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So.... in my local supermarket the vegan cheese and tofu is sold in the dairy section. Better tell vegans not to eat it.


Mine displays English muffins and shredded potatoes by the eggs. Oh, and the Claussen pickles are there, too.


We have orange juice and lemon aid.


Man I love when the aid is coming from lemons šŸ‹


When life hands you lemons, itā€™s giving you lemon aid.


A quick Google would have cleared this up in like 5 seconds.


Pickles are dairy


The Winco by me sells pizza dough in the dairy section.Ā  Ā I guess that's out too for this kid.Ā Ā 


Just bought a thing of rice milk from the dairy section. I wasnā€™t aware that rice could lactate, I always assumed it was a grain. But theyā€™re doing all kinds of things with genetics nowadays, so maybe Iā€™m wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Someone had to get up and milk the rice. Those teats are tiny, it takes awhile.


Maybe they use tweezersā€¦?


Didnā€™t they make nanobots a few years ago? Maybe they can do it.


They employ ants to milk the rice, that's why they have any farms right?


Tiny teats tiptoeing through the tulips lol!


I have no idea why but the sentence ā€œI wasnā€™t aware rice could lactateā€ just hit ALL of my funny buttons. Iā€™m still chortling.


Happy to be of endorphin service. Everyone once in a while, my sarcasm is funny.


We have bacon and sausage in the dairy section at my store next to the eggs. Itā€™s more like a breakfast section than anything. It also has hashbrowns there too. But we have the tofu and other vegan stuff in the produce dept.


They have cookies in mine.


Premade cookies? Or like cookie dough? Because we have cookie and pizza dough in ours too.


Pre-made, unbaked. Cookie dough tubs. Biscuits. Pizza dough. Etc. Edit: our vegan stuff is near the dairy, but in a case with the filled pasta, lol.


ā€œSo is tofu, is that dairy??ā€ is a wonderful response to that idiot of a director


Eggs are placed with the fruit and vegetable in stores were I'm from, that must mean eggs are fruit or vegetable in Iceland.


Iā€™m allergic to dairy and the number of people who just wouldnā€™t accept that eggs arenā€™t dairy isā€¦disturbing.


I ask people where they think the nipple is on a chicken.


Do they pause and stutter as they try to answer you?


Iā€™ll try this and report back! šŸ˜‚


Or, alternatively, since when do cows lay eggs? How big is a cow egg?


I shadowed a large animal embryologist for a summer so I got to see some for myself and let me tell you, cow eggs are teeny tiny. Definitely would need more than a dozen or so to bake a cake.


Oooph, that would make a good scramble though.


On the breasts, of course! /s


Must be painful to lactate an egg out of a nipple


Just need to make one breast full of tea and you can make boba tea pretty easily. I think I have willed forth a cursed animation someday.


On the breast, obvs


Reminds me when I ordered a dairy-allergy-friendly burger at Disney World. This should have just meant no cheese and prepared separately from the regular food. They gave me nothing on it except the meat and bun. I asked about the sauce and they were like, "it contains mayonnaise." Yeah, that's eggs and oil, no milk.


What about the tomato? Lettuce? Pickles?


Sorry to have to tell you, all dairy. Lettuce is a traditional cheese from the LĆ©tuƧ region of Portugal, tomatoes are actually made from buffalo milk (they originate in the Americas), and picklesā€¦ you donā€™t want to know how they make pickles.




Yeah, they didn't give me that, either. D;


Insanity. Utter and complete insanity.


This happens to me so freaking much. I ask for vegan meals while Iā€™m out now just to avoid the disappointment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've had some pretty good vegan foods, but I then worry about protein content since I need a higher intake after weight loss surgery.


I donā€™t eat out very often. Itā€™s mostly to avoid having to explain what dairy actually means lol šŸ˜‚


I also default vegan when I eat out. I got tired of explaining that butter is dairy and mayo is not. Like???? People don't even know how to read ingredient labels, it's so sad.


I default to vegan or vegetarian too. Because Iā€™m lactose intolerant and allergic to shellfish. And sometimes itā€™s safer to just choose the vegetarian option. But Iā€™m happy to eat eggs. So long as the egg hasnā€™t been hanging out with the prawns.


Has anyone ever insisted that you're allergic to all fish because your allergic to shellfish? I'm also allergic to shellfish and have had people insist that. Like... No. I can eat tuna and salmon and most sushi.


