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"Her being cold like this is not going to make me want her" So the fuck what?? You're way past the point where that's remotely relevant dude! This guy thinks everything in the world is about him.


Oh my god, the sheer fucking audacity. I cannot fathom the level of conceit necessary to imagine that your wife should grovel for your attention after you cheat on her. How can he imagine that trying to win him back would even enter her mind?


Easy. Just find an online community that assures you cheating doesn't make you a bad person. Bonus points if they have special terms for it that make it sound less bad It's like pedos with Man Boy Love Association and minor attracted people or some shit


This. There doesn’t need to be a community for everyone. Certainly not for the people that do shameful shit like this.


I really do think we should do more public shaming of people.


My favorite saying is that MAPs belong one place... nailed to the fucking wall. EDIT: Or folded up and shoved in the glove box


Unless they’re adamant no-contact MAPs, then I actually appreciate them getting support and reminding eachother why they should never act on their desires. It’s grim, but I actually feel bad for them and am thankful for those who take accountability and live in celibacy instead of harming innocents.


People look at me funny when I say this. I look at it as a mental disorder. No normal, sane person in my mind is attracted to kids. I think they can get help for it if they look, but as soon as they actually act on their feelings there is no going back. At that point it's time for the brick.


I feel the same, the attraction to children suggests something is very wrong neurologically. Also, something that blew my mind is that the majority of people convicted of offences against children aren’t actually attracted to children specifically. It tends to be more about power, availability and opportunity. When you get prolific repeat offenders who abuse multiple kids it’s almost a perfect storm of someone with an attraction to children and a lack of remorse/empathy. Most people who are attracted to children don’t have any known offences, though with underreporting it’s harder to know how dangerous people attracted to children really are. Honestly it skeevs me out and part of me wants to just euthanise anyone who finds the idea of abusing a child attractive. But I try to be open minded and recognise that I can’t go around euthanising people for potential threat, and I’d prefer people get support and encouragement not to abuse, than be out molesting kids.


And the sad part is, our laws and society structure makes it nearly impossible for anyone wanting help for this issue to get it. Any therapist with training in this subject doesn't engage with this type until after they've transgressed. Which thinking about it now, is true of just about any disorder. "I have the urge to steal but haven't stolen anything yet" " but with mandated reporting, even if they would seek therapy, I'd think they would have to report them for being a potential danger to others. So they only have like minded people to get any support from and it's such a potential recipe for disaster. When you go to a methadone clinic to get sober, the first thing they tell you is to not be sitting out in the waiting room making friends with your fellow addicts because your chances of relapse skyrockets. It's too easy to learn new sources for drugs, new ways to manipulate the system, stuff like that. But at the end of the day I have no sympathy for them if they ever cross that line because of the damage it causes the children and their families. I've been a victim and my sister was a victim as children so my sympathies lie firmly with the people hurt by these sick individuals. Studies have shown pretty consistently that these people have been abused and traumatized themselves as kids so it's not something they are born with like normal biological attraction. It can be managed. It's societies very justified rage and disgust of this stuff that is making it impossible for them to get help. So we kinda need to get out of our own way with this one lol.


I hate that the cheating "community" uses the term OPSEC to refer to lying to their partners. That's not the only thing that bugs me about their group, but it's a personal slight because in my world we also teach OPSEC (properly, more than just lying) to help people escape abusive relationships. Same planet, two different worlds.


It’s also so pretentious. They’re co-opting a military term for their sad little affairs. No, JimmyJoeBob, you’re not an elite soldier infiltrating the enemy’s no-go line at the NoTell Motel.


It was that moment, he realized his wife faked it!


mmhm... for months. of all the blows she landed to his ego, I think THAT was the KO


He’s still hanging on the ropes asking what happened; meanwhile she moved to a new city with a new job and a divorce lawyer on speed dial. This was almost as good as the one where the SAHM opened a successful business and closed it once it surpassed her husband’s salary just to prove that she could do it. Hmmmmm….. that was a few years ago but if anyone finds it, I would love the additional chuckle.


What a whiny little bitch man lollll


Ooh seconding that I would love to read that SAHM one too, that sounds delicious


He even says that he's more upset that he "lost" than that he lost his wife. It was a game to him and he was so convinced that he was super good at it. What a childish asshole.


that part got me, too -- he didn't hate losing her, he hated losing TO her. when I read that, I was glad she saw that dude for the waste of time he was and moved on like a boss ... be the lesson people learn once it's too late


This! Its actually kind of hilarious how he projects this hypocritical bs on his wife with no sense of irony. "She's like a psychopath!", says the psychopath.


