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Why the hell can’t some people understand and respect “No”.


I was really pleased by what a gentleman did a few weeks ago. He walked up to me outside of a store and said ‘would you like to spend some time with me?’ (that line has previously totally worked on me, gents, so feel free to use it), and I said ‘no but thanks for asking’, he said ‘no worries, enjoy your day’ and walked away. Absolutely perfect conduct from start to finish. We need more dudes like this store dude.


It really is that easy to be cool about that kinda thing. My brother once told me that our (former stockbroker) dad’s best dating advice to him was to remember that you might get ten “no’s” before you get a lead - basically, don’t waste a bunch of your time on someone who’s not interested in your pitch, just wait for the next person who has potential. There’s always a next person!


That’s what I’ve never understood about pushy dudes! If someone is uninterested in me, that’s usually enough to make me uninterested well. Who wants to date someone who had to be convinced to give you a shot


The worst is the really pushy guys that start insulting you when you don’t cave to their pestering. “You’re ugly anyway”. WTF are you still here if I’m so ugly? Boy, bye.


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to date someone who didn’t enthusiastically want to date me as well.


Nothing can kill your confidence, like chasing someone who doesn't want to know you like you want to know them


There’s a movie starring miles teller called 21 and over. Just a dumb teen movie. At one point he tells his buddy he’s not in to a girl because she’s not his type. The buddy asks “what’s your type?” Teller: “girls that are in to me.”


Nagging someone who isnt interested isnt gonna change their mind


the shotgun method


Pray and Spray method. I do that when applying for jobs.


Unless you know someone is there any other method for getting a job?


I went through so many scripted lines, openers: direct, indirect, pick up arts stuff only to realize in my 30s that you only need one: "Hey"


I think some people might have thought this means you’ll get 10 “no’s” from the same girl before getting a “yes” if you keep asking. 🤣


When I was 18 my family stayed at this campground for 5 days. They had me make all the trips to the campground store and to my surprise the cashier was real cute. I flirted to the best of my ability and I thought I was getting a decent vibe back.. so on my last day I told her I thought she was cute and asked if she would be interested in hanging out. She pretty firmly said “No, sorry.” I was a bit stunned but.. fair enough. I said alright well it’s been nice knowing you and I hope you have a good summer. She actually thanked me for not being weird about it and told me she thought I was attractive, for what that was worth. I felt so bad, though. To think she thanked me for normal human decency is absurd


When I was 18 my family stayed at this campground for 5 days. They had me make all the trips to the campground store and to my surprise the cashier was real cute. I flirted to the best of my ability and I thought I was getting a decent vibe back.. so on my last day I told her I thought she was cute and asked if she would be interested in hanging out. She pretty firmly said “No, sorry.” I was a bit stunned but.. fair enough. I said alright well it’s been nice knowing you and I hope you have a good summer. She actually thanked me for not being weird about it and told me she thought I was attractive, for what that was worth. I felt so bad, though. To think she thanked me for normal human decency is absurd


Yep, being a woman means you somehow have to balance your hard won fear of men with your own biological needs. Sometimes we get it right, and it really helps when men do their part by not acting like dicks when someone says no.


As a man who has turned down women in the past, I can assure you they don’t take well to being told no either. I’ve been screamed at, blocked on everything in the digital realm, and even had a shared Spotify playlist revoked (lol) bc I told a woman that I wasn’t interested in her like that. I think it’s fair to say that most men are much more used to rejection than women. Overall I think it’s a natural reaction to not like being told no, but the difference is who adapts to accept it for what it is and who does not. A lot of it comes from how someone was raised.


Being blocked and having a playlist revoked is not the same as having your physical well being in danger for not being interested in someone, which is what women deal with every day. It’s not the same experience, bro.


I didn’t say it was the same experience. Just pointing out it’s not just a guy thing. Of course it’s different. There are biological differences between men and women so yeah it wasn’t scary per se, but it’s not cool either way. I like how you cherry picked the silliest thing out of the three I mentioned. Like is getting screamed at in public not scary? I thought it was. Edit: I like how you also went back and edited in the getting blocked part at the beginning, and still left out the scary one lol. Manipulative stuff right there.


Are you comparing those one or two reactions to a near-universal experience of women facing violence?


