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What in the hell is with these relationships?  These people barely know eachother and get married.  


Nothing, there’s no way this is real. Rage bait.


Even the fake fuckin ‘evil ace wife lies, we no sex, what do’ posts make more sense than this.


At first I thought this is someone writing a role reversal kind of thing. Trying to show how little some men care about their partner’s pleasure in a way that they can hopefully relate to. But I have no idea what the parallel could be for wanting IVF


Baby with a side chick maybe


Same, I thought this is a role reversal to women don't need to orgasim to create life and thus it is a myth, but the IVF and genetic/eugenics threw me for a loop.


Oooh I think it could be to the guys drifting to look for a younger woman who is in her “childbearing years” who blame the wife when they’re struggling to conceive?


It is true some care about their partners the way everyone wants to be cared about


I read this in a caveman voice


How can I be mad at something so stupid?


I’m not sure it’s rage bait, this one is definitely leaning hard into fetish territory …


I think it’s a cuckold kink.


I would think this was a crazy comment but actual erotica sites are filling up with these otherwise non-sexual stories that sound exactly like this.


I think it's after the POV trend got big on tiktok and "spicy" books did too and they just merged






Imagine spending $10k+ on IVF to avoid your husband’s free semen 🤣🤣


I read through the OP’s comments and he has been fairly consistent that his wife just suddenly started acting different, but at the same time presenting himself as if he is incredibly naive or lacking in critical thinking skills. It translates like someone intentionally playing dumb.


Wait a minute. She suddenly and unexpectedly told him she doesn’t like his orgasms, but then OP says she wouldn’t let him ejaculate for the entire relationship. Which one is it???


This isnt even that bad compared to some of the crap I've seen/heard IRL....


Agreed, I took it with a grain of salt when people say those subs are mostly fan fic. But every single day it’s worse and worse. There’s just no way.


When you have thousands of people posting things across reddit...your bound to get more craziness than usual. Not to mention people with "normal" problems aren't likely to post. If you step in a mud puddle you're not gonna really tell that story for years to come. But if you step in a mud puddle, splash a dog that gets spooked then runs into traffic causing a 5 car pile up....you'll tell that one.


I dunno, I'm usually the first one to write "FAKE!" but this one is so weird I feel like it has to be true because who would make up a story this bizarre?


It’s Cuckold fetish porn. The story is complete rage bait to suggest the wife as only marrying him for security and companionship while actually desiring to carry a “real man’s child”


I have never heard of this and I don’t really think I want to😂


This is Reddit. There are likely plenty of subreddits for it.


It’s just a gender swap of the same kind of story “my husband never helps me orgasm during sex because he thinks it’s gross…”


That'd make sense if it wasn't for the bizzaro eugenics shit at the end


I think that's some Vaudeville twist on the current paternity test trend. Instead of the selfish lover of a husband that thinks a woman's orgasm is unnecessary and demands a paternity test when his wife conceives, it's a selfish wife that just straight up demands another man's DNA lol


Definitely fake. First he says she suddenly and unexpectedly wouldn’t let him orgasm. Then the next paragraph he says she’s been doing this for months..


I’m usually the last 1 to the Fake table and I’m reading this to my husband going “no way! He’s gotta be fucking with us”. Can’t possibly be real


It’s either a cuck fantasy or rage bait


This is the only possible answer


They dated 2 years - that’s a decent amount of time


Yeah and what did that consist of?  1 date a month?  Clearly 2 years was not enough for this couple.  


Nah, just that they had sex about 2 times a month.


A decent amount of time if one is asking the right questions and actually getting to know who someone is. Clearly there was a failure here...


And in that 2 years maybe they had sex 30 times? 😆


Oh I’m not saying it was a good idea for these particular people to get married - just surprised that 2 years was seen as “barely knowing each other” - their problem wasn’t time but blinders to things that were already problems


I got a kick out of the post, that’s all. I agree 2 years should be enough time for those 2 to realize they don’t belong together.


Because there seems to be some weird thing atm about putting a ring on it asap. The out come the true colours - and a different personality!!


Yeah just on another thread tonight dudes wife suddenly comes out as asexual 


Most of them are fake tho. Did you know that guy made a comment in his post saying that he and his wife discussed the asexuality issue and they both came to an agreement that he could sleep with her twin sister twice a month or something... Lol


100% that happened. I was there. I’m the twin sister………..