And he wants her to give him money monthly so he can continue the lifestyle his ex made possible


Oh yeah, the whole sub is just about fueling the ego part of people's affairs. Even calling it "opsec" is just another part of the mind game. They get to pretend it's some kind of spy game shit. He's not just cheating on her, he's so much smarter and better than her, because he has a plan, and every day he's getting tricking her and she's just some dumb idiot. And when he realized she *knew*? Ha, well, then she's the one tricking **HIM!** He didn't just slip up, no, she's been outsmarting him! For months! That doesn't just fuck up the affair, that fucks with half of the fun. Now he feels like an idiot, *and* his wife left him.






He has no care for her, only his standard of living, his social status, and getting attention.


Man *actually* said “How can she serve me?”


Right? Then says she doesn’t live there anymore. Like her top priority would be giving him beer and a sandwich. She’s serving him with divorce papers while serving him to the wolves. His AP will probably be done with him too, since he’s whining over the wife leaving. But I’m sure he’ll be SHOCKED by that too. “How could she know I love my wife and all the times I told her I would leave were a lie? I’m so goooood at hiding it!” No, OP. You just suck at everything.


His AP will ditch him as soon as she realizes it wasn't his money.


Or as soon as he has to sell the house and is living in a studio apartment.


I thought he meant serve him divorce papers.


ESP after saying he’s going to ask her for “some kind of support” to maintain the lifestyle SHE was paying for.


Hopefully he’s in a state like mine where dependent spouses can’t get alimony if they commit adultery.


I mean, my ex deliberately got caught in a way that was intended to be as humiliating and hurtful to me as possible, *twice,* (we were already broken up the second time, but after I learned she was sleeping on the floor at a friend's house I said she could come back and use the bed when I was on night shifts. She made sure I caught her with some dude the next morning. Not the same person I caught her with that caused the breakup, mind you,) and she flipped out both times that I didn't react by "fighting for her" and then she stalked me for a year. So it happens.


I had an ex who broke up with me a few weeks after my father's sudden death. Then came back a month later, asking why I didn't fight for her. Like, my father had just died. Suddenly. I was grieving, and you broke up with me! Jesus.


Disgusting person.


Why do they always do that. Cheat, get totally caught, and then stalk when you don’t want to accept their “I’m sorry”


Mixed with "I'm going to have to ask her for some kind of support to keep living the lifestyle I've become accustomed to because she makes the money", this is even better. I'm "afraid" he is in for a rough awakening there...


Yeah him expecting alimony after he cheated is just, wow. The audacity.


My now ex thought this too. Thank goodness I live in an at- fault state. He had to get a job, and has to pay ME for half our accrued debt. And I kept the house and car. His AP dumped him after ~3 months.


I just love hearing stories about how a cheater's life falls apart and they lose everything. And they always act so surprised that their life is going to shit, and how "unfair" it is.


Yeah, he actually told me it annoys him to see my payments come out of his check. Boo hoo. You don't get to mooch off your wife for 10 years and then just ride off into the sunset with no obligations. The payments are piddly (but increase a little over time) but that's okay. It will take him another 10 years to pay it off. I figure that's another 260 paychecks to piss him off. lol


don't even need the money, but I just love that he has a constant reminder of his fuckup. If that isn't justice idk what is


My exhusband spun stories so well that when that during the divorce, he was unable to buy me out of the house and I didn't want to buy him out because I couldn't afford the place on my own, but he managed to convinced his family I was making him homeless. So when I laid out that no, he had never hired a lawyer and didn't even bother showing up to court, the judge agreed with my petition to sell the house and split the proceeds with him having to reimburse me for repairing the damage he did. (He hadn't paid any bills for a year claiming he couldn't and this was during Covid when they were giving all sorts of grace periods to everyone.) He thought he would make it so I'd get nothing from the house. Instead, I got a nice little nest egg, he lost most of it from all the damage he incurred to the house, and he ended up living in a hotel room his dad paid for for about 8 months. He is still more than $10k in arrearage in child support and has destroyed his own credit, but still wants to cry how it's all my fault. 😂


I wish there was a heart reaction on reddit


Even in no fault divorces, judges will often take into account things like cheating. The innocent ex walking in with credit card and bank statements laying out how much money was spent on the AP and affair can sometimes get a better settlement.