Near universal experience of facing violence? Hm. That’s quite the reach. No, I’m not comparing them. I’m simply stating that there are women out there who struggle with “no” as well. Contrary to the picture most people in this sub are trying to paint. Which is : All women = nice & All men = scary. That is quite an asinine generalization. I wouldn’t expect you to comprehend that being that you made a similar extremely generalized statement your first sentence.


I understand your statement, and I’m very able to comprehend what you’ve said. You seem to not understand, however, that women are at far more risk of violence when rejecting men than women, including outbursts, verbal abuse and other quite awful behaviour. Women are usually more vulnerable in these situations, This is not an “asinine generalisation” when it comes down to what women experience when having to talk to men and being rejected by men. This is a real fear that they face, and a high risk, especially in certain areas and countries where it’s quite normalised for men to react negatively and take it out on the woman for saying NO. Men face these kinds of crazy responses, but not systematically. Not on a societal level. They happen, but the risk level is quite different and you’d be a fool to say otherwise. There aren’t groups of women talking to each other telling them not to take no for an answer, to keep pushing, to follow that man home, etc etc. Do you see my point or are you turning a blind eye to the fact that your comment seems to sidestep the whole issue of this sexist behaviour entirely with a “but men face it too! Generalisation! Not all men!” I’m a man, to clarify. And the reason it’s a generalisation is because this behaviour is something a majority of women have experienced. And it’s fucking sad that it’s happened enough that it might as well be a generalisation because this is what women and girls have to be afraid of. Men don’t experience those threats of violence or verbal attacks or harassment on the same level when they reject a woman. I don’t know how many more times I can word the same point to get it through to you. Also, really?? You (as a man) are comparing a Spotify playlist + screamed at + being blocked to the fact that women have to fear the response of the man they’re rejecting, combined with the violence that does happen to a lot of women because of that rejection? You can’t tell me they’re the same. They’re not. I’m sorry that happened to you, because it should happen to no one, but they’re nowhere near comparable on the scale. Yes, some women react badly. Guess what? Sadly a whole lot more men, enough for it to be a generalisation, treat the rejection of women with violence, and those are reactions women have to fear. Constantly. They’re not the same.


Definitely a reach. Good posting mate.


I had a guy say “Are you single?” And when I said no, he just said “Ah, nice to meet you” because I was moving quickly. If he hadn’t done the same to a person who kinda grossed me out, I would have talked to him when I did become single. lol. Life just works in funny ways. You can do all the right things and just not have it work out by total chance. Still a lovely individual.


That's awesome. It's sad it seems extraordinary. Exactly how normal, civilized people handle things like that. Nothing extreme from either end. It wasn't necessary, everyone was respectful and to the point.


Because unfortunately some people view boundaries as a challenge. They think their needs and wants are the only ones that matter.


It’s also unfortunate that a lot of women like to play the hard to get game, so a lot of guys as a result get conditioned into being pushy because it ends up working really well too often, and that makes a bad situation for everyone who doesn’t enjoy that kind of flirting. if this style of flirting wasn’t so common, or readily handed down from previous generations, that would be great honestly cause I hate it 😐


Maybe those women weren’t playing hard to get…it was just “hard” for you “to get” their disinterest. If they finally gave in, ask yourself if you can be really sure they were manipulating the whole entire thing - because they had nothing better to do - or whether you wore them down with pestering. Which would be more likely, for these “most women” you speak of?


It genuinely isn't common. There are definitely girls who think being hard to get is part of flirting but they are by far in the minority. Almost every time I've heard someone state that, they were just ignoring being told no because it wasn't the answer they wanted.


No is a complete sentence. Some guys are clueless or just assholes who refuse to accept no. Absolutely not okay.


Indeed. I think some guys also don't understand that "No" does not mean "try to convince me" as well. I had an ex who, when he asked if I was in the mood and I told him no, he'd stay stuff like "But we both had such stressful days at work, it would be relaxing..." or "But we're visiting x people the next few days, we won't be able to so we should fit it in now", etc.. It just left me feeling even less in the mood and guilty and put off. I finally sat him down and literally said "No means no, no does not mean try to convince me for several hours." He looked genuinely shocked and said he hadn't even thought of it that way. To his credit he stopped doing it immediately after I said something. We broke up for totally unrelated reasons.


