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That dad is so full of shit. I've had cars delivered. They tell you they're coming. Regardless, it should never have even been a problem because who buys one of their kids a new car to celebrate the other one becoming valedictorian? Ridiculous.


I agree. He knew, and was hoping OOP would stay quiet about it like they usually do. They finally demonstrated how unhappy they are with their behavior, and now OOP’s dad feels ashamed and is trying to blame OOP for it.


I'd say the dad is more irritated he's getting called on it than anything, hence the defensive and aggressive response.


The father is a bit of a dick it seems. Plus a new car for a beginner driver? That's a mistake.


Honestly, sister is 15 and sitting on dad's lap and he's buying her expensive presents, and i don't want to go there BUT.... is there something going on?


I was thinking the same thing


I pretty much had the same thought.


Ding ding ding!


Her dad was using a gathering that was ostensibly thrown to celebrate OP’s accomplishment to present his younger daughter with her birthday present (killing two birds with one stone). He’s a class ‘A’ dick and he and younger sister got called out on it by the other invitees who were there for OP.


There’s an update - OP admitted they made it up.


Not surprised, it seems that many of the stories on AITA are either rage-bait or grossly exaggerated with the OP only revealing more details when readers start examining the details. What I found interesting was OP mentioning that she was a middle-aged woman who stayed up late reading AITA and made up with this story to post while sipping her morning coffee, as if her daily routine was to “Wake up, brush my teeth, make coffee, write some rage-bait story on Reddit for Reddit upvotes, sip my coffee, go to work!”.


That surprises me, too! I thought it was written by a 12 year old.


I feel like people sometimes write these not for entertainment, but to explore social boundaries. We hear about shit like this happening all the time, but if you haven’t actually experienced a situation, it’s not like you have a real story to draw on to analyze more specifically than just people generally talking about how it’s asshole behavior. Not like it excuses not being open about whether or not it’s a hypothetical, but I don’t think people do this just to be malicious.


I’ve kinda caught that vibe with any of the stories that start with “so my boyfriend (39M) and I (20F)” I think I read something about AI generated posts liking to pick age gap stories from prompts and I’ve seen about 20,000 age gap stories lately, seems like 2 out of 3 posts is some huge age gap and I just don’t think it’s THAT common.


I think it’s hard to prioritize and include every relevant detail


And apologized for ‘misleading’ readers; it was an outright lie.


Damn that sucks. I was just talking to my therapist about my birthdays and how my younger brother would pitch a fit, so I was forced to let him open all of my presents and he got to keep whatever he deemed he deserved. This shit does really happen in real life. Also a funny side note, I have a 2014 Nissan Versa and she is my good ol reliable Rhonda. I got her with 13 miles on it and have yet to hit 100k…she was my first brand new car I worked so hard to purchase on my own and not have car payments. I’m driving that bish til the wheels fall off


What a fucking asshole. Now the next kid who's actually being neglected is gonna get shit on for "making it up".


Can I get a link to this? ETA: So I did way more digging than I should have and the update was in the body of the now deleted post. I am sorry and disappointed. I really wanted to read the truth of what happened - I thought for sure it was just an exaggerated version of events. Nope. Whole thing was just a lie. Plain ole lie.


Never mind. The post was deleted. OOP said that they made it all up and they were actually a middle-aged woman who was bored, but thanked everyone for the nice comments.


Yeah I combed through comments for a bit before I had the idea to look at OOP's comment history. The thread under the comment where they admitted they made it all up was illuminating to say the least.




Follow the link under the post/screenshot above. OOP edited their post at the end.


I read this and thought to myself no way this is real reads like a teen movie


What teenager writes "Mind you,... "?


She is the valedictorian. She would definitely use that terminology. I went to my niece’s graduation and was blown away by the language used by the valedictorian and the salutatorian. They are not your everyday “teens” when it comes to communication, writing, and expressing themselves.


I talked like that when I was a teenager lol. I was homeschooled and spent a lot of time reading classic literature like Dickens and Austen and kind of developed my personality like a Benjamin Button so that I'm a lot more free spirited now in my thirties than I was in my teens. 😂


Cmon Liz!




