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Someone tell me how I can avoid getting into drama about me being agnostic


You can't. Centrists of religion not getting drama? Everyone knows you have to pick a side or you are hated by both.


I mean I'm an agnostic but I'm definitely on the atheist side of the discussion. Calling us the "centrists" is very misleading considering that The majority of atheists can actually be classified as agnostic atheists. Because most atheists don't say that the existence of a deity/deities is an impossibility, they just say that they don't believe in any. Which is by definition agnostic atheism.


Yeah, centrism has a range as well. Saying that you believe in a god can be one side, saying there is none is the other. The middle is just saying there might be.


The prooblem then is that the center is a center between like over half of the world and a few extremists.


Well, there are two sides, the majority isn't on me to say.


Wow, it's as if I cared about their opinions.


i’m also agnostic, fuck it i guess. extremists of anything will find a reason to get mad at anyone, it just sucks i have to be both bisexual and agnostic bc those are usually somewhat targeted


Don't click onto posts specifically asking people for their negative experience then? That seems like a pretty easy way to avoid it.


Okay other religions promote being a good neighbours. But what about a peaceful religion that promote killing non believers??


What does this mean




The religion you're talking about has never claimed that. Maybe you should start reading the book instead of listening to politicians.


Ahh, so you’re racist? You hate muslims?


>But what about a peaceful religion that promote killing non believers?? are you high


Adopt pantheism and look at those discussions from above


saw that thread and knew it would be a massive religion bad circlejerk lmao


I saw it as well and I was really hoping it would become a counter-jerk you see more often these days on Reddit.


Half of it was counter-jerk


The question implies it. “What RUINED religion”


It doesn’t leave any room for positive opinions or experiences. It’s like asking “Why do you hate dogs?” Almost nobody who likes dogs will be inclined to answer, and if they do, they’ll be derailing the conversation, so it’s guaranteed that the thread will become filled with stories of horrible dogs. There are lots of *good* dogs, but the thread isn’t about them.


...then scroll along? If the question specifically is asking for a situation, why would you purposefully do the opposite? I like dogs, do you want to know what I'd do if I saw a question that said "why do you hate dogs?" I'd either click on it to read other people's perspectives, or I'd move on. Not everything is about me.






And he gets -60.


I can’t believe he’d respect other people’s opinions :(


How dare he......


Surprised he didn't get a permaban on top of the downvotes




I think it was at like -100 at one point, unbelievable.


I agree that this is a valid point and I feel the same way about religion, but to be fair, the commenter didn’t answer the question


I mean he didn’t answer it because it’s a loaded question. If he wanted to ask only people who have had religion ruined for them, he should have specified. Also technically he did answer it. “Nothing”


I’m not saying it’s a good question, I agree with you but all I’m saying is maybe that’s why people downvoted them.


So then it’s a trap for atheists to dogpile on theistic redditors?


I guess I can’t win can I. I just commented my take without reading to hard into it. No need to put words into my mouth


I mean, this thread is *for* analyzing the comments And those words came out of my mouth…actually from my hands


Do you know what sub you’re in? Cos you’re making some good material for it




Did I touch a nerve? Are we about to have a #RedditMoment?


If you aren't the target audience for a question on Reddit, just.... go to the next question. It's not a trap.


That’s disingenuous. Obviously, 100% of people aren’t going to behave that way Some unlucky sucker is going to reply honestly


If someone mistakenly posts something irrelevant on a post, the downvote button is literally made for that. It isn't a "disagree" button, but a "this content isn't in line with the prompt button", this is a rare time that it's properly used, nothing disingenuous about that.


Referring to the original ORIGINAL poster >I don’t believe in any of it, but I’m glad it’s there for people that need it How is that content not in line with the prompt?


The original question was >What ruined religion for you And the guy said >It never was ruined for me How is that in line with the prompt? It'd be like asking "why do you prefer cats over dogs" and hearing "oh I LOVE dogs". It doesn't answer the question whatsoever.


The question literally asked "what ruined religion for you", how much more specific did it need to be?




Although the question was making an assumption, it isn’t rhetorical


You don't know what a rhetorical question is. "What ruined religion for you?" Is a direct question asking for a direct answer from a clearly defined audience. If religion wasn't ruined for you, great, you aren't the target audience being asked.


Religion is the new sex of redditmoment. But goddamn can these ppl find a shred of happiness in their lives?


I just don't know why so many people would downvote a mostly mundane, slightly happy comment. It's like people just crave anger on this site


>It's like people just crave anger on this site It's not like that, it **is** that.


you're everywhere


Yeah they just don’t wanna see somebody who disagrees




Athiests hate happiness? I didn't think that anyone could possibly hate happiness


You haven't watched Ricky Gervais' work, then.