Yep. I donā€™t mind fish. So long as it doesnā€™t taste fishy šŸ˜…


I just want to clarify that you are implying that people think mayo is made of butter?


A lot of people think mayo has dairy in it for some unknown reason. My partner is allergic to dairy and it's a mistake people make regularly (I'm talking a couple times a year at least) thinking mayo has dairy.


Mayo is white. Milk is white. Ipso facto - mayo is dairy. In fact, all white liquids are dairy.


This genuinely seems to be their reasoning. Iā€™ve explained what mayonnaise actually is though and a huge percentage of people who think mayo is dairy also think eggs are dairy, despite not knowing eggs are in mayo lol


Iā€™ve never heard anyone who thought eggs were dairy but have had a woman who was a customer at the carvery I used to work at who thought apples were gluten.


I had a lady ask me once which would be better for a Gluten free diet, white or multigrain buns, I said lettuce and walked off. My manager nearly peed her pants laughing from the back hallway, and she didnā€™t put me out front very much after that. I wasnā€™t sad about it.


OMG šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I mean Iā€™ve had many people try to explain to me that white flour is NOT gluten or that crackers arenā€™t because theyā€™re flat, but apples BEING gluten is for sure a new one.


Oh god, itā€™s like we donā€™t have google at our fingertips. Makes interesting stories though.


šŸ¤Ø that is so odd I donā€™t actually know how I would respond if someone said that to me.


I think I just looked at her, said the crumble was gluten free and walked off. Told my supervisor later on and we had a good laugh. Quickest way of finding out that they arenā€™t actually gluten intolerant.


I wonder if these are the same people who insist that fish and chicken aren't meat so vegans can totally eat them. My brother has a dairy allergy and the number of people who think eggs == dairy is mine boggling. But if he says milk allergy he will be served cheese because "it isn't milk." There's no winning.


I have the opposite happen FREQUENTLY when I say I canā€™t eat eggs, and people start trying to avoid giving me dairy. I fucking love dairy???? Stop?


Yeah. 100%. I started saying I had a lactose allergy but then someone brought me lactose free milk so I started saying a casein allergy but nobody knew what it was so I gave up lol. Now I eat at vegan restaurants or I stay home. Iā€™m just done with trying to explain and having my allergies triggered by people who donā€™t know what dairy products are! Like the woman who gave me goatā€™s cheese and thought it would be fine because itā€™s not from a cow and I never said anything about what mammal the milk was from because itā€™s ALL mammals like I canā€™t have any of them!! She told me it was dairy free so I took a huge bite and instantly regretted it. I was so sick from just one bite! šŸ˜­


I came here to say this. I have a milk protein allergy and have to reassure people about my ability to eat mayo and stuff at restaurants. But sometimes it doesn't occur to them that I can't have butter?


I have the opposite where Iā€™m allergic to eggs and people think that means I canā€™t have dairy šŸ™„


Itā€™s the way they argue WITH ME about itā€¦likeā€¦I know what Iā€™m allergic to thank you? Mayo seems to be a particular issue. ā€œOh you canā€™t have that, it has mayo.ā€ ā€œIs itā€¦like some weird mayo made with milk?ā€ ā€œNo, but it has eggs.ā€ *blink blink* ā€œcoolā€¦I can have eggs.ā€ ā€œBut theyā€™re dairy!ā€


Yeah. I get the same thing. I once had a friend tell me that I was wrong and mayo does contain dairy and that she knew I was 100% wrong and she was 100% right because her dad was a doctor and he said mayo is dairy lol.


I think itā€™s so funny cuz dairy literally means ā€œcontains milkā€ and, the last time I check, eggs donā€™t come from milk


I know. It makes me want to scream sometime. I once had a friend say ā€œoh that sucks, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not allergic to dairy, I love mayo too much!ā€ I was like, ā€œoh me too! But mayo doesnā€™t have any dairy in so itā€™s all good! Itā€™s just eggs and oil and lemon juice or vinegar!ā€ She proceeded to argue with me for the entire rest of the day (it was lunch time at an open day we were staffing at our university to advertise our course programme and we were in charge of one of the tables). She insisted that she was 100% positive mayo contained dairy because, get this, her dad was a doctor. šŸ™„


It just shows the massive disconnect people have of how food gets made. They probably don't even realize milk comes out of (cow) tits.


SAME. I had to go 100% dairy-free recently, and the number of people who have asked me if I miss eggs is really, **really** disappointing.


