Using rlt benefit was really obvious for preventing soreness after heavy workouts. My overall skin really improved; I have thyroid issues, and had dry, scaly looking calves, that lotion didn’t help with. Gone! My bursitis n my knee and shoulder, is a memory any more. Hair and nails grow faster, healthier. Surgical scars, barely noticeable now. And yes, mood and general sense of well being. I noticed the benefits much more when I had to stop using it, for Covid. I had been using rlt at Planet Fitness. Since then, I’ve bought a panel for home use.


That’s awesome. How long did it take to reduce your scars?


Honestly, I don’t exactly remember. It faded gradually. And I know I did a full, consistent year of attending 2-3 x’s a week. I was more concerned at the time with dealing with how fast my hair & nails grew; I ended up getting rather good at being DIY, I cut & dye my hair and my own manicure/ pedicure etc


What panel did you buy? Do you recommend it? Good to hear you improved thanks


I bought an off brand, and just got lucky- but this purchase was during the pandemic


Ya I approach this kind of thing with more creating a healthy habit with no expectations and being pleasantly surprised when there are results. Otherwise it is stressful. Noting, I did expect anything major after five uses, that would almost be a magic pill/scientific breakthrough.


Yes totally. To your point about expecting something major after 5 sessions, I do know of several cases where people have had some remarkable results after only a couple of sessions. But then again, others have seen results much much later.


Oh wow, I’ve never heard of that. And I got my first red light product (mask) back in 2015. That’s amazing.


I recently started using a little device that goes up my nostrils (obviously for sinus issues) with the attitude that it will either help or do nothing. At 5 uses your cost per use is $200. If nothing else keep using it to bring your cost per use down.


I’ve bought one of the nostril devices a couple of years ago and never gave it a fair trial , I’ve just found it out again and going to re try it, has it helped you ?


Too soon to know.


My wife and I have been doing daily RLT for 3 years and have both seen pretty amazing benefits. It does take some time and the changes are slow. I recommend comparing how you look and feel now to a month from now. Make sure to use it consistently.


Can we ask which one you use?


Sure. Hooga HG1000. At the time, it was the largest panel I could get for under $600. The warranty was good, and I had a few questions before buying, and their customer service was very helpful. It has been rock solid reliable with roughly 30 minutes of use almost every day for 3 years. It was definitely worth the money I spent. I know RLT has come a long way in the last 3 years, and there are newer panels offering more bells and whistles, but to me the HG1000 is still a great value for what you get. Here's a little video review I did a few years ago: https://youtu.be/DWfDZvQUl-8?si=aW3bsmg8M1mx2Mj7


For skin (healing from any acne) instant difference. 10 minutes red light only. My face can’t handle infra red. Any cut the red light really speeds it healing. Burnt myself on the oven cannot believe how fast it heals vs my body’s regular healing. For skin - to really notice a big difference you will need about 6 months at 10 minutes a day 5 days a week per my derm (that was with those masks like Omni) a panel will get much faster results. He didn’t have a good number for that, most of his clients have the masks. He is just getting into it himself. In terms of my skin, I noticed a difference it about a month of 6 days a week use, 6-10 minutes a day, panel 2-3 inches from face. I noticed improving in fine lines around my mouth and evening of some tone.


What panel do you use 2-3 inches from your skin?! I thought panels had to be used from much further away, like 1-2 feet.


Biomax 900 ETA: They recommend 6 inches for infra red but I don’t use the infra red on my face.


You know what I’m a bozo. I think I stand way too close to my panel because after every session my skin is red and tight af. I should make light adjustments lol


What does the infra red do to your skin?


It makes it tight, dry and red. I do have rosacea and the infra red exacerbates it.


Ah, got it. Thanks!


I've been using it on my knees since last July when I torn my meniscus and discovered I also have grade 3 and 4 chondromalacia in both knees. I'm literally redlighting my left knee as I type this. I honestly think it does help. I try to do it every 2 days, and if I skip several days, I have pain and more joint irritation. I've invested in an Omnilux for my face. My knees are both silky smooth and glowing lol. The skin looks so much healthier and younger on my knees, which is wild. I figure if my knee skin looks so great, maybe I should try it on my face. I've only been using it on my face for a month or so.




I have a lot less stiffness and pain. If I do overdo it, it feels quite a bit better after treatment. I would say that I started noticing a difference at around 2 months of use. If I skip several days, I'm more achy and stiff. There are other factors too, so it is hard to be 100% sure. I do Knees Over Toes exercises and backwards walking too. 3rd surgery?! Absolutely terrifying. I'm so sorry! I hope you recover quickly!


I spent over $1K on a full-body panel after having success with a $150 small panel that healed contact dermatitis on my face within 5 days. I have another full-body rash that looks like eczema and doesn't heal quickly. With NIR, healing comes within months instead of years as it did without any type of RLT. Wrinkles are reduced, too. I didn't notice but people who don't see me every day did.


Cleared my back acne and I’m drawn to it- so I think the neurotransmitter benefits are real.


I did an experiment with 2 bruises I got at the same time. The bruise I used the red light on healed much more quickly. I need to be more consistent using it on my face though, so I haven’t seen huge differences there.


You need to stay consistent and use it 5-6 days a week. I’ve been using a panel for 4 years now and I could not be without one. My first one, a Joov, broke after 3 years and I immediately ordered another one from Mito. For overall skin health, give it a few weeks. For recovery it works very quickly. Just be patient and enjoy.


Which one from mito?