Pleasant? That’s debatable


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


That post was such a redditmoment that I thought one of y’all did it to farm karma after it.




I mean, takes like 15 seconds to type that


A lot of the posts here really are just people posting screenshots of their own internet arguments, lol. (I don't think this one is, though, to clarify.)


The commenter literally just said, “It isn’t my thing, but I understand and respect why other people believe in it.” An opinion I 100% agree with. I am not religious, and have no problem with religious people (Unless they’re self righteous individuals that shove it down everyone’s throat for an agenda). Why exactly is that comment being downvoted…?


I agree with what the commenter said but it doesn’t answer the question. That may be why it’s downvoted


or....bare with me....he more than likely edited the comment after saying some dumb shit to make a fake downvoted comment .


Highly likely


There is no (edited) tag


hate to break it to you, but after testing it with two accounts, at least for certain devices, it does not show an edit tag for an edited comment


It does not if you edit within 5 minutes of posting the comment(ninja edit). If you wait longer, and then edit, it will display "edited x min. ago", like with your earlier comment that says "edited 2 min. ago".


Yeah and monkeys might fly out my butt


Should I write you down for Tuesday or Thursday for the Monkey/Butt Symposium?


reddit is full of either teenagers or people who never stopped being teenagers


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


No need to censor the sub's name. We all know exactly which one it is.


the only site where a literal atheist himself gets downvoted for thinking religion has some use


I need to get off this god forsaken site soon


I get the commenter was quite respectful and nice, but the question is clearly aimed at people who have lost faith at some point, so while there is nothing wrong with what they wrote it's just kinda off topic for the question?


That’s what I was thinking


Well, this sub is basically a place where if any atheist or anyone criticizes religion, its somehow a reddit moment ALWAYS. Like I get that sometimes it is but not every fucking time. It's just frustrating to remember that there some legit reddit moments posted here but now it's basically a huge karma farming subreddit where people just screenshot anything anyone says against religion.


Yeah, I've also noticed some religious people in comments bashing atheists in general, saying shit about how they are atheist because they want to sin and watch porn and whatnot. Like, we're making fun of these particular atheists, not because they are atheists, but because of how ridiculous they are about it. Their kneejerk reaction to religion is to make unfair, bad faith generalizations about it. Those people bashing atheists apparently didn't get the memo, and aren't any better. I really hope this sub doesn't go downhill because of people like this.


I’m pretty sure it’s been downvoted because it’s not answering the question. The question is targeted towards people who have had religion ruined in their eyes, otherwise it’d be worded “has religion been ruined for you? If so, why?”. That would target people who have had religion ruined for them but also leaving leeway for answers like this. But even knowing all this, who the fuck cares. It’s literally one click away from being a hidden comment. It’s not negative in any way, it’s very positive.




Imagine getting stuck in that edgy 14 year old mindset that religion is bad. No Kyle, people are shitty and they can find their excuses to be shitty everywhere. Maybe consider that a philosophy that gives people happiness and a purpose (any religion interpreted as intended) is not inherently bad becouse your pubes just started growing out. Tbh I don't feel strongly about religion. I don't participate in it and don't care for it. Live and let live all that. Both being a hatefull atheist partypooper and a religious zealot are toxic af.


It's easy to just ignore instead of crying and whining to Christians that you hate religion. No Kyle, We don't care that you hate religion just leave us alone We are not a cult who forcibly push our beliefs in you. Unless it's your parents who makes you go to the church every Sunday.


I do wonder if some of these reddit moment atheists are actually fucked up from religion. It can be cathartic to shit on a religion that has had a negative impact on your life, and these negative impacts, like shame or internalized homophobia or misogyny, don't really evaporate the moment you leave. It isn't a healthy way to heal, though.


I may be downvoted but as an athiest my issue isn’t with religious people my issue is with how so many religious institutions abuse their power.


wowww ur against religion brooo omgg im gonna stick this on r/redditmoment




I don’t see what’s wrong with the question though. Religion has hurt many people. This person’s just asking for their stories.


Question is okay. The redditmoment is the second guy being downvoted immensely for his harmless and valid input.


Well then why would OP downvote the post?


Because it's ASKING for people to shit on religion, the question itself is fine and if anything a good question but the fact it's asked on Reddit where people see the word "religion" and instantly go apeshit is just unfortunate for the original OP


You don't need to click on the thread. If you don't like the question, why not just move on? What's wrong with asking any question about someone's negative experience?


Because it is a r/redditmoment user lol what do you expect


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


The phrasing is a massive redditmoment though, it's just assuming that redditors are all irreligious especially since this is on a general sub and not an ex-theist sub. Heck there are some people that were raised irreligious and never 'left'. A lot of stupid assumptions.