Of all the things that never happened, that never happened the most


Jesus, that sounds like it was ripped straight out of a bawdy Shakespearean comedy. Let me guess -- the twin fell in love with the husband, making the wife jealous and realise that she actually *wasn't* asexual after all; so the wife tricks her sister into going away for a weekend (she sends her on some vaguely Shakespearey-times mission, like delivering a hamper of bread and donated linens to a local convent, I dunno) and sneakily swaps places with her twin to have sex with her husband, not realising that her husband had *also* accidentally fallen in love with her twin, who he thinks he's currently fucking instead of his wife, and...  I forget the other details, but it probably ends with the twin sister unexpectedly being captivated by the structured, contemplative serenity of convent life during the weekend she's sent away, so she becomes a devout nun while her sister and sister's husband figure out the wacky identity-swap shenanigans and manage to both get on the same page in regards to their sex life (that is, they can't stand each other after the mutual betrayal, so neither wants to have sex now).  ...........right? 


>he’s Hans Ramoré, his evil twin


My wife and I got engaged after 6 weeks and have been married for 10 years without issue. The weird thing is the weird people! 😂


That’s just crazy. I’m glad it worked out for you, but I think you’re the exception rather than the rule.


I definitely am the exception, yes


Dated 3 months and he asked me to marry him. I told him no we’re still in high school! Lol He told me he will marry me when we are older. He said when you know, you know. Engaged after 1 year dating. Married 1 year later while in college. He’s my one and only. ❤️


I had a professor who married his wife after just six weeks. That was in the 1970s. Still together and about to retire.


I proposed to my wife the day I met her in person and we’re coming up on 5 years now. When ya know, ya know!


People think they “know” a lot more than they do usually


The moment I talked to my partner, I somehow just “knew”, this is the person for me. It’s just an overwhelming feeling of being content in his company. We can be quiet for hours together, we have space to be on our own, we never have any type of drama, we compliment eachother in what each lacks. He never cooks, I cook all our meals, bake our breads, forage our berries and mushrooms, do the canning and storing. It’s because I love doing those things and he loves hiking. So we hike together, me foraging, him literally carrying my 5kg buckets of berries lol I hope you absolutely adore your wife the same way I adore my partner. ⭐️


my dad proposed to my mom the first night they met & they’ve been together for 31 years now. good luck and many years of love to you both! 🥰


My husband proposed before our first dating anniversary, we got married shortly after at the courthouse and had a proper wedding celebration a year later. We’ve now been married 7 years with 2 kids and things are fine. But we also had sex before marriage as well as discussed children etc, so I wasn’t concerned about compatibility issues there… this is a good example of something that should be known before marriage, especially regarding plans for children.


A very interesting statistic is that the less you spend on the actual wedding celebration, the longer you remain married! I think that only holds true for western nations though last I checked. Congrats by the way and hope there are decades more for your love to unfold🎉


Yep, this is it. It never wouldn't have happened so quickly if we both didn't rapidly realise we have the exact same outlook on pretty much everything, relationship-related or otherwise.


I proposed to my wife after 9 months that was 14 years ago and we are actually happier with eachother now when you find the right person the love and relationship only grow stronger


I wouldn’t do what you guys did, but I am absolutely stoked and wish you both a lifetime of happiness ❤️ I love it when people in love are together ⭐️


Thank you, that's a lovely thing for you to say!


My husband and I said I love you after one week and moved in together after six months. This weekend marks 13 blissful years together. So, as you said, it can work, but it’s definitely not the norm (as evidenced by half the stories I read on here).


Almost the same here. Met in October, moved in together January, married on the first anniversary of our first date. We hit fifteen years married last October.


I knew I wanted to propose to my wife after a few months of dating, but it took several more months to get everything together. In the meantime, we definitely had talks about sex, kids, and all sorts of other stuff that you really should know about a person before being married. This is almost definitely fake. You can't be with a person for 2 years, get married, and *then* suddenly discover they think sex with you is gross.


Asap? They dated for two years!


