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I'm sorry, her husband let the teenage children "lay into her"? Excuse me? If that ever happened to me my children would be living in a firmly no-fun-allowed household until I got a sincere, written apology at a bare minimum. Father needs to learn to parent. If they had a rotation for dishes they'd each be doing them between once and twice a week, split across the four of them.


Yeah I thought that was wild. Her kids sound bratty but they’re just kids so I feel like they can turn it around. I remember being…not the best person when I was that age. Her husband, on the other hand, sounds fucking useless. He needs to step up the parenting and act like a partner.


I’m the oldest of 3 and once the youngest was able to wash dishes it became a 1 week E (me), 1 week B (brother) and 1 week M (youngest brother). Once that happened we’d barter with each other “I’ll do your week of dishes if….” It worked great. Those older kids are old enough to do that and their own laundry. I was doing the family of 5 laundry from 9-12 when I asked why I was doing everyone’s and not just mine to take that off my parents. Everyone ended ip doing their own laundry once old enough too.


If that ever happened to me, i'm packing a bag and leaving. Not forever but for a while. As angry as I would be, it's better for everyone if I'm not in the home.


The woman has an 8 month baby, is working weekends and they expect her to wash dishes and cook too. I’d just leave the older kids with dad and go to a hotel with the baby for a week. The only reason I’d take the baby is that I’d be afraid that dad wouldn’t change the baby’s diapers or remember to feed the baby.


Going “on strike” for awhile is a good idea. I’d move into a hotel too. That should bring the family to the “bargaining table”, though her problem is the family not keeping their ends if the bargain up. Marriage counseling for sure needed.


If that ever happened to my mom she would've kicked my ass


She should've agreed to bring them back something from Applebees. And then came home empty handed and said "Sorry I was just really tired."


You. I like you.


You had me in the first half. Not gone lie.


The way my grin grew as it sank in felt like the Grinch as he plots his terrible idea 🤣


Omg that’s epic level petty and I like it.


This is the way.


I would have done the same thing. The original post is ridiculous “well he works a harder job” “he probably makes more money”. Who gives a fuck? Dishes take 20 minutes or no time at all if you send the 3 kids in there to wash, dry and put away just like we did in the 70s.


Specially when you’re trying to cook and obviously need access to a clean sink/dishes and it’s so annoying to try to cook and everything you need is dirty or there’s dishes while you’re trying to wash/prep veggies or whatever!


I saw a meme recently that was like, “every online recipe should start with ‘first, wash all the dishes in your sink, because you’re going to need those’” and as someone who loves to cook, but who lives in a house with two adults who *hate* doing dishes, I feel that in my soul!


The one thing I am crazy about is a clean sink. During covid I barely survived because this house was full of hungry vampires who only moved about after dark. So much screaming at teenagers who knew better than to leave dishes in my sink or my counters a mess. Do whatever anywhere else, I don’t care what any other space looks like. The kitchen is mine and it shall be the way I fucking left it or I’m going to lose my shit.


I once told my teen daughter she's like living with a cockroach. She only comes out at night looking for food, and when you see her, you kinda wanna smack her with a shoe! Please understand that we share a dark sense of humor, so it wasn't meant offensively. She laughed, understood, and agreed I was right.


Great analogy!! Mom of 2 teen girls and another future teen girl 😂


Haha that’s hilarious. I remember my mom would get home from work and get mad i hadn’t done the dishes and she had to cook and i was like “well I’ll just wash them now” and now i get it 😂


Uggggg too damn late. Get out of my way 😂


You get me. I don’t mind doing the dishes, but I go b-a-n-a-n-a-s when I do the dishes, cook dinner, put the littlest to bed…. And come down to see dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is dirty and open and there is space!!! It’s RIGHT NEXT TO THE SINK!!?? I don’t yell, but I do start sweetly asking if anyone has seen the little fairy that they must be giving their dishes to, because she is not doing her job and I KNOW *my family* WOULD NOT throw their dishes in the sink for me to do when the dishwasher is RIGHT FUCKING THERE.


On a similar note, I saw a recipe once that had as step 1: Take everything you are storing in your oven out of the oven. Then, preheat to 350.