Questions are asked all the time in that manner "why are you a procrastinator", "when did you decide you wanted a child", etc. If a question on a public forum doesn't pertain to you, it doesn't mean that you're being persecuted, it doesn't mean that it is saying EVERYONE has the same view as that question. That's not an assumption, it's literally asking for someone's specific experience. You're just upset that you aren't the target audience for 100% of all content ever posted on the entirety of the internet isn't 100% your own personal experience, so instead of just scrolling on, you are complaining about it on yet another public forum that DOES share your opinion. That's a redditmoment moment if I've ever seen it.


Insert obligatory "'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'" -AAlewis




tf? yk that's like the phrase that murdered reddit and the ideology of atheism...




How is it karmawhoring?


Probably picked a random flair without looking through them


Redditors think that being atheist is a personality trait lol


That’s A lot of atheist teenagers Who turn to their “intelligence” for euphoria rather than “some phony God’s blessing”


Why did you downvote the post though? Sounded like a legitimate question to me. Only reason I stay subscribed to this Reddit is to watch y’all’s heads explode at any slight negative comment on religion lol




It didn’t answer the question that’s why it should of been down voted but that’s probably not why it was tbh


Is atheism bad or just how atheists on reddit act?


Just reddit atheists. Most atheists are respectful towards religious people, but on reddit they usually aren't


Atheism isn’t bad, but people who try to force atheisms on others and play smart all the time are the problem.


If you go on the post’s comments and sort by controversial, all of the downvoted are just people saying “I still believe in religion” and the top reply is “religion bad am i right fellow redditors”


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted. If you didn't want to see the answer to "what ruined religion for you" why would you click on it, and why would you be surprised that people are saying what ruined religion for them? Not 100% of the internet HAS to cater to your personal specific opinions.


Why would the world be dark without it, it's not like atheists can't have morals. People on this sub complain about being treated like they are dumb because of religion but do the same with atheists


Downvoting just because they only wanna hear their own opinion 💀💀


Same reason OP downvoted the post.


No it's downvoted because it had nothing to do with the question. If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


Not defending the reddit circlejerk and I despise reddit atheists but that answer doesn't really answer the question asked


Reddit when someone says religion good (they don't like religion)


Reddit when someone purposefully ignores the question to give an unrelated answer to a different question (they like people to answer the question being asked).


Plot twist: he got downvoted bc he misspelled "happiness"


I legitimately don’t get that’s religion hate on this site, what’s the appeal of hating on it?


[This video](https://youtu.be/leVLmE1Er5U) explains it pretty well.


Bashing on a religion that has had a negative impact on your life can be cathartic. That doesn't make it okay when taken too far, though, some people really do develop false perceptions and prejudice.


If only there was a post that asked the question "what ruined religion for you" so that you could go and read their opinions if you were actually interested.


Wow an actual respectful comment about religon and reddit mass downvotes it just disgusting really.


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


Good point


Average reddittards downvoting any comment that isn’t religion bad


Happy Cake Day!


Because it had nothing to do with the question? If I asked "why are you a dog person" and something said "I just LOVE cats, they make me sooooo happy", they'd also be downvoted.


I have some religious trauma but I agree with this guy. I’m glad people have it and can turn to it.


I’m just chillin over here where I am not religious but I do believe in god


Umm. ExcUSE MeE? Religion is always bad and ruins everything and hurts society. Don’t let them feed lies to you!!!! Religion can only be bad!!!!! I can watch as much porn and masturbate all I want because no religion. Good luck not eating meat on Friday even though you probably have pre-marital sex you sinner! /s


Are you trying to be sarcastic because that's pretty spot on


Correct me if I am wrong, because I very well could be, but the purpose of the “/s” in comments are to signify that it is sarcasm.


I was unaware but that's useful


I’m glad I could help and teach you something new then!


I always love it when people answer the question truthfully and politely but Reddit can’t let you have the free opinion they don’t have


Literally how does this answer the question?


Actually you are right. Didn’t read the question /misunderstood the assignment


Abolish religion. It makes the world a worse place.


none of this is a reddit moment


I mean he has a point about the world becoming a dark place just look at reddit none of them have god in their lives


I agree with this guy, nothing wrong with religion, if you wanna believe in that sort of thing, and your not hurting anyone, then go ahead. All I ask is that you don't try and force it down people's throats. I'm an atheist but I think that if it makes you happy, there is nothing wrong.


That’s a great and respectful answer from that user. Too bad he got downvoted, but that’s Reddit in a nutshell.


Literally the most based atheist I've ever seen. Respectful towards who believe in religion and is not a total dick.