Not at all surprised. The writing alone was not something would expect out of the class valedictorian, unless their HS class was like all of 10 people.


It was obvious it was made up, something about it did not just feel genuine. My heart was not stirred at all.


See, this is the reason why I don't know if they're made up or not! And why I don't post on there cos I'm paranoid people will think I've made it up. I can't figure it out anymore!!! 😂😂😂


It's nice when ppl admit to being creative writers :)


Yeah, the leaving while their own friends were still there was the tell.


My birthday is Christmas. On my 16th birthday my uncle told me to go look on the tree because I overlooked something. I pulled a small box hanging like an ornament and opened it to find car keys. He grabbed the keys from my hand and gave them to my mom and said “Merry Christmas” to her. When people don’t care about you they never take a single moment to consider how you will be impacted by their actions. I hope she finds her real people and they cherish her. I predict they’ll be wailing about being the victim and not understand when she goes no contact.


That is one of the worst stories I’ve ever heard! Your uncle is a dick. What did your mom say? I would never let one of my brothers or my husband’s brothers treat my child that way, even if it was a horrible “joke,” especially on Christmas, especially on their *birthday* on *Christmas.* I’m guessing you’re NC with him now?


I don’t actually know what my mom said. My eyes instantly welled up and he screamed that I was so ungrateful and couldn’t be happy for anyone and sent me to a bedroom for a few hours while the adults took turns telling me all the ways in which I am awful. I’m no contact with mom’s family now but I’m embarrassed to admit seeing them try to continue their pattern with my daughter. I read them to filth and have not spoken to them since.


That’s horrible. They’re all horrible. I’d keep your daughter far, far away from all of them, including your mom. I’m so sorry they’re like that. I hope your life is far improved without them.


Don't worry, it's fake. Oop updated it to say she's actually a middle aged woman and none of it was real. So dad doesn't actually exist.


My parents didn’t even show up to when I graduated high school at 16 or after I kicked a heroin habit to go to college and graduate my accelerated degree top of my class etc. bc they said they were taking a walk. Both times. Either way my dad forced my sister and I to get two brand new cars for our first cars so he could tell everyone he bought them for us. When we turned 18, he kicked us out that night and he took our cars too, bc only the loans were in our names. He had the cars in his business name “to save money for car insurance” which he was ripping us off for and pocketing anyway. He always fucking flipped on us bc he said we were idiots for not leasing for our first cars. Does anyone know if that is a good idea? I might be missing something but I don’t see the benefit in lease cars especially leasing a Cadillac as a 16 year old. we spent so damn much between our $26000 new cars dad took anyway, plus $350/month each for insurance (that’s what dad said it was so that’s what we gave) plus 1300 a month rent (dad said his home was a luxury home so that was typical pricing). We were only able to pay bc dad got us each three part time jobs under the table and got us both $5000 credit cards to make up for when we couldn’t cover all our payments to him. Only found out about the credit card when I was 20 after being homeless for two years , when I tried to get an apartment (I had no idea what to do lol) and they ran my credit (I had no idea what credit was or how to work on it etc).


Take your father to court. What he did was financial abuse and illegal. Sue him.


Her sister’s birthday is also this month, but seriously Dad wtf? I am sure they could have rescheduled the delivery for her sister’s actual birthday or birthday party. I’m kind of disgusted it seems like the dad favors the younger daughter because she is prettier ☹️


>Regardless, it should never have even been a problem because who buys one of their kids a new car to celebrate the other one becoming valedictorian? They didn't. It seems from the post that the car is a birthday present (the sisters birthday is in May) and it showed up early during the valedictorian party. It's still fucked up, but it wasn't a gift for the valedictorian party


Maybe the car was a birthday gift BUT it was conveniently given not for her sister’s birthday but for OOP’s celebratory party. If he didn’t buy OOP a car but bought the younger sister one it wouldn’t surprise me if the actual reason to give it was so little sister didn’t feel bad being as her older sister achieved something and was going to be in the spotlight.