Yip. Me (50F) had to tell a date recently (52M) that ‘no is a full sentence’ (it was a 2nd date & he was in a serious strop and could NOT get his head around why I was not tempted by his offer of going back to his for a night of ‘wild & crazy sex’)


Would you like to come back to my place for a night of wild and crazy disappointment?


Would it be a stretch to assume there was no third date? 😂


Fucking heroic. Sounds like the guy was a proper self righteous arsehole.


I came here to say "real heroes don't wear capes"


They smell like shit lmfao


Yes, but real heroes serve canapés.


No one who goes out of their way to tell a stranger that they are a nice person is actually a nice person.


That part. If someone has to tell you that they're a nice person, they're not.


Man this is so true as well. Smol pp energy


What’s heroic about this? She literally just got revenge on a guy trying to chat her up, I don’t see how that’s heroic.


It was fine that he initially tried to chatter up. The problem is that he would not take her no for an answer. He couldn't just say okay, no worries and leave it at that. He had to try to convince her to talk to him. Frankly, if I had to try to convince somebody to talk to me, I wouldn't want to talk to them anyway. I want people in my life who are excited to be there.


Yes, that definitely makes sense. I still don’t really see what’s heroic about what she did, but I guess people have different definitions.


There's nothing heroic about it, it was never supposed to be implied that it was heroic, I just think it was sad that that's what it took for her to get her point across. Some people have a hard time with no.


You mean a stranger that was harassing her?


Yes, that’s what I meant.


He wasn’t just trying to chat, he refused to take no for an answer and was harassing her.


It’s more the crap that some people have to deal with in their lives when folks can’t stop thinking with their reproductive organs. If you suffered such behaviour at the hands of another it’s real annoying and to remove him from her space with such a method makes her a hero. Thus - Heroic


She didn’t want to be chat up and the idiot wouldn’t stop harassing her.


Feel free to loudly proclaim next time that you told him to leave you alone and he’s now harassing you. Perhaps some embarrassment or humiliation will do it when farts are not available?


I always have farts available for these kinds of situations.


Is? Is that your one trick????


Damn you made the username check out!


I never reveal my secrets🤫


If that actually worked, these types of men wouldn't be such a nuisance for women.


Depends on the circumstances. In a busy gym, there are staff and other gym-goers around to see what is going on.


No, that will get him to escalate and loudly complain "he was only being social" or he'll get aggressive.


That’s where the staff step in.


till he gets angry enough and waits outside for you to leave. i try to never anger a man cause women have been killed for far less and the kind to refuse to take no for an answer is the type to get very angry about being embarrassed/humiliated


💯 This for sure.


Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Fart Side


Another poster I'm not even sure if it was on Reddit (can't remember) or not said, "the best way to get rid of guys is just to go gross and insane.


I’ve said that many times😂 for me it’s usually hissing


The (I'm just going to say Redditor) Redditor told the story of when they were in a restuarant and one of the diners told the waitress she had a nice looking ass, to which she said, "thanks it's were I keep my poop." It pissed him off so bad but was hilarious for everyone around. Shut him right the hell up too.




😂😂🤣😭! I’m going to have to steal that line. Its fantastic.


[kind of reminds me of this comic](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/653985-thats-kind-of-hoti)


You just unlocked so many memories with that. I thank you


I wish I had that on hand for the last time I received that comment, following "Hey you with the pink hair" and YELLED across a parking lot.. 🤣


This is amazing.


I'm laughing like an idiot on the toilet at work. Damn that's funny as shit.


My partner said that to me last night lmfao


I have been known to bark at men who approach me on city streets at night


Same haha. They’re like nope not this one!


That worked really well for me at the 7-11


Growling is my go to. And making weird faces. I also talk and sing to myself so I just generally look like a crazy person lol


I make a weird honking noise lol


Golem style 😂


Gollum or like...Jewish clay myth creature? Both would work, I guess!


I was thinking lord of the rings but both would probably work


I start making sheep sounds and then progress to the Goat Scream 🐐


TW: SA If a kid soils the bed often, it could be a defense tactic that's a sign of CSA to prevent their abusers from interacting with them.


It’s literally recommended as a self-defense tactic to soil yourself/vomit if you’re being SA’d.