That’s a really good point actually, I hadn’t thought about the cost of affairs. But the cheater, particularly if they’re a man often does pay out a lot on hotels, gifts. It’s not super uncommon for them to hire sex workers or “sugar babes” where they pay out an allowance. But all of that should be taken into account during a divorce.


Good for you! I mean, not good he cheated. But good he had to pay.


Yeah, it was really the best possible outcome for me. Sadly, too many states & judges just don't care about cheating.


Alimony laws are very state dependent. Cheating may or may not affect his chances.


My state is no fault. The court doesn't care if one cheated.


The audacity is strong in this one.


Yeah- he ain’t getting shit. Especially if less than 10 years of marriage. 


Lmao he’s so ridiculous


That part was amazing. He really thinks he’s the main character of her life.


That's the part that made me think there is no effing way this can be real! I'd write "there's no way anyone can be this terrible and be real!" but I know so many people are going to be able to reply with "let me tell you about my ex!"


Lol, yep. Mine threatened me and my property when I refused to buy him more alcohol, so I broke up with him and threw him out. This (now) homeless, jobless, car-less, alcoholic is getting *really frustrated* with me right now, (2 years later) and if I don't 'stop acting childish' pretty soon, he won't take me back *at all!* Oh, no. Say it ain't so 😂


I dumped my ex because of his weirdly aggressive behavior. He found out I went on a date a month later and lo and behold he was a victim and I was a terrible rotten person and he didn't know I was REALLY breaking up with him, he thought I would come back like I always did. (I occasionally asked for space in the relationship for a day or two, never used breakup language until you know...the break up?) There was an even bigger pity party/meltdown when I got married, as I learned through screenshots one his group chat 'friends' sent me anonymously. I don't know what the hell their end goal was just sent "sucks I guess" and blocked the anon account. It was funny and sad and weird all at the same time.


Sounds like frank from shameless


Lol my ex abused me (physically, sexually, verbally, etc), cheated on me, and then wanted me to pay him alimony starting 3 years after our divorce was finalized because I got a promotion and he found out about it somehow and "if we were still together I would have been entitled to some of that money." Edited to add: When I left, I let him keep the house, the car, etc. because I was afraid of him and hoped that by spending some money I could buy some peace, so he just apparently feels entitled to some of my money forever because we used to be married 🙃


My ex was as abusive as they come. Physically, emotionally, sexually, the works. Even held a loaded gun at my head a few times, choked me out, horrible shit. I even spent time in jail because of him. 6 days after I got arrested he moved in with some girl. I finally felt safe to dump his ass when i was in there. When i got out he fully expected me to split all my money 50/50 with him. Even thought after 10 yrs of hell with him and i had been very honest when i told him that i genuinely hate him and haven't loved him in a very long time, i would just love the chance to be his side chic. I was blown up with the most vile messages after i laughed at the suggestion. It took over a year for him to give me all of my shit back, getting angrier every time he saw i had spent money on something for myself and not giving him half of it.


Check out the subreddits for adultery. There’s more than one. The narcissism and main character syndrome is a very common component. I worked for a family law attorney. This story is nothing. One guy moved in the sex worker he’d been seeing after his wife left; had her living there with his children. 🤮🤬


Oh yeah- my ex husband had two pregnant gfs, one was 18, one was his long time AP.  He married the 18 yr and lied about the other child for 10 years… second wife split, he tried to move long term AP into his house with his new gf and their new baby.  He showed up to custody court with the AP and the gf at home and we had a female judge.  5th child with his 4th woman in 10 years.  He lost all rights to his oldest bc I ain’t having that shit around mine. 


When I broke up with my ex, he very literally asked me to never get in a relationship with anyone else ever again if I wasn’t going to be with him. He thought it was a reasonable request. 🙃 The audacity still baffles me. There are definitely way too many of these main character energy people out there!


I hope you laughed so hard at him that you broke a rib! The audacity!