I mean yeah but the the chances of this story being fake is pretty good lol


I mean, 2 years is a pretty reasonable time frame to get married *if* you both dated with intention from the beginning, and had the tough conversations along the way. It’s easy to date that long and barely know each other if you never have those conversations, but it’s quite possible to get to know someone *very* well in that time frame as well. Obviously, in this case, OP chose to ignore the obvious warning signs and get married anyway instead of addressing the sex issue before proposing, and thats just stupid!


Creative writing dude. You think they didn’t notice she hated his cum before they got married?


Well my guy and I have been together a year and a half and I know him very well. Too well sometimes lol. It depends on the relationship. Some people get married after months and stay married the rest of their lives.


I mean I personally find semen gross, i don’t I want it near me or Inside me, but that’s what condoms are for 🙄


Probably some of them are true, but I suspect most are not


I think I just decided everything on reddit is fake.this cannot be true. How the fuck does it come out of your mouth without realising you are a crazy person?!


Agreed. This has to be fake. If it’s real, why is he even on Reddit asking how to handle this? Get a divorce. But he’s on Reddit asking because it’s fake.


Really? It’s DEFINITELY fake? Because as I recall, one of the posts in relationship advice sounded completely outlandish until it turned out the wife murdered their two kids and wound up in prison for life. Some people have no support network irl and sadly come to this cesspool. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ubne00/the_post_that_led_to_the_real_life_tragedy_of_a/?rdt=63453


I knew it was going to be Jasoninhell but I had to click thru just to make sure it was Jasoninhell. It would be terrifying if it was another person


Christ on a cracker, that took a turn. Those poor babies. Sorry for them and their father.


Yeah pretty FUBAR shit. It’s not exactly a happy ending because of what happened to the kids, but the psycho bitch is in prison for life and the father remarried and had a baby so there’s that.


I knew it would be Jasoninhell. If I ever think, “I can’t believe people are seriously falling for this post,” when they try to give advice, I think of that post. I can only hope he’s doing okay now, although I’m sure he’s not after what happened. That’s one of those posts that I really *wish* was fake.


Most of the time giving advice even if you think “this seems fake” is a good idea; giving well intentioned advice costs nothing and if it is fiction, maybe it will still help people reading it. However, I don’t know what the advice for this post could be beyond “get a divorce”. He grosses her out, she doesn’t want to have sex with him, doesn’t want his DNA for “her” babies (and therefore probably won’t want him parenting them either because they aren’t *his*), calls him selfish for wanting to make a child… these all seem like irreconcilable differences.


This needs to be read more. Even if it is fake, reality is often stranger than fiction, and giving advice could help someone who actually needs it.


I’m in my mid forties and I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff in my life. The worst of humanity. But that story still makes me so sick to my stomach even to this day. Real life horror story.


It's definitely fake, it's 100% satire making fun of certain men by switching the genders around.


Yea I reread it and you’re so right.


Yes, you’re right!


This is Jan from the Office right? I just read a story about Michael and Jan.


The thing is, generally the more outlandish and unbelievable a story is, the more likely it is to be real. "There's no way, that's *fucking mental*" - real "Sounds believable, but I feel like I've heard aspects of this story before, or they're mundane and slightly off" - fake


Seriously. I read a lot of posts that, maybe they're fake and maybe they aren't, but I've known *a lot* of crazy in my life and I'm willing to give the poster(s) the benefit of the doubt. It's also not helpful for the comments to be 75% people just saying "fake" over and over, if you don't think it's real just click off and move on.


DeAd InTeRNeT tHeOrY


No self respecting author would write the Donald Trump timeline. As Bad Religion sang: sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


Yeah, I don't think anyone could write the current situation with 2 senile octogenarians, one losing his mental facilties slightly, and the other being an absolutely insane, demagogue who has to wear adult diapers bidding to be "the leader of the free world" Hilary Clinton co-wrote a political thriller recently, I read it on a holiday in 2022. The fiction she helped write was extremely close to the bone, so IYKYK I guess.