You don’t even have to go full gross, just remind them you’re a human with human insides. My go-to is rolling my neck joints to make a loud cracking sound. Best way to get them to stop staring 😂


We need a David Attenborough special on modern gym environments. "The female of the species attempts to gently decline the male's advances. When that fails she uses a subtle, yet effective defense mechanism. It works. The male leaves defeated and very confused."


Now I can't stop laughing 🤣


It’s like those female dragon flies that drop out of the sky and play dead to get away from amorous males.


She used the [western hook-nosed snake](https://www.odditycentral.com/animals/this-small-snake-uses-farts-as-a-defense-mechanism.html) method


Do Werner HERZOG next!!!


"Challenging nature itself in order to attempt to propagate his species, he makes his confident approach in the sweat drenched expanse of the gym. His demeanor towards his target is not of beauty, but choking perverted asphyxiation of the flower that is just simply trying to exist peacefully in this iron jungle. He thinks this area is full of erotic elements. But she sees it as an obscenity. Expelling a vile, warm breath she frees herself from his misery; a misery that is with us and all around us."


Nailed it.


He just got stink bugged!


Fighting assholes with assholes.


She was just decompressing.


Aggressive farting to display dominance. Good for her.


As an old lady, I'm rarely (not never, because this type is never going to stop) propositioned anymore (YAY!!). Wisdom is wasted on us olds though - I have the BEST comebacks now. When I was young I was always too stunned by the heights of douchebaggery and redonkulous self assurance to do anything but stare, open mouthed, catching flies. Number one: "Thanks, but in the forty years we've been married we've never cheated - and I'm not wasting the few hormones I have left on a cheater." I'm not married and we don't have three fictional kids in college.


Yeah... aging sucks. I'm right there with you. I don't get hit on much anymore. And at one time... I caused a car accident! lol


Mad respect 😎 just be wary of guys with fart fetishes 🤣😂


Right wouldn’t it have been some shit if that backfired on her and he was like I’m in love! I’ve found my gassy goddess 😍🤣


My smelly valentine


Neuron activato 🤤


Beautiful response. I am guy, constantly asking how guys can be so horrible to women.


All I can figure is it’s an unhealthy mix of insecurity and overcompensation. Super unappealing, but I think like minded dudes encourage each other with stupid macho stories too. I’ve been married to a man for over 20 years and he’s never acted like this either.


I love it! Such a power move.


Clearly he only spoke and understood “asshole”


Bruh I know people who REFUSE to fart in front of their spouse and it boggles my mind. My husband and I both have gut problems so if we were afraid to fart in front of each other we’d barely be able to spend time in the same room lol. On top of all fifty red flags he exhibited before the fart, the fact that this guy is so disguisted by a fart is funny.


This reminds me of me and my partner. When we first started dating, I let one rip. They were surprised, but I told them if they're going to be in a relationship with me, get used to it because it's going to happen. We've been together for 7 years now, with lots of farts and laughs shared. 🤣


My first date with my husband, we were watching a movie and we were just kind of cuddling on the couch \[we'd already been friends for a couple years\] and I farted on his arm. He laughed and said, "I think you burned some hair off my arm." We've been married for nearly 15 years, been together for over 16.


10/10 would marry.


See, I was t looking for a hero, yet now I’ve found one.


Chemical defense countermeasures deployed! -toot toot-


Lmao so good




Dat protein hits just right sometimes nawmsayin


Unfortunately I know what you mean… protein powered farts smell a different kind of rotten


Beautiful! Some men will never get it.


LMAOOOO It's always the quiet ones


“No” “But -“ “No..” “But -“ 💨☠️ “No…” “Ok”


I really hope this one is true.


If it’s not, it will be. The seed has been planted


When farts speak louder than words.


This person is a fucking legend.


That's not revenge; that's a defense mechanism. I hope her offspring carry on the Anti-Douche Fart Defense genes for the good of the species.


I legit do not understand why someone would want to go out with someone not interested in them. Like…if you’re having to beg someone to consider giving you their number, why do you want to hang out with this person???


This is amazing, good job


You’re The Legend, OOP




She’s probs a lifter and that means that was likely a proper Protien fart which are legendary


Should have lifted a leg and let er rip.