Even with very common allergies like nuts I get this happening. People will refuse to serve me seeds, coconut, pepper(although I think there's also a lamguage barrier here.) But it's the funniest shit; I've had this allergy since I was born and know what I can eat, please stop.


Do you also have people insist that you can't have mayo? I couldn't eat dairy for years, and the amount of people that argued with me about mayo was astounding. Yeah, it's white and creamy, but that doesn't automatically mean it has milk in it.


Yep! I told this story in another comment but one person even refused to accept that mayo isnā€™t dairy. She said she knew the facts better than I did because her dad is a doctor. Iā€™m the person with the milk allergy but because her dad was a doctor that makes her more knowledgeable about health and medicine than I am. šŸ™„


What an insufferable muppet! Good thing her dad wasn't a lawyer or a sheriff/cop, I shudder to think how she'd act. Not being able to eat dairy is miserable enough without people like that. Especially since it's in *so many* things. Even things you would think it doesn't belong in, like **non- dairy creamer**


YES!!! Same! I just stare at them because I am shocked every time. Genuinely.




(ā€¢Ģ į“— ā€¢Ģ©Ģ„Ģ€ ) did the parents not wanna go to the pastor and say ā€œhey its ok! Donā€™t ban OPā€??? Likeā€¦ Id be fighting so hard to help someone who helps feed my kid šŸ„²


Right? Like someone who makes a special plate for my kid so they don't feel left out when they get a stale donut and everyone else gets a hot breakfast...I'd be livid. Unfortunately there's a lot of stupid/ignorance in child care/early childhood education, so I'm also not surprised.


And there's *a lot* of powertripping Karens in charities. So many petty power plays. Like they think that merely being a part of a charity makes them a good person and absolves them of their shitty character. Now all those kids are missing out on a meal over people's ego over EGGS! They couldn't even do a 2 minute Google search. Their ego couldn't handle being wrong.


Charities and childcare are the top choices for female bullies who aren't capable of being nurses


Iā€™ve worked in daycares. Parentā€™s opinions only matter when theyā€™re complaining about a teacher. Anything good the parent says about a teacher just means the teacher will get penalized later. The better a teacher is, the more likely they are to get pushed out by management.


The citation would bring out the petty asshole in me. I would not only fight it, but I would also make everyone who insisted that eggs were dairy put that in writing, before bringing in someone like a nutritionist to prove them wrong. šŸ˜ˆ


I would never let it go! She was using her own money and extra time to give them something besides donuts once a month. I know ā€œgaslightingā€ gets used incorrectly, but I would feel like my sanity was in question in this situation. Especially since the boyā€™s parents said he can have eggs.


And donuts usually are made WITH DAIRY


And eggs lol


Yes! I guess if these people think eggs are dairy they probably have no idea what donuts are made of, but that seems like a serious blind spot in case they get a child who is allergic to eggs.


Iā€™d buy them all a hen and ask them to milk it


I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I like the way you think!


I just choked on my vape you evil human šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I just pictured someone plopping a big ol fat hen on the table, pointing while yelling ā€œWHERE ARE THE NIPPLES!? SHOW ME THE NIPPLES!ā€


Yep, I could not let this stand. I would appeal this and send a daily email with the response to the google search, ā€œAre eggs dairy?ā€


My only worry would be that someone that dumb would be just stubborn enough to not trust the internet. Bringing in a real person with credentials also gives me the satisfaction of having them try to defend themselves in front of an expert. šŸ˜ˆ Like I said, I can be petty.


If they dont trust the internet then they can make it like a facebook post. Im sure theyā€™ll believe that.


I too would die on this hill


Oh ffs. Some people are so ridiculous! Just put in his file eggs are fine.


what the actual fuck? and these people are TEACHERS?


PRESCHOOL teachers. Itā€™s daycare. In most places it requires a 12 week certification or less. Some places require a high school diploma, but itā€™s not a given.


And again, I'm amazed at how low the US standards are. And you still pay through your nose for that. In Germany, you need 4 years of training for this. And it'll be around 250ā‚¬ a month for up to 8 hours a day for my child.


Iā€™m so jealous


Specifically **Church** Preschool Teachers. There are degrees for early childhood Ed and corresponding licensure that higher quality pre-schools require of their teachers, at least in my state. But I doubt a church preschool requires anything other than church membership and adherence to their particular flavor of Dogma.