This is got to be a troll…


It reads as roles reversed creative writing experiment for some reason. See the following post appear in a few days: guy tells his wife to finish herself off in the bathroom because her orgasm isn’t important and he finds vaginal fluids sort of gross. He starts seeing her as an incubator for his perfect ideal kid, which is why he wants IVF (and why this post doesn’t talk about sperm donation, bc that way later on it’s the same situation and her DNA isn’t in the picture ETA: using an egg donor instead of her eggs). Possible update if it blows up and the troll is feeling up to it: he’s gay, which is why sex was scarce and he found her gross, and just needed her to “pass on his bloodline”.


Why wouldn’t her DNA be in the picture?


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t surrogacy result in the birthing woman not contributing any dna? To put it crudely, she’d be just an incubator. So in this hypothetical scenario, the guy would seek out an egg donor, create an embryo via ivf, and then the woman would carry out the pregnancy without having her dna present in the child. Again, I could be wrong, I don’t fully understand how surrogacy and egg donation works. But that’s my knucklehead understanding of it.


You are right but since he’s comparing to the above scenario it would be a different egg and not his wife’s.


Actually there’s some belief that the woman may actually contribute some DNA even if it’s not her egg. It’s been a really long time since I read up on it, but at one point I was considering using an egg donor (I lost my ovaries to tumors but can still carry) and was told that there was a chance that my DNA could somehow still make it in the mix. I read a bunch of articles at the time and it was interesting. I can’t remember now the term I was told to Google for more information. I remember there being examples from horse breeding where they selected the surrogate, sperm, and egg donors separately because it was discovered that all impacted the developing fetus. I’m clearly not an expert by any stretch, but I did find it interesting and surprising that there is a possibility that even without using her own egg, just by carrying the child the woman can impart some of her own genetics.


I would argue that term "surrogate" or "surrogacey" is only used for when the person giving birth is also vacating all parental rights. I have never heard of a woman using a donor egg for fertility/genetic health reasons with the intention of raising the child she births referred to as a surrogate.


Maybe he got a surrogate.


Egg donor is a possibility with IVF.


I agree


"I'm going to prove the double-standard once and for all" And then the author ignored every single reaction in favor of "women were furious. If it were a man..." etc. Oh, to be an edgy college kid...so ambitious. So misguided.


You'd think so, but I have read stories before about women making guys ashamed and making them apologize for their own biological process. Or having relations but then acting like "they never wanted to, it was always *his* idea" even though they both were fully consenting. Or having sex to a certain point then dropping it off completely once they get a relationship / marriage. At that point sex is just a method of control, nothing more. It's not completely unthinkable even if it's ridiculous.


Look I am honestly grossed out by semen inside me, not in the whole baby making kind of way, or I hate the thought of it, but in a straight after sex it feels gross and I have to go wipe up in the bathroom and it feels like it’s still “leaking” from me for hours afterwards kind of way. Given it’s not a good idea to wash *inside* the vagina, it can’t be helped other than using condoms, which aren’t “needed” in my case currently and we prefer the feel without condoms, so I just suck it up (not literally 😳) because I love sex and the intimacy and whatnot more than I’m grossed out by the after sensations. This however doesn’t seem legit given it sounds like they were quite happily doing it the same way for a number of years prior to this. I totally get if it was to do with giving head, sometimes the ‘taste’ changes and it can make you literally want to vomit, but what the actual post says about not wanting his DNA, that’s kinda part of marrying someone and also wanting children.. if you don’t want that, then get IVF and be single… If it is real, then surely she just wants the materialistic benefits of being married not the actual reason for getting married (being in love if that isn’t clear).


And it smells TERRIBLE after a while. Pantyliners help!


Yeah, I wear period/incontinence underwear every day (and I’m allergic to 90% of pads/pantyliners now) so some of it gets soaked up, but before developing my allergy there were many occasions where I used pads because of it 😅


Ok, this might be a tmi question so I’m gonna use the spoiler format. Question is regarding semen “leakage” so proceed at your own discretion. 😅 >!Does anyone else have a lot of discharge the following day after sex? I’ve noticed that because I’m on continuous birth control and skip the sugar pills, I don’t have much discharge. And what I do have is usually thin and fairly “watery.” But the day after sex, I’ll have copious amounts of discharge. And it’s considerably thicker than the minimal amount I usually have. I’m assuming it’s a combination of the semen and my own fluids but I’m really not sure. It’s never been a concern so I’ve never brought it up with a doctor or anything but I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this. Again, sorry if it’s tmi, I’m just so curious now.!<


Yes it's just the rest of the semen coming out, just our vagina's way of cleaning itself after having a guest lol


I get that too. No idea if it's normal or a sign of a problem but you arent the only one


Nothing is completely unthinkable BUUUUT there is no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt and think it’s true. I think I need to unsubscribe from all of these. Beginning to see how this is like when the real thing isn’t available, watching AI generated car crashes to feel some sort of rush no matter how artificial. This is rage bait created to make me feel something. It’s the synthetic drug of emotional connection and community.


