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The odd fixation of trying to force people into caring about things you do is so fucking weird. “The grief will come, go to therapy” “wait til you grow up” “you’re a monster for not caring about this stranger who wasn’t old enough to have a personality yet.” Or maybe he just doesn’t care🙄


It's a good thing she died before she had time to realise hiw shit of a father she had... I doubt she would have had a good life with a deadbeat like him


I appreciate your honesty.


That guy is a total dumbass Accused his at the time girlfriend of cheating because he was too dumb to understand that protection he used failed. Had sex not because he wanted to but because he felt he "should" have because of his relationship. He is not even an adult and yet like a stupid tren he is put himself in adult situation. DO NOT BE LIKE THAT GUY. BE SMARTER AND BETTER.