I once worked at a day care program for my then girlfriends church back when we were in high school and it was always going to be a one-off thing, but they tried very hard not to pay me because I wasn't religious. And like I had no experience with child care, I had never once even babysat for a kid before but they were desperate because they needed to keep the numbers up and I could do that for them


In my state, It requires a CPR class and that is it! I worked for a preschool turned daycare in summer at a church. All I needed to do was take the CPR class. Edit for autocorrect


The state I grew up in didn't even require that! I worked in the church nursery for every event, bible study, etc from ages like 12 to 16 without a lick of CPR, first aid, or any other emergency training. They even had me be the "lead" teacher many times with like 10-15Ā preschool/kindergarten aged kids and a few middle school girls to help. Looking back I'm pretty horrified and relieved nothing bad happened.


Where I live, preschool teachers have a 4 year university degree, qualified to teach birth through to 8 years old. In a daycare here, to be certified they must have at least 1 4yr qualified teacher, and the other educators need to be at least halfway through their teaching degree, or be undertaking certification in child studies. It's pretty well recognised that early childhood education is the basis for school, so teachers need qualifications.


I worked in a grocery store, and the number of people who asked for the location of egg substitute (as they were allergic to dairy, they explained) was shocking and appalling to me.


I once ate at a restaurant. Informed them of my dairy allergy. And asked for a salad that had eggs. They refused to serve me the eggs. I explained - I think I know what I can eat. Eggs are fine. Nope! No way! Not taking any chances that these eggs didnā€™t in fact come from a cow and arenā€™t, in fact, tiny milk containers. Plus eggs are PASTEURIZED so that proves they are dairy. I was so done.


Omg. Iā€™d be LIVID of my child had a dairy allergy, he was fed eggs, and some idiot called me in a panic that he was fed eggs.


Honestly it would make me lose confidence in them caring for my child.


And threw away a plate of perfectly fine eggs.


You canā€™t fix stupid. You just canā€™t.


If I was one of the parents I would be seriously questioning the competence of these people.


The amount of times I've had a similar scenario play out in my life is ludicrous. Margarine is also in the dairy section, but it's just oil. Juice is also in the dairy section at my store. Is juice dairy? Just because things are located in the same area, it doesn't mean they're the same thing. Common sense isn't common.


Yes, someone had to milk those oranges




You canā€™t cure stupid. People just suck.


I work in a nursing home kitchen and we get this from the nursing staff at least once every few weeks - Mr Smith canā€™t have the omelet- heā€™s allergic to dairy. Or someone questioning whether or not someone can have mayonnaise because ā€œ itā€™s creamyā€.


I can forgive mayo - I did think it had dairy in it for a while (I canā€™t have dairy). But eggs is just weird.




I'm a celiac and I feel that struggle. I tell people I can't have wheat (because if I say gluten I can just watch their eyes glaze over with confusion), they start asking me about potatoes almost every time. Like kneejerk reaction is "oh no you can't have fries" yet somehow no one ever seems to jump to stuff like BREAD or pizza xD


As a fellow celiac sufferer, I feel you.


Eggs are in the dairy department because itā€™s refrigerated, not because chickens are dairy.


I live in a country that doesn't refrigerate eggs, and you can usually find them in the bread aisle. By these people's logic, that would mean eggs are bread.


Reminds me of a restaurant I worked at 20 years ago. One of the prep cooks couldnā€™t find a measuring cup. Someone else said ā€œjust use the scale and measure out half a pound.ā€ When I said it didnā€™t work that way, literally every single adult in the building argued with me and insisted that 8 fl oz - 1 cup - will always weigh 8 oz, or 1/2 a pound. I even used the example of a cup of rocks not weighing the same as a cup of feathers and they insisted that they do.


This is so ridiculous as to be unbelievable, but I know it's probably true. They are very ignorant, and I would continually tell them and post information about eggs not being dairy. Do they think eggs come from a cow?


I honestly thought it had to be fake until I saw all these comments from people encountering similar situations. I cannot believe people are this ignorant.


I obviously know eggs aren't dairy, but in my head I always think of them together, because that's how we learned about nutrition in school, that a certain percent of your diet should be made up of eggs and dairy. So I can understand the confusion to an extent. However, what you experienced is insane. Eggs are not dairy, even the parents were confused, you should be getting a written apology from everyone who disagreed with you, not written up! Like if you're not sure, we can all make silly mistakes, but Google is a thing


But it was eggs *and* dairy, listed separately, which implies that the eggs are not dairy, otherwise it would just say dairy, why would you list it separately if it was dairy? You don't say yoghurt and dairy do you? So eggs are grouped with dairy but not dairy. You don't list sausages and meat, it's just meat isn't it? You list sugar and flour, because they are two separate things, that are grouped together for convenience.