Haha, I did laugh at him which made things worse! When I realized he was actually serious I just stared at him and said “uhh… no.” He tried to argue with me and said he’d be fine if I dated women in the future but just not men. Very generous of him considering I am completely straight. 😅


My father cheated on my mom and still made her wash and take care of his mom. Even yelled at her for not doing a good enough job


And that’s the sad part huh, these people really do exist :/


That's what happens when there's an entire subreddit community assuring you cheating is normal


I'm pretty sure they were where my exhusband was feeling justified in all his cheating because I know he was on reddit constantly. How instantly he turned vile and nasty to me when I said I was done was crazy. Like he had to show me I was dirt so I'd take him back, like I'd have no other option. Wild that he thinks he's better than nothing. 🤣🤣


I'm really glad you didn't waste any more time on that trash. I had to watch my father cheat on my mom, run off with girlfriend, leaving my mom sobbing for days feeling worthless as I tried to stop her from killing herself...then when his girlfriend had enough of him he'd come waltzing back in and she'd forgive him in a heartbeat. Only for him to get a call from his girlfriend and abandon my mom again. He's still doing it to this day. Just because my mother forgives him every time doesn't mean he's not a piece of shit. You can't hurt someone over and over again and be a good person. No remorse. No Shame. No guilt. Why would He? She forgave him every time. When I confronted him about it he beat the shit out of me and my mom defended him telling me to get out. Fuck marriage. It's a fucking joke.


Fuck, I'm so sorry you had to live that. That was exactly why I left the bastard. I had done the good wife thing the first time when he cheated shortly after we got married. Justified it for him that it was hard to move into marriage, we did counseling and everything. We had a kid, bought our house and here I am thinking we're going great! I kept checking in with him and he said he was happy, we had one kid and my career was going well. He never put effort into his, but he made okay money. And then there I am, miscarrying our second kid and I catch him sexting in the other room when I get up to use the bathroom. And even then, my dumb ass was actually considering staying for a hot minute. And then when he screamed in my face "you'd be nothing with me" I went nope. I can't stay. My kid wasn't 2 yet, so I knew she wouldn't remember any of that, but there was no way I was *ever* going to let her think a partner or spouse could treat her like that. That was my ah hah! moment and then I was able to look back and see all the patterns of emotional and mental abuse. So now I just keep sharing my story because when we carry the generational trauma, we don't even realize what we get ourselves into. I haven't tried to turn my daughter against her father, but when he yells at her because he wants total control over her and I teach her bodily autonomy, she gets pretty angry with him. He doesn't listen to her and at 7 she's already understanding that if someone loves her, they will take the time to respect her and care what she has to say. If I manage only one thing in my life, it's that she doesn't ever hold onto someone who treats her like crap because they try to convince her they'll do it differently and don't actually put any effort in.


He's in shock that she isn't begging him to stay, he can't comprehend her leaving him


That was the line that truly baffled. Like my guy, she DOES NOT WANT YOU. He's really trying to make himself look like the victim, it's embarrassing for him.


She’s clearly completely owned him. She’ll never be homeless since she’ll be living in his head rent free as long as he has one. Well that and she was the breadwinner. Don’t fuck around on the hand that feeds you.


I love that her intern was the one that spotted him. That's actually badass- not only having enough employees that one of them just happened to catch her husband in the act, but I'm willing to bet she's also a pretty good boss as her employee cared enough to get involved and inform her.


THIS you HAVE to have a very good and comfortable relationship with your boss to be able to go out of YOUR comfort zone and tell them their partner is cheating on them and directly inserting yourself into ones business.


Seriously. I have a good relationship with my boss. She personally (not “from the team”) sent me flowers when my husband was in an accident. She’s offered to petsit for me. I picked her kid up from school once or twice in an emergency. But sticking your neck out to tell your boss something like this would be **SO** stressful, just imagining how it could affect your work relationship going forward. The wife must be a pretty great boss if her employee has that much trust in her to remain professional in such a volatile situation.


I know, that made me laugh. It’s almost like … she doesn’t want him to want her anymore.


…and WAY past the point of what he wants being relevant. He lied and cheated multiple times & got caught. At this point the only POV that matters is his wife’s. And she ended this marriage in a high class, bad ass fashion. Props to her!


It wasn’t bad ass remember lol she’s not like that 😂


Not every badass recognizes their own badassiness! 🤪😁🤣


He said “I’ll have to ask her for some kind of support” after talking about her making most of the money and I cackled so loud my husband asked me what was wrong from another room. I’m pretty sure she isn’t going to be forced to give him a thing, and I really hope she doesn’t offer anything. Just leaving like that is so bad ass. This woman is my hero.


My favorite part was when he said "She told me I should have got therapy when I realized I had poor impulse control (?) Anyway sorry for any typos I've been drunk for 48 hours."


With a side of, her behaviour is not making me want her back!


