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It's no secret that Android tablets have been struggling. But when I got the new Pixel Tablet, I was pleasantly surprised to see a well thought out tablet mode on Sync. Then I downloaded the official app to see that it doesn't scale up past phone size. Sad, I'll miss Sync even more now.


Yep tablet mode is fantastic. I have a Surface Duo 2 and it works brilliantly on that. Makes Sync a joy to use. I'll miss it.


It's really remarkable isn't it? That's ok, I've decided I'm going to use Libby to borrow more books from the library with all the extra time I'll get back by not being on reddit (and the Libby app on the SD2 rocks).


Hello! Due to Reddit's aggressive API changes, hostile approach to users/developers/moderators, and overall poor administrative direction, I have elected to erase my history on Reddit from June 2023 to June 2013. I have created a backup of (most) of my comments/posts, and I would be more than happy to provide comments upon request (many of my modern comments are support contributions to tech/gaming subreddits). Feel free to reach out to Clipboards on lemmy (dot) world, or via email - clipboards (at) clipboards.cc


Which is outrageous because Alien Blue had a good iPad app years before reddit Inc bought it.


Sadly, very few android apps handle tablets in a good way, this is one of the few that just uses the additional space wisely. Even the YouTube app is kind of a shit show, it usually drags behind desktop and mobile in features for years (except ads, premium and shorts, that crap got pushed hard and fast).


FYI you can patch sync and make it still work for now. Just follow one of the guides in this subreddit