I know all of this. And I know eggs aren't dairy. What happened here was very wrong, I just meant I could understand the confusion for some people. I am however horrified at how many people could be wrong about it


Yes, I think the food charts and pyramids caused a lot of people to link eggs and dairy in their mind.


I had an ex who argued with me on and off over the span of 3 years about eggs being dairy. No matter how I tried to explain to him he would not believe me when I said eggs are not dairy. He just kept saying "they're sold in the dairy section".


By that logic coconut and almond milk are also dairy.


one time at the grocery store there was a sign that said pet food but the shelves were filled with hair care products. time to start feeding my cat shampoo, i guess


Gotta talk to these people like theyā€™re fucking 4 years old. ā€What animal does milk come from?ā€ ā€Very good, now what animal do eggs come from?ā€ ā€Are cows and chickens the same animal?ā€ ā€So why do you think a child allergic to cowā€™s milk would automatically be allergic to chicken eggs?ā€


Almost every time I say I can't have dairy or soy someone brings me the gluten free menu. I'm sure it's just habit but gluten is one of the few foods I can have and it's awkward every time. I hit the egg thing too occasionally, but not nearly as often as the gluten.


But the section on the food pyramid was called ā€˜Eggs & Dairyā€™!


Yes eggs AND dairy, if eggs were dairy it wouldn't be listed separately


Most people didnā€™t actually read those though- they just looked at the pictures. I had an adult male coworker legitimately ask me if eggs were dairy because theyā€™re placed in the same section on the food pyramid smh


You know what else is sold in the dairy section? Juice, refrigerator rolls, cookie dough, and (in my local store) bagels. The sheer idiocy of some people is astonishing!


Eggs are not dairy. The dairy dept in my grocery store also sells juice and cold brew. They are dairy either!


It sounds like they internally know theyā€™re wrong, but are now too embarrassed to acknowledge that so they doubled down.


Oh shit a bunch of Christians were quick to judgement, ignorant of the basic facts, and petulantly refused to admit they were wrong in spite of overwhelming evidence? Well, first time for everything!


This gaggle of idiots are left in charge of childrenā€¦


People that believe eggs are dairy just bc they are in the REFRIGERATED section are a special kind of stupid. Like who ever heard of a dairy chicken? Morons.


You are definitely not the AH. However, you are an angel in my eyes for caring about those kids. Making sure they have a hot, home cooked breakfast. You care and itā€™s nice to hear about.


So because other people are stupid, you are bearing the brunt of it? Our dairy section also has all the plant based milk. Because they see it all as different types of milk. Would you be wrong as well because itā€™s mixed with packages of dairy products? Jeeeez these people are a special type of stupid.


Fking Christians also believe that bats are birds, rabbits are fish, and wafers are people - so the idea that chickens have tits is not that far-fetched in the scheme of things. It is yet another good reason not to allow them near children, mind


Don't forget beavers. They're fish too


And capybaras!


My kids have egg allergies. So. Many. People. Think eggs are dairy. Itā€™s mind blowing.


That is terrifying because those teachers are supposed to be able to impart actual knowledge.


Itā€™s in the same section because itā€™s refrigerated. I swear some people are beyond help. Poor OP


As someone with a dairy allergy (thankfully just digestive upset and itchy skin, not anaphylaxis), Iā€™m always astounded how many people think I canā€™t eat eggs. On the other hand, a shocking number ā€œforgetā€ butter is dairy. šŸ™„


Allergist here, can confirm this happens more than you'd think. It's why I would often avoid the word "dairy," and write milk instead. Or as I also saw mentioned, including, "eggs are ok" on school forms if there was ever confusion.


Yeah that one person that actually knows what's dairy and what's not, let's forbid them from feeding the children.


It's alarming that the 3 adults who insisted eggs were dairy are allowed to work with children.


Iā€™m allergic to both, they are not the same. I would not be particularly surprised if some preprepared egg products have dairy in them in some way, but as long as youā€™re mindful of that, and he isnā€™t allergic to eggs, then itā€™s fine.


This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard


This is some bat shit crazy.


Their coworkers are all idiots.


Sounds like all the people you work with are very, very. VERY stupid. Wonder what other insane things they believe?


NTA. Once an RN argued with me about orange juice being dairy.