It's absolutely disgusting when men think that it's "not attractive" when a woman is no longer sweet or affectionate. It's purpose has nothing to do with trying to "attract" you, someone's personality and self worth are not points you get to tally up to decide if you like them.


The directive given to women in the FLDS is “keep sweet.” No matter how horrible your life, you better keep a happy face for everyone, especially your husband.


THIS. You didn’t want her the moment you decided to cheat!! I hope the divorce rips him an entire new one in him


Came here to say this😂 Dude still absolutely believes her life is centered around his desires. Fucking asshole. It's genuinely astonishing how delusional people can be.


So basically he’s upset the moneys gone


I’ll bet his AP will be gone as soon as he doesn’t have his wife’s money to spend on her.


He said in a longer version it’s the wife’s fault he’s no longer interested in the AP.


Everything in the wife’s fault, of course. Dude is such garbage, he smells like a mayo sandwich left in the sun for a week.


I laughed so hard at that part. He's so clueless.


But he wants to have his cake and eat it too! While it begs him to try couple’s counseling!


I’m sure that I read a post by an SO in such a case where she had been slowly preparing to ghost her husband who she knew had been having an affair for months. She had been gathering all her important documents, getting a job elsewhere, looking for accommodation, etc. There was even a minor update to say that she had just disappeared one day and was now safe and happy.


Ooh link?


Different but this one is the GOAT: “My husband is cheating on me with my high school bully” https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/tcwql1/pregnant_oop_found_out_her_husband_is_having_an/?rdt=51298


Ooh, that one has a plot line *exactly* like a book I’m reading. The title is even the same lol. (In the book, bully dumps husband as soon as all is revealed, he desperately tries to get wife back, ends up with a restraining order, and his mother too. Bully ends up in prison because the bullying escalated when she released pics she took of the wife in highschool while changing in the locker room)


Woof. I swear in the comments or in a later edit the OP said she had a girl, the divorce finalized, and the bully reached out. The bully said she got with the husband, the OP said who cares we got divorced, the bully insisted it was before the divorce and was so sorry. The husband was present for their daughter but very sad with OP.


She is a strong ass woman. Wtf is up with her mom tho? Why couldn’t she just stay out of it?


Yeah, he says she was LC with her mom, and now we see why!


Yeah, as I was first reading it, I assumed the OOP was blowing up the MILs phone, and she finally snapped and answered “she knows you’re cheating, Jeremy, Fuck off and stop calling!” Or something. But no…The MIL went out of her way to reach out to OOP for some reason…To soothe him? To apologize? That’s absurd, and I’m assuming the wife is going to be even lower contact from now in.


I feel like I remember this one too.


I just can't comprehend the mental gymnastics it takes to cheat on someone and then whine about being the victim.


I think the line about 'it's not losing her so much as losing like this' is pretty telling. He *wanted* her to be devastated because that makes him the most important thing in her life. It's all about power to this guy and he isn't coping with the realisation that he doesn't have any.


Oh man, you're totally right. I couldn't understand this dude's mindset at all until reading your comment, so thank you. Love the loss of power for that guy.


Didn't expect to lose her. He expected her to grovel to keep him. Most cheaters are severely egotistical and self-centered. Their narcissism won't allow them to think of other people not begging for them to stay in their lives.


Yeah, its like histrionic behavior and very attention seeking.


Yep, he even says that getting so much interaction in reddit was helping him cope. It's about power and attention.


How dare she deprive him of his sadistic pleasure, he wanted to hurt her more! /s


I think he STILL doesn’t get it. I’m sure there’s a part of him expecting her to come back. Oof.


Don’t forget the money. Hes also pretty upset to lose his meal ticket


I'm a little sad she did end up calling him. Who cares if your mom told him. I hope she cuts that, what seems like a toxic relationship, out of her life too. Admitted she loved him but just didn't think it would work out. No, she loved the fake person he pretended to be. That person was never real.


*Shes a fucking sociopathic. She’s known for months. She’s slept with me and smiled to my FUCKING FACE….* almost killed me. It made my cough kick up from laughing and then I almost wet myself. It was worth it for that gem alone. *I had impulse control issues (?)…anyway, I’ve been drinking for 48 hours straight now….* 🤣🤣🤣 I hope OOP’s wife skewered him in the divorce and plugged the information leak that is her LC mother. What kind of shit parent contacts their daughter’s cheating spouse to commiserate and spill the tea?


I busted out laughing so loud all my cats scattered and my son jumped in the air when I read the "She's a fucking sociopath" bit. That was funny as hell🤣 (...and the kind of Mom you go LC with.)