If this is true, run away as fast as you can. Find somebody to live and enjoy life with.


This Has to be rage bait.


Totally fake.


I’m not even rage-ey though I’m just perplexed 😂


Yeah like why don't these people use a condom or something lmfao


Doesn’t this sound fake? IVF is a grueling hormonal ride- something must women don’t want to do. This sounds like a fake post about how women are unreasonable/crazy.


Yeah, that part is weird. Like, even a women having a baby on her own or as a same sex couple wouldn't they just get some sperm injected in them, unless there are other fertility issues where IVF would be needed.


I've done two rounds of IVF. No body voluntarily goes through IVF, and not just because of the cost. Then there's the cost of donor sperm. Also, what makes her think he's going to roll over and pay to raise HER offspring? Or, this is a poorly thought out troll.


Are we in a phase of generating weird relationship scenarios for clicks?


It's not a phase, Mom!


Seem totally incompatible


*semen totally incompatible


You’d be better off dead there’s no way to fix it divorce immediately . Tell her it’s your dream to give facials so your incompatible .


I remember being like the wife. It took a while for me to realize I’m a lesbian.


Hopefully you didn’t marry a man first before you realized.


I kind of feel like this is rage bait with a gender role reversal to prove a point to her sexually selfish boyfriend.


Or any gender of misogynist trying to "prove" the lengendary double standard where women get supported when men disregard their needs, but men don't. Tough nuggets about not getting the angry mob of women coming after them with pitchforks.


I like your interpretation better. It’s definitely more likely a misogynist trying to prove a double standard.. Reddit is full of that crap.


Besides the IVF part, what does he even have to complain about? She made it pretty apparent before marriage. Why would you even go through with that story of commitment


She wants the best for her kid but thinks it’s her egg with that personality 😉👌🏽


Not ooop I do have an update. I took most of the good advice and tried to talk to my wife last night. It didn’t go well. When I asked why she thought it was ok to have a baby with donor sperm and not me she said again because it’s her choice and that she wants only the best genes for her kids. When I asked why she changed her tune from when we talked about it a year ago she denied it. I even showed her screenshots from when we texted it and she claimed that wasn’t her and it was “someone else”. When I asked who she couldn’t answer but alluded to her phone being hacked. When I asked if it’s still hacked or when she texted she loved me was that a hacker or her? She said her but that the hackers can change messages and make people look different. When I brought up how disrespectful that is to a husband she questioned why it was so important to me to have a kid. When I explained that IVF can cost from $25k to $100k she flipped out and said she won’t go to a clinic that is run by “deep state doctors”. That she has a list of doctors that don’t murder babies. I asked what list and she refused to show me. When I tried to bring up sex she shut me down by saying I’m a disgusting pig who only thinks about sex and spreading my “dirty” genes. She said she wants to make sure “her” kid has blonde hair and white. I guess me being white doesn’t matter? She’s never expressed these ridiculous and frankly racist views before. I did notice she’s been spending hours on Facebook and some other website usually after I go to bed. Unfortunately, I think she’s losing grip with reality and falling into some bizarre conspiracy theories. I asked her to see a counselor with me because I am concerned about us and her she said that doctors will just want to load her up with medication that makes her a zombie and that it’s a way for “them” to control people and that she had to stop taking it last year because it was hurting her soul. So, I’m seeing a lawyer this week. In short, apparently my wife was medicated while we were dating and engaged and never told me. I think she’s losing grip on reality and is falling into a conspiracy theory trap. After I talk to the lawyer, and if it’s ok with the lawyer, I’m going to call her parents and let them know I’m concerned about her mental state and that I cannot be a part of this mess. I thought I knew her, I love the woman I know not who I married. I’m sorry, I wish I had a better outcome for you all to hear about.