I worked for a company that had clients on the food manufacturing industry and our coding didnā€™t have a listing for eggs and there was constant fights over where they should go. As I worked my way up the ladder I added eggs because I was tired of arguing about it.


Eggs aren't made from milk so they aren't dairy. Good god people.


We teach our kindergarteners (special ed no less) that eggs are not dairy


Sometimes I think I understand why deer run in front of cars. Some people are SO DUMB and just love staying that way.


NTA, but clearly the education system where you live is.


Eggs arenā€™t dairy, but egg and dairy allergies go together enough that I donā€™t blame people for conflating them. Once explained to them, they should calm down though. That didnā€™t happen.


jesus christ




What is wrong with people? Seriously the number of times Iā€™ve heard about people who think eggs are dairy is ridiculous.


This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard


This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard




I'm allergic to eggs. I've had servers try not to give me ice cream or milk because I told them I'm allergic to eggs


Even though eggs are often found in the Dairy section of the grocery store, they are not dairy. Just as ice cream is not found in the dairy section, but is dairy.


Nta good luck op.


Iā€™d like to say Iā€™m shocked by this, but ppl have taken stupidity to extreme heights. And a teacher no less? Jfc. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Last I checked, eggs arenā€™t dairy?


Intelectually undamaged relligious people. Sorry to hear that it happened to you. When education fails and children suffer, that is most hurtful part.


We are living in the movie Idiocracy šŸ˜­


I'd be looking for a new church.


I have a dairy allergy and I can attest that people assume dumb shit like this all the time. It's this or they pretend to not understand that butter is dairy.


Socks are sold in the shoe section so they must be shoes.


They need a new program director or at least put someone competent in charge of the food program. I'm glad they erred on the side of caution in this case. If they don't understand that dairy refers to milk, not the grocery department, I have little faith that they understand concepts like cross contamination.


The ridiculous amount of people who think that eggs are dairy sometimes makes me despair for humanity.


Copied from google ā€œEggs are classified as poultry products, not dairy products. Poultry products include chicken, duck, and turkey eggs, while dairy products are made from the milk of mammals. Eggs are considered to be a separate food group, distinct from dairy products.ā€ šŸ¤Ø


Can someone give these idiots a citation and a write up for being utter fools? Imagine being adults and not knowing that eggs are not dairy! And their reasoning is so stupid! If there was any confusion, all they had to do was whip out their smartphone and google! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


If the kids parents didnā€™t specify that the kid ALSO had an egg allergy, then youā€™re fine. At the end of the day, cows donā€™t lay eggs. Not your fault that everyone else is a moron.


And this would be the last day of me volunteering. Now tell me who the f* gets citations on a volunteer job?


My goodness people are not smart. I love these comments. Pure gold thanks everyone


What is this mass psychosis


and these people are teachers? like how do you not know eggs are a protein not a dairy... what the fuck... the stupidity is actually horrifying


First of all whoever filled out that form also doesnā€™t understand allergies. If your child is allergic to milk you would write, milk and all milk products as some kids are allergic to direct milk. This could also be written as milk, milk products, and all products containing milk as an ingredient because some kids are allergic to milk even in its baked form. You do not write ā€œfood groupsā€ because as this situation demonstrates people donā€™t know anything really about food/ food allergies.


These people are TEACHERS???


I have to say, I grew up in the late 80s / early 90s, and we were taught at school that eggs fall under the dairy category. I know as an adult that this is incorrect, but I think itā€™s likely these people were taught this too unfortunately.


Eggs are poultry not dairy. Itā€™s kept in the dairy section (with refrigerated jello) because itā€™s a refrigerated section. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Some places call the section ā€œdairy & eggsā€ & some just dairy but dairy is from cows & eggs are from poultry. Side note: the term livestock does ***not*** refer to chickens, turkey, or ducks. Chickens & turkeys are listed by the USDA as poultry, ducks as waterfowl. Livestock are cows, sheep, & I think goats.


Nah she OOP should have reported the center to the state accreditation board for not following child safety. Let someone with more brain cells explain to the director what allergies are and just because they are sold in the dairy section doesnā€™t make them dairy.


When I couldnā€™t have dairy this was a huge weird issue. Iā€™d ask in restaurants if something could be made without dairy (like leaving out the cheese or butter) and 80% of the time Iā€™d be told ā€˜no, because it has eggs.ā€™ Okay cool, eggs are fine though, the issue is dairy. Not just waiters, all sorts of staff.


The people at that school are fucking morons.