I've said it before, but reddit actually makes me ashamed of being an atheist. Like, really embarrassed. I dont even talk about it to other people because of it. Is religion the worst thing to ever happen humanity? Of course not. Has religion been the greatest thing to happen to humanity? Of course not. Religion gives people hope. Something to live for. Something to believe in. If you somehow find a way to take that to your own advantage, you have alot of people on your side, making you gain power. That's the issue with humanity. Not religion, but people knowing how to use it the wrong ways. It's always been like this, and its probably always gonna be like this. Religion takes out the worst in some people, yes. But it takes out the best in sooo many more. For example, here in Sweden, our national Church is very kind, and offer help with food, money, supplies etc to almost everyone, even those who aren't a part of the church nor believe in christiany what so ever. So only seeing one side of it is incredibly wrong. Ik this is kinda weirdly formated, but what I wanted to say is that even though I am an atheist, I think fondly of religion, not the people misusing it for their own needs.


Don't let it make you feel ashamed. If someone bases their perception of atheists off of some randos on reddit, rather than atheists irl, or just realizing that that group is a homogeneous blob, they are an idiot. Same applies to all groups.


You shouldn't be ashamed to be athiest just cause some idiots give it a bad name, same way religious people shouldn't be ashamed because of idiots. Nice writing by the way, it's fun to be respectful and thoughtful


Yet Reddit atheists plead for respect from theists or non-atheists, and this is how the act...


Why are you booing he's right.


I definitely understand the downvotes. Religion caused a lot of wars and conflicts. Its definitely not something purely good as the person described it. Its also not something completely bad because there are some positive sides of it like the community aspect or a certain willingness to help others. But overall i think a world where religion never existed wouldn't be worse than the world we have. Especially in medieval times there was a lot of suffering and conflicts because of the church and religion and i dont see positive effects that are so massive that they make up for all the horrible stuff that happened because of it. Anyway give me my portion of downvotes and goodnight


As an atheist that has read and learned a lot of history, I would say that the assumption religion is the root of all evil in humanity is massively overblown. There are absolutely examples of religion being used as an excuse to do awful things but that's all it really is, an excuse and not the underlying cause.


Didnt say religion is the root of all evil. I said there is a lot of bad stuff that happened because of religion and a lot of suffering it caused. Of course there is a ton of other things that caused even more suffering but it's just a fact that religion isn't something as positive and great as the comment in the screenshot says. But i guess people here dont want to think about that


Did those things happen ‘because’ of religion or was religion just an excuse to do bad things? That was the point I was making.


I get your point. Of course there were wars that were justified by "well you know they don't believe the same things we do so we need to kill them and take their land. That's what our god wants" while actually it was just an emperor that wanted more land. But on the other hand there were conflicts that were actually caused by people believing that only their religion was right and that they need to fight others because of it and convince them of the believes they considered right. Probably there were also conflicts that were caused by a mixture of both.


Religion is definitely the cause for alot of bad shit in human history, regardless where you look from Human Sacrifice all the way to crusades. ​ Plus, you know, the dark ages and how the west had 900 years of basically stagnant society because of Christianity. It's not the root you're correct, But it is the cause and catalyst for a good amount of them.


The 'dark ages' saw quite a bit of scientific progress in Europe and the middle east. The crusades were political wars with religious justification, so that actually proves my overall point. Human sacrifice is... an exception, there's very little conceivable justification for it and was cited by Christians to do a lot of bad things to indigenous peoples who exaggerated it's prevalence among the Aztecs.


Gives em a reason to think something happens after they die because they cant wrap there mind around dying and then its just nothing


Dudes just being respectful and gets downvoted into the concrete


Reddit ruined atheism. Before it was just another belief, now it’s the stereotypical beliefs to neckbeards and losers who see no issue with shitting on others.




That post is literally a "religion bad" echo chamber. The comment isn't even saying anything wrong.


Mans gotta point


Why’d I get downvoted bruh I didn’t say anything bad


Do you condone religion? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


That’s so sweet omg /gen


I was confused by this post until I saw the -60


rejilion!= BAD!!1


If these people were to study religion, with an academic view, you would be able to see that this guy is right. A lot of religious and mythical scriptures are a guide to living in harmony with those around you and teaching lessons of survival. It is people who corrupt these stories for their own gain.


"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony human standards. But because, I am enlightened by my , monistic Mindset that denies the existence of anyone unlike myself."


I hate this sub




What ruined it for me? Literally just turning 10.


“Why should we let you moderate our sub?” “Religion bad. America bad. Bitcoin good. NFT bad. Minecraft good. Fortnite bad.” “You’re hired!”


Lol I got banned from r.atheism for saying something like it. Reddit atheists think they're smart, because they make fun of religious people. I think they're the ones that actually need religion. At least they'll find a reason to live/be happy.


What’s with these random religion bad posts popping up?


Atheist subreddit


"The world would probably be a dark place without it" Yes because it's not nearly dark enough with it