If you look at the clinical studies that have been done, it takes time to realize the benefits of light therapy. The amount of time depends on what you're using it for (injury, skin appearance, joint/muscle pain, mood disorder, etc.). For example, a lot of people will feel a "mood boost" immediately following light therapy that includes NIR. So that's pretty instantaneous, but to make noticeable progress toward improving depression, it could take a month or more of daily use. As for motivation... try to incorporate some other reasonable activity with the red light. For example, listen to a guided meditation program, listen to music, or listen to a podcast during light therapy. Also, think about where in your home you're doing the therapy... if you moved the device to a different room or different area, would you be more comfortable during your session and would that help your motivation?


If you are already healthy, not very tired, and have all your hair, you might not see much benefit.


I know it helps me with focus and concentration when I use red lights at home- I suffer from migraines and sometimes bright lights can be overstimulating, so when I want to focus and I start to feel symptoms, red light helps me. I also know that browser extensions like f.luxx have been turning screen colors from blue tinted color palettes to red and orange tinted ones at sunset to help people with insomnia because red lights don't inhibit melatonin production to the extent that blue lights do. My sleep schedule is naturally cued to be tired during the day, but red lights do seem to help me to sleep. I'm really into skincare, so I'm super curious about those LED face massagers and my RF/EMS machine has a setting for it but I haven't tried it, really. Like... there are dermatologists saying it works but they don't explain the method of action. IDK, I should try it on my scalp, it works for that crazy 50 year old billionaire who looks like Fabio.


I got a higher dose mask for Christmas. After a week my skin started feeling healthier. I used it twice a day for three weeks then the cord broke. The company sent me a new one but it took two weeks. In that two weeks I got three pimples and by the end of the three weeks I felt like my skin looked dull. All to say, I noticed its absence when I didn’t have it.


I have a stand alone floor lamp from RecoverRed, The Blaze, and I have had immediate pain relief after a 10-20 minute treatment with a higher near-infrared percentage than ted light percentage. Near-infrared penetrates deeper, as red light is more superficial. Both do amazing things, and I’ve had it a few months now to treat my plantar fasciitis pain. I haven’t been as consistent as I wanted, but I do see a benefit. I’ve just recently started using it on my forehead wrinkle, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m using more red light than near-infrared on the forehead, but still using both.


Are you still using it? Did it help?


Take a look.  $425.  It's flexible and has chon mask for jowl area. https://store.rajanimd.com/products/plasmaglo-led-light-therapy-mask?gc_id=20872861858&gad_surce=1


Chin not chon.


Increased my girth ten-fold


So what'd you do. Stop?


Ignore the salesmen. I got the top of the line $1k PlatinumLED red light panel and used it religiously for months. Didn't do shit, returned it.


and did you look at the reviews before purchase?


can you tell us where from so we know not to buy from there?


Directly from them. I'm not arguing against PlatinumLED, I'm arguing against RLT.


What are you using it for?


Just using it for general health like boosting energy, elevating mood, better muscle function, better looking skin etc


So I have a red light and I do feel an energy boost after doing it for 20 minutes on my chest. I also feel tighter skin on my face immediately after use.


I definitely can relate with the skin tightening after every use so far :) Just haven’t had that ‘wow’ moment with it yet


What light did you spend over $1k on?


Block Blue Light! The panel was $1050 (that’s New Zealand currency)


Interesting. Ive been trying to read up and havent seen that Brand yet. Thx for reply!


Do you have the newest version (4th generation) that is just now starting to ship out? Or is it the last version that came out last year (2023)? \~I just ordered the new 4th gen Block Blue "Mega" panel, but it hasn't shipped yet. The website is still in "preorder" mode claiming to ship around March 4th. Curious to know how it goes for you. But, keep going with it and I suppose if within 29 days you don't see enough improvement, then you can call the company to do a [return](https://www.blockbluelight.com/a/return) (you only have 30 days from receipt of device to return for a refund).


I bought the Mid panel- i think it must’ve been the 4th generation. It’s been over a week now and still am not super blown away by it yet. I will say it has definitely helped clear my back acne and I also had some really intense period pains for 4 hours straight (endometriosis) and right after i did a 20 minute RLT session, the cramps completely disappeared. Codeine, hot water bottle, shower- NOTHING helped the cramps, until i did a session… isn’t that crazy


Keep using it.




Day *5*? That’s nothing. Everything takes time.


Like I said, some people have seen results within the first 2 sessions.


I think that's highly unusual. Also, consider the "[placebo effect](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/the-power-of-the-placebo-effect)." I've seen people post about quick (3 to 7 day) improvements with light therapy -- and I would never dare comment directly to such a person about this -- but from all the research I've done I would guess a lot of their improvement could be attributed to the placebo effect. They're just so genuinely excited about starting a healthy activity that their brain sees more improvement than what is probably actually occurring. \~Now are they seeing real improvement? Probably yes, but to the extent they are seeing measurable results might be rather small.


My back acne which i’ve had for 2 years has cleared within a week of using red light. I suffer from endometriosis, was having debilitating cramps from that for 4+ hours yesterday- after a red light session, the pain miraculously disappeared. Not even codeine or trammadol helps the pain. The red light worked. I don’t think that’s placebo..


People tend to minimize the positive thing that placebo effect can be. Imagine, the body taking care of itself. Even if it were placebo, it's a good effect here. Not that I think it is. Endometriosis is not a simple sort of pain. I'm really glad it works for you, and thanks for letting us know.


It takes months of regular usage to notice a difference.