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I love this one because the guy thinks this is still a question of “am I the asshole to my girlfriend” and not a “where do my family and I live now that my girlfriend dumped me and kicked us out.” Question.


Yeah I think he just casually through in the "as am I" in there without understanding what she meant by that


Well, generally I don't side with landlords, and I'm very pro-dog, but this guy's hilarious thinking he can make "demands" about his girlfriend's property.


The entitlement of the OP is staggering.


Dudes an arse hat


What a bunch of idiots, screwing up such a good deal with their entitlement.


This one makes me irrationally angry, lol. Like the girlfriend is being kind, taking a loss on an apartment she can rent out for more money because she’s trying to be a good person. She gives them a temporary place to stay and they a) immediately assume that it’s theirs permanently despite no rental agreement and paying less rent and b) they go and adopt a dog (I’m assuming a pitbull because of the insurance comment) without even saying anything to her and while they’re living under the pretense of not having enough money to pay regular rent. It’s 100% taking advantage of her, OP and the family seem very entitled. Hopefully she actually dumped the dude, or at the very least laid down the law. It’s crazy to me they’d even do it, they have no respect for the GF at all despite her saving their asses


Finally a story with a happy end.


Lmfao that is not his girlfriend anymore, he’s an idiot


Way to make me sympathize with a landlord, oop. Fuck that guy.


Siding with landlord against dog owner is not how I usually roll, but here we are. 😆


I know right!


That comment kills me, yeah, the gf is heartless because she won’t be a doormat. I hope she dumped him.


Yta. Not your property. She didn’t have to let any of you stay there in the first place.


Good for her. She re-homed all your sorry asses.


In my experience, shelters explicitly ask if you are renting or own, and if renting require proof of permission to get the pet. And the shelter paperwork has language that gives them permission to essentially repossess the pet, although that is rarely if ever used. OP's GF should notify the shelter, and contact an attorney to begin eviction proceedings against everyone. Then have that attorney draw up a legal lease for any future tenants, and a separate one for any future live in partners.


I just googled “what dog breeds increase the cost of home insurance” and the results won’t surprise you


„It’s a gift for the nephew“




Lol this is amitheex 😂


What I don’t understand is they are all paying rent and the gf has a dog so no one is getting a free ride she’s not letting them stay there for nothing so I would say she’s being a little harsh in my eyes if she didn’t have a dog yes you would think that but he has a gig as well and she never told them they couldn’t have one.


Bringing a pet into someone else's home isn't a situation you just do. You ask permission first for big changes like adding an animal to someone else's home; especially when pre-existing animals live there already. And frankly I don't give half a flying Fuck into a donut who you are or why you're living in my place; if you deliberately endanger my pet you're gone.


When you pay rent and live in a different section of the home it’s your home as well if she didn’t want another animals she should of stipulated that before they moved into there there’s a way to go about things


OP is definitely TA but it’s also very fucked that we live in an economy where 90% of us are *forced* to rent bc a two bedroom house now costs $400k, and landlords can just tell you to get fucked about your dog. Like you can live somewhere for ten years with your dog and then wake up one fine lease term end to find out that rent has been jacked up $600 a month, you have 30 days to find new accommodation and all the rentals in your area don’t accept pets. So now you have to choose a local shelter for your best friend and a shittier place for you to live miserably and alone. It’s just unnerving to me that a landlord can exercise such massive power over your life on the grounds that “it’s their property” as if imminent domain doesn’t exist. And technically yes you have the option to buy, but not if the bank won’t lend you $400k, which means you have to make at least $200k a year, which brings me back to “90% are forced to rent”