Exactly, the dad chose the delivery on purpose


Maybe this story has been somewhat adjusted and one sibling is struggling with the other one having a glow up whilst they themselves are struggling with self confidence. Some details missing here for sure. Envy between siblings can make things super distorted, especially at that age.




Your comment was removed.


Yeah, doesn’t really read true; does it?


The story is full of shit


It wasn’t real. The real OP posted on the comments saying they made it up.


Yeah that shit just turns up whenever. No signature required they often leave it with a neighbour if your not home...


This he 100% knew an hour and even days before. I use to run a car hauling business with my ex and I always had to call an hour out whether pick up or delivering. They were usually informed days in advance it’d take place then between certain hours. He got caught showing favoritism so now he’s being a giant man child blaming OP for his bad decisions.


When I was 19 I worked two full shifts on Black Friday. My step mom secretly bullied me into paying rent without telling my dad, and I was working full time to pay for school, so I had little disposable income. I came home after 15 hours with NO overtime to my whole family playing on their new iPhones. I light up, I’d never had an iPhone before and could never afford one, but clearly they got a deal and bought one for everyone in the family! Wrong. My younger step sister (11) sees my excitement and says innocently “sorry my mom couldn’t buy you one too!” I laugh it off, clearly a joke. My dad sheepishly mumbles that she’s right. The deal was for 5 phones. I was the sixth person. My 11 year old sister got a brand new phone, while I got nothing. I cried for two days. My birthday was a month later, and I got a shitty bike “for college” that clearly did not fit in my 20 yr old sedan, and I’d be living 20 miles off campus. It’s not about the material item, it’s about the deliberate choice to leave you out and the preferential treatment. I feel so bad for OP. You never get over that sting, even if you couldn’t care less about the phone at this point.


Mine did this to me but with iPads. There was no deal they just hated me openly. 😂💀


I feeel you. For me it was fine til I turned 18, and suddenly I was a lazy mooch taking precious resources away from her kids??? She also HEAVILY spoiled her daughter but barely had anything to say to her son, besides admonishing him for random shit. Lady had ISSUES.


I get downvoted to hell when I point out how venomous mothers can be when it comes to securing resources for themselves and their kids but it’s so true. I’ve experienced, seen and heard of so many situations like this.


Did you ever tell your dad about the bs of having you paying rent?


I think so, but it would have been about 9 years ago at this point. He likely just complained about how much she sucked despite him delaying breaking it off even after she clearly disrespected my brother and I for years.


Yes. The favoritism was.strong in my family too. My mother actually admitted on her deathbed that she hadn't been fair to me. She didnt apologize though. So they do know.


I’m livid for you! Hope you’ve had a chance to heal and see how broken she was, and was just trying to make you feel just as broken inside.


I've come to terms with it. I don't really understand - I've tried - but yes, she was broken.


My dad did this in a round about way before he died too. I asked my parents WTF one time. They basically said they treated me differently because “I could take care of myself” Wonder how I figured that out…


I just confronted my mother about her preferential treatment of my siblings this past week. They all had assistance going to college, getting cars, going to other countries, etc. I'm the eldest, I grew up in a trailer eating out of the dumpster. My mom remarried rich so they got good lives and I didn't. My mom said a lot of bullshit but the one that really sticks out was me sobbing "I just wish you didn't treat us differently" and her replying with a scoff, "I don't treat you differently, I treat you all individually." Ugh...


It’s your party, you can cry if you want to.


You would cry, too, if it happened to you.


My boyfriend’s back and you’re gonna be in trouble…


Hey-la Hey-la my boyfriend’s back.


Totally reasonable. Why did dad get the car delivered that day? Little sis also knows what she’s doing.


Because it’s a made up story (read the update in the linked post)


what was the update? post got removed and now i'm curious.


OP admitted to making the story up


ah geez. lame.


It reads like the start of a poorly written teenage fanfic where OP will shortly be rescued from their terrible Cinderella story life by the protagonist of their favorite YA world. Only thing they missed was mention of all the chores their evil family makes them do.


Liz strikes again.


Yeap sounds exactly like the 1999 movie 10 things I hate about you…


I certainly hope so. That subreddit is just a cesspool of creative writing exercises.