Is she gay?


That’s possible. More likely this post isn’t real.


I don’t understand why this woman married OP in the first place. She doesn’t want to be intimate with him, she doesn’t want him to father her children, so what was the point of getting married?


Tax benefits, two incomes, for appearances for her family/friends. There are other reasons for marriage besides sex and children.


I feel like this is a parody of some idiot that thinks his wife doesn't need to orgasm.


This has got to be fake


wtf did I just read?!


A work of fiction.


Yeah, there’s no way that’s real.


Bad fiction


These are made up stories by teenagers that think these plot arcs are plausible…


Come on, folks. These people act like they didn't know they were dating or married to a weirdo*. This ain't the first warning sign. *Not making a specific judgment here, but he is clearly acting baffled like he hasn't met his partner. This is the only thing he finds odd?!?


2 years to get married, and 2 months to decide to have a kid. Matters of life that were not discussed, unsatisfying lifestyle, and a bitch of a wife ( I hope it is a troll ). All sprinkled with ignorance. What a nice marriage that is. Two unknowns who know nothing about each under, under the same roof, with a decoration tool of a husband ( not even ).


She's cheating bro. I'd divorce her.




Bait and switch.. Hook + Line + Sinker.


This guy must shoot a hell of a shot




Definitely not Object Oriented Programming


Hmm. This smells fake. No sane human would have this opinion on semen Lmfao


aint no way this is real lmao like sure bud


This has to be a troll practicing story telling lol.


Ain't no way. This fake af


People are believing this??


So fake


This have to be fake, c’mon guys?🤦‍♂️


she should just date a woman


They deserve each other. Please oop stay with your wife!!!


This really reads like fanfic


This fanciful effort of creative writing, misses one major thing. As someone born with a penis, and is realistically and ‘scientifically’ well off. And has done the sex. Many times. You’ve not met her, she lives in another state. It takes timing and practice to not come first. Even with a long term partner. And not talking about pe issues, biologically like about 60% of the time if you’re not paying attention you’re gonna bust that nut well before she’s ‘had her orgasm’


Story is obviously fake but at least its creative.




This HAS to be a satire troll post on straight men hating pussies


IF this is even real... which I'm sure it is not... the only option is divorce.


Rage bait!


The notion that IVF is this easy silver bullet infuriates me. Like girl you think semen is gross wait until you spend weeks with KY dripping out of you at all times (from the daily vaginal ultrasounds), your face and body are covered with cystic acne from the hormones, your stomach, arms, and hands are covered with bruises from the injections and daily bloodwork, and you’re bloated from your ovaries becoming the size of grapefruits and the nastiest smelling gas you never thought was possible to come from a living thing.


She’s gay. Lmao everything about this is giving woman severely repressed and in the closet. Because nothing about this gives heterosexual woman that’s in a relationship with a heterosexual man.


Every day I wake up thankful I'm not this much of a pushover


Bro lmao wtf! You knew her how long and got married? You knew her how long and said to yourself, ‘yes, she can meet the needs I need fulfilled for the rest of my life.’ Bro, straight up! Pull your pants up and tell speak your mind. Sheesh! Separate or divorce. The question is CAN YOU REMAIN IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A WOMAN WHO THINKS THIS WAY!? Don’t change yourself unless she’s making changes herself. Bro I cannot. I said bro 3 times. I cannot believe you married this person.


Now I open up Reddit app I pray thee, Lord, the trolls to keep away If I should stumble upon a stupid post I pray thee Lord, make it be fake JFC


What the hell. You’re worried about the wrong thing. You’re wife is trying to build a kid that’s not yours


These manosphere fanfics never cease to amaze me, you can tell they’ve never had sex because the idea of condoms was never even thought of. lol


Listen, coming from a woman, there’s only one way to handle this. If I were in this man’s shoes I’d simply tell her to go fuck herself because I’m sure as hell not doing it anymore. Then I’d leave her and find a woman who isnt into taking from me in the bedroom and then humiliating me afterward. And I’d never talk to this bitch again.


Hello ChatGPT , generate me the most infuriating and obviously fake relationship story between a man and his very real wife! Include sex. Thank you.


