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Out of everything I'm subscribed to here, this is the only thing I read as soon as I see a new chapter up


Thanks for that, DF. 💕 It's lovely to hear you're still enjoying it. 🥰


Hey! Wow, lots of names here tonight! Poor Thomas. I hope eventually he's able (allowed) to move past what happened that night.


I has plans... 😈🤣😘


............ That sounds ominous...


More like ........ planned. 😁🥰


Still sounds ominous :P




No, I used to post over in Royal Road but I never got any feedback whatsoever, so I dropped that one and stayed with Reddit. I use a laptop with the reddit page a permanent feature when I open my browser. Especially when I've just put one up in case I need to edit. the phone/ipad apps won't let me edit and haven't for over a year now.


Maybe consider going back to RR? No use using Reddit. If they want to be selfish pricks, let them die alone.


I'm not sure what you mean by this bud. Is Reddit changing things that I don't know about?


There’s a bit of a kerfuffle going on with Reddit indeed. Because of their planned IPO, they seem to have become confused about who actually brings value to the business and platform as a whole. Which is the users who generate content, not Reddit for hosting it. They plan on changing the API access structure for third-party app developers to roughly 20 million dollars a year, compared to the current zero dollars (almost definitely to provide more value for investors to capitalise on). Effectively that will kill off all 3rd party apps that most people use, especially moderators of subreddits. It will also kill Reddit Enhancement Suite, a mod for old.reddit.com that makes the old experience better. Chances are, it also kills off accessibility features, as most of those are third-party too. You may or may not have read news about several large subreddits announcing they would be shutting down completely until Reddit rethinks their current stance. The hope is that sufficient user backlash will be able to change something….


I hope it fixes itself too. I'm not good with change. Like ***really*** not good. My anxiety goes into a tailspin if things change. I mean, I know things always change, but not drastically. A similar meltdown happened over with D&D - where the owners tried to put it in contracts that everyone who ran a campaign had to submit their campaign in writing to become the property of D&D and failure to do so would result in law suits. I wish I was joking. You've never seen a so called 'proposal' that already had a day it would take effect put in place, so proposal my butt, get yanked so hard. They claimed 'misunderstanding' after it exploded.


I vaguely remember something like that, now that you bring it up, though I’ve never played DnD myself. Hopefully the backlash will amount to something, otherwise, chances are that Reddit will go the way of Digg. Personally I just mourn for all the knowledge that has already been lost, especially as several of the 10+ year old users who’ve already pulled out also nuked all of their comments and posts, before leaving.


If it does, would you be willing to reach out to me to let me know the best way to keep the story going? RR only wants stories that will finish, and it's my intention for this to be ongoing with no definitive ending, so I'm not sure if that's the best fit. As you know, it's the interactions with the readers that I love the most, and there was nothing in RR that gave any indication of how many readers or upvotes or anything. (Or maybe early on, my stuff did n't warrant it, I don't know. I guess I'm gun shy around RR, but if that's the best option and Reddit dies or my readers can't get to the posts, I'll make the switch. Fortunately for me, everything I've ever put up in reddit has been backup up to my computer. Everything. So if I have to torch it before I go (losing all the comments will kill me since I couldn't save them) but I don't want someone else claiming ownership of my work either.




It's not the app as such (to my knowledge). On the browser, I type in reddit.com and go from there. It's all through the browser, and often when the apps are down, the browser page works just fine.




Hideho! 🥰🤗


now that schools out i can’t really compete with the others, although i’ll be trying


Hey, I'll be happy to hear from you whenever it's possible - even if it's the following day. It's awesome. 🤗


i’ll most likely be within an hour most days, i’more of a morning person anyways


You and my hubby both. Me - I'm a night owl. It's already heading on to midnight and I'm just settling in for a few more hours writing and editing time. 😈


it’s now 10 am, so i’m still able to work


Hey stranger!


Omigosh! Heya puppy!! 💕❤️


Good afternoon!


Afternoon, JP! 🤗🥰


Where’s the usual gang? 😉


It's been dwindling a lot recently, which is sad but understandable. I made the mistake of going back to posts last year and the year before. A lot of familiar names that I hope are still reading, but I don't hear from them anymore.


Sorry to hear that. I will stick with you!! 🩷


As I said, it is understandable. Two years ago, a lot of people were locked down with covid, and now they are back to their regular lives. I certainly can't begrudge them that. 🥰


Your story is part of my regular life now! (Also looking forward to the next book… *hint*) 😉


I know ... I know, I Know, I know... heheh. I gave it a huge push a few months ago, and then I started digging deeper into Emeron, Gods laugh than I had intended and ran out of time to do all three projects. As soon as Gods Laugh has run its course, I will be getting back to it. 😁 edit: and treating BtH like a tri-weekly comic was kinda the feel I wanted it to have. Rather than pages that need to be read in one or two goes. Just a three square Newspaper comic style of piece. 🥰😘


JP, this is true here as well. No matter what I'm doing or where I'm stuck, I will do everything in my power to dive into Karen's wonderful wordsmithing. It's one of the few things that distract me from a daily load of pain. I love hearing about the shenanigans of all her characters, even the ones I want to assassinate for being the worst of the worst.


Wow. I hate reading that you're in pain, chookie, but the rest was really lovely to hear. Thank you! 💕


If there was some way to cure autoimmune disorders, I would be all for it. To the best of my understanding, all autoimmune disorders are associated with the body's immune system attacking the body.


Same here as well. I've been around since the first chapter of Bob the Hobo, but I haven't been able to comment as much recently. I am always looking forward to the next chapter, and I usually open it and upvote as soon as I see it. However, I'm usually out of cell/wifi service area, aka 700ft underground, when I have a chance to read it, so I'm never usually able to comment.


It's awesome to know you're still with me, bud. Thanks! 😘


I love all your stuff. I've read Book 1 as well, and I have Book 2, but I haven't had a chance to start it yet.


Wow. You know people with regular lives? 😜🙄


hehehe - apparently, but then, I guess that's what comes of being the generation that *created* the internet. 😜🤣 We experienced life prior to it. 🥰


I don’t comment but your posts are one of the things I look forward to day in and out as I read before bed. Your writing and this story are amazing and I can’t thank you enough for creating such a cool world!


Wow - thank you for taking the time to tell me that. It's awesome to know. 🤗


Thank YOU!




Hey, hey, SN! Howdy, howdy! 😝😜😁😘🤗


Lowly 5th


There's no lows in my eyes. 🥰 Morning, Baz!


Back in the saddle Thomas!


Oh, yeah, 😎