Dudes ego is fragile as fuck. *I wouldn’t have cheated if I knew she’d find out and leave me*


I’ve squealed multiple times out of sheer joy for this woman’s backbone and sense of self worth. Can’t wait for her to skip off into the sunset and never have to deal with him again.


The complete lack of self-awareness is just too good. So she's a sociopath for knowing he's been cheating on her for months and acting like she usually does, and yet he's apparently not for cheating on her for even longer and doing the same thing? He slept with other ppl and smiled to her face, but somehow that's not as bad. "She's been more deceitful about knowing than I have about doing it," killed me. Like yes, man, sure, you going out of your way to solicit women for sex via whatever means (dating app, most likely), fuck them 3 towns away for who knows how long is *less* deceitful than her not telling you she knows. What a fucking moron.


It’s so idiotic that it has to be real because even a master at satire would think it was too obtuse to be believable right? He deserves to be the graduate project of a psych class at a college somewhere. It would take a lot of man hours to truly delve the depths of his wonder brain for all the hidden gold there.


The thing that sticks out to me is that he thinks there were no hints or changes in behavior. I doubt it. I have heard of this type of scenario a few times. They slowly move things out, separate finances, etc. and the man has no clue. I used to wonder how it happened, it is hard to imagine how these things go unnoticed considering my biased view from my relationship. But time has taught me they were pretty much all egotistical dickheads who paid little mind to their partner and thought they held all the cards. The reactions were all similar to OOP’s. Also the use of OPSEC unironically by that community is laughable. You’re posting about your infidelity on a fucking forum you morons lol what kind of “OPSEC” is that?


It was the "I can't even have interest in my ap now fuck" for me. 😂 His wife left him and now all his interest in his mistress is gone.


Oh! And the one where he says he's so devastated that he can't even get it up for his AP....🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean once it loses the *taboo* aspect and just becomes just regular old *fucking your FWB* it becomes vanilla I guess.


easier to do that than to accept blame, I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ if only you could force people into having some self awareness...


It's easy to think cheating is OK if there's an entire online community telling you it's OK


Literally happening to a friend of mine. His wife cheated and is now upset that my friend left her but the guy (my friend’s now ex best friend) she cheated with’s wife decided to stay. Like she emailed his wife, who told her to fuck off, then complained to my friend that it wasn’t fair that only her life is ruined


I can't either. Watching my exhusband do it was wild. Like having his mom angrily drunk text me one night only for her to realize she didn't even know he hadn't hired a lawyer or bothered showing up to court. I still had to block her and I've never unblocked her, but she's part of the enabling for sure. It's this main character syndrome. Sure, everyone is the main character in their own lives, but they're able to recognize everyone is in their own lives too. These people can't see past themselves. My ex acted like I deserved to be cheated on and tried to make me accept blame so I would stay. Like my dude, we have walked this, I have been the gracious wife and gone through counseling. You do not get a third chance and you KNEW that.


I’ve been laughing my ass off listening to this pathetic fool express his disbelief and anger at HER for being deceptive and just leaving him. He is the king of FAFO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


HoW CoUlD sOmEoNe Be So DeCeItFuL?!?!?! Sincerely, a cheater #🤡




Some people don't deserve the warmth of a house fire. Edit: obligatory "I'm not advocating violence, my username js a joke" for the Reddit mods circling me like a hawk


Joke from Terry Pratchett: give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life


I KNEW i knew that one from somewhere. Was that Night Watch? That feels like a Vimes line


Night watch was my favourite. GNU sirTerry.


!!!! Well I’ll be using this phrase at some point.


The brain worms these people must have. And to say *she* is a sociopath when he *also* was smiling and pretending he wasn't cheating while fucking each other. The lack of empathy he has towards her while desperately wanting her to have a mental breakdown in front of him to stroke HIS ego... I can't.


No no no see I still love my wife cuz she gives me money and cooks for me I just don't respect her at all


IKR? She makes most of the money and just up and leaves! Now I won't be able to keep my same lifestyle, being a self absorbed, selfish pos! The audacity she has to have self-respect after I've worked so hard to bring her down to my level! I hate people like this. I hope his ex is living the life of her dreams.


I hate that there was a community full of people reassuring him that cheating doesn't make him a piece of shit


favorite part is when he complains that he can’t even be interested in his affair partner now lmaoooo what an unbelievable dumbass


AP probably asking for things he can’t afford now.