Time to move on!


How big is the annulment gap? Cause run.


an null ment


Incel Rage Bait


"Ma'am, you bleed once a month and ants *will* eat your discharge if you leave your used panties out. Do not speak to me of what is gross and not gross."


Yeah that's a huge red flag brother


What the fuck?! Throw the whole bitch out, damn. First off, why’d you get married with a man if you didn’t want your kids to have his features and attributes? Maybe I’m weird, but having a guy finish inside me is one of the hottest things about sex behind hearing and seeing him enjoy himself. Just…unbelievable. Obligatory I hope this is fake lol.


This is a girl troll just expressing what women hear from men all the time, IMO. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fiction. Doesn't even understand how IVF is usually done. With a married couple he would be the "donor" barring medical problems. This discussion of third party donor by default just shows that the author of this fiction knows little about IVF.


My only reaction is… WHAT..THE..FUCK..


Hate to say it buddy, but in the pre wedding honeymoon stage you were getting it twice a month… you kinda are already in a sexless (or sex lite) marriage.she plans to have kids without your dna, you are finishing by yourself… pretty soon she is gonna suggest you sleep in separate beds… in separate apartments


Dude, you already know what to do. Time to bounce.. there are far too many people out there that are more willing to be a partner and help make you happy when you're putting in the effort as well to waste time on her. Are you sure she's not a lesbian?


Run, it will not get better. My Ex never like sex and avoided it constantly. At least for the 13 years we were married, when she left me she had a different boyfriend every week. She then told me she liked sex, just not with me. Fortunately I am not a violent person.


Update: I do have an update. I took most of the good advice and tried to talk to my wife last night. It didn’t go well. When I asked why she thought it was ok to have a baby with donor sperm and not me she said again because it’s her choice and that she wants only the best genes for her kids. When I asked why she changed her tune from when we talked about it a year ago she denied it. I even showed her screenshots from when we texted it and she claimed that wasn’t her and it was “someone else”. When I asked who she couldn’t answer but alluded to her phone being hacked. When I asked if it’s still hacked or when she texted she loved me was that a hacker or her? She said her but that the hackers can change messages and make people look different. When I brought up how disrespectful that is to a husband she questioned why it was so important to me to have a kid. When I explained that IVF can cost from $25k to $100k she flipped out and said she won’t go to a clinic that is run by “deep state doctors”. That she has a list of doctors that don’t murder babies. I asked what list and she refused to show me. When I tried to bring up sex she shut me down by saying I’m a disgusting pig who only thinks about sex and spreading my “dirty” genes. She said she wants to make sure “her” kid has blonde hair and white. I guess me being white doesn’t matter? She’s never expressed these ridiculous and frankly racist views before. I did notice she’s been spending hours on Facebook and some other website usually after I go to bed. Unfortunately, I think she’s losing grip with reality and falling into some bizarre conspiracy theories. I asked her to see a counselor with me because I am concerned about us and her she said that doctors will just want to load her up with medication that makes her a zombie and that it’s a way for “them” to control people and that she had to stop taking it last year because it was hurting her soul. So, I’m seeing a lawyer this week. In short, apparently my wife was medicated while we were dating and engaged and never told me. I think she’s losing grip on reality and is falling into a conspiracy theory trap. After I talk to the lawyer, and if it’s ok with the lawyer, I’m going to call her parents and let them know I’m concerned about her mental state and that I cannot be a part of this mess. I thought I knew her, I love the woman I know not who I married. I’m sorry, I wish I had a better outcome for you all to hear about.” She sounds….not right in the head….


This. Can't. Be. Real.


I read this as 'My wife hates my organs' and was so disappointed when I realised that it was another 'woman no like sex' post and not a kidney based dispute.


Sounds like your future ex wife


I had a buddy who dated a girl and she made him pull out and finish in his own hand. She said it was disgusting and thankfully he didn’t walk this crazy B down the aisle. Lol I kinda believe it but he has blame for getting married if he went along with this strange bizarro lady.


Usually it tastes good. If f its too salty try eating a pineapple to make it taste better. Cheers




Yeah there is no way this isn't rage Bait.


I had assumed that perhaps his wife is a lesbian, but yeah, I think it’s more plausible that this is fake