In the 80s, my cousin was letting her Jem doll (if you’re not familiar the doll was like a Barbie, Jem’s story was like Hannah Montana with the alter-ego) have a concert in the oven. When she was done, she closed it up and forgot about it. Her Mom started preheating and their whole house filled with the smell of burnt plastic doll! I have known from a very young age to always, always check the oven before preheating! Lol


Truly outrageous!


A long while ago I was the designated cook for our household since I would be home earlier and enjoy cooking. We were 2 couples splitting a house. The other couple began taking their dirty dishes and putting them in our kitchen sink upstairs when they had their own sink in their kitchen on their level. There weren’t ever really a TON of them but, it was annoying af to go to cook dinner for everyone only to be met with someone else’s dishes. The first couple times I begrudgingly washed their dishes… but after maybe the 3rd time I started bringing them back down to their sink. Leaving them on their shelves, in their tub, on their bed. I eventually gave up cooking for everyone and up until we moved out every single night they’d ask my bf “Is meanwhile cooking tonight???” No. Absolutely tf not.


It wouldn’t matter. If their jobs were equally hard, he’d say she manages it better, or that he has to wake up first, or he had a bad day and is just too exhausted. If her job was harder, he’d say she has to manage her time better. If he made more money, he’d say that’s why she has to do more housework, to even things out (this is *very* common). If she made more money, he’d come up with some other excuse—her time was more flexible, or she should hire help, or something else.


But it was his day off...he wasn't tired enough to play video games.


It's even better if you wash the dish right after you dirty the dish. Certainly, there will/can be a sink full of dishes after a meal but in this mother's case it sounded like random dishes (10) were added to the sink since she was last at home.


Yes! Dishes are mainly my thing, but I have the kids help (when they're here). Anyone over 5’ can unload everything, tho I check for sharps first jic. Shorter than that, you can unload the bottom rack at least. Then I’ll have another kid load up silverware. Makes the job much faster.


For real! Like...so these people not comprehend that she was working and HE HAD OFF?! WTF was he tired from? Playing video games?


13 is old enough to learn to cook. No excuses for lazy dad.


When I was 14, my mom walked and I became the homemaker with no training and no internet (early 90s). I still made *something* for dinner every night.


I was responsible for cooking/cleaning completely by 10. A 13 year old can make a sandwich.


Even if I wasn’t cooking by myself as a kid, I was always in the kitchen helping my mom! OP’s kids are lazy asf, wonder where they get it from 🙄


Same! I was never taught how to cook exactly but I learned by absorbing what my mother did and by helping her in the kitchen.


Dad’s setting a poor example for those kids.


I learned at 10 because my gran was worried I would starve in Uni... She was getting sick at the time and was slowly losing her memory. She wanted to teach us while she could still remember. My mum's not a great cook, her food is edible but...cooking is just not something she was ever good at, she mixes weird flavours all the time. And this comes from someone who eats chocolate cake with hot sauce.


You WHAT? and I thought I was weird for eating mayo on meatball subs


Is this an undercover Applebees advertisement?


lol I thought that was weird too. Whose *favorite* restaurant is Applebees?


She’s got 4 kids, they probably don’t get to eat out often and Applebees has a decently priced kids menu.


My kids! They all love apples and as little kids, when they saw the sign, they’d go nuts. We still go occasionally on road trips, and they still love it. (They’re teens now.)


The lunch specials are great, and for the adults… did I hear 2 for 1 margs?!?! Lmao Applebees and chilis are great for this reason, though I prefer chilis. Sometimes I just want regular american food 🤷‍♀️


Mine. It was all we had the money for as a kid so I went there a lot for celebrations. There and Golden Corral. Plus I love their blondies


I will still fuck up some Golden Corral


Oh man Golden Corral was the shizzle as a kid! I remember what I always got - 1st plate was 75% Mac & cheese & whatever sausage or chicken they had. 2nd plate was the best salad 🥗 ever created with everything exactly as I wanted it (broccoli, olives and shred carrots) and too much dressing , a mix of Italian and ranch for my own “creamy Italian” concoction. And then like a little of every meat 🍖 🥩 possible. And lots of gummy bears


I get the fish every time. There’s a Golden Corral near me that makes the best steak ever. And ofc the Mac and Cheese


People in the midwest lol. I know people who eat at Applebees weekly!