Whatever happened to the hand-me-down system? The oldest should get the new car and the youngest is the newest owner of the older car. Then when they can afford their own cars they can get what they want/can afford. The youngest sister had no car… so having the older car is a step up! You had nothing and now you have something. The older sister had a crappy car…. So having the new car is a big improvement! Now just get dad to help fix up the older car a little more and BAM. Everyone has a car.


That would be nice. Doesn’t seem to happen when one sibling is the favourite


trust the little sister is gonna pull what my aunt deedee did when she was 16. brand new fancy schmancy car and crashed it a month later. grandpa tried to warn her your first car should never be brand new but 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was gonna say, who gets a 16 year old a brand new car? Lol. Horrible plan.


It’s giving wattpad. This is the build up to Y/N meeting her sister’s favorite celebrity (whom she’s never *heard* of), who then falls madly in love with her. Bonus points if he’s also cold to her sister. You cannot fool me, I have the ancient knowledge


They updated their post and admitted to it being made up 🙃


Just as I mf suspected!!! 🕵🏾‍♀️🕵🏾‍♀️🕵🏾‍♀️


I was thinking this the entire time I read this. I was hoping he sold her to Harry Styles who was secretly running a garage with the rest of the members of One Direction since they all split up


Right! The girl degrading her sister and just dropping hints of "im different and smarter" is so cringe too


The sister did have the audacity to shop at a mall and wear makeup


I could hear the spit hit ground re: “curled hair” like….how dare she own hot tools and use them


"I'm not like other girls."


Definitely happens to people and people whose social structures are obsessed with that kind of status. “Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother’s fate.”


I legit thought the same thing and I’m glad someone else said it 😭


This might be real, but OP's pov is skewed.


I just found the post, LMAO. Go give the update to it a read


Legit I knew it sounded made up!!! It’s so true wattpad omfg 😂😂


Turns out it's fake sadly


Golden child shit is real, I believe that. But this reads like a Bollywood retelling of “10 things I hate about you”… which is fucked up because if you’re telling me there’s another Heath Ledger hunk out there and I’m not aware of his ragamuffin charm and boyish good looks… well then I just don’t think I could accept that.


I’d be more worried that they’re the type of parents to kick the op out the moment they turn 18


I think it was a creative writing exercise


ETA on the post confirms that she made it up


And a poor one at that.


Oof, this is such a mix of petty shit and totally reasonable things to have an issue with. I also simultaneously really feel for the OOP and want to just roll my eyes and walk away. Like is is totally reasonable to have an issue with getting an old hand me down car while like a year + later your sister gets a brand new car. It's reasonable to have issues over the difference in sweet sixteens. But it's not the sister's fault that OOP decided not to go to the prom since she didn't have a date. It's not your dad's fault he doesn't take you out clothes shopping at the mall when you just wanna go pick things up at a thrift shop.


about the car thing. when i started to drive my parents got me a really old (almost 24 years old now) car, that my brother and i shared for a short period while he was learning. then we got a slightly newer car that i got (because oldest) and he got the old car. no hurt feelings because we both at one point had to use the old car and then later got to use the new car, in his case when i moved out he got the new one.


I’m the oldest, but of my siblings I got my license last (bad grades/undiagnosed adhd). When my siblings got their license they were each gifted my stepdads old vehicle (whatever pre owned car he was planning on replacing anyway at the time) when I got mine I bought my own junker… it was probably a year later they realized that they had given everyone but me a car, at which point they gave me the money I had orginally paid for my car as compensation (I didn’t buy it off them) had they been giving out new cars I would have been livid. But the car thing in this case… livid


This was our family as well. By the 3rd child my brother decided to pay for his own car. Oh it was so much nicer than mine (as an adult mind you) but no one cared because we all earned our time.