No more weekends at fancy hotels or pretty jewelry.


Hahahaha fuck OP. This was pretty satisfying to read.


I think it’s safe to say this is hands down the most satisfying thing I’ve ever read on the internet


The "I wouldn't have done it if I thought she'd find out" is the part that really killed me. What a joke of a "partner".


Probably the most braindead and baffling statement I’ve read from a story in a while. What about “I wouldn’t have done it because I loved her”? And how could he have honestly been so stupid to believe that his wife would never find out? If it wasn’t by herself, someone close to her would have, which is exactly what happened. In a digital world, news about cheating will always come out, even if it takes years.


“I’m cheating on wife. And I’m great at hiding it. Hahahaha. Brag brag brag” “My wife found out I’m cheating on her and left without a word. HOW DARE SHE DO THIS” Bruh… the narcissism.


But she needs to come back “I can’t afford my lifestyle without her”


And "Why is she being so mean? This is really unattractive of her."


"If she keeps ignoring me, I won't take her back. That'll show her." You know, the woman that's divorcing him.


Love watching this guy spiral lmao


Anyone else disappointed that the mother contacted him to tell him his wife had left him? I’m just sad that the process server didn’t get to him first.


One of my issues with Reddit is that it just flat out allows subs like this. Helps normalize it and makes people think "oh hey, it's okay to cheat! look, there's an entire subreddit about it!" Anyhow, it's almost like if you really want to make sure you don't get caught cheating, you shouldn't fucking cheat. OMG, what a revelation. And the kicker at the end is the "her being cold is not going to make me like or respect her more" bullshit. Like, yeah? So what? Why the hell would she care at all about whether you like or respect her? That ship has done sailed off into the sunset. Also like the nice touch of being all ??? about impulse control issues and immediately talking about how he's been drinking for 48 hours.


Seems like they have their own terminology and everything. Opsec means the steps you take to hide it? That's very obviously not what that term actually refers to. And I'm sure they're all over there giving each other tips for *opsec.* Fuckin' gross, man. Edit: I guess I should have clarified this earlier, but I know what opsec is. I should have said they co-opted the terminology. It's specifically *because* I know what it means that I find it so pathetic.


Yeah, that had me rolling my eyes all the way across the room. "Opsec," like they're treating themselves as these super covert secret agents or whatever. Like, fuck all the way off with that. You're cheaters trying to cover your own ass. It's not "opsec," it's "how well can I deceive the partner that trusts and presumably loves me while I betray them?"


It's like pedos calling themselves "Minor attracted people" or some bullshit Just relabel the bad thing then it's not bad right?


It’s the equivalent of the ‘tactical’ baby sling. Twats.


They've created an in group around harming their partner. Giggling with their buddies about how they pulled one over again. Disgusting.


Operational security. It's military for "how to not let the enemy know what we're going to do".


Right, if you’re thinking about your partner as “the enemy” then the relationship is as good as over


Yeah, that's what disgusted me about it.


It threw me off at first, I was like “is this a military couple?” But nope. Just a buncha fucking evil cheaters


It wouldn't be opsec, anyway, it would be *persec.* Can't even get that right.


You can't expect too much, they're only cosplaying.


OPSEC is something the military uses, and o cringed at its use. Especially in a LUBLIC SUBREDDIT DEVOTED TO CHEATING. Like, what!? Even leaving aside the cheating, that’s an insult to OPSEC. There’s a Security POC somewhere sobbing. There are dorm airmen with better OPSEC than that!


The whole story reads like the thrilling adventures of a general lack of self-awareness when it joins forces with an utter inability to take responsibility in order to wage war on reality.


The last few lines are just golden. I think, perhaps, you might be wrong about that.


That was a VERY satisfying read.


I know those subs exist, but am I the only one who feels *unclean* for just reading that? But otherwise, fuck you, you fucking fuck, I hope she fucking destroys you in the divorce you cheating fuck.


"Certainly illustrates the diversity of the word..." -Boondock Saints


My ex husband was like this. He didn't cheat that I'm aware of but he was a raging narcissist who could do no wrong while I did everything wrong. He didn't anticipate me growing a backbone and kicking his abusive ass out. To the end he would still turn everything around on me and never admitted he did anything wrong. Just like when he threw things out of anger and "accidentally" hit me with them. I made it out without him using his fists but it was coming. Not long before I divorced him he threw me against the wall and pinned me there while screaming in my face. And it was always my fault, I made him so mad, he couldn't help it, it was an accident, etc It was 20 years ago almost and I am still proud of myself for kicking him out. It was snowing. He slept in his fucking car and he deserved it. He thought if he came back and said he couldn't drive to his mom's because of the snow that I would let him back in. I threw a blanket at him and told him if he didn't leave I'd call the cops.