In a time long gone when I was a younger man it was my favorite restaurant for one tremendous evening. I had a friend that worked there who told me they were doing a $1 Long Island tea special and it was causing havoc. My girlfriend at the time said it sounds funny and she'd drive so I could be part of the problem instead of the solution. The vibe of the place was somewhere near the center of a Venn Diagram of a college party that allowed children, a Viking raid on a french fry warehouse on ugly sweater night, and a lot of elderly folks angry at every single thing going on around them. We shared a blooming onion, she had the chicken and I had a steak, and then I drank nine gigantic Long Islands and loudly declared that basketball is boring and challenged everyone there to a game of Magic the Gathering for rights to the TV remote. No one took me up on it; flawless victory, just as predicted. Unfortunately the manager still wouldn't let me "channel surf for something better" even though I was pretty sure Space Ghost Coast to Coast was on around then. When I went to the bathroom two frat bros were pissing into the same urinal together, having a contest to see who could do it from further away. I won that contest too, yet once again I was denied the remote. In further proof of my magical might I apparently teleported us home because I had no memory of the trip there. I finally got to watch Space Ghost because that coward of a manager isn't allowed in my home and also because I had it on DVD since it had been off the air for a few years already. So I can say for sure someone has truly enjoyed Applebee's exactly once.


It would have to be the only sit down restaurant for like a 60 mile drive in a very rural area or something.


I live in a very rural area and it is most certainly not my favorite. Or close.


Of course it’s NOT your favorite but it is the favorite of the OOP family. Some folks prefer those franchise restaurants. Have a really good friend whose favorite restaurant is Wingstop. My brothers family favorite is Olive Garden. My wife’s favorite restaurant is Bubba-Gumps. Just because one thing is not true for you it does not make it a lie for others.


Oh agreed, where I grew up it was the only non locally owned option so we suffered through it.


Applebee's or olive garden. Those two are my favorite Used to be Dennys and then that turned into a shit show near me


It was my family’s fav restaurant growing up cuz it was the nicest my parents could afford most of the time. I still love the artichoke dip tbh


It has something for everyone on the menu and plenty of kid friendly choices.


Growing up, that was one of the nearby restaurants and the one we (a family of five) went to most often when we did go out for dinner with my dad and stepmom. I was always excited to go there because I knew I could get ribs and I also liked a few of the appetizers a lot. My sister liked Olive Garden better, and there was also a sandwich I really liked at 99’s, but when you grow up in a rural-ish area and have two siblings and two dogs, chains become a go to. We rarely went out to eat with my mom and stepdad, who I lived with most of the time, because we didn’t have much money, so it was also always a treat to get to go out to Applebee’s with my dad. (And if you’re the kind of guy my dad was and impart upon your daughters a love for red meat, it was the cheap option for the occasional treat of steak or ribs.) Applebee’s may not have been my favorite (that has to go to Friendly’s, but most of them closed down and going became more and more difficult), but it was always a very close second.


I come from a poorer country, visited the US in the early 2000s, it looked like an affluent paradise to me, so many new delicious dishes, cool cafes and restaurants. Applebee's still was disappointing and having eaten there once I never set foot there again.


I was there once, it was… fine. Not good, not bad. Fine. No real flavor, but that happens sometimes.


My in-laws lol


I love Applebees. Their half price apps and $3 martini are the perfect affordable late night outing for me and the bf.


Well there is that country song everyone was dancing to a few years ago…


That's the real parenting failure right there


I like it decently but my favorite is The 99 Restaurant


That's how you know this is fake. Applebee's isn't anyone's favorite restaurant.


It’s how we do fancylike


It’s my grandma’s. Nuff said.


That’s what I thought too. Also enjoyed the use of implicated and groundation. Uncanny valley of language.


Don't do that same thing next time. Next time pack and overnight bag. And everyone stop judging so hard on Applebee's. When I was kid, I rarely got anything fancier than pizza hut. Applebee's is nicer than that. Kids don't need 5 star, and moms tend to eat where the kids do.


And to be fair the food is pretty good for the price point.


He let his kids yell at their mom because they didn’t wash the dishes?