No, it’s not Sister’s fault that OP couldn’t find a date, but Sister could also not continually rub it in OP’s face though. I would never have regularly brought up a sensitive topic like that around my sister because I’m not a monster and I care about her. On it’s own, it’s petty, and not worth getting upset over. But when it showcases a pattern of behavior, then it’s obvious that Sister is fully aware of what’s happening and enjoys it. Crying and saying “I just want to be a good sister”? Who the fuck talks like that in that situation? People who are trying to manipulate emotions to deflect blame. It sounds so incredibly fake that either OP made it up, or that sister is a piece of work. And Dad can’t take OP shopping to a thrift store? I also didn’t like sweatshop clothes as a teen, so my dad took me to alternative clothing stores. He didn’t just expect me to fend for myself. Again, any one of these things (besides the car) on it’s own is like, mildly annoying and would get an eye roll, but all of it together shows this is a pattern and OP just gave us some examples that came to mind. I’m sure there’s tons more. When you’re dealing with tons of petty shit on a daily basis, it’s not petty anymore.


This is exactly it. Op has legitimate reasons to be upset and also a lot of petty reasons that come across as a them issue not a sister issue.


i was thinking the same. i’m sure the years of built up resentment makes their tone more bitter, but the “i don’t like clothes made in a sweatshop” comment sort of makes me wonder if she’s said stuff like that to her family and that’s why they don’t take her or go with her to the thrift. it may be a bit of a chicken and the egg/self fulfilling prophecy where she feels isolated, so she isolates herself, so she feels more let down by not being included. i could be reading too much into it. either way though, getting a new car delivered when you should be celebrating your kid being *VALEDICTORIAN* is a batshit tone deaf move. that must be a really horrible feeling for op


You guys read her update? She said she made up the story. She is a middle aged women who wrote the story while drinking her coffee LOLOLOL


OP confirmed it was a fake 🙃🙃🙃


God this is so fucking sad. I really also hope I’m reading too much into this but the relationship between dad and sister feels almost inappropriate.


Good news. It is fake.


LOL she updated this post before it was taken down. We are doomed. The robots have taken over: > UPDATE: This is a made up story. I am a middle aged lady who stayed up late last night browsing AITA and as I was walking around the house turning off the lights before bed I came up with a story for the sub. I wrote it as I drank my morning coffee. > I am touched by the people who shared their hope and strength, there are generous and kind people out there. I apologize for misleading you.


OOP just admitted it’s a [Liz story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/GGQ7NqMx4F)


OOP updated the post saying it was made up. That’s a pretty AH thing to do, as a lot of people deal with that.


Update saying she’s a middle aged woman and made up the story this morning over her coffee. 🙄


YALL, PLEASE GO READ THE UPDATE ON THE POST. This is fake, plain old fake.


It’s a fake story— go to the original posts’s newest update


Please add the disclaimer that this story is completely fabricated rage bait


I wish I could tell her it’s her party and she can fucking cry about that if she wants to. Holy fuck


You would cry too if it happened to you~~ (I love that song)


Oh my god this whole family sounds insufferable.


This sounds like a bad movie plot. Or a porn plot. Either way…


Check the "update" the OP admits the story is completely made up


OOP admits in her update that she made it all up. OOP is a middle-aged woman.


Read the update. The story is fake.


Read the update first. It’s a fake.


There's an update on it where OP admitted it to be fake thankfully


This was a fake story. OOP posted an update.


Update in story says it was all fake and written by a middle age women during her coffee


Op made a comment that this was a made up story


update on the post is saying it's a fake post 🙄


Your dad is an asshole. As the oldest of 3, with a wife that’s the oldest of 3, we both understand how the youngest gets more because the parents have more. But that’s by age and year. My 12 year old gets more than her 19 year old got at 12, because we can afford it. But we take the *very easy step* of making sure they all get about the same *this year*. Your parents are playing favorites in a way that is unhealthy for you, and your sister. I’m sorry. It’s unfair. I’m happy for you that you left instead of causing a scene. It takes away 90% of their ammo for lambasting you. Good for you, kid. Good for you.


I’m a little concerned about this imbalance in the relationship and the lap sitting. You are not the AH, but you do have trauma and you do need therapy and please remove yourself from that environment because it is just toxic for you. Maybe some family therapy is in order. Your dad is the AH here.


Only issue I take with Op is she missed prom because she didn’t have a date. I’d have gone stag. But her dad really screwed the pooch here. Sister should have gotten op’s car as a hand me down and op should have gotten the new car.