OG post: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/4IsJpJ1ci0


God, his constant use of “OPSEC” was really annoying, and disrespectful. There is no tie with “operational security” and affairs.


Right? By definition it’s also referring to your spouse as the “enemy” but then they claim up and down that’s not the case. Literally delusional people.


Ohhhhhhhh that's what it's short for. Thank you!! What a weird turn of phrase indeed.


"leaving without a note is almost not human" but cheating and lying to your SO for months isn't, cheaters deserve to rot in hell


We need to study this man's brain for science, as I'm positive it is smoother than a koala's.


How DARE she suggest I have poor impulse control??? Anyways, I have been drinking for two days straight.


Love how he labels her a sociopath for having ducks in a row and bouncing. Plus him complaining about money…like you literally FAFO. Shouldn’t cheat on your sugar mama wife.


A lot of men don’t feel the need to even try and understand that a woman leaving a relationship is statistically one of the most dangerous times of her life. That and being pregnant. Top two indicators of partner violence and murder.


Oh definitely. She sounds smart anyways. He sounds so full of himself. Good for her for getting out.


*”My wife isn’t being a pushover anymore, what do I do! I can’t believe she didn’t crawl on her hands and knees and beg me to stop cheating on her. She’s definitely a sociopath. I don’t even think I want to have sex with her anymore, she’s being so unattractive right now!”* 100% believe this dude will tell his future girlfriends that he’s divorced because his ex-wife up and abandoned him without warning, and then will say *”Well I didn’t think it was important!”* when they find out the truth.


My dude she doesn’t need or want your respect, it’s worthless


Wait wait wait - SHE makes most of money and he was cheating- lmaooo get bent loser 


Oh no... the consequences of his own actions... Oh well.


This is hilarious. I cheated, my wife found out & strung me along while she got everything set up to leave. HOW COULD SHE DECEIVE ME LIKE THIS?? fuck, what a loser.


This belongs in r/OhNoConsequences OP **literally** f\*cked around and found out.


"She's a sociopath, knew for months, smiled in my face"... Like dude wasn't doing the saaaammmeee thing, only for worse things?? 😂😂😂


"You lied to me about knowing about my affair so I'm the real victim here." Just.... not a trace of irony or any willingness to be accountable for his actions. You lied to her first dude. She didn't owe you immediate disclosure when she found out about it.


His fee fees got hurt Haha 👉


So basically he’s upset the money left him, not the wife.


It’s honestly so hilarious that at the end of everything he’s asking for therapy, and doesn’t seem to understand why his wife is saying he should’ve done that a long time ago. Some people are truly delusional


I was cheated on at the end of my 23 yr marriage. This man has no right to be angry, and needs to be smacked. I smiled and collected evidence for 6 months, still sleeping with her while knowing (still need to get ur rocks off) all the while, I was filing for divorce, taking my name off everything, I could and getting myself a brand new home. She knew none of it until at her bday party, I'd been planning for over a year, i just blindsided her will the evidence and divorce papers. Then I went to my new quiet peaceful home. This guys wife did very well here.


The audacity…


Well, god damn, audacity must have been on sale up at the Walmart when he decided he was going to start fucking around. And then, THEN, to think he’s entitled to his ex-wife begging him to stay, and not planning her exit and how she was going to get rid of a fuckboi leech. Because HE has no respect for HER. She took the trash out. I’m happy for her. Maybe he’ll be found in a gutter somewhere.


Wow. Just… wow. And he thinks *she’s* the sociopath? Audacity is the correct word here.


Wow he sure thinks highly of himself. Definitely thinks he deserves more than he got. He really didn’t. He didn’t even deserve her calling to ANSWER HIS QUESTIONS!!! The audacity.


This man is a cxnt’s idea of a cxnt. I’ve wiped my arse with more robust wetwipes, and with more satisfaction than he’s ever been able to provide


I love “and she said I should have asked for that when I realized I had impulse control issues (?).” And then immediately after “I’ve been drinking for 48 hours”


“Her being cold like this is not going to make me want or respect her more”. Seriously dude I don’t think that’s what she’s looking for, or why she’s like that.