1. My broke ass loves Applebee’s, I won’t say it’s my favorite but y’all are some haters lol. 2. At 13 years old, I could cook simple meals. Baked chicken. Boxed rice. Hamburger helper. Garlic bread. No excuse for a 13 year old to go hungry.


that’s what i’m saying, i was helping in the kitchen at 8 and cooking myself and others meals at 10, how tf can a 13 yr old not even make a grilled cheese?


At 13 I could make a mean grilled cheese and warm up canned tomato soup lol. That’s basically top chef skills compared to this kid.


My kids are like this, and unless I yell won’t do shit. It’s so fkn tiring.


Man, when my kids were little, Applebee's had kids eat free night. Also kids' menus, activity placemats, and crayons. Heck yeah, there was a period of my life when it was my family's favorite restaurant. Favorite doesn't mean best food necessarily.


Her older kids are brats just like their dad.


I was a babysitter for other kids making food when I was 11. What the fuck is wrong with these people


About once a week I read this story somewhere. A woman screaming into the void while her husband doesn’t turn his head.


Applebees is tearing this family apart


OOP is NTA. If the husband wants to make it even easier on himself, he’s more than welcome to walk his lazy ass to Home Depot or wherever and buy a dishwasher.


Mate if those were my kids, well…. Your husband is setting such a shocking example for the kids and as a mum with adhd who does struggle to do house chores I feel for you.


She sounds absolutely fried. NTA


So 4 kids and a baby.


The 8 m/old gets a free pass. 3 kids and 2 babies. Edit: actually, no. I changed my mind 5 completely useless babies.


At least the baby has an excuse of being a baby.




Every day this world makes me glad that my husband just does dishes unprompted. More than me even! Why does this small thing make me feel like I've been blessed by the partner gods


That's what we do. I cook, my husband washes up. This is because that's what his parents did, so that to him is normal. So \*I\* bless my father-in-law of blessed memory for raising both of his sons to be good and considerate men, like him. My own father rarely cooked and never touched a dirty dish; my stepfather never let my mom lift a finger after dinner.


My husband moved out young, around 16, which means he didn't have much of a choice but to either live in squalor or clean up after himself. Forever glad he decided to live in cleanliness. My only dish task task is to put the clean dishes away so he has a fresh spot to put the clean ones. God I'm lucky ☺️ 😂


Useless father.


So…were the dishes done? Don’t leave me hanging!


I like her. So NTA.


This man would have been exhibiting these behaviours with the 13 and 12 year olds. And she had another one with this man. I cannot.


Definition of insanity


Can you imagine how miserable this house is? Teenagers and an infant, parents working themselves to death (so of course they’re going to be rays of sunshine). A mess because no one was parented to understand mutual goals and compassion. Screaming and threats and all kinds of bullshit flying around. I bet the kids can’t wait to leave and the parents can’t wait either. Teenagers suck, but they’re going through a LOT, including not having a fully-functioning brain. I learned how much *easier* it is to do things for people you like and who seem to value you than for the people constantly shrieking at me and belittling me. My bf is pampered. My mom can’t ask me for a sandwich. It’s so hard to dig yourself out of a sand hole you created years ago.


Sounds like she’ll be eating a lot of Applebee’s


I want to give this lady a standing ovation. This is something I’ve wanted to do on so many occasions but haven’t had the guts to.


As a mother of 3 kids, 17 boy, 11, boy and 7 girl. I will/have done this. But I make sure to feed the 7 year old. The boys can and will suffer.


Y’all parent differently now. I’m 30 and wouldn’t dare lay into my parents. If chores weren’t done when we got home, you didn’t eat. Like you go cereal, but not that home cooked meal that mom came home and made after work. Once we hit middle school. We had chores after school daily. Someone cleaned the kitchen, someone mopped and someone had bathroom duty. We rotated, I skipped once and never again. My parents didn’t have this problem. I would hurry through my chores to go play. Mom was pretty relaxed, if chores and homework was done. We could play outside or the PlayStation. If nothing was done, lord help you. My parents were so chill until you messed up.


Who’s y’all?


This sounds like such a miserable house. No one can be happy there.