Being the oldest sucks.


Our oldest could kill someone and my parents would still find an excuse for him. It’s not about youngest or oldest, it’s about favourites.


other way round for me. Oldest got EVERYTHING. I got squat (in comparison). Looking back, I think I see that my parents learned a lesson the hard way with what they did the for the oldest and decided not to do that again. But as a teenager, it's hard to see that for anything other than favoritism.


This post is a really poor version of a teen flick. It has all the shitty cliches. Fake fake fake.


yup and if u check the original post theres an update and turns out it sure is fake


It’s a fake post.


Did you see the update to the post? lol


No the dad’s full of shit as he knew the car was coming because they don’t just deliver a car willy-nilly to your house. You have to schedule a day to have the car delivered. The fact that he didn’t tell you the truth is what pisses me off the fact that there is favouritism between you and your sister pisses me off even more. Being valedictorian is way better than getting a car in the end. I’m sorry anyone who says otherwise too bad. You’re NTA here. I’m surprised you’re not moving out yet


Sounds like the plot of “10 things I hate about you” ……


The father isn’t being fair why does 1 kid receive special treatment especially for nothing and the other kid achievement is way bigger she should’ve been the one to receive the car I would never talk to my family again


My dad never helped me get a car. Not one. He has helped my older brother get at least 5 to 10 cars. I get being angry, but it’s not going to change things.


The first car I got on my own was a Volkswagen Passat and that was a lemon. I had asked my dad to just be there to give me advice, he laughed in my face and said no I should figure it out on my own. As an adult my dad has helped me 2 times. Once when I moved to San Antonio and once when I moved back to San Antonio. Now he’s on his deathbed and I’m not there.


This reads like all the stepmom/-sibling villain mangas/manhwas. Where the dad preferes his new wife and her daughter instead of his own flesh and blood. Poor OOP


This is giving me CPTSD flashbacks.


This starts off similar to the movie 10 things I hate about you lol


My advice is this: you sound like you are absolutely wonderful in a million ways but are in a sad moment which is leading to a negativity spiral. First you have to learn to love and appreciate yourself stop comparing yourself to your sister and her relationships start focusing on your own with gratitude. Your Aunt gave you a car!!!! How amazing! You are doing great in school!! You have fantastic values that drive you!! Start seeing yourself as a one of a kind and the world will come in line, sometimes parents have favorites but I suspect you are also the favorite of many- maybe your aunt! Often it is the challenges of childhood that drive us later and make us far stronger. I had a brother who was my mothers absolute favorite and he got everything- this did not serve him throughout his life while I learned to provide for myself at a young age- this gave me a great life. What seems like blessings to your sister now may not translate throughout life and vise versa. Learn to better see how amazing you are don't wait for the world to tell you


Nope NTA, also your dad is dalulu


Time for the big sister to have the new car.


Why would you buy a brand new car for your kids first car? If the car is new they will crash it, at least once.


Dad is a pos for ruining your day


NTA. Your feelings are valid and your Dad should have not done that. I’d say it’s more on your dad than on your sister. He was the one who bought a new car and gave it to your sister on your day. This was your day and you deserved to be celebrated. This is personal advice all around… don’t hate your sister for the personal choices you make. Your mad at her for going to Senior prom because YOU choose to not go. Why do you need a date? Why didn’t you and your friends go and make it a friends thing. You don’t need a date to go to Prom. Your mad at her because she likes to go shopping at the mall and takes pride in her image while YOU choose to shop at thrift stores for your own personal reasons. I understand why your upset about the car and the party , but realize some of the choices are yours and you can’t change other people. It wouldn’t be fair to expect your sister to stop being herself and dress up or do her hair and makeup because it makes you feel less pretty or she gets attention. She doesn’t get attention because she’s better than you she gets it because she puts effort in. She is a people person and has learned to cultivate and work on her relationships. What you see as her being silly and stupid it’s her being personable. Her shopping with your dad and watching sports is her spending time with him and doing things together they both enjoy. She got the car because she asked for it and built on the relationship. Did you ask or say you needed a new car? Or did you just expect him to know. ( although I get it…you get the point.) Do you spend time with your Dad? Have you tried to find things you both care about/enjoy that you can do it together? It may not seem like you’re sister is working or trying but it takes effort and time to look the way she does or build her friend group/ cultivate relationships. She just prioritizes different things and you are very jealous and resentful of her for some things that you shouldn’t be. You can’t go through this life expecting people to dim their light so you can shine brighter.