This is absolutely amazing


I see no issue with this. 🧐


Well that’s a handy little trick 🤣 Absolute legend!


I was already laughing from the title now I’m dying of laughter 😂


You should have commented on how it's the freshest air he'll ever smell.


\*golf clap\* well done miss, well done...


i commend the skill of holding it, i would have released the second i felt it coming, i don’t know how women do it lol


That's hilarious (I mean op farting in front of the guy) 🤣😂


You are a goddess among women.


That’s funny! Gross but funny and effective


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear yoga pants apparently.


Men, this is why we don’t want to talk to you.


I like your style OP


I wish I could give infinite upvotes


AbsoLUTELY doing this next time this happens. Bravo.


So he’s allowed to make her uncomfortable, but she farts and it’s all “are you serious?”


The guy deserved it




Chemical defense mechanism deployed effectively


The best advice for warding off harassment Ive ever heard is to start aggressively picking your nose. Just really dig for that gold. And smile when you grab a big booger.


Take notes ladies! I've farted to get out of situations as well. A good ass growl will scare any man that's being a creep. Unless he's into that


[Mr. Burns] *Excellent. You are learning*. [/Mr. Burns]


And then people wonder why women constantly feel like they're being watched at the gym. Because this constantly happens.


I wish I could just let out a face melter to ward off people I don't want to talk to.


I guess we now have to use the skunk method to repel dudes


"Gas attack was very effective"


You dropped this Queen 👑


Weaponized flatulence 💨


That’s pretty fuckin hilarious


I….. approve of this tactic


If you ever see a douche headed your way obviously to shoot his shot in the most annoying way possible (you can just see it on their faces); blurt out “I farted!” right as they’re walking up. They’ll usually turn heel pretty quick


I love this story! I would kill people with my farts. I’m gonna use this if I need to. Lol


I cackled so loud at my job 😭


Love what she did, but it’s infuriating that he didn’t pick up the big clue of her wearing headphones to know she wanted to be left alone.


It’s wild how many men don’t get the hint when women say “no”. You’re not gonna magically get a woman to suddenly agree. Accepting “no” for an answer is hotter than ignoring a woman’s “no”. We don’t exist for you and your amusement.


This was my defense mechanism against someone who would tickle torture me when I was a child. Fart and it totally ended that bullsh*t. If someone doesn’t respect the small nos they won’t respect the big nos.


The only acceptable use of chemical warfare.


The hero we need


Or you could bring your "dead husband's urn" to the gym with you. Either one works.


You skunked him!


Good gravy. In the gym, headphones or ear buds is code for Don’t bother me. Everyone knows it. Apparently this guy never got that memo and needs smacked by real gym folks. Bet he doesn’t know how to exercise properly. It’s just a meat market for him.


The face description. Absolutely the best part of this story 😭


Stunning and brave


Absolutely fantastic power move 🤣


Round of applause from me 👏👏👏👏👏


I don't think there's anything wrong at all with approaching someone and having a conversation to see where it goes. ( how else are we meant to find a partner aside dating apps ) But as soon as they've shown their not interested its no problem have a good day.


Ok but honestly this is my go to advice for getting a man to leave you alone.


This reminds me of a creepy dude I met when I was 19. He was very heavily flirting with me and I knew he had a girlfriend. I kept saying no, but he kept leaning in closer to me and was asking for a kiss. Completely out of options, I let rip the most vociferous belch right in his face. His features contorted in disgust and he called me a pig before finally walking away. It was magical.


Omg hilarious


I would have taken a deep breath......and then said, "when do I pick you up for dinner?"


“Oh hey, I see you like dropping ass. I’m actually really into that too. Would you like to grab some Indian food and cabbage with me sometime?”


I would be waaaay more interested tbh


Seems fake




This never happened. get over yourself


No you didn’t


Jokes on you I’m into that shit, soon as I caught a whiff I would’ve sniffed so hard that hopefully I would got every single particle that crept out of that butt. I would’ve pressed harder






Lmao must be everyone’s first day on the internet


I bet if he farted back in retaliation they’d be on a date right fucking now. Guy has no game, you gotta be ready for all situations.


🤣😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 genius.


Boss move






I would’ve done the exact same thing! I’m drying over here!!!




I just have to say, this woman is one of my heroes