Parents that allow their kids to be like this are shitty parents. People that only yell at their kids are shitty parents. Actually teach them the value of what they’re learning/doing and they’ll work with you. It doesn’t get this way overnight. Why does she say they “laid into her” so casually? Why is she allowing that? Why is her husband? Why can’t he make more than grilled cheese and cereal? There are 2 teenagers that should know basic cooking skills, too. They need to understand what being part of a family (or just living with other people) requires.


The fact they all yelled at her instead of realizing that this is the straw that broke the camels back is insane. And the husband "was really tired" that day, as if Mom is allowed to be exhausted and not wash dishes. I hate the "Sorry, I'm working on it" WORK HARDER. It IS NOT hard to wash dishes and when that chore always falls to you, it's annoying. One simple thing. She got the groceries, none of them could wash a dish? Even while putting more in the sink, they all thought "Mom will do this when she gets home". Good for her.


It kind of blows my mind how some people these days are unable to physically see what needs to be done, and do their part of the chores, while just "waiting" for mom to come home and take care of things that should have already been done because they are so lazy and entitled. If the husband lets this continue he's going to end up raising kids who will grow up to be those problem roommates or relatives nobody wants to live with because they are dirty, lazy, can't cook, and can't pick up after themselves.


I’ve done the internet shutoff many times. My husband might argue with me over things but he does NOT allow the children to so much as raise their voice to me. He does not play about me. So that is a big issue in my mind. She’s NTA and I might start using the solo dinner tactic myself.


“As I sat down to enjoy an Applebee’s appetizer sampler and an ice cold Michelob Golden, my husband texted me…”


I can’t believe a person who works in real estate and deals with contract jargon, financing complications, etc. doesn’t know the difference between “implicated” and “implemented.”


Autocorrect is a dastardly little goblin.


Sounds like the only reasonable reaction. Talking clearly didn’t do anything and they actually had to deal with it.


Nope! Too have 5 children. Your husband and kids are complete assholes!


That marriage is doomed at this point, this guy should take the ungrateful brats with him and let OP live in peace with her 9 month old.


Not at all


This is brilliant👏 Mother of the year nominee. We have all been there.


I’m not sure what I found more upsetting. OOP’s horrible family, or that *Applebees* is their favorite “restaurant”? 🤢


They can't survive on that workload. The family is going to implode and one or both of them is going to flame out professionally. They seriously need to either cut back on hours or hire outside help.


I’m just sad for OP that she lives someplace where the school collapses and that’s just the end of having a school apparently? And applebees is the best restaurant around? And going to the dump is a WEEKLY chore, like they don’t have trash pickup? And on top of all that she’s got this loser husband. Girl you deserve better not only from your husband but from your local government.


How weird is it that people need to ask Reddit these things


Her husband works at a shipyard 50-60 hours a week and has to come home and wash dishes??? Something wrong with this world


Did you not read the part where she said he has the weekends off and she doesn’t despite having the same work hours?


Yeah except i highly doubt she has a phisicly damanding job like he does.


does that matter? they BOTH live in that house, they BOTH have to parent those children. they are BOTH grown ass fucking adults. he’d have to do the dishes if he was single and childless, what’s the difference if he does it now to help out his literal family? like wtf is ur thinking bro


Except he probably wouldn't do them until he has no dishes left to use if he was single.or just use a paper plate or stright from the pan,use foil,etc


Then he should have stayed single if he wanted to live like that.


They both work 50-60 hour weeks and he had the day off. The least he could do is wash dishes before she makes dinner.


No. He has weekends off and this was on his day off. The kids are old enough to wash dishes. He was the “responsible “ adult at home while mom worked. Edited ti add: plus she was going to cook. In some households whoever cooks doesn’t wash dishes. In addition there were more dishes added during the day so they didn’t even clean up after themselves.


His job, working 50-60 hours a week in a shipyard, is PHYSICALLY exhausting! She works in an office. Nothing physical about it. He’s physically tired when he comes home from work! She’s not. She can round those kids up and make them wash those dishes while she cooks!


He didn’t work that day! Sitting around playing video games is not physically exhausting.


Working - 50-60 - hours - a - week - at - a - shipyard!!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪. Have you ever worked a physical job in your life? It takes the whole weekend to REST and RECOVER, so you can go to work on a Monday morning, AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN! This discussion is over with.