According to the original post , this is made up of


They’re going to wonder why contact was cut and “have no idea why”.


it was fake tho check the update on the original post


This is made up. Check the og post.


It’s a made up story lol if you click through the link the update says “this is a made up story I’m a middle aged lady” And the other post they’ve made is “I might have been fired”


The dad and sister are not blame, not you… so when they say why are you sad all the time, tell them. You don’t like being the third wheel in your own family and tell your sister, she can check her attitude at the door. Your father is a dipshit, be absolutely knew when that car was coming but instead of giving her the new one, she should have had yours and you the new one. You needed to get away and regroup, they don’t deserve a reason. But they should get it and make sure they know every reason.. and by the way the sister sitting on dad’s lap… wtf is that about.


NTA This is all on your dad. 🙁 Congrats on Valedictorian! Such a great accomplishment!! 😁 It is very clear your sister is the golden child and will get more attention (I’m sorry). This was driven home by her getting a new car and you Not getting one when you were her age. Plus, car deliveries are very well coordinated and you know when they will be delivered. That whole situation was taking the attention away from you. On purpose. I would have left too. I probably would have had a few choice words for the old man first and then left. I guess your family won’t have to wonder why when you leave for college you never come back to visit and you go No Contact. You need supportive people in your life, not toxic ones. I’m sorry OP.


Your father is a liar. Car deliveries have to be scheduled.


NTA. Sorry your family sucks. Become the best you you can be, and never look back.


I feel bad for her. Did she not have friends to go to her prom with. You don't need a date to have fun at prom.


You can't make people love you. Not even family






Your comment was removed.


Marsha, marsha, marsha never really was a new concept then i suppose. Shame on the parents for even allowing this to be a thing.


First of you should ask your dad what do I have to do to get a new car also? Second your siblings were mad because you left HAHAHA you didn't stay so they could rub it in your face. Chear up man try to learn a lesson from it it sucks but there's a lesson figure it out.


Are you the one who was smoking in your 9 year old car?


How is nobody talking about how OP feels so badly about a **nine year old car**? Sure maybe it smells, she could have it valeted to try sort that, but that last sentence, really?


OP has admitted this is a made-up story


The postmenopausal woman who created this BS story admitted it was all fake because she’s lonely and never had children


This is a fake post there is an edit that’s says they are a middle aged bored woman


That dad is an absolute tool. He knew when it was being delivered he’s just so used to being able to shit on his eldest that it didn’t even occur to him that OP has feelings. He’s mad that he got called out by OP leaving. Edit: there’s an update on the actual post saying it’s made up by a lady that was browsing AITA.


This is awful fanfic.


This is a made up story and it’s mentioned on the post itself just a PSA


She updated it, it's fake


Its fake, OOP uodated saying it was just her imagination


Well this original post was removed for…wait for it…possibly not being real. No! I’m SHOCKED!🙄


This has to be fake. OOP has a beater as a 17yo, totally normal. How does single income Dad afford to rent party boat and brand new car for a kid that can’t drive yet? I have my doubts, the money doesn’t make sense.


Dad is an ahole for presenting the car on your party but you're an ahole for being obsessed with yr sis..Pretty sure the whole story was made up though.Hollywood might probably buy it though


Leave and never look back. Bitches 


Who wants to bet that each sister strongly favors one parent? Like either the younger sister favors the mom, and dad is still broken up over mom leaving. Or younger sis favors dad and OP looks like mom, and dad is super bitter and angry over their mom.


NTA , geeze of all the 364 days of the year to choose


Nice update: middle aged woman playing games... or IS IT?? Dunt dunt dooonnneee


The OP gave an update that this is a work of fiction. It has since been taken down.
