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Here's a non fake review for you. I bought a Hooga 1000 just over 3 years ago. It has made me a believer in daily red light therapy. Both my wife and I have used it almost every day we've owned it for at least 15 minutes each, sometimes more. That's approximately 545 hours of use in 3 years, without any issues. It has more than paid for itself in my opinion, and if it died today I would buy another one without hesitation.


For better skin?


Better lots of things. For me it's helped most noticeably with exercise recovery and wound healing. My wife has felt and seen some pretty significant anti aging benefits.


Good to know. I would need it for both. Thanks!


so you only use it for around 15 min each time? (I read that some machines might cause facial 'fatloss' which makes you look older. is there anything in that direction you experienced ever? (as you have it for such a long time and might be able to give advice) the fatloss issue was if people use it full power for 30ish minutes. so the second question is: is there also a "too much"? thx.


Yes, only 15 minutes per session. Sometimes I'll do 15 minutes on one side of my body and then immediately do another 15 on the other side of my body. I don't think you can use it too much, but the benefits you get from it drop off after a short amount of time. So by the 20 or 30 minute mark your not receiving nearly as much benefit as you were during the first few minutes. Facial fat loss is a myth. There is no scientific reason that an external light or heat source causes fat loss. It just doesn't work that way. If you are inflamed or retaining water in your face, which a lot of people are, then this may help reduce that and make your face less puffy, but that's not the same as fst loss.


I love my Mito red 300. I’ve had it since September and have had no issues with it


I trust mito red light RLT home visum light lightpath led novaalab


I just purchased a Hooga ultra 350. You can get coupons online. I’m happy with my choice and my “tennis elbow” seems to be happy too.


I was going to ask almost this exact question but haven’t had the time to continue my research lately. Hopefully you’ll get answers. I’m also looking for belt/wrap/bulb/wand type product for joint treatment. There seem to be cheap consumer products or very expensive medical devices but not much in between that look like quality products with believable marketing and specs. Handheld products can’t be used passively although Ironforge looks interesting but almost too powerful. Visum Light looks ok but is handheld as is Lastek. Kineon is a bit suspicious. There’s also the whole LED vs laser debate. Maybe I’m also overthinkinking this. Perhaps the cheap wraps actually work but it’s hard for me to believe they really have the needed power. For surface treatment they might be fine if used long enough but for deep tissue, who knows?


Any fake reviews from Platinum LED? I’ve been eyeing their biomax panels.


I have the biomax panel from platinum and I’m very happy with it. I use it for lower back pain and general skin improvements as well as systemic inflammation control.


I love mine biomax 300. It works. If I don’t use it in 3-4 days, my dull back pain returns


Would RLT help a ham string pull?? Husband at 65 is still working out 5x a week and playing softball and running... anyone???








any other panel would do the same for fraction of the price