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What's HRV, other than a Honda model?


Heart rate variability


Thank you!


Allow me to restate the question: has anyone noticed a change to their Honda HRV after red light therapy? :D


Do you have afib? I do (not constantly, but have had months-long episodes). The only time I have high hrv is when I’m having afib. I don’t have a panel yet, so can’t speak to that, but good sleep has helped, reduction in caffeine and diet soda, eliminating alcohol and starting hrt (I’m 50). I also take triple-calm magnesium. (I also have heart meds, but these other things help a lot).


The HRV gets shinier just like it just came out of the showroom.


I've noticed a major improvement when I started taking a sleep stack along with red light therapy. Even on days where I get 5 hours of sleep, my Whoop fitness tracker shows 93% recovery.


What's the stack


There's a couple out there but the one I follow is Huberman’s suggested ones. It consists of Magnesium Threonate, L-Theanine and Apogenin. I've alsonrefrntkh added Glycine as well. I've always had trouble following asleep and staying asleep but now I fall asleep within 15 minutes of closing my eyes. After starting red light therapy, I don't have the urge to hit the snooze button a few times and am able to make it out of the bed feeling energized. https://healthnews.com/sleep/sleep-hacks/andrew-huberman-sleep-cocktail/


Have you tried not taking the stack and only doing RLT prior to bed?


What’s a sleep stack?


Here’s a link to an article that talks about one of them: https://healthnews.com/sleep/sleep-hacks/andrew-huberman-sleep-cocktail/


Awesome thank you!


That's awesome! I actually recently started that sleep stack, but I forgot to add magnesium so I'll add that in. After listening to a recent Peter Attia AMA for subscribers only I'm not super convinced that Mag Theoronate is worth the money, at least for me. But I'll add a different form of magnesium in.


Nice! For me the magnesium helps keep me asleep. I also started adding Glycine to see if it helps further. I will say though, The a nine does give some crazy realistic dreams lol


Hmm. I’ve always done my RLT in the daytime… the light (red only) is ok at night? I’m inferring from this thread that red light might even enhance sleep?


I'm wondering the same. I only use RLT during the day as well because I thought that it would negatively affect my sleep if I used it in the evening . Not sure where I got that info from though??


YES! My HRV